Page 1: BSE Ltd. Symbol: JUBLFOOD

JFL/NSE-BSE/2020-21/41 September 03, 2020

BSE Ltd. P.J. Towers, Dalal Street Mumbai – 400001

Scrip Code: 533155

National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra(E), Mumbai – 400051


Sub: Submission of copies of Newspaper advertisements

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 30 and 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith copies of newspaper

advertisements published today i.e. September 03, 2020, 2020 in Mint (English) & Rashtriya

Sahara (Hindi), with respect to statement of Standalone and Consolidated Unaudited Financial

Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020.

The copies of newspaper advertisements are also available on the Company’s website

This is for your information and records.

Thanking you,

For Jubilant FoodWorks Limited

Mona Aggarwal

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Investor E-mail id: [email protected]

Encl: A/a

Page 2: BSE Ltd. Symbol: JUBLFOOD


Jayshree P. [email protected]

L ife Insurance Corp. ofIndia (LIC), the largestshareholder in NationalStock Exchange of India,missed the Securities and

Exchange Board of India (Sebi)’s28 August deadline to divest a4.9% stake in the stock exchange.

The shareholding threshold inNSE was breached when LICacquired a 51% controlling stake inIDBI Bank. This led to the holdingof trading members in NSEbreaching the 49% mark under theStock Exchange and ClearingCorp. (SECC)’s norms.

LIC’s holding, of 12.51%, wasearlier not considered to be of atrading member. Rather, it wascategorized as a strategic investor.

IDBI Bank, with less than 1%stake, was always categorized as atrading member. With LIC acquir-ing control of IDBI Bank the insur-ance company was reclassified asa trading member.

Before the deal, trading mem-bers held about 42% in NSE, butwith addition of LIC’s 12.5% stake,the trading members now hold53.89% in the exchange, or 4.89%above the threshold.

Sebi had given LIC two dead-lines to divest the excess stake.The first was on 27 December2019, which was subsequentlyextended by eight months,according to NSE’s annual reportfor the financial year 2020.

This excess shareholding andthe associated voting and dividendrights now stand frozen. “Sebidirected LIC to divest its share-holding in NSE by 4.89% to reducethe TM/CM (trading member/

LIC misses deadline to divest 4.9% stake in NSEThe excess shareholding, associated voting and dividend rights now stand frozen

SBI introduces new facility for ATM users. New feature

NSE had declared final dividend for FY19 and interim dividend for FY20, which were paid to all eligible shareholders except LIC to the extent of 4.89% shares and were kept in abeyance. MINT

international passengersacross tier-I, tier-II and tier-IIIcities—most of which will con-nect with Mumbai.

“Over this period, India’s top30 cities are expected to eachrequire two airports and AdaniAirports sees itself well-posi-tioned to help build the infra-structure platform required,”he added.

Stressing on the importanceof airports in the business eco-system, Adani said that they“define the character of a cityand become a critical factor forthe choice of a business loca-tion, tourism, urban economicgrowth and global economicintegration”. “Our view is that

Tanya [email protected]

T he addition of the Mum-bai International AirportLtd (MIAL) and the

upcoming Navi Mumbai Inter-national Airport to the airportsportfolio of Adani EnterprisesLtd will provide “a transforma-tional platform that will helpshape and create strategic adja-cencies for our other B2B busi-nesses,” Gautam Adani, chair-man, Adani Group, said onWednesday. “This acquisition helps usredesign the way we will serveour customer base and bridgeour B2C and B2B businessmodels,” Adani added in astatement.

Commenting about his lat-est acquisition, Adani said theMumbai airport is expected tobecome India’s leading airport,as well as a key domestic andinternational hub. This wouldprimarily be on the back of airpassenger traffic in the countrygrowing five-fold, and 200new airports being built to han-dle over 1 billion domestic and

the economic value that the cit-ies of the future create will bemaximized around airports.”

Adani Airports is a subsidi-ary of Adani Enterprises, theflagship company of the Adaniconglomerate. On Monday,the group said it has enteredinto a definitive pact to acquirethe debt of GVK Airport Devel-opers Ltd, the current majorityowner of MIAL, against whicha 50.5% stake in the airportconsortium has been pledged.

