  • 8/4/2019 Buffy: Innocent Blood Chapter 10


    Chapter Ten

    August 7th, 1998

    Boca Del Infierno(Sunnydale)

    Giles sat down at the table in the faculty lounge, his eyes following Corveer as the largerman sat seated himself.

    Youll have to excuse the mess in the library, Giles told him. Apparently somehoodlums broke in and trashed the place the night before last. They broke a few things,including the computer, but other than that there was no serious damage. Giles glanced out thewindow. Vandalism is such a pointless crime.

    You must have some very dedicated students to be in here during the summer helpingyou, Jason said.

    Yes, well, Sunnydale has its share of enthusiastic pupils. I am grateful for theirassistance.

    Jason smiled. I was impressed that they were cleaning up unsupervised. I didnt knowthat many students knew their way around a library.

    As I said, Giles told him, theyre very unique individuals.Jason nodded. I agree.Now, about your curriculum, Giles said, will I be needing to order any special books,

    or should I just give you a list of what we have in the library?Assuming you can find them in that mess? Jason asked, chuckling. A list would do

    fine. Id be interested to see an inventory of your collection.Giles jotted down a note on a small scratch pad.

    Will that be all? he asked.Jason sat back in his chair. Actually, I did want to ask you if you had a few specific

    books on hand. Itd make my life a lot easier if you did.Of course, Giles asked. The titles?Well, its just one title, really. Two volumes.Giles looked up. I see. Well, title and author?Corveer met his eyes. One and the same. I was wondering if you have the journals of

    Janice Covington.Giles stared at Jason. How do you know about those? he asked.I know about a lot of things, Mr. Giles, Jason said. Do you have them?Giles hesitated. Im afraid I cant divulge--

    Itll save us a lot of time if you do, Jason told him. And time isnt exactly a luxury wehave right now.

    Giles made eye contact with Jason. I dont particularly care to be at a disadvantagewhen dealing with matters as sensitive as these, Giles said. You obviously know somethingabout Janice Covington and whats inside her journals, or you wouldnt have asked for them.But only a handful of people know about those books, and I was certain until this morning Icould name all of them. Giles tilted his head. Funny that I didnt know about you.

    Im not with the Watchers, if thats what you mean, Jason said.


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    Then who are you with? Giles asked, making a mental note that Corveer knew aboutthe Watchers too.And if he knows about the Watchers...

    Lets just say were working toward a common goal here, Jason said. Youre trying tostop a pretty nasty demon; so am I. I dont see why we cant help each other.

    Youre a demon hunter? Giles queried.Among other things, Jason smiled. Ive worn a lot of hats in my time.Which hat are you wearing now? Giles asked him. The one with enigmatic stitched

    across the front?Jason leaned forward. I appreciate your caution, he said, living on the Hellmouth and

    all. But we are on the same side.I cant simply take that on faith, Giles said. Not with the situation as it is.You want proof? Jason asked him.Giles nodded. That would do nicely.Jason sat back. A very powerful vampire lord came to Sunnydale several weeks ago. He

    displayed a chakram at the Summers Gallery. Now its gone, probably back in his possession,and you still dont know much about where it is, what it does, why he has it, or what he intendsto do with it, do you?

    Giles frowned.Thats a disturbingly accurate synopsis. How do you know all this?Because I know about that chakram, Jason said. I warned Janice not to go after it. I

    told her it was better left alone.Giles shook his head. Thats impossible. Janice Covington went after that weapon fifty

    years ago! Youre far too young to--Mr. Giles, Jason said. You of all people are going to tell me somethings impossible?

    You live on the Hellmouth. Youre a Watcher. Jason sighed. The Slayer alone is proof thatanything is possible. The fact that she exists--

    What do you know of the Slayer? Giles asked, his voice little more than a whisper.I know shes in that library.Giles stood.

    Relax, Mr. Giles. Not everyone who knows about the Slayer is an enemy.Giles tapped the table. I want some answers and I want them now. You cant just walk

    in here and butt into our business without some sort of explanation as to who you are.Okay, Jason said. What do you want to know?Giles sat down. I want to know who you are and why youre here.I told you why Im here, Jason said. Im here to stop Khraftstar from--Khraftstar? Giles asked.The vampire lords true name, Jason told him. Hes thousands of years old.Hes the First One, isnt he? Giles murmured.The First One what? Jason asked.Hes the very first vampire. The initial host for a demon on this Earth.Jason shrugged. Maybe. I dont know.Giles glared at him.Youre the vampire expert. I just know about this one guy. Jason folded his arms.Giles slapped his own forehead. Of course! he said.Jason raised an eyebrow.Hes been masquerading as a human named Raymond Stark. Ray Stark. Giles shook

    his head. Almost as subtle as handing out a business card saying incredibly ancient evilvampire here.

    But nobody saw through it, did they? Jason asked.


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    Giles shook his head.Thats because thats his gift, Mr. Giles. Hes a liar. Jason glanced out the window.

    Well, hes not just a liar, hes the liar. He can convince just about anyone of anything. Thatswhat he does. He lies and misleads people until its too late.

    He certainly did that with Joyce, Giles murmured.Joyce Summers? Jason asked.The, uh, gallery owner, yes, Giles said.You know her? Jason asked.Passing acquaintance, Giles lied. Im a little more familiar with her after this business

    with the chakram.Jason nodded. Does she know that Khraftstar-- Stark, rather-- is a vampire?Giles nodded.So she knows about vampires?Its safe to assume, Giles said.Well, now you know why Im here, Jason said. Because Khraftstar needs to be

    stopped before he can do whatever it is hes here to do. My hunch is that hes going to tap intosome sort of energy source here and try to bring Dahak into the world.

    Giles frowned. That would fit what little I know about Dahak. He looked at Jason.Youve convinced me that you know as much about this as anyone can. Im willing to acceptyour authority on this. But you still havent told me who you are, or why you want to help.

    I want to help because its the right thing to do. Dahak is very powerful and very evil.Were all in trouble if he gets in the world.

    Giles nodded. Very well. So who are you?Jason looked up at him. You really want to know?I think it would help, yes, Giles told him.Corveer nodded. Ill tell you, but it cant leave this room. You cant tell anyone. Jason

    gave him a long hard look. But youre a Watcher. Youre used to keeping secrets. You cankeep this one too, Id bet.

    Giles said, I give you my word I wont divulge what you tell me. But I need to be ableto trust you.

    Jason shrugged. Okay. But you might not believe this...

    *That carts finished, Willow said. Any more?Youre enjoying this, arent you? Oz asked her.Spending time with you? Willow responded, smiling. Of course I am. She kissed Oz

    on the nose.Not that. Youre enjoying playing junior librarian, arent you? Oz asked, kissing her

    back.Yeah, Willow admitted. Theres something very fulfilling about putting all that

    knowledge back in order.Oz raised an eyebrow. You know, if anyone else said that, it would sound so incredibly

    lame.Willow frowned slightly.But when you say it, its just kinda... adorable.


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    Willow smiled. Merci beacoup, she told him.Tish, Oz said, thats French! He kissed her on the wrist and began working his way

    up her arm. Willow giggled.Everybody gets smoochies but me, Buffy mused as she turned away from Oz and Willow

    and leaned over on the check-in counter. Xander disappeared a while ago, and I havent heardCordelia recently.

    So many empty rooms, Buffy murmured. Wonder if theyll opt for the closet.The library doors swung open and Giles entered. Ah, Buffy, he said genially. All

    done?Done as were gonna be, she answered sullenly, nodding her head in the direction of

    Oz and Willow.Well, youre free to go, Giles said. The library looks much better.Cool, Buffy said. Tell Willow. Shell be thrilled.Giles gave Buffy a long look. Is something wrong?You tell me, Giles. Who was that guy?Giles answered, The new English teacher, like he said. The librarian gestured at Buffy.

    Your English class this year should be very challenging. He has some excellent ideas for

    reading assignments.Buffy gave Giles a sour look. Can it, Giles.I beg your pardon?She stood up. Giles, Im Miss Suck when it comes to lying. But Id get the Academy

    Award for fibbing compared to you. Youre just the worst liar.Is that so? he said archly.Its very so, she assured him.Ill keep that in mind in the future, he told her.So who is he? she asked again.Hes the new English teacher, Giles answered her.Not good enough, Buffy said.

