Page 1: Building Complex GUI Apps The Right Way. With Ample SDK - SWDC2010

Building Complex GUI AppsThe Right Waywith Ample SDK

The Scandinavian Web Developers Conference2-3 June 2010, Stockholm, Sweden

Sergey Ilinsky

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1. Web Application Architecture Transition

Server-Side Client-SideBack-End(Business


Front-End(UI Logic+Rendering+Auth.)


Server-Side Client-SideBack-End(Business




Front-End(UI Logic+Rendering)




Data(Form data)





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2. HTML5 and client-side GUI Technologies

HTML5 [GUI concerns]1) Limited amount of UI elements2) Poor-to-none UI elements styling facilities3) Hardly or not implemented in most of web browsers4) No extensibility (until XBL2 lands)5) Too low-level abstraction for applications needs

JavaScript GUI Frameworks (ExtJS, Dojo, Qooxdoo, jQuery UI..)1) Proprietary (hence->inconsistent) APIs2) GUI is programmed (in JS+HTML), not declared

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3. Demos first!

- SVG in Internet Explorer- XUL Cross-Browser- Charts- HTML5

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4. Introduction to the Ample SDK

Ample SDK is a JavaScript GUI Framework that smartly re-uses concepts and technologies of web-browsers but also brings them to a new level, closer to client-side apps needs.

Original goals of the experiment:- equalize browsers APIs without introducing new ones- extend browser UI technologies stacks- provide a platform for reusable UI components

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4. Introduction to the Ample SDK : Hello World!<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns:xul=""> <head> <title>Hello, World!</title> <!-- (A) Ample SDK runtime and UI language --> <script type="text/javascript" src="ample/runtime.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ample/languages/xul/xul.js"></script> <link type="text/ample+css" src="ample/languages/xul/themes/default/xul.css"/> <!-- (1) Styling --> <style type="text/ample+css">

@namespace xul ""; xul|button { color: red; } </style> <!-- (2) Logic --> <script type="text/javascript"> function alertHelloWorld(oEvent) { alert('Element "' + + '" was clicked'); } </script> </head> <body> <!-- (3) Layout --> <script type="application/ample+xml"> <xul:button onclick="alertHelloWorld(event)">Hello, World!</b> </script> </body></html>

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4. Introduction to the Ample SDK : The Big Picture

Virtualizing browser technologies:- pass through if available- implement if not- fix if broken

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5. Building GUI apps with Ample SDK

Programming model is that of web-browser:1) XML for UI (declarative UIs)2) CSS for Style3) JavaScript (DOM API) for Logic

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5.1 XML for UI layout: Embedding Ample XML in HTML

a) Inline, using a script tag with type="application/ample+xml"<script type="application/ample+xml">

<!-- Ample SDK inline XML markup --></script>

b) Referencing a resource, using a script tag with src attribute<script type="application/ample+xml" src="ui.xml"></script>

c) Inline, using and ample.close()<script type="text/javascript"></script><!-- Ample SDK inline XML markup --><script type="text/javascript">ample.close()</script>

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5.1 XML for UI layout: Code Sample<xul:toolbox> <xul:toolbar> <xul:toolbargrippy /> <xul:toolbarbutton type="menu" image="img/statuses/jab/off.gif" tooltiptext="Click to change status"> <xul:menupopup> <xul:menuitem type="checkbox" label="Invisible" /> <xul:menuseparator/> <xul:menuitem label="Online" image="img/statuses/jab/on.gif"/> <xul:menuitem label="Away" image="img/statuses/jab/away.gif"/> <xul:menuitem label="Don't disturb" image="img/statuses/jab/dnd.gif"/> <xul:menuitem label="Not available" image="img/statuses/jab/xa.gif"/> <xul:menuitem label="Offline" image="img/statuses/jab/off.gif"/> </xul:menupopup> </xul:toolbarbutton> </xul:toolbar></xul:toolbox>

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5.1 XML for UI layout: Technologies

- HTML 5 (in development)- SVG 1.1 (Scalable Vector Graphics, W3C)- XHTML (eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language, W3C)- XUL (XML User interface Language, Mozilla)- Charts (in development)- your own?