The Adani Group will alsobuy the combined 23.5% stakeheld by Airport Company ofSouth Africa (Acsa) and SouthAfrica’s Bidvest group in MIAL,for which it has obtained theapproval of the CompetitionCommission of India. Thiswould give the group a 74%stake in MIAL. The remaining26% stake will be held by state-run Airports Authority of India.

The company has also wonthe mandate to modernize andoperate six airports at Ahmeda-bad, Lucknow, Mangaluru, Jai-pur, Guwahati and Thiruvan-anthapuram. Adani Airportswill operate and develop theseairports for 50 years.

Airport additions will help bridge B2C, B2B biz models, says Adani

clearing member) shareholding inNSE to 49% within 12 months fromthe date of fall in public sharehold-ing of NSE, 28 December 2018.NSE was also advised to inter-aliafreeze LIC’s voting rights and allcorporate action in respect of4.89% till the timeit was divested,”NSE said.

“Upon LIC’srequest to Sebi,Sebi granted addi-tional time of eightmonths to LIC fordivestment of the4.89% stake from 27 December2019,” it added.

An email query to LIC seeking aresponse on whether it has soughtanother extension, or it wouldprefer to offload when the NSEgoes public, and if it had decidedon a method to reduce the share-

holding, was not answered tillpress time. Mint reported on 28August that Sebi is likely to grantan in-principle nod to NSE’s long-pending and awaited IPO soon.

Based on recent deals of NSE’sunlisted shares being sold in the

open market, India’s largestexchange by trading volumes isvalued at ₹42,000 crore. As such,LIC’s 4.9% stake could be valued atover ₹2,000 crore.

LIC’s excess shareholding hasalso impacted its dividend payout.NSE had declared final dividend

for FY19 and interim dividend forFY20, which were paid to all eligi-ble shareholders except LIC to theextent of 4.89% shares and werekept in abeyance.

“Final dividend for FY2018-19amounting to ₹19,36,44,000 and

interim dividendfor FY2019-20amounting to₹23,72,13,900 tobe paid to LIC hadbeen transferredby NSE to therespective unpaiddividend accounts.

Further, upon request of LIC tomitigate the interest loss and fol-lowing Sebi no objection, anarrangement has been worked outwith the dividend banker for theunpaid dividend amounts onbehalf of LIC,” said NSE in theannual report.

SHAREHOLDING NORMS THE shareholding threshold in NSE was breached when LIC acquired 51% stake in IDBI Bank

THIS led to holding of trading members in NSE breaching the 49% as prescribed in SECC norms

LIFE Insurance Corporation of India’s excess shareholding has also impacted its dividend pay out

Adani Group chairman Gautam Adani. REUTERS

E-TenderE-Tender is invited for the supply of contingent items Bottles, Stickers,RawLignite andChemicals,Documents are available on portal and information on




• mint V


f.UBIIANT Regd. Office: Plot No. 1 A, Sector - 16A, Noida - 201301 (U.P.)

FOOD WORKS Corporate Office: s" Floor, Tower D, Plot No. 5, Log ix Techno Park, Sector-127, Noida - 201304 (U.P.)

Contact No: +91-120-4090500, Fax No: +91-120-4090599, E-mail: [email protected] Website:


Sr. No.





6 7 8


Total Income from Operations {net)

Net Profit/(Loss) for the period/ year (before Tax, Exceptional and/ or Extraordinary items) Net Profit/(Loss) for the period/year before Tax (after Exceptional and/ or Extraordinary items) Net Profit/(Loss) forthe period/year after Tax (after Exceptional and I or Extraordinary items)

Total Comprehensive Income for the period/year [comprising Profit/ (Loss) for the period after Tax and Other Comprehensive Income after Tax] Equity Share Capital Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as at Balance Sheet date Earnings/ (Loss) per share (after exceptional items) (of INR.10/- each) a) Basic (in INR.) b) Diluted (in INR.)