    Giles shrugged. It will have to be, he said.Come on, Giles, spill. I know theres something youre not telling me.Giles gave her a tight smile. Buffy, I may be Mister Suck at lying, as you so artlessly

    pointed out. But I am rather more skilled at not saying things.You know, for someone who uses so many words, you have funny timing when it

    comes to using none. Buffy pouted. Come on, Giles.He adjusted his glasses. No, he said.Giles, she prodded him, frowning.No, he repeated.Jii-ulls, she whined, pouting at him.Giles furrowed his brow. What part of no is unclear? he asked her.Buffy gave him a full pout. Fine. Be that way.Giles turned away from her and called out, Oz! Willow! Thats enough for today. Good

    work and thanks for all the help.No problem, Giles, Willow said.Yeah, Oz agreed. I knew Id be spending more time here this year. I just didnt think

    Id get such a head start.They came over to Buffy.Listen, Oz said. I gotta bail. Dingo practice. Can I give you ladies a lift anywhere?Willow looked at Buffy glaring up at Giles.


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    Well walk, Willow answered him hastily.Oz shrugged. I tried, he said. He kissed Willow on the cheek. Call ya later.As he left, Cordelia and Xander came back into the library.You two have really got to come out of the closet, Oz told them as he moved past

    them.Xander looked after him. And I thought you lacked tact, Cordy.She turned to face him. Keep it up with the mouth, Xander, she said.And youll what? he challenged her.Cordelia raised an eyebrow. Just how badly do you want to see the new cheerleader

    outfits? she asked him.Xander whistled low. You play dirty, he said.Cordelia smiled.And I like that, he said.Xander, Cordelia, Giles said. Good. Im glad you managed to find your way back to

    the library.Xander said. Hey, Giles we were only gone... he checked the clock. Twenty five

    minutes. Cordelia hit him on the arm.

    Amazing you made it back at all, Giles said.Hey! Cordelia said. Even volunteers need a break.Touch, Giles murmured. He raised his voice and said, Were done for the day. You

    can resume your activities at someplace more conducive than the school building.Willow giggled, and even Buffy smiled at Giles words.Cordelia nodded. Have a good weekend, she said, grabbing Xanders hand. Lets go,

    she told him.Xander smiled at her. Hasta la pizza! he called out to the others. Will, Ill call you

    later.They exited the library.Buffy gave Willow a look. What with all this calling later business? No ones gonna be

    calling me later.Willow gave Buffy a mock-serious look. That Slaying vampires thing you do? Kinda

    hard to call you when youre on patrol.Oh yeah, Buffy said. My night job.Buffy turned to Giles. Were history, Mr. Im not talking.Giles scowled at her.Come on, Will, Buffy said, and the two girls left the school.What was all that about? Willow asked as they made their way out the front door.Buffy didnt even try to hide her irritation. Theres something about that new English

    teacher, Corvette.Corveer, Willow corrected her. There certainly is!Buffy shook her head. Not you too, Will.Come on, Buffy, Im allowed to drool a little too. Hes major hunk material.Its not that, Buffy said. Theres something more to him.English, Willow said. I wonder if hell be all sensitive and teach poetry.Buffy stopped walking. Earth to Willow.Sorry, Buffy. Its just that thinking about having him for a whole year...Buffy raised an eyebrow.In the classroom, I mean!Willow, Buffy teased. I had no idea your fantasies were so sordid.


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    I meant have him as a teacher, Willow said, trying not to blush.I dunno, Buffy said. Somehow I dont think hes here to teach us English.Dont say that, Willow said. What makes you say that?He knew who I was, Buffy said as they resumed walking.Lots of people know who you are, Willow told her.Buffy said, No, Will. He knew I was the Slayer.Oh, Willow answered her. How do you know that?I just do, Buffy said. I just know it. He came here looking for me.I wish hed come here looking for me, Willow said.Willow! Buffy said. Im serious.Willow nodded. I know. But so am I.Buffy tried to give Willow a glare, but Willows smile only made the Slayer laugh.

    *Melanie snapped her cellular phone closed and jogged out the room, her pretty features

    wearing a wide smile. She padded barefoot down the hallway and made her way down the stairsto the basement. Though Raymond had converted the mansion to be as vampire-friendly as hecould-- heavy curtains, opaqued windows and many other safeguards against sunlight-- he stillpreferred to spend the daylight hours underground. Melanie could hardly blame him; he hadbeen a vampire for over three thousand years. Just because I still miss the sunlight after fiftyyears...hes probably forgotten what the sun even looks like.

    She stepped into the anteroom of the cellar, past the two guards who stood at attention,and entered Raymonds inner chambers. When she had first seen the room, she had been takenaback; the decorating scheme consisted of red and black, and bizarre characters and symbolslined the walls. A large bed lay in the far corner, but the altar in the center of the room drewmost peoples attention. Three feet high and carved from malachite, the altar took the form of a

    giant hollowed out skull whose crown had been removed. Melanie wasnt entirely sure whosealtar it was; she suspected Dahak, but she had learned early on never to ask certain questions ofRaymond. The scholar in her remained naturally curious, but she had learned to suppress thatside of her when anything concerning Dahak came up. Melanie had realized that Raymonddidnt care to share much about the subject, and from what she had gleaned on her own, shepreferred it that way. I know our kind will rule the Earth once Dahak is delivered into thisworld, she thought, but Im more interested in Raymond. If I can have him, the rest will takecare of itself.

    Raymond? she asked the darkness that pervaded the room.He stepped out of a pool of shadow. What is it, Melanie? he asked. I can tell you have

    good news.Im not sure its good, she told him, but it is long overdue. He has come.Youre certain?She held up the cell phone. Joyce Summers herself called me. He is going by the name

    Jason Corveer.Raymond nodded. You are absolutely positive its him?Melanie spoke, Six foot five, brown hair, blue eyes, and he knew of the chakram.Raymond smiled. It would appear he has at last arrived in Sunnydale.What do we do next?


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    Raymond stroked his chin. Go talk to Volek. Tell him to assemble a team for tonight.We have to fetch our masters instrument of deliverance.

    The girl? Melanie asked.Dahak requires the loss of blood innocence to enter into our world, Raymond told her.A sacrifice? she asked.Of sorts. We wont be killing her. We will be luring her into killing.Its hard to believe that someone who is so close to the Slayer has never killed,

    Melanie ventured.None of our kind, and none of her own. Thats all that counts, Stark told her. I would

    know were it otherwise.Melanie shook her head. What if she resists? This girl knows about vampires-- she was

    with the Slayer last night. She must know enough to make her wary.Stark smiled. You forget, Melanie, I am a servant of the Lie. Misleading the innocent is

    my lifes work. She will be the last one I will ever have to manipulate-- my last, greatest lie.Even one armed with knowledge wont be able to stand against me.

    Melanie bowed her head. What about our enemies? The Slayer, and him? Theyll try tostop us.

    Stark ran a hand through Melanies hair. The Slayer is an ignorant young girl who willdie when the time is right. Im more concerned with our old friend Jason. But even he will bowto Dahak this time. Raymond kissed her on the top of the head. All servants of the lighteventually succumb to the darkness. Its the way of things. He above all should know that. Hesseen it happen often enough.

    I wouldnt underestimate this Slayer, Melanie warned him. She killed your pupilZuvan, the Master. Thats quite an accomplishment.

    Stark nodded thoughtfully. Maybe youre right. He frowned. Tell Volek to send agroup her way tonight. Likely they wont kill her, but theyll keep her occupied while we obtainher friend.

    Melanie smiled. Excellent.

    Stark returned the smile. We wouldnt want Dahak to have to wait to meet his bride,would we?

    No, sire, Melanie agreed. But how will you trick her into losing her bloodinnocence?

    Stark met Melanies eyes. Leave that to me.

    *Giles gestured to the empty chair across the desk from him in his office. Please, sit

    down, he said. Thanks for agreeing to come back so soon.Jason sat down, his bulk filling the wooden chair. Weve already lost a lot of time, like I

    said earlier. I cant see any good reason to lose even more.Giles nodded. Forgive the mess, he said, indicating the books that lay stacked atop one

    another, completely covering his desk.This is quite a collection, Jason said. The Pergamum Codex? he asked, pointing to

    one book.Yes. A very accurate book of prophecy. Says not one word about Dahak, though.Jason shook his head. You wont find much outside of Zoroastrian texts. And most of

    those have been destroyed, or are considered fairy tales and myths.


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    I see, Giles spoke. Willow-- the young woman you saw earlier with the auburn hair--is my liaison with the computer. And she tells me access to anything related to the Parsis orZoroastrianism is being systematically eliminated.

    Jason frowned. That fits in with what Ive heard. It seems a group of vampires in Iranand India have started attacking the Parsi settlements there as well. Dahak is really playinghardball this time.

