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Best practices for getting the most out of your technology investment Build a Blueprint for Marketing Automation ROI


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Yesler is a B2B marketing agency that helps technology companies deliver predictable revenues, sustainable growth, and measurable results.

We apply an end-to-end integrated framework of services that aligns marketing and sales. We make your marketing relevant and accountable – to your buyers, to your sales team, and to the bottom line.

the yesler b2b marketing

framework A Blueprint for B2B Marketing


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• New capabilities • Enabling new practices • Feasibly • Affordably • Expanding marketing’s role

Marketing automation primer

• Technology and Infrastructure • Revenue Model (the big picture) • Lead Capture • Lead Enrichment • Lead Nurturing • Lead Scoring and Lead Routing • Lead Development • Campaign Tracking


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• Needs Assessment • Typical sales cycle • Potential lead volume • Purchase consideration

• Selection Criteria

• Time-to-value • Full functionality • Interoperability

• Implementation Considerations

• Sales process and system maturity • Revenue model alignment


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Like the Beatles sang, the path to revenue is a long and winding road

Revenue MOdel

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Revenue MOdel

Lead: A Lead is a Name that has shown a minimal level of engagement as evidenced by achieving a behavioral score of at least 25.

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Revenue MOdel

MQL: A Marketing Qualified Lead is a Lead that meets minimal demographic qualification with a demographic score of at least 15. This is a timed SLA that provides 21 days to qualify the Lead forward into a Sales Accepted Lead (SAL), disqualify the Lead, or recycle the Lead.

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Revenue MOdel

MQL > SAL: All transitions from MQL to SAL are done manually by a Market Development Representative (MDR). This is the hand-off from marketing and sales and an area that deserves considerable focus and attention.

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Revenue MOdel

MQL > Recycled MQL: Recycling can be triggered manually by a MDR as a result of client guidance or will occur automatically on the 22nd day of being an Marketing Accepted Lead (MAL). Upon recycling, the behavioral score is set to 0. The Recycled MQL can re-activate itself by re-achieving a behavioral score of at least 25.

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Revenue MOdel

MQL > Disqualified: Disqualification occurs automatically for the following reasons: a Lead unsubscribes, has an invalid email, is too small or out of market, or is identified as known junk, an employee, a competitor, or a partner. A MDR can manually disqualify a lead by changing its status and selecting one of the reasons noted above.

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• Landing page considerations/best practices/performance • Layout & format • Shareability • Responsive design • Testing discipline

• The data collection trade-off • Minimum requirements • Progressive profiling

• Keeping it clean • Secure the perimeter • Stay on top of form-spam • Protect your users and your credibility

Lead Capture

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• Collect AND purchase

• Offline enrichment methods

• Online enrichment methods

Lead Enrichment

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• Demographic scoring—industry, size, geographic, revenue, number of employees

• Behavioral scoring – page visits, clicks, shares, attendance at events, etc.

• Profiling – interests and preferences/personalization

• Demographic score (fitness) + behavioral score (progress)

Lead scoring

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• Bridging the gap between lead capture and sales acceptance • Segmentation –

• Stages of the buying journey • Buyer personas • Interest/preference • Industry • Engagement level

• Dynamic pacing • Personalized and/or contextualized content • What to test – formats, subject lines, frequency, tone • How to test - challenger/champion • Patience required!

Lead nurturing

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• A personal touch (the concierge) • Similar to social outreach • Engage and serve. Don’t sell.

• Reconnaissance • Qualification - BANT

• Budget • Authority • Need • Timing

• Open-ended questions • Pattern recognition

• Questions • Challenges • Objections

Lead development

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Revenue MOdel

Lead Capture Lead Enrichment

Lead Development

Lead Nurturing

Marketing Automation Sales Force Automation

Lead Scoring Demographic Lead Scoring Behavorial

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the yesler b2b marketing

framework A Blueprint for B2B Marketing


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