For the Quarter ended

30" June II 31 • March II 30th June 2020 2020 2019

Unaudited II Refer note no. 411 Unaudited 38,028.17 89,785.12 94,008.86 (9,593.13) 5,727.40 11,405.35

(9,593.13) 2,498.37 11,405.35

(7,262.81) 2,104.73 7,477.87

(7,663.69) 2,055.79 7,425.14

13,196.90 13,196.90 13,196.90

(5.50) 1.59 5.67 (5.50) 1.59 5.67

(Figures-lNR in Lakhs, Unless Otherwise Stated)


For the Quarter ended For the year For the year ended ended

30" June II 31"March II 30" June 31"March 31" March 2020 2020 2019 2020 2020

Unaudited IIRefernoteno.4I1 Unaudited Audited Audited 38,841.01 90,875.07 94,911.10 388,577.65 392,727.40 (9,769.70) 5,450.50 11,078.81 43,831.39 42,769.60

(9,769.70) 4,211.52 11,078.81 39,350.36 40,278.62

(7,447.91) 3,253.44 7,148.18 27,545.19 27,879.89

(7,786.08) 3,274.23 7,055.53 27,262.76 27,609.03

13,196.90 13,196.90 13,196.90 13,196.90 13,196.90 105,096.96 99,005.67

(5.60) 2.51 5.43 20.87 21.22 (5.60) 2.51 5.43 20.87 21.22

1. These unaudited financial results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles as laid down in the Indian Accounting Standards (referred to as "Ind AS") prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act,2013 read with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as amended from time to time. The above standalone and consolidated unaudited financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meetings held on 2nd September, 2020. The statutory auditor's report on review of quarterly standalone and consolidated unaudited financial resultsforthequarterended 30° June,2020 is being filed with the BSE Limited and National Stock Exchangeoflndia Limited.

2. During the current quarter consequential to COVID 19 pandemic the Company has negotiated several rent concessions. In view of recent amendments by the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2020, the Company has elected, as a practical expedient, not to assess these rent concessions as lease modifications and has recognized impact of such rent concession in Statement of Profit and Loss. The election is made for all such rent concessions as these satisfy the conditions mentioned in Para 46Aand Para 46B of Ind AS 116 (as amended). Accordingly an amount of INR2,943.35 lakhs related to rent concessions has been reduced from Rent expense included under Other expenses.After adjusting the rent expense for the quarter amounting to INR908.28 lakhs, the net rent savings accounted in Other expenses is INR 2,035.07 lakhs (In consolidated unaudited financial results an amount of INR 2,965.80 lakhs related to rent concessions has been reduced from Rent expense included under Other expenses. After adjusting the rent expense for the quarter amounting to INR 935.64 lakhs, the net rent savings accounted in Other expenses is I NR 2,030.16 lakhs).

3. The Company's businessactivityfallswithin a single business segment i.e. Food and Beverages in terms of Ind AS 108on Segment Reporting.

4. The figures for the quarter ended 31 st March, 2020 in the previous financial year, as reported in these unaudited financial results,arethe balancing figures between audited figures in respectofthefull previous financial year and the published year to datefigu res upto the end of third quarter of the previous financial year.

5. The COVID-19 situation across the country continued to adversely affect the normal operations (including dine-in) of the restaurants resulting in lower sales and profits, partially offset by various cost saving measures taken by the Company. The Company has made detailed assessments of its liquidity position for the next one year and of the recoverability and carrying values of all its assets and liabilities as at 30th June, 2020 and on the basis of evaluation based on the current estimates has concluded that no material adjustments is required in the financial results.

Given the uncertainties associated with nature.condition and duration of COVID-19, the impact assessment on the Company's financial statements will be continuously made and provided for as required.