    How can we stop him? Giles asked. From what I can tell, his entry into this worldwill increase his power a hundredfold. Hes very powerful as it is. Hes spoken to the Slayerthrough her dreams already.

    Are you sure? Jason asked.Giles nodded. He took the form of a ram, presiding over an unholy birth of some sort.

    An inversion of the classic story of the birth of Christ-- right down to the manger-- but the childwas vampiric in nature.

    And the Slayer had this child? Jason asked.No, she was guarding another woman, a redhead, like Willow.Jason closed his eyes. Let me guess. The baby was a girl.Giles tilted his head. How did you--?

    Her name was Hope, Jason said. She was the spitting image of her mother. She didntlive all that long, but she caused a lot of grief in a very short time. She was very powerful andalmost completely evil.

    Almost? Giles asked. That would put her a few steps higher than the average demon.Jason explained, There was a little of her mother in her, and her mother was a very good

    woman.Giles scratched his ear. You speak as if you knew her.Jasons eyes went far away. I did. He shook his head. That was a longtime ago.Giles paused while Jason collected himself. The times I fought Dahak before, he was

    obsessed with entering the world through some sort of birth. Hed choose a host mother andimpregnate her, and then he would make sure his followers protected her. Jason looked up.

    Thats only happened twice. The other times, weve been able to stop him before he could gainany entry into this world at all.

    How? Giles asked.Khraftstar-- Stark-- is the one who brings him into the world. He finds some suitable

    woman-- someone innocent-- and Dahak impregnates her. Jason shrugged. At least thats whathe did with Gabrielle and Amanda.

    Gabrielle? Giles asked. Theres a Gabrielle mentioned in Covingtons diaries. Gilesadjusted his glasses. She was a bard of some sort. Giles picked up Covingtons diary andthumbed through it.

    She had the purest soul Ive ever met, Jason murmured. She lived a full, rich life, andshe died as she would have wanted -- saving lives, with-- He stopped.

    Go on, Giles said.Jason shook his head. It was a very long time ago, he said. No use telling you my old

    war stories.Giles pointed at Covingtons diary. This Gabrielle-- a bard from Thrace, Covington

    says. She wrote these scrolls, these stories... do you know about them?Jason nodded. They were her lifes work. And they werent stories. They were the

    things she saw, the things she did.Janice says that this Gabrielle explains about the chakram. I think we could use that

    knowledge. And any other light she could shed on-- Giles stopped.


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    Jason arched an eyebrow.Did Dahak succeed in getting Gabrielle pregnant?Jason nodded.And she gave birth to Hope?Thats right.Giles took off his glasses. So Buffy dreamt of Gabrielle in that manger having her baby,

    Hope. He looked up at Jason. And Dahak was able to communicate with her in that dream.Through the ram.

    Jason brought his huge hands together. Its a sure bet hes planning to repeat his littlescheme.

    And he prizes innocence? Giles asked.Blood innocence, Jason clarified. Someone who has never killed.Does killing vampires count? Giles asked.Im not sure. Theyre not really alive, are they?Thats a matter of some debate, Giles told him. Lets assume for the moment they are

    not included. He shook his head. It could be almost anyone, he said. There are so manywomen who have never killed a living being. Weve no way to even compile a list that big, let

    alone check it.Its usually someone close to the Slayer, Jason told Giles. A relative, like Amanda

    was-- she was Sarahs cousin-- or Gabrielle; she was best friends with--Sarah Golden? Giles interrupted.Jason nodded.England, mid-17th century?Thats her.She was a remarkable Slayer, Giles said. Ruthless, dedicated, learned... she just about

    cleansed England of vampires entirely.Jason smiled sadly. I know. I was there. I helped her.You? Giles asked. You were there?

    Thomas Archer, Jason said.You really do get around, Giles told him.Yeah, I was around long enough to see Khraftstar kill her.Im sorry, Giles said.Mr. Giles, it was three-hundred years ago. Thats a wound long healed.Giles nodded, looking out the window.These scrolls, Giles began. The ones that would tell the story of the chakram.

    Gabrielles scrolls... how do we find them?Jason sighed. The vampires have them.Giles swore softly. It annoys me that they seem to be two steps ahead of us. Thats

    usually the one thing I can count on against the darkness. Its almost always chaotic anddisorganized.

    Not this time, Jason said.So I see, Giles agreed. Very well, if we cant get to the scrolls, and we cant learn

    about the chakram--Jason held up a hand. You have me. A living version of the scrolls, sort of. I can tell

    you about those things.Giles tilted his head. How do you remember events from thousands of years ago?It does get crowded in here, Jason said, tapping his head. He shrugged his wide

    shoulders. You get used to it after a few hundred years.


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    Giles said, You seem to know more about Dahak, and all of these dangling threads, thenI do. How do you suggest we proceed now?

    Probably next on his to do list is to get a bride, Jason said. A mother for the childthat will bring him into the world. Jason looked out the window, frowning. We stop that, wecan get the chakram back, and... he trailed off.

    And? Giles prompted.And do what must be done, Jason finished, looking up at Giles.Be mysterious, you immortal, Giles snapped at him mentally. So, we should look for

    candidates for a bride?Someone close to the Slayer, Jason said. Blood innocence. Young, preferably.

    Someone who might make the mistake of caring for the child. Someone with good maternalinstincts.

    Giles looked at him. Two names come to mind, given that criteria. Willow Rosenbergand Joyce Summers.

    The gallery owner? Dont you think shes a little old for this?Giles shook his head. Maybe. But she has very strong maternal instincts. And Stark--

    Khraftstar-- had several dealings with her before we realized he was a vampire. We cant rule

    her out.Jason nodded. You know the home court better than I do.Willow seems the more likely target, though-- shes young, shes certainly innocent,

    and she posed as Gabrielle in Buffys dream. Shes kind-hearted, impressionable... she couldconceivably be protective of a child she bore, even if a demon was the father.

    Your computer girl? Jason asked.Giles nodded. Shes certainly empathetic-- shes dating a werewolf.Jason raised an eyebrow.Its a little complicated, Giles admitted.Jason chuckled. I bet.So should we warn them, or...?

    Probably, Jason said. You find Joyce, and Ill take Willow.Giles frowned.Jason explained, Joyce seems pretty capable of taking care of herself. Between the two

    of you, you can probably hold off a few vampires if necessary until we can get there. Willows ayoung girl. She may need my help a little more.

    Jason, I have trouble finding these teenagers, and I know them. How will you locateher?

    Ill go to her house and tell her parents Im a teacher whos heard of her, if necessary.Most parents are so impressed when they hear that theyll help you find just about anyone.

    Youve done this before, Giles accused him.I need to find people from time to time, Jason admitted.Speaking of finding people, Giles ventured, how do you plan on working with the

    Slayer?Jason shrugged. I dont know. What do you suggest?I doubt shell believe the truth, Giles said. But nonetheless Id like to try that route.Next time I see her, Jason told Giles, Ill level with her, I promise.Good, Giles said. I think that would be best.Jason stood. Before I go, can I ask you something?Giles answered, Of course.Did she really kill the Judge?


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    Oh yes. Blew him apart, in fact.Jason smiled. Wow. Good. I like a creative Slayer.

    *Its just about dark, Cordelia said, watching the sun set through a large bay window.Yep, Xander answered her, looking out his bedroom window.Im gonna stay in tonight, she told him.Thats probably a good idea, he replied. Safer that way.You should stay inside too, Cordelia said softly.Im headin over Willows. Her parents are bookin out of town for the weekend, and

    shes wiggin on the alone in the house thing.Shes wigging? Cordelia asked. Hello? Im the one who was attacked last night.I remember, Xander reminded her. I can still taste vampire flesh on my tongue. He

    paused, frowning at the memory, and continued, Trust me, Cordy, if the Chases were headingto San Bernadino this weekend, Id be knockin on your door.

    Cordelia turned her back to the living room and smiled. And just what would we do inthe house all alone? she asked him.

    Xander closed his eyes.Dont do this, Cordy, dont do this.What would we do? he echoed, his voice rising in pitch slightly.This big old house, empty except for me and you... she teased him.Cordy... he murmured. Dont go there.Im already there, Xander Harris, she said, a wicked grin on her face. Remember what

    I picked up at the school today?Books? Xander asked.Not books, you goon! In the office?That box with your...ohhhhhh, Xander said.

