Page 1: Bug Retrospective Worksheet

Retrospective of Sprint #

In Attendance: Enter names here


BUG Story # and

Summary of Work Why was this sprint item linked

to this type of bug? Suggestions offered for improvement? Improvement Opportunities? Agreed Upon Next Steps? Date Due?

Dung Beetle Self-explanatory

Butterfly Story went fast; took flight

Ladybug Story was good, reliable requirements, good information, helpful people

Caterpillar Story or person was transformational or caused transformation within you

Fire-Fly Made light bulbs go off for you; great learning

Black Widow Consumed you, and had clear visual warnings

Tick Got under your skin and really bothered you

Grasshopper Had you jumping around looking for information

Cricket Believe it brought you good luck

Hornet Stung. Youlearned some painful lessons

Bee Working on this story made you feel part of a community

Page 2: Bug Retrospective Worksheet

BUG Story # and

Summary of Work Why was this sprint item linked

to this type of bug? Suggestions offered for improvement? Improvement Opportunities? Agreed Upon Next Steps? Date Due?

Bed bugs/Flies Drove you crazy, kept moving around, perhaps kept you from sleeping soundly

Cockroach Story just wouldn’t die; you thought it was done and it just stayed alive (perhaps even missed or poorly communicated requirements)

Stink Bug Story stunk, wasn’t fun, didn’t learn anything, maybe had negative interactions inside or outside of the team

Black Ants Had you working hard in every aspect, but the hard work paid off in the end

Aphids A story that should have been an epic or had many little stories spinning off of it

Pill Bug Story that was a pill to work on

Tarantula Story was big & hairy

Praying Mantis Story waged war on you; was really tough

Mites/Fleas Story just kept growing or expanding (changing requirements)

Locust Consumed everything in its path, perhaps causing long work hours or missed stories because this story consumed the team’s focus

Page 3: Bug Retrospective Worksheet

BUG Story # and

Summary of Work Why was this sprint item linked

to this type of bug? Suggestions offered for improvement? Improvement Opportunities? Agreed Upon Next Steps? Date Due?

Stick Bug Person/requirements rigid in nature; no leeway given on the creativity

Mosquito Story left you bumpy and itchy; feeling out of sorts and nervous

Fire Ant Story burned you; you wish you hadn’t taken this story on because the negative impact will have long lasting effects

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