6. The above is an extract of detailed format of unaudited financial results for the Quarter ended 30th June, 2020 filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the unaudited financial results are available on the Stock Exchanges websites ( and and on Company's website (

Place: Delhi Date : 2°' September, 2020


GSPL India Gasnet Limited (GIGL) invites bids through e-tendering for "PROCUREMENT OF USM AND TURBINE BASED METERING SKIDS FOR MBPL PROJECT PHASE-II" vide single stage three part bidding process. Entire bidding process including price bid will take place through (n)Procure -Tender Management Interested bidders can Bid and View the Tender Documents, Bid qualification Criteria and Bidding Schedule on


(A Govt. of Ind la Undertaking) Web:, CIN • L45203DL1976GOI008171


For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Jubilant FoodWorks Limited




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Department of Science & Technology Government of India

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and

Accelerated Commercialization Programme The India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Programme is a joint initiative of the Department of Science and Technology, Gal; Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) of the Russian Federation and is being implemented in India by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

The programme aims to support joint R&D projects for technology development and cross-country technology adaptation between India and Russia. Over a period of two years, DSTwillfund upto INR 15 Crorestoten Indian Start-ups/SMEs and FASIE will provide similar funding to the Russian counterparts. The maximum funding per project would be INR 1.5 Crore and the applicant must co-finance 50% of the amount requested from DST, Gol. The programme will provide access to partial public funding and the selected projects will have to bear partial funding as well through their own funds or alternative sources of funding. The programme aims to create an ecosystem wherein innovative Indian and Russian S&T-led SMEs and Start-ups come together to drive business ventures for mutually inclusive socio-economic development.

Through a rigorous application and evaluation process, the programme will identify innovative technologies from India and Russia for:

Focus Sectors • IT & ICT (Including Big Data

Analytics, Al, AR, VR) • Medicine & Pharmaceuticals • Renewable Energy • Aerospace • Clean Technologies/Alternative


• New Materials • Biotechnologies • Artificial Intelligence

• Robotics and Drones • Others

Benefits • Access to Funds • Technology Transfer/Adaptation • Capacity Building

• Mentorship & Hand-holding Support • Tech. Showcase & Networking



Deadline: 30th September 2020 For further information, contact us on: info@indiarussiainnovate_org

Details can also be viewed on GIGL Website ( Details Date & Time Date of tender Upload on 03/09/2020, 12:00 hrs 1ST

a-Tender No.: IRCON/J&K-Cell/JAT/15/1014/T-74R & T-77, E&M Date : 02.09.2020 e-Tender for and on behalf of Northern Railway is invited from bidders meeting qualifying

Delhi Transco Ltd, a Government of NCT of Delhi Undertaking, invites online tenders for the following works:-

www.n Pre Bid Meetin online Last Date to Submit Pre-Bid Queries Last Date to Submit online Techno-Commercial Bid

14/09/2020, 16:00 hrs 1ST 15/09/2020, 18:00 hrs 1ST 29/09/2020 before 14:00 hrs 1ST

Online BID opening Date (Primary) 29/09/2020, 14:05 hrs 1ST All future announcement related to this tender shall be published on (n)Procure Portal ONLY. GIGL reserves the right to cancel and/or alter bidding process at any stage without assigning any reason. GIGLalso reserves the rightto reject any or all of the bids received at its discretion, without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

requirements for the work of "Provision of Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Electro Mechanical (E&M) System which includes 33/11kV & 11/0.433kV GIS Substations, 33kV & 11 kV Power Cable network, DG Sets, Ventilation & Control System, Lighting, UPS System, Fire Fighting System & SCADA System, etc. and associated works complete in all respect as required for Tunnel T-74R & T-77 on Dharam-Qazigund Section ofUSBRL Project(J&K)-(Package: T-74R& T-77, E&M)." Estimated Cost of the Work I Rs. 36393.50 Lakhs Last Date & Time of e-Bid Submission I 28/09/2020 up to 15.00 hrs.