    Yeah, Cordelia said. Thatbox.Cordy, you are one evil woman, you know that? I mean, even for this twisted little

    burgh, you have a nasty streak that even the nasties admire.Cordelia smiled. Ill take that as a compliment.So when will I get to see you in that?She grinned again. Xander, you know I have to make you wait, because you want to see

    it so much.Xander told her, See, Cordelia, its not actually the uniform so much. I can pass one on

    a rack and you know what? No effect at all. No turning of the head, no dropping of the jaw,nothing. But the thought of seeing one wrapped around you... thats a whole different worldwere talkin here.

    If you were here tonight, Xander, I might model it for you.Ill call Willow, Xander said hastily. Shell be upset, you know, throw things, call me

    names and all, but shell get over it. Shes brave like that.Xander! Cordelia hissed. My father would put you in the hospital if he saw me

    modeling my new cheerleader uniform for you! No way!Just how would that be my fault? Xander asked her. Youd be the one doing the

    actual modeling. I would just be the one doing the sitting and appreciating.Exactly. Cordelia shook her head. You have a lot to learn about fathers and



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    Im kinda more interested in the daughter on that one, Cordy.She was about to reply when her father called out from the kitchen, Cordelia! Dinner!I gotta go, she said. Call me later.He started to reply, but Cordelia made a kissing noise into the phone and hung up.

    Coming, daddy.Cordelia moved into the kitchen and grabbed a carrot stick. So, whats for supper?Chicken, her mother replied. And before you ask, yes, your father made your salad

    without radishes.Super! Cordelia said. Can I have a boy over tonight?Her father looked at her. What sort of boy?A cute one, Cordelia said, taking another bite from the carrot stick.Her father frowned, but her mother laughed. Whats so funny? her father asked.Shes just like you, her mother answered. Why lie when someone will just find out

    anyway, right dear?Cordelia nodded, smiling. Exactly. She looked up at her father. Besides, daddy, arent

    you always saying its better to be honest?Her father shook his head. Hes got to be able to get himself here-- and home-- and he

    has to be out the door by eleven.Thanks, daddy, she said. Cordelia reached for the phone.Call him after supper, her father said.Cordelia gave her father a pout that would have rendered Xander unconscious.Oh, all right, he said. Call him now. But be sure he doesnt get here before were

    done!Cordelia smiled. Thanks, guys, I mean it. She grabbed the phone and moved into the

    living room.That was easy, her mother said.Honey, I could never say no to you, either. And Cordelia is just like you.Her mother smiled. And you just maneuvered her into clearing the table andgetting you

    coffee, she said.Her father chuckled. Well, she has to get it from somewhere, right?They both laughed.

    *Patrol alone on a Friday night, Buffy said as the last blush of dark blue in the sky faded

    to black. What an utter thrill. She had already swept the graveyard once, but the place hadbeen quiet; nothing stirred but some squirrels hopping about by the grove of trees in the far endof the cemetery.

    Angel used to be with me when I patrolled, Buffy mused. Things werent so bad then.When things were quiet, smoochies. Even Pike and Shelley and Rachel were fun to patrol with.Not as much fun as Angel, but...

    She heard a pair of kids laughing and whirled immediately; but the two younger teensseemed oblivious to her. They chased each other around a large tombstone, although the girlgave the appearance of not trying all that hard to get away. Great, Buffy thought, frowning.Notonly alone, but reduced to being a peeping Tammy over a couple of thirteen year olds.Somebody shoot me. They fell to the grass, laughing, and Buffy chuckled as the sounds of theirmirth spilled over the graveyard.


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    Maybe what all these dead people need is some quality laughter, she said, stretching.Shed only been on patrol an hour, but boredom had decidedly set in. Given that Cordelia andXander had been attacked last night, she knew she should be more vigilant. They probablyfogged up the windows so badly they couldnt see the vampires coming until they broke in thecar, Buffy thought. What does he see in her? What does Cordelia see in him? They seem waywrong for each other, and yet, they work.

    At least he has somebody, Buffy pouted, hopping up on the cemetery wall, swingingher legs around so that she faced in toward the graves instead of the street. Even if it isCordelia. She started swinging her legs. I wouldnt mind a guy come school time. Someonecasual. Teen-aged. Living. Who has a reflection in a mirror. No more immortals. Or undead.Just some young, ripe, yummy guy...

    Buffy hung her head. Who am I kidding? she asked herself out loud. I want Angel. Atleast I think so. She sighed. Might as well ask for Matt Damon to stop by if hes not busy.

    Suddenly, the playful laughter among the graves turned to screams of fright.Time to do some slayage, Buffy said, hopping off the wall and heading toward the

    kids.She took three steps before two vampires popped up from behind tombstones, bearing

    their fangs.Buffy raised her eyebrows. You two tried to set an ambush? Oh please. She kicked one

    solidly, knocking him down, and turned to face the other one. Who had promptly vanished.Buffy turned to go after the first one, but he had slipped away too.

    Peachy, she said. Hide and seek in the graveyard. Everybodys favorite game.Buffy looked around, trying to concentrate on picking up where the vampires might be,

    when she heard another scream from the kids. I do nothave time for this, she said, vaultingover a tombstone and taking off at a run across a row of graves.

    Five strides later, one of her attackers leapt up; Buffys reflexes saved her from a well-thrown punch, and she leapt at the vampire, who had lost his balance when his punch hadmissed. Still stumbling, the vampire backpedaled when Buffy made impact with him; he fell and

    hit his head on a tombstone, sinking to the ground unconscious.Next time, leave the ambushes to pros, okay? Buffy asked as she staked him. The

    vampire evaporated in a cloud of dust.Okay, she said, standing up. Wheres victim number two?The other vampire hit her from behind, knocking her over. Buffy dropped her stake as

    she fell, and the vampire wrapped his arms around her and pinned her arms to her sides. Heleaned in to bite her neck, but Buffy rolled them both over onto their backs. Now atop him, shethrew her head back, her skull smashing into his nose. He released her, and Buffy shot up to herfeet.

    Owww, she groaned. Thats where I got hit last night, she snapped, one hand goingto her head.

    You broak by dose! the vampire complained.I feel your pain, Buffy said, pulling out a spare stake. Just not as much as you do.

    She leapt atop the vampire, point first, impaling him, turning him into a little pile of ash.Buffy stood up, brushing herself off. Thats takes care of the low IQ end of the undead

    ambush team, she said, resuming her run to where the kids still screamed. Buffy leapt over atombstone, brandishing a stake, and landed in a defensive crouch.

    Let those kids go! she said.The two kids looked up at her. Huh?Buffy glanced around. Where are the vampires?


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    What? the young girl asked.You know, vampires. Long teeth, yellow eyes, bloodsucking demon guys. Vampires.What the hell are you talking about? the young boy said.Buffy relaxed her guard a little. Theyve gotta be close, she said, more to herself than

    to the two kids. You two oughtta get out of here. Theyll be back soon.Real soon, the young girl said, baring her hunting face and leaping at Buffy.You havegotto be kidding, Buffy said. She grabbed the girls body as it came flying

    at her and threw it, tossing her into the next row of plots.Kelly! the boy said, growling as he showed his evil face. Hold on!What kind of sicko makes kiddie vampires? Buffy asked.The whole world will be filled with our kind, the boy boasted. Soon everyone will

    bow down to the Master of Darkness. He will feast on your blood, and suck your bones dry. Hewill--

    Buffy stepped forward and calmly staked the young vampire.You talk too much, kid, she said as he disintegrated.The girl screamed out, No!Buffy turned just as Kelly landed on her. The very first time I ever get to fight someone

    smaller than me, Buffy thought as she swung the young vampire around into a high tombstone;she felt the impact, and also felt the girls body slump in her arms. Buffy dropped the body andreadied her stake.

    The girls head lolled to one side, her eyes open, teeth bared.Buffy raised an eyebrow.I broke her neck.She could see the fear plainly in those yellow eyes as they stared up at her.Shes not dead!Buffy moved swiftly, staking the girl and ending her pain. The girl dissipated, leaving

    Buffy alone.That just proves that quantity never wins over quality, she told the empty graveyard.

    Buffy picked up her other stake and turned to leave when she stopped short at the sight of four

    fully adult vampires, standing shoulder to shoulder, blocking her way out of the cemetery.My name is Volek, their leader said. And we have been charged to kill the Slayer or

    kill ourselves.Great, Buffy thought, raising a stake in each hand. Fanatics. Justwhat I need.

    *Devon! Oz called out. Devon!Is he deaf? Willow asked into the phone.

    Selectively, Oz replied. Hold on.He cupped his hand over the phone and yelled, Devon! just as the rest of the bandcame to a crashing halt.

