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The Transgenic Immortal

It's probably a designated strategy that transmortals put up Ray Kurzweil to be their spokesman so they will not be taken seriously. When PBS last showed him on Charlie Rose he spoke of singularity as though it were an expression of the information age and that the "democratizing" technologies of cell phones and Facebook would prevent it being used for tyranny because of "the wisdom of crowds." But singularity is of the HYBRID AGE where human organs are grown in pigs and dinosaurs are reconstituted from 80 million year old DNA stored in their bones. GRIN technology, considered a fantasy to the culture, is a serious effort of government and business not only to remake dinosaurs but to pair all kinds of human and animal genes for human enhancement as well as parading nanobots in Kurzweil's brain.

Hybrid Age

It is in the  interest of  transmortals that we be lulled to sleep while they achieve singularity, all in a week it is said, trillions and trillions of  brain cells coming on line in an instant. As with the genetic engineering of the singing mouse there will be no democracy of choice. This is called "the moral tragedy of not building god," (Hugo de Garis. BBC Horizon, HumanV2.0--47.12-47:26). Hugo de Garis, Ray Kurzweil: Human 2.0 gives the most salient evidence of discarnate entity, that being that "the brain did not need the body anymore." [BBC. 27:52-28:10]

Everyone thinks it cute when they inject human brain cells and DNA into the mice at Stanford until the transgenic myth is exploded that "human cells had no apparent impact on the animals' behavior."  That was six years ago, as was the beginning awareness of prion contamination which began encephalopathies in mad cow.

While Hugo de Garis is building this brain, his conscience makes him warn us we will come to a bad end (The Artilect War). If the


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Artilect wars however they come to pass will cement an unprecedented unity of the cultures of humans. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists of every continent unite  to save the earth for the one species that has probable cause not to have it saved since its scientists have continually invited outsiders, the Good People Aliens., to take it over anyway. Gary Schwartz of ASU wants to take his Sophia Project into dialogue with the non human deceased or any discarnate beings he can find, even if it means L. Ron Hubbard channeling Aleister Crowley right out of the plutonian labs of C. S. Lewis' Devine. [Apologies for juxtaposing the content neutral standard with these poles.]

 C. S. Lewis foresaw all this fictionally in That Hideous Strength with its detached head. The names are not the same, but the permutation of business and academe with mad scientists such as


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the JASONS of the Pentagon, who game planned Vietnam in the Pentagon papers, will have perpetuated synthetic telekinesis, super soldiers merging with animals to gain new modes of perception, remote access brain waves in new designer children. As the Americans race the Chinese to preserve humanity by altering it, Hugo de Garis is hard at work in Xiamen (now retired) and Nick Bostrom at Oxford. Notice their facial similarity?

Perfectionists think they came to the wrong planet. Evolution was fine until they superseded it themselves. God was fine until superseded by the world brain.  This is not the World Brain of H. G. Wells that was as much ballyhooed as precursor of the Internet as C. S. Lewis' Hideous Strength and the Abolition of Man are of the transmortal. H. G. Wells’ book of that title should alert us to the prophetic nature of some writers, Wells of the Internet and C. S. Lewis of the Transmortal, better precursors of their kind than Teilhard de Chardin in The Future of Man (1955).

It is best that transhumans stay away from literature as much as possible, after all they are going to make new myths. The archetypes of literature, Beowulf crushing Grendel, ripping off his arm, are enemies of the new immortal as much as Jung's collective unconsciousness. How are transgenics to deal with the unconscious? Well by not bringing it up, anymore than they bring up God while this physical analogue of swellings of all sorts, obesities called The Invisible Giants that “feed their cows and chickens, or readers and thinkers of the day, with artificial feed much as we do our herds,” fill the land. If you're a transgenic you stay away from literature, after all it is of earth, its culture, even Frankenstein. We don't need that!


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A fine day in the life of the transmortal might go like this. Plug into SkyNet to see if they're up to us as yet. The Sarah Connor Chronicles come true, but with an overwhelming difference, that being it is for real, but the movies do not make us safe. Whether artificial intelligence has a malevolent wink to its trillion atoms is under discussion here. If  it does things just went from bad to worse. Continent wide wifi bubbles administered with extra cranial neural caps to ferret out even "silent talk" through EEGs, even of intended speech, already extend

their "tele-presence" through mobile BCI devices into a Cognitive Threat Operative Systems. Do not fear, symposia like this report everywhere on your safety.

It isn't just  plant, animal and human life  to be altered, but  planets as well, terra-forming comets, atmospheric corrections to Mars. There will be new universes built (de Garis, Jan 2011). Do new resistances appear when the  challenge of Earth life is "solved?" The transhuman "solution"  itself sets up a class structure that makes the British look innocent. It makes human obsolete, sets an


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interface to divide matter and energy, denigrating matter. Pretend that the Philosopher King has come, and we know what that means for poetry. Poetry has no place in The Republic nor do exceptions in engineered reality. Tell this to mice who have endured our suffering with us, mammals systemically tortured into the reality that subjugates everything for human experiment. If the human is to do to the human what it has done to the animal world in the name of science and research, that itself is acknowledgment that it is nonhuman.

No longer human, what does that