For further details, visit website Corrigendum, if any, would be hosted only on the website. Executive Director/Electrical,

C-4, District Centre, Sake!, New Delhi-110017

1)Tender No.T20R220264: PowerTransformer Package for Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 08 Nos. 160 MVA, 220/66/11 KV Power Transformer at various locations of DTL in Delhi. (2)Tender No.T20R220263: Power Transformer Package for Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 05 Nos. 160 MVA, 220/66/11 KV Power Transfonmer at various locations of DTL in Delhi. Last date for bid submission: (28.09.2020 for SI. No.1) & (25.09.2020 for SI. No. 2) at 01.30 pm. For further details please logon Delhi Govt website (Tender ID No. 2020 _ DTL _ 193988 _ 1 & 2020 _ DTL _ 193985 _ 1 respectively and DTL website: (Unique No. DTL-7767-010920 & DTL-7766-010920 respectively. PR/20-21/18

All Corrigendum/Addendum/Amendments/Date of Extension/Clarifications, if any, to the above e-tender would appear onl on the above mentioned websites.

Page 3: BSE Ltd. Symbol: JUBLFOOD

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Off. Add. : 8/1 Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi -110060. INDIA Phones : + 91 -11 -25861168 AND +91-11-25761755

Fax: +91 -11 -25725467 AND +91-11-45041733 Email: patent@ AND patent72

Web Sites : http:{/ AND http:/(

CAUTION NOTICE OUR CLIENT M/s. Sinq Beverages Private Limited (a Private limited Company), having address: Block-A, Plot No. 60/4, G.T. Kamal Road Industrial Area, Delhi-110033 are the registered proprietors of the following trade marks in respect of alcoholicand non-alcoholic beverages including Beer in India:

11 That the above said trade mark word perse and labels are registered before the Registrar ofTrade Marks, New Delhi under Trade Mark Numbers: 3530705, 3751895, 3846194, 4144795 and 4144796. The above said trade marks have been used openly and continuously since the year 2018 by our client in India.

That our cl ient has learned that some people/companies have been misusing their above said trade marks; have been posing as their agents and trying to procure financial securities on behalf of our client.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that any unauthorized use, stocking of goods bearing the same or deceptively similar trade mark BAD MONKEY with/without the artistic works by any other person. firm and or by dealers and also the use of the word "BAD MONKEY" as a corporate name for same or similar goods would constitute infringement/passing off of our client' s rights and this would render the offender punishable under the civi l and/or criminal law whereby holding him/them liable for a ll costs and consequences which may also result in seizure of goods.

It is further notified that our client M/s. Sinq Beverages Private Li mited has NOT AUTHORIZED any agent to procure deals and/or financial securities in lieu of procurement of goods under above said trade mark. Our client M/s. Sinq Beverage.s Private Li mited will not be responsible for any financial securities paid to any third party without the knowledge/consent of our client or its authorized agents.

Dated this 2s• day of August. 2020

PREMIER REGISTRATION SERVICE (Patent and trade mark Anomeys) 8/1 , Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-1 I 0060. Phones: 2586 l 168, 25761755; Fax: 25725467, 25815350 Email Address: docketing@premieri, [email protected]


E. No.D-266/2009



J,UBIJANT Regd. Office: Plot No. 1A, Sector-16A, Noida-201301 (U.P.1

FOODWORKS Corporate Office: 5~ Floor, Tower D, Plot No. S, LogixTechno Park, Sector-127, Noida - 201304 (U.P,1

Contact No: +91 -120-4090500, Fax No: +91 -120-4090599, E-mail: [email protected] Website:


Sr. No.










Total Income from Operations (net)

Net Profit/(Loss) for the period/ year (before Ta,., Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)

Net Profit/(Loss) for the period/year before Tax (after Exceptional and/ or Extraord inary items)

Net Profit/(Loss) for the period/ year after Tax (after Exceptional and/ or Extraordinary items)

Total Comprehensive Income for the period/ year [comprising Profit/ (Loss) for the period after Tax and Other Comprehensive Income after Tax)

Equity Share Capital

Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as at Balance Sheet date

Earnings/ (Loss) per share (after exceptional items) (o f INR.10/- each)

a) Basic (in INR.) b) Diluted (in INR.)