    No need to yell, dude, Devon said. Im like right here.Quiet time, Oz said. Im on the phone.Oooh, Devon teased him. Love talk with the Willow girl.Least I have a girl to make the talk with, Oz snipped back.Devon laughed as Oz got back on the phone. Id rather have a girl to make the make

    with, he said, chuckling.


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    Sorry, Will, Oz said. Friday night hormone fest over here.Willow replied, It could be Friday night hormone fest over here, too.Oz held the phone away from his face. Woah. Parents have been out of town.... three

    hours? Shes gotta stop puttin that Spanish Fly in her O.J.I thought you said Xander was coming over. He doesnt exactly get my hormones

    racing.Willow let her initial response die unsaid and opted for, I wasnt talking about him.Good, Oz said. Cause if there has to be hormone talk coming from you, Id rather it

    be about me.Thats not gonna be a worry, Willow said. Can you come over, or is practice gonna

    run late?Nah, Oz said. We were just getting ready to throw in the towel. Lack of improvement

    won out again.Dont say that, Willow told him. You guys are good!Good being a relative term, Oz said. Good in what sense? Not in the opposite of evil

    sense. I dont think that really applies here.Good in the sense that Willow thinks you are good, she assured him.

    My objections falter in the face of such arguments, he said. Were good.Good enough to finish practice early and come over and give kisses to your girlfriend,

    Willow said.Ah, Oz said. I see a method to your method. He smiled. Let me just--BOOPBOOPCan you hold a second? Willow asked.Course, Oz told her.Willow pushed a button. Hello?Will, Xander said, whats shakin?Xander, she said. Hi.Will, I gotta ask ya--

    Xander, she said. Can I ask you something?Sure, Will, he said.Promise you wont get mad? I dont want you getting mad.Xander shook his head. That makes two of us, Will. I promise. Ask away.Would you mind if Oz came over tonight? she asked, wincing.Why should I mind if Oz came over tonight? Xander asked. After a pause, he

    continued, Oh, you mean insteadof me.Sorry, Willow said. Its just that--Willow, Xander said. You do nothave to explain, really. Its okay.Are you sure? I dont want you getting all mad at me for canceling at the last minute.Would I do that? Xander asked.Debbie McCluskeys party, Willow said.Will, Xander told her, we were twelve. And you got sick. All over Miss Cafferty.

    Yuck, what a mess.Dont remind me, Willow chuckled. But you still didnt talk to me for a week.It was a day, Will. And I promise I wont get mad.Okay, Willow said. You better not.But you could do me one favor, Xander said. You know, to make up for this crushing

    betrayal.Its not a betrayal! Willow said. See, I knew you would be mad!


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    Will, Im not mad.Not even a little bit?Nope, he assured her. Though if youd do me this one favor, you could be really

    secure in that knowledge.What favor? Willow asked. Ill bet this involves Cordelia.In a roundabout way, he admitted.Figures, she said.Hey, Will, everything about Cordelia is roundabout. Actually--Dont go there, Willow said. I just ate.Now which little Miss Slayerette is all upset?So whats this favor? Willow asked.I need a ride, Xander confessed.Oh no, she said. I am not gonna call Oz and ask him to take you to Cordelias!Willow! Xander mock-exclaimed. I am shocked! I would never ask that.Good, she said.I need a ridefrom Cordelias, he went on.You little--

    Hey, Xander said. Which oldest friend in the world of mine is booting me out of herhouse for tonsil hockey tonight? Would that be Cordelia? I think not.

    Dont try it, Willow said. Dont even try it.Come on, Will, he said. Pretty please and I wont be mad. Mad that you barred me

    out of your house, mad that you abandoned me to the wolves, all for a little sordid passion.Actually, Im the one who wants to be abandoned to the wolf.Xanders eyebrows shot up. Hello? Who is this and what have you done with my friend

    Willow, you wanton hussy?Oh, like you and Cordelia will be playing tiddlywinks.Her parents are home, Will. I seriously doubt well be ducking into any closets.Serves you right, Willow chided him.

    Will, he said. The ride? Please?Hold on, Willow said.CLICK

    Well? Cordelia asked.Shes asking Oz.Cordelia frowned. Ill be glad when you can drive.That makes two of us, Cordy.Not that wed ever take whatever car you would buy, she told him. But just for times

    like this.You know, Im not even gonna dignify that with a--CLICK

    Xander?Will?What time are Cordelias parents pushing you out the door?Cute, Will. Eleven.Hold on, Willow said.CLICKPushing you out the door? Cordelia mimicked. Oh, please. Like she would even be

    allowed to have Oz over if--Cordy, Xander said, shhh!


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    Eleven on the nose, Willow said. Be waiting outside or Ozll leave you there.He wouldnt do that, Xander teased her. Hes a--Xander, she said. Be outside. Got it?Tell him I said thanks, Xander said.CLICK

    Ill be over in ten minutes? Oz asked Willow.You could probably make it in eight if you drive fast, she said.Eight to ten, Oz replied. Gotta allow for traffic.See you soon, Willow said, hanging up the phone. Eight minutes to get changed, she

    thought as she bounded up the stairs two at a time.That guy needs to get a car, Oz said as he hung up the phone. To the band he said,

    Guys! Im outta here!Gotta go take care of the girlfriend, Devon chided him.Least I have one, Oz said. He was met with a chorus of oooohs.Hey, Oz said, looking at Devon as he put away his bass guitar. You coulda had

    Cordelia Chase if you werent too busy being mister dont tie me down.

    Cordelia Chase, Devon said. Please. Like I wanted her.You know, some people would say thats your loss and Xander Harris gain, Oz said as

    he closed his guitar case. Id be one of em.Shes going out with Xander Harris? Devon asked.Oz nodded as he headed out. Happily, I might add.Now Im really glad I didnt make a big deal over her, Devon said.Oz flipped him a salute. Whatever. Later.The band said good-bye to Oz.Oz slung his guitar in the back of the van and hopped in. You cant even lead some of

    the horses to water, he said as he started the engine and the van sputtered to life.

    *So were really just supposed to sit and wait here? Joyce asked, handing Giles a cup of

    tea.Youre safest here, Joyce. No vampires can get in the house. Giles took the tea and

    sipped on it, wincing at the taste.Lipton is not tea, no matter what they might argue otherwise.Too hot? Joyce inquired at his face.No, he said. Im just used to a bit of lemon, he lied.Oh, Ill go get you some, Joyce said.Giles put the tea cup down and glowered at it. Lemon couldnt possibly make you any

    worse, you horrible excuse for a cup of tea.Joyce returned a moment later holding a little yellow plastic bottle shaped like a lemon.

    How much? she asked.Whats that? Giles asked, gesturing at the bottle, which resembled a hand grenade

    painted yellow.Its lemon juice, Joyce told him. She blinked. Dont tell me. You use real lemons.When I can, Giles said.Joyce pulled the top off and squirted a few drops of the juice, which looked like anti-

    freeze, into his tea. Trust me, Joyce assured him. You wont know the difference.


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    Trust me, I will, Giles thought. Thank you.Joyce left him to return the lemon juice to the fridge. Giles took a tiny sip of the tea, and

    while it wasnt any worse, it wasnt any better. Never let an American make you tea, his fatherhad told him. Oh, you will someday, trying to be nice, but youll regret it. I promise you.

    Shut up, dad, Giles muttered under his breath as Joyce came back.So wheres Buffy? she asked. Or am I better off not knowing?Buffy is off performing her duties as the Slayer, Giles said evenly.You mean killing people.Joyce, Giles said. They arent people, theyre demons. And they arent alive, so she

    isnt killing them. Restoring them to death is more accurate.However you want to phrase it, Joyce spoke, its still close enough to murder for me.Giles set his tea cup down. Joyce, what the vampires do is murder. Its worse than

    murder, actually, because they are creating, often, more of their kind. Stopping them is whatBuffy was born to do. For every vampire she kills, she could be saving a dozen human lives.

    Joyce held up a hand. I know, she agreed. And I know its her... fate, or her calling,or whatever. She shook her head. But how do you deal with that? My daughter is the chosenone of fate? She took a sip from her tea. Every parent feels her child is special, but thats a bit

    much. She looked over at Giles. What am I supposed to tell Hank?Your ex-husband? Giles asked.Joyce nodded.Id suggest not telling him the truth.Shes his daughter too, Joyce pointed out. I owe him that much.Joyce, Giles said. Its something you cant prove, at all. Hell likely think youre nuts.You dont know Hank very well, Joyce said.Im afraid I dont, Giles agreed.Hank dotes on Buffy as it is, being so far away most of the time. I dont think hed have

    any trouble believing that Buffy really was the most special girl in the world.Giles adjusted his glasses. Do you miss him?

