Page 1: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

ILTA WebinarOctober 12, 2012

Page 2: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere


BudgetManagerRandy Steere

[email protected]

Page 3: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Agenda Building matter budgets

Utilizing existing time and billing history Bottom Up Methods to streamline the process Understanding the goals and results of data mining

Other approaches to data mining Building an experience repository Time for questions at the end or send them via chat

Page 4: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Two Part SeriesPart II

Beating Matter Budgets to Success

Friday, November 2, 201212:00 Noon Eastern

Page 5: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

The Scenario Attorney calls needing a budget

Similar to several historic engagements Attorney typically will name specific engagements Usually want 3 ‐5 prior engagements

Depends on size of current project The larger the dollar value, the more comparisons

Wants an analysis and draft budget Similar to a draft memo that they can edit

Page 6: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Gathering Information Do we need a detail or summary analysis? When would current proposal likely begin? Need analysis and comparison in today’s dollars

Who did/should do the work? How many hours did/will it take? How much did/will it cost? Was it/will it be profitable? Were any special pricing models used then? Can we do it more efficiently today?

Page 7: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

What is Data Mining? Isolating the time entries from prior engagements

Into a warehouse table/ Excel Offline

Scrubbing that data to be more accurate Each engagement in a separate warehouse Analyzing and comparing that data to mine information

Page 8: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Our Discovery Process Establish Prior Engagements

3 – 5 engagements First and last time entry date

How long did each last? Is each one complete? How far apart are they from each other?

Rates and personnel have changed Did they use phase/task codes?

If yes, are they accurate? If no, are there any that will fit this work?

Page 9: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Who Can Assist? Data scrubbing assumes familiarity with the subject

Most pricing specialists don’t have that knowledge Legal assistants are best help

Find someone in that specific area Will recognize time entries and wording used They know the people and the processes They can correct the data extremely fast They have great ideas for streamlining

Imparts importance of phase/task coding

Page 10: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Scrubbing the Data Who did the work

Individuals not helpful for this task Historic staffing levels needed

Title (Elite) or Rank (Aderant)

More specific = more accurate List each person in an engagement

Figure out specific staffing level Or use tool to automate

Page 11: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Scrubbing the Data Break down by tasks

Existing or new task codes? Free form codes while doing research Attorneys want to set their own codes

Will block billing be an issue? Multiple time entries have been combined into one Semicolon dividing the entries Need to split out to assign to different tasks

Page 12: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Tools to Assist in Scrubbing Streamline the Process

Excel Budgeting Tools

Warehouse concept Remove from live T&B system Massage the data offline Work on gobs of time entries at once Not worry about .10 hour

Page 13: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Tools to Assist in Scrubbing Automate staffing level substitution Split out block entries Assign phase/task codes

Full text index Searching within date range Automate narrative search Free form coding


Page 14: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Analyzing the Data Ultimate Goal

Prepare for analysis and comparison Apples to apples

At time ticket level

Page 15: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Analyzing the Data Compare engagements

How many hours for each task? Who (what staffing level) did the work?

Can it be done more efficiently?

Was it able to be billed and collected? What is the realization rate? Did we have any AR writeoffs?

What is the value in today’s dollars? Must use historic staffing level

Page 16: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Analyzing the Data How does each engagement compare to current proposal?

Lessons learned – do they apply currently? Establish basis for draft budget Examples

Page 17: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Building the Budget Select one engagement as starting point

Summarize by staffing level into a budget Price at current (or future) rates Modify hours as needed Assign staff (if known) Apply pricing models and adjustments Allocate out over time

Page 18: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Other Ways to Use Warehouse Averaging Legal costing Top down analysis Mid‐Engagement Actuals

Page 19: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Averaging For clients with many similar engagements

Put all engagements into one warehouse Take average per engagement as a budget

Page 20: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Legal Costing For firms that do repetitive work

Cost out all scenarios possible for that work Build in calculations for each scenario Provides consistency Efficiency in pricing Pre‐approved profitability Benchmark for legal project management

Page 21: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Top Down Budgeting For attorneys who like to pull a number out of the air

Analyze historic percentage per task detail Take total dollars and allocate Does it look reasonable? Something to work from

Page 22: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Mid‐Engagement Actuals Begin budget mid‐engagement

Code existing time entries Add new time entries each month Budget to Actual analysis on warehouse

Page 23: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

Experience Repository Building an experience repository Once scrubbing is done, keep it around Could be warehouse or prior budgets

Profile each one to search later Properties (meta data) Lessons learned from each one

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Page 25: Building a Matter Budget from… · ILTA Webinar October 12, 2012. Introduction BudgetManager Randy Steere

BudgetManagerRandy Steere

[email protected]

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