
Budoya - Kata Note Books

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Takamatsuden Ryu Note BooksFor those that study the Takamatsuden Ryuha such as Gyokko Ryu, Koto ryu, Takagi Yoshin Ryu etc we have managed to obtain exclusive permission from the author of this collection to sell these kata note books for many of the Ryuha.

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These books are produced and shipped direct from our supplier.

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Takagi Yoshin Ryu Kukishinden Ryu

Shindenfudo Ryu

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Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki Densho Style

Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki Densho Style (Set of 3 books)

History of the Bujinkan Densho Style

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Budoya - Kata Note Books

These are 'Note books' bound in a traditional style of book binding. Please note these are not fully authorized by any of the Soke or Shihan of the respective ryuha. Although we refer to them as densho, technically they are not as they are not transmitted from teacher to student. Each book is printed then bound by hand. The Densho that we sell are NOT copies of the original Densho and are written in English / Japanese with Kanji for the Japanese where applicable.


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