    Who? Hank?Giles nodded.Not as much as I thought I might. We had a long, slow decline, Joyce said. It wasnt

    like I woke up one morning and threw Buffy in the car and took off. We sort of knew, Hank andI, that things werent going well. Then when Buffy burned down the gym... Joyce tilted herhead. Then we realized that our problems getting along were definitely having an effect on ourdaughter.

    Joyce sighed. I think I miss having someone around more than I miss Hank, she toldGiles. Im getting used to being alone, but you never stop wanting. You never stop hoping thatthis next guy could be the one. Of course, you thought the last guy would be the one. But thisguy is different, you know? Hes warm, hes funny, he cares. And then he turns out to be arobot, or a vampire, or... Joyce shrugged. And you start thinking maybe there is no one guy.No soulmate. That youre alone. She frowned. And thats depressing.

    Indeed it is, Giles concurred. But I understand it. I had almost reached the sameconclusion when I met Jenny. She irritated me to no end at first. She used to spar with me all thetime, verbally, about the smallest little things. But her eyes would shine when she traded barbswith me, and she would tilt her head and just look at me sometimes. Giles blinked a few times.I suppose I should have seen it earlier, but she made me... He stopped.

    Go on, Joyce urged.Giles shook his head slightly. I dont want to bore you.


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    Not at all, Joyce said. I think you should talk about this. And Im certainly here tolisten.

    Giles nodded, unconvinced, but he continued. Jenny had this way of getting rightthrough any defenses I had. It was as if I had no way to keep her at arms length, and she knewit. And she didnt want to be kept at arms length. And then-- Giles stopped again, removinghis glasses. Then Angel took her away. Angelus, rather.

    And Buffy killed him, Joyce said.Giles tilted his head. Youd think that would help, wouldnt you? But it doesnt. It

    doesnt bring Jenny back, and Buffy doesnt have the man she loves either. He closed his eyes.In some ways its all just a big, bloody mess.

    Joyce reached over and touched his hand. Thats what love is, usually. A mess that youmuddle your way through.

    It works for some people, Giles said. My parents were very happily married. Andboth sets of my grandparents before them. So it can have a happy ending. He shook his head.Listen to me, rambling on like some love-sick teenager.

    But thats the point, Joyce said. That happiness does exist. It can be ours if we findthe right person. Sure, it takes a lot of work, and a lot of luck. But some people do win the

    lottery. They do find the right person. And that gives the rest of us hope that if we stick with it,we can too.

    Giles stared at Joyce for a moment. And to think I came here to look after you.Joyce smiled. I do what I can. It isnt always much, but there it is.Giles smiled back. I think Buffy is extraordinarily lucky to have you as a mother,

    Joyce.She sat back in her chair, surprised by his words, but clearly pleased. Thank you,

    Rupert.Youre very welcome, he said.They sat there for a long while, enjoying the silence between them, each lost in their own


    *Buffy ducked under a vicious lunge and punched upward, hitting the bald vampire in the

    ribs and knocking him back off his feet. She whirled around to face another attacker, this onewith long white hair. He slammed her in the shoulder with some sort of two handed hammer-punch; he threw Buffy off balance and she stumbled into a tombstone. She dropped a stake inorder to gain some leverage on the tombstone to keep from falling over.

    The third vampire, a female with short red hair wearing a long trenchcoat, leapt at her,claws outstretched. Buffy let herself slide down to the ground and the woman collided with thetombstone. The vampire managed to catch herself before falling on top of Buffy, but the Slayerthrust her stake upward-- right into the womans stomach.

    She screeched in pain and stumbled back; Buffy rolled over and grabbed the other stakeshe had dropped and hurled it at the vampire; it sank into her shoulder, and she howled again.

    This is gonna be a long one, Buffy muttered as she somersaulted to her feet and aimeda kick at Volek. The tall dark vampire blocked it easily, grabbing her ankle and sending hersprawling. Buffy rolled out of control, the breath knocked out of her. She ended up in a sittingposition, a little dazed. The bald vampire lashed out at her; just in time she moved away, but his


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    toe caught her shoulder and pushed her flat on her back. Buffy blinked with the force of the kickand somersaulted backwards, standing up as she came out of the crouch.

    The white-haired vampire came up from behind her and grabbed her, squeezing her tightand pinning her arms to her side. Baldy moved in front of her and punched her in the jaw; Buffyactually saw stars for a moment, and she felt her head start to swim.

    Let me, the female vampire growled, rolling up one sleeve and flashing her long,sharpened red nails. She raised a hand to slash Buffys face when the Slayer kicked upward withboth feet; she locked the arches of her feet around the stake embedded in the womans stomachand yanked it out.

    Hold the bitch still! the woman commanded, slashing at Buffy with her nails butmissing. Buffy dropped the stake between her feet and drove the thick heel of her boot downinto the toe of her captor; Whitey released her, cursing in pain, and the Slayer landed a solidpunch across the womans chin. You guys can dish it out, Buffy said as the woman stumbled,but can you take it?

    Red dropped to the ground.Didnt think so, Buffy said as Baldy came at her again.Buffy grabbed his shirt and threw him past her; he tumbled to the ground but rolled with

    the fall and got back up. Whitey had likewise readied himself, and even the woman had gotten toher feet.

    Buffy picked up the stake she had liberated from Reds stomach. Had enough? sheasked.

    You could always surrender, Volek offered. The master would enjoy drinking yourblood.

    It could happen, Buffy said, her eyes darting from one vampire to the next, watchingfor anything that would betray their next move.

    You cant win, Slayer. There are too many of us. Volek smiled, baring unusually longfangs. We are legion. And you? Youre just one girl.

    Ooooh, impress me with your math skills, Buffy snapped at him. She turned to face

    Whitey, who had started for her, but just as he reached for her, Buffy swept low with her rightleg. Whitey fell over in a heap, freeing Buffy up to brace herself for Baldys attack. He tried thesame move that Whitey had tried, but Buffy had maneuvered herself into a better position todefend against it. She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to her, sliding the stake down to herchest. He fell on top of her, impaling himself, and Buffy rolled backward, throwing him off her.The bald vampires body flew through the air, exploding into ashes as it landed. The stakestabbed the grass and remained upright.

    God damn Slayers! Red swore, running at Buffy. Im gonna tear your eyes right outof your sockets.

    Buffy saw out of the corner of her eye that Whitey approached her from the otherdirection. She stepped back a pace and shifted her weight toward the female vampire. Red leaptat her while still a few paces away; Buffy caught her and held her at arms length, but thevampires red nails gouged her forearms. Buffy spun quickly, slamming Red into Whitey. Theimpact stopped Whitey cold and stunned Red; Buffy lifted Red a little higher with her left handand freed her right hand. She slammed the stake in Reds shoulder as hard as she could; thewoman groaned in pain, but the stake stabbed through the flesh on her back and shot intoWhiteys chest, piercing his heart. He turned to dust, falling away, and Buffy threw Red downon the ground hard. She pulled the stake out of the womans shoulder and drove it through herheart, killing her instantly.


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    Breathing hard, Buffy stood up, glaring at Volek. Got any more tricks up your sleeve,loser?

    As a matter of fact, he said, gesturing, I do.Three more vampires appeared seemingly from nowhere.I can keep this up all night, he said.Buffy raised an eyebrow and picked up the stake she had killed Red with. So can I.That wont be necessary, a voice said; Volek turned around, surprised.Who the hell are you? Volek asked the newcomer.Someone who doesnt like unfair odds very much. He came out of the shadows. Four

    nasty vampires against one little girl? He shook his head. That doesnt seem very even.Volek bared his fangs. You have a death wish, maybe? he asked.The newcomer moved with the speed of a vampire; he grabbed Volek and threw him

    thirty feet away. Then he turned to look at the other vampires. Wanna join him?They snarled and leapt at him.He shook his head. Dont you guys ever learn?Here! Buffy shouted, tossing a stake to him. She cartwheeled over to where her other

    stake stuck out of the ground and grabbed it.

    The newcomer caught the stake Buffy had thrown him and in one swift motion buried itin the chest of the first vampire to reach him. Dust sprayed on him, and he landed a savagepunch across the temple of a second vampire.

    The third waited until the second spun clear, then prepared to leap at the tall man. ButBuffy staked him from behind, scattering him in a burst of ashes.

    You want? Buffy asked, gesturing to the dazed vampire on the ground.Please, the man said. Youre the Slayer.Buffy shrugged and plunged the stake into the vampire, turning him to dust.She wiped her hands and looked up at the tall man.Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you arent really an English teacher,

    she said.