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5.2 CSS for Style: Embedding Ample CSS in HTML

a) Inline, using a style tag with type="text/ample+css"<style type="text/ample+css">

@namespace xul url(http://...only.xul);xul|menu:hover {

font-variant: italic;}xul|datepicker::value {

background-color: red;}


b) Referencing a resource, using a link tag with href attribute<link type="text/ample+css"

rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/>

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5.2 CSS for Style: Code Samplexul|menuitem:disabled {

color: GrayText;}xul|menuitem[type]::image {

background-repeat: no-repeat;width: 16px;height: 16px;vertical-align: middle;

}xul|menuitem[type=checkbox]::image {

background-position: 0px 16px; /* hidden */background-image: url(media/menuitem_checkbox.gif);

}xul|menuitem[type=radio]::image {

background-position: 0px 16px; /* hidden */background-image: url(media/menuitem_radio.gif);

}xul|menuitem::image:checked {

background-position: 0px 0px;}

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5.2 CSS for Style: Technologies

- CSS3 Namespaces@namespace xul url(http://...only.xul);xul|menuitem {font: normal 1em Verdana}

- CSS3 UIxul|datepicker::input {background-color:pink}

- Pseudo-classes (:drag, :resize..).mytarget:drop {border: dashed 1px red}

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5.3 JS/DOM for UI Logic: Embedding JS in HTML

<script type="text/javascript">ample.addEventListener("load", function(oEvent) {

var oNode = this.querySelector("svg|circle");oNode.setAttribute("r", 10);

}, false);</script>

"ample" is an object in Ample SDK similar to "document" object in web browser, it provides access to the document built of all XML fragments found on the page.

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5.3 JS/DOM for UI Logic: Technologies

Document Object Model- Core (Level 2)- Events (Level 3)- Selectors API

Componentization Model API

UI Managers- Focus- Drag&Drop- Resize- Capture- SPI History- Text selection

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5.3 JS/DOM for UI Logic: More Technologies

JavaScript objects - DOMParser, XMLSerializer- XSLTProcessor- XMLHttpRequest- JSON- JavaScript up to 1.8 objects prototypes

XML APIs - SMIL3.0 (selected modules), - XInclude 1.0- XML Schema 1.1 (Part 2 - Datatypes)

CSS pre-processors - CSS2.1 (fixes)- CSS3-Namespaces- CSS3-UI

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6. Extending Ample SDK

1) Prototyping DOM Objects2) Creating new UI elements / languages3) Creating new UI managers

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6.1 Prototyping DOM Objects

Prototype method on base AMLNode object:

AMLNode.prototype.on = function(sType, fHandler) {this.addEventListener(sType, fHandler, false);

}function _(sQuery) {

return ample.querySelector(sQuery);}

Use it for any element:

_(“#myelement”).on(“click”, function(event) {alert(;


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6.2 Creating new UI elements

function cMyCombobox() {this.options = new AMLNodeList;

}cMyCombobox.prototype = new AMLElement;cMyCombobox.prototype.options = null;

// Class-level event handlerscMyCombobox.handlers = {

"DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument": function(oEvent) { },"click": function(oEvent) { }


// PresentationcMyCombobox.prototype.$getTagOpen = function() {

return '<div class="my-combobox">\<div>

<input class="my-combobox--input"/>\<button class="my-combobox--button"/>\

</div>\<div class="my-combobox--gateway">';

}cMyCombobox.prototype.$getTagClose = function() {

return '</div>\</div>';


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6.2 Componentization model explained

Web-browser DOM (shadow tree) (HTML4, SVG/VML)



option option


div div

div div input button

div div

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6.3 Creating new UI managers

// Adding base element object prototype memberAMLElement.prototype.$selectable = null;

// Registering Event Handlers with documentample.addEventListener("mousedown", function(oEvent) {

for (var oElement =, bAllow = false; oElement.nodeType != AMLNode.DOCUMENT_NODE; oElement = oElement.parentNode) {

if (oElement.$selectable === true)bAllow = true;

elseif (oElement.$selectable === false)

return !bAllow && oEvent.preventDefault();}

}, false);

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Wrapping up: Why Ample SDK is relevant?

1) Uses standard APIs that will stay2) Natural Programming Model (W3C)3) Provides better UI building blocks, such as XUL4) Fast rendering5) Enables quite a bit of SVG1.1 in IE5.5, IE6-86) Enables creation of Domain Specific markup

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Ample SDK

Web-Site: http://www.amplesdk.comSource-Code:

Sergey Ilinsky


Thank you!

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