II For the Quarter ended

II 30"' June II

WW 31" March 30"" June

W20 2019

Unaudited Il l

38,028.17 89,785.12 94,008.86

(9,593.13) 5,727.40 11,405.35

(9,593.13) 2,498.37 11,405.35

(7,262.81) 2,104.73 7,477.87

(7,663.69) 2,055.79 7,425.14

13,196.90 13, 196.90 13,196.90

(5.50) 1.59 5.67 (5.50) 1.59 5.67

(Figures-lNR in Lakhs. Unless Otherwise Stated)


For the Quarter ended For the year For the year ended ended

30"' June II 31 " March II 30"' June 31" March 31 " March 2020 2020 2019 2020 2020

Unauditl'd IIR•fernote no. 411 Una u dlted Audited Audited

38,841.01 90,875.07 94,911.10 388,577.65 392,727.40

(9,769.70) 5,450.50 11,078.81 43,831.39 42,769.60

(9,769.701 4,211.52 tl,078.81 39,35036 40,278.62

(7,447.91) 3,253.44 7,148.18 27,545.19 27,879.89

(7,786.08) 3,274.23 7,055.53 27,262.76 27,609.03

13,196.90 13,196.90 13.196.90 13,196.90 13,196.90

105,096.96 99,005.67

(5.60) 2.51 5.43 20.87 21.22 (5,60) 2.51 5.43 20.87 21.22

1. These unaudited fi nancial results have been prepared in accorda nce with the recognition and measurement principles as laid down in the Indian Accounting Standards. (referred to 1U •ind ASM) prescribed under Section 133 ohhe Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Ind Ian Accounting Standards) Rules as amended from time to time. The above standalone and consolidated unaudited financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at the,ir meetlngs held on -r1 September, 2020. The statu tory aud itor's report on review of qua rterly standa lone and consolidated unaudited financial resul ts for the quarter ended 30" June, 2020 ls being filed with the BSE Limited and National StockElcchange oflndia Limited.

2. During the current quarter consequential to COVID 19 pandemic the Company has n09otiated several rent conc,essions. In view of recent amendments by the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2020, the Company has elected, as a practical expedient, not to assess thE>se rent concessions as lease modifications and has recognized impact of such rent concession in Statement of Profit and Loss. The election Is made for all such rent concessions as,hese satisfytheconditionsmE>ntioned In Para46Aand Pa ra46Boflnd AS 116(as amended). Accordingly an amount oflNR 2,94335 lakhs related 10 rent concessions has been reduced from Rent expense included underDtherexpenses. After adjusting the rent expense for the quarter amounting to INR 908.281akhs, the net rent savings accounted in Other expenses is INR 2,035.07 lakhs (In consolidated unaudited financial results an amount of INR 2,965.80 lakhs related to rent concessions has been reduced from Rent expense included under Other expenses. After adjusting the rent expenseforthe quarter amounting to INR 935.64 lakhs, the net rent savings accounted in Other expenses is INR 2,030.16 lakhs).

3. The Company's business activity falls wi th in a si ngle buslnesssegment i.e. Food and Beverages in terms of Ind AS I OS on Segment Reponing,

4. The figures for the quarter ended 31 • March, 2020 in the previous financial reported in these unaudited financial results.are the balancing figures between audited figures In respect of the full previous financia l year and the published year to date fig ures uptothe end of third quarteroftheprevious financial year.

5. The COVID-1 9 situation across the country continued to adversely affect the normal operations{includlng dine-in] oftherestaurants resulting In lower sales and profits, partially offset by various cost saving measures ta ken by the Company, The Company has made detailed assessments of iU liqu idity po,i tion for the next one year and of the recove..,bi I ity and c.irrying va I ues of a 11 it, assets and lia bilitie, as at 30" June, ioio and on the basis of evaluation bii.ed on the current estimates has conduded tha1 no material adjustments isrequired in the financial results.

Given the uncertainties associated with nature, condition a nd duration of COVI D~ 19. the impact assessment on the Company's financia I statements wl 11 be continuously made and provided for as required.

6. The above is an extract of detailed format of unaudited financia l results for the Quarter ended 30• June. 2020 fi led with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI !Listing Obligation, and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the unaudited financial re,ullS are available on the Stock Exchanges websites ( and and on Company's website (www.jubl

Place: Delhi Date: t • September, 2020

For and on beh1lf oflhe Boord of Di rectors of Jubilant FoodWork.s Limited



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