    Good call, Jason said.Buffys eyes widened. The other vampire!Probably gone, Jason said. I did toss him across the cemetery.Buffy nodded. I did kinda notice that. So who are you really? John Elway?Not quite, Jason said, smiling at her.I knew it, Buffy said. I knew there was something weird about you. Youre a demon,

    right? Fighting for the good guys?Jason opened his mouth to answer.No, I know, she said. You have one of those frisbee thingies that makes people really

    strong. Where are you hiding it?What are you talking about? Jason asked.You arent some kind of male Slayer weve never been told about, are you? Buffy

    asked. Because I do not need a partner. She looked at him again. Even one as buff as youare.

    Thanks, I think, Jason said. No, Im not a Slayer. Slayers are always women.Good, Buffy frowned. Id like to keep the monopoly on that one for a while, thanks.Buffy, I--Just who the hell are you anyway? And why wont Giles tell me?Jason folded his long arms. I told you earlier, my name is Jason Corveer.


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    Buffy pointed at him. Look, the English teacher line was totally bogus. So why dontyou just level with me and tell me who you are. She lowered her hand. Giles accepted you, sowhoever you are, you must be legit. So spill and well deal with it.

    Ill tell you all about it, Jason assured her. But after we find Willow.Buffy raised an eyebrow. Whats Willow got to do with this?She could be in a lot of trouble, Jason told her.Buffy looked up at him. That bride thing with Docker! she blurted out.Dahak. Yup, thats it. I think Willows the one. Giles told me you had a dream about

    her giving birth to a demon baby.Buffy put her hands on her hips. Some Watcher! she exclaimed. He can tell you about

    my dreams, but he wont say a word to me about who the hell you are. She shook her head.That just reeks of fairness.

    Buffy, I promise Ill explain everything to you on the way over to Willows. But wereally have to get going.

    She nodded. Okay, but if the vamps were here...Diversion, he said. Come on, my car is over here.Goddammit! Buffy swore loudly, stamping her foot on the ground. I fall for that

    trick every goddamn time.They ran to his car.

    *Willow slid on top of Oz, cupping his face in her hands as she kissed him, tenderly at

    first but with increasing eagerness as the kiss continued. One hand slid to the collar of his shirt,and with surprising deftness, she unbuttoned two buttons swiftly.

    Uh, Will? Oz asked as they parted.

    Yeah? Willow panted, smiling.Um, I dont know how to put this...Willow kissed him again, sliding her tongue deep in his mouth. Her hand continued

    opening his shirt, and she slid it across his chest. They kissed deeply, Oz starting to get asinvolved as Willow, when she slid one of his nipples between her thumb and forefinger andpinched it lightly.

    Oz jolted in surprise.What? Willow asked. No good? No good? Okay, no more nipples, she said.No, Oz said. Nipples are fine, Oz said.Willow gave him a confused look.Your hands are really cold, he said.

    Willow smiled. You could warm them for me, she said, sliding her arms around himand kissing him again. After a long while they parted, breathing heavily, and Willow unbuttonedhis shirt all the way and slid it off his shoulders.

    Will, he asked.She looked at him questioningly.Someday Im gonna look back on this moment and really kick myself, but... wheres

    this goin?Willow frowned. Going?Oz tilted his head. You know... going. Present tense of gone.


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    What do you mean? she asked him.Well, Im the one whos supposed to be part wolf, he told her.Willow gave him a hurt look. You dont want to do smoochies?Smoochies are cool. Theyre great. Im the number one fan of Willow smoochies.Then...He gestured at his bare torso. Just how far beyond smoochies are we planning to take

    this?You dont want to go beyond smoochies? she asked.In theory, definitely. But in practice... I dont know.You dont know? Willow pouted. You dont know.Dont get me wrong, Im not against it, he reassured her. But its not like we have to

    take that much advantage of your parents being away.You dont know my parents, Willow said. They never go away. They might not leave

    the house again together this century. She smiled at Oz. So we kinda do have to takeadvantage of them not being here. She kissed him on the nose.

    Its not like this is the only place we can do this, he said.Willow shook her head. Uh huh. I am not gonna have my first time happen in a van.

    Your first time? Oz asked, his voice breaking. Thats whats going on here?Maybe, Willow said hesitantly.Oz stroked her cheek. Willow, he said, looking into her eyes.She said nothing, only staring back at him.I would never dream of having your first time take place in a van, he murmured.She kissed him.We would definitely need a hotel room, Oz said.Willow frowned at him. What?Well, unless you wanted to come back here afterward.Willow raised an eyebrow. Afterward what?After the wedding, he said.

    Wedding?Yeah, Oz said. Cause the van after a wedding would be tres tacky.You? she asked.Oz nodded. Definitely. I may be a little old fashioned, but Im saving myself for the girl

    I marry.Willow hugged him, kissing him on the cheek and burying her face in his neck. That is

    so sweet, she mumbled.Youre not upset?Willow pulled away so she could look at him. Oh no! she said. I think thats really

    romantic. She smiled. I mean really romantic.Oz smiled back and kissed her. Smoochie time, then, he said.Willow nodded and pushed him down on the couch. Definitely. She kissed him deeply,

    sliding her arms around his neck and rolling on top of him. Oz slid his arms around her and thetwo of them continued kissing for a long time.

    They broke, but Willow started kissing him on the chin, working her way down histhroat to the top of his chest. Oz closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as Willow swirled hertongue around the top of his chest in a circle; she kissed the little wet spot and began movingslowly down his chest, trailing her lips over his skin and kissing him gently. She slid her handsover his shoulder and down his sides, running them over his ribs and stomach. She slid one handback up over his chest and ran her fingers over a nipple.


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    Still cold? she asked.No, he growled.She smiled and moved her mouth toward the nipple.THUMPTHUMPTHUMP

    Willow! a muffled voice called out. Willow! Open up!Willows brown eyes widened. Oh my god! My parents are back! Oh no! Hide!My shirt, Oz said. Gimme. Ill go run in the bathroom and--Good thinking! she said. Ill uh, Ill--THUMPTHUMPTHUMP

    Willow! the voice repeated. Open up now!Just a minute! she called out, hoping the sheer panic she felt couldnt be heard in her

    voice. Be right there!Oz hopped up and grabbed his shirt, taking off for the bathroom. Willow ran a hand

    quickly through her hair and checked her clothes; but Oz hadnt unbuttoned anything on herblouse. She tucked in her shirttails and moved toward the door.

    Willow! the voice said. Now!She flicked on the porchlight and opened the door. As she did so, it occurred to her that

    she hadnt checked who stood outside. Could be anyone, she realized as she opened the door. Ohno! I just fell for...

    Buffy? Willow asked.Willow, Buffy said. Are you okay?Willow nodded. Yeah. God, you scared me. I thought you were my parents.Why would your parents knock on the door, Will?Willow tried to remember not to breathe heavily. Right, she said. So whats up? Why

    are you here?Buffy turned away from Willow a second. Its okay, I think. Come on out. She turned

    back to Willow. It was his idea.Whose idea? Willow asked. Buffy, whats...

    Jason stepped out from behind a row of bushes.Oh, Willow said. So hes not just an English teacher.Thats what I said, Buffy told her.Hello, Willow, Jason said. Sorry to scare you.Whats going on? Willow asked. What are you two doing together? Willow looked

    at Buffy. Or should I not have asked that?Will, Buffy said, giving her a look.Its okay, Willow, Jason said. I know shes the Slayer.Boy, youll tell anyone, Willow teased Buffy.Yah. Can we come in?Um, Willow said. Um...Will, relax, Buffy said. We know Oz is hiding in the bathroom.You do? Willow asked. She shook her head. I mean, no hes not.Buffy gave Willow another look. Will, please. Your parents go out of town for the first

    time in recorded history and youre not making smoochies on the couch with your boyfriend?Id have to check you for a pulse.

    Okay, Willow said, nodding in agreement. In that case, come in. But dont get toocomfortable.

    Buffy raised her eyebrows.We just got started, Willow whispered to her.


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    Buffy and Jason entered, and Willow showed them in to the living room. Oz! shecalled out. Its safe.

    Oz came out of the bathroom and did a double take at Buffy and Jason.Hello, Buffy said, grinning at his deer-in-the-headlights expression.Buffy, Oz said weakly. And that guy Cordelia called dibs on at the school.Jason looked at Buffy. Cordelia?Buffy shook her head. Long story.Jason shrugged.So whats going on? Willow asked. I thought you were on patrol.I was, Buffy said. Actually, we were. Jason here dropped by to give me a hand.I thought so, Oz said. I didnt think you were an English teacher.Im glad my disguise stood up under such scrutiny, Jason muttered.Oz pointed at his eyes. No glasses. All English teachers have glasses from all the

    reading they do.Jason nodded. Ill have to remember that. Thanks.Oz shrugged. No prob.So, Willow asked, why are you guys here?

    Youre in danger, Will.Buffy, Willow said. Were all in danger. We live on the Hellmouth.This is different, Buffy said. This is just about you.Me? Willow asked. I thought bad guys always went after you, Willow said.Usually, Buffy said. Fabulous bennie of being the Slayer.Oz asked, Whos after Willow?Buffy glanced at him and look back at Willow. Remember creepy vampire woman?Willow nodded.We think we know what she wanted.Oz came over and put his arm around Willows shoulders.Buffy turned to Jason. Why dont you do the honors?

    Jason nodded, then looked at Willow. This may take a few minutes, he said. Webetter sit down.

    They all sat, and Jason said, Let me start at the beginning...

    *Nobody thought wed do this. Nobody really thinks it will work, do they?Yeah. You just described every great success story.A pause.All right, its all right.I know.Silence.Wheres the ding?Its comin any second now.Silence.Any second now.Silence.DING.Well? Cordelia asked, thumbing STOP on the remote. What did you think?


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    Xander smiled. I liked it.Cordelia raised an eyebrow. Be honest, Xander. You can tell me if you didnt like the

    movie. I wont hold it against you.I mean it, Cordy, I liked it. Really.She looked at him doubtfully. I was worried you were gonna think it was too romantic

    or something.Xander told her, Whats not to like? A movie about a guy who falls for a girl whos way

    out of his league; then she finally lets down her guard and lets him in. Only to dump him, ofcourse...

    Cordelia hit him on the shoulder. Hey! At least he didnt use witchcraft to get hisgirlfriend back.

    Xander chuckled. I didnt know about that Peter Gabriel trick. You know, that wouldhave been a lot easier than getting Amy to make the whole town fall in love with me.

    Cordelia frowned at him.But then, Xander continued, he goes after her anyway, despite her objections, and she

    falls in love with him. He held his hands palm upward. Whats not to like? I completelyidentify with that guy.

    You would, she said, tapping his knee. I totally love John Cusack. His movies are sogood.

    Silence settled between them.Then began to drag into an uncomfortably long moment.This must be a record, he whispered.Cordelia nodded. I didnt think I would ever spend two straight hours with you and not

    kiss you even once.Xander looked deep into her eyes, then turned away. Thanks for bringin that up,

    Cordy. I was almost able not to focus on that for an instant.I know, she said. Like when they were in that car, making out, and...Cordy! Xander hissed. I already have an appointment with an ice shower when I get

    home. Dont make it any worse.Cordelia laughed softly. Good.Xander raised an eyebrow. Good? Good what?Im not the only one, she said.Huh?Xander, Cordelia whispered huskily, this is exactly what you are supposed to be

    feeling right about now.I dont get it, he said.Thats why I invited you over here, she told him. Well, besides that really wanting to

    see you thing.I lost my program, Cordy, Xander said. Havin a little trouble followin ya here.Xander, she said, do you realize as of today, Ive been dating you longer than Ive

    ever dated anyone else?I had no idea, he said. You think theyll announce that in the school newspaper? I

    mean, when we start school again.Cordelia frowned at him. Xander! Im serious. She shook her head. Ive never sat

    with any boy for two hours and not kissed him, she said. I never wanted to before.So you didnt want to kiss me tonight? he asked her.


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    Xander! she said, hitting him on the knee again. Stop being so dense. When I invitedyou over here tonight I knew I couldnt get my hands on you. And I didnt care. I didnt. I justwanted to see you. She closed her eyes. Oh, God, that is so scary.

    Xander asked her, How do you think I feel?Huh? she asked, looking at him.You think I didnt know that? You think I knew our normal grope-a-rama schedule

    wouldnt be put on hold tonight? You think that made a difference? He shook his head. Geez,Cordy, you think youre the only one whos feeling the heat?

    So what do we do? she asked.We say good night and I leave and you call me later and tell me all the things youre

    gonna do to me tomorrow when you pick me up and we drive out to the lake.Cordelia gave him a worried look. That sounds almost like... a date.Thats what it is, Cordy. Thats what this was too. You asked me out on a date.Cordelia blinked. I guess I did. Wow.And you like me enough that you didnt even mind a chaperone, he teased her.Thats enough, she murmured. Dont forget that you practically ran all the way over


    Xander shook his head. The way I feel now, I could run all the way home, too. And doabout a hundred push-ups. He turned to look at her, his eyes meeting hers.

    They held each others gaze for a long moment, just content to stare at one another, untilCordelia leaned in and brushed her lips very gently against his and then pulled away.

    Xander felt as if all the hair on his head stood up. What was that? he wondered. Wow!Cordelia felt a warm tingle shoot up and down her back. If my parents werent here, she

    thought, her eyes tracing the contours of Xanders face. I am gonna make up for some seriouslost time at the lake tomorrow. She licked her lips.

    Cordy, he murmured.Xander, she whispered.Cordy, I think I--

    Cordelia! her father called.Shit, Cordelia whispered. Daddy? she called out, standing up.Great timing, Mister Chase, Xander thought, sulking.Theres a van in the driveway, her father said. Some terrible looking piece of junk.Oz, Xander said, hopping up off the couch. I was supposed to be waiting outside.Her father came into the den. Young man, is that your ride?Yes, Mr. Chase, Xander said. My car is in the shop. Thats not my van.Hmph, Mr. Chase said, fixing Cordelia with a stare.Cordelia wrapped an arm around Xanders. Ill walk him out to the car, daddy, she

    said, smiling at her father. Mr. Chase nodded.Good night, Mr. Chase, Xander said. Thanks for having me over.Hrrmph, Mr. Chase responded. Cordelia led Xander out of the room quickly .That didnt go so badly, she murmured as she escorted Xander out the front door.Dont take this the wrong way, Cordy, but if that went well, I sure as hell never want to

    be around when it does go badly.Daddys a pussycat, Cordelia told Xander. He just likes to remind boys that hes

    looking out for me.Xander nodded. Call me reminded-boy. Definitely.Cordelia pecked Xander on the cheek as he opened the passengers side door on Ozs

    van. Good night, she said.


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    Good night, Cordy, he said. God, I wanna kiss you.Daddys watching, she lilted without breaking her smile.Call me, he said.Soon as theyre in bed, she promised.Xander! Oz said. Lets go. Big powwow over Willows.Xander appeared not to hear him. See ya, he told Cordelia.Cordelia waved.Xander hopped up into the seat, closing the door and buckling his seat belt. But his eyes

    never left Cordelia, and her eyes never left his.Oz grinned. Looks to me like you two really got it bad, he said.Dont I know it, Xander replied, still staring at Cordelia as Oz began to back out of the

    driveway.A half dozen shadows detached themselves from the night and rushed Cordelia. She

    screamed.Cordy! Xander yelled, opening the door and jumping out of the van while it still

    moved.Oz slammed on the brakes, put the van in park, and jumped out after him. Xander!

    Xander sprinted across the grass Let her go! he said.Melanie turned to face him, her hunting face revealed. I dont think so, she hissed,

    smacking Xander across the face. He spun to the ground. Cordelia screamed again, and Melanieturned and punched her too, knocking her unconscious.

    Mr. Chase opened the front door. What the hells going on out here?Oz called out, Close the door! Go inside!Mr. Chase looked at him. What?Now! Oz said.A vampire detached himself from the group and came at Mr. Chase; the man recoiled,

    stepping back inside his house, and the vampire slammed up against an invisible barrier.Oz ran back to the van and grabbed a drumstick that he kept under the drivers seat for

    this exact reason.Lets go, Melanie said, and her followers picked Cordelia up and carried her toward

    the street.Xander stirred, rubbing his head as the vampires passed by. He got up and threw himself

    at them, but Melanie hit him again, hard, and he slumped over.Oz stepped in front of the vampires. Too bad theres no full moon, he thought briefly as

    he said, Put her down! He held the drumstick high.Melanie pounced on him in a second. Hanging around the Slayer has given you a false

    sense of worth, she said, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the ground.Tell the Slayer and her new friend that Dahak has his bride. Your time on this world is

    over, human. Now its our turn.She threw him across the yard; Oz rolled with the hard landing, coming to a stop near the

    driveway. He looked up to see a Lincoln Town Car pull up; the vampires slid Cordelia inside,climbed in, and drove off.

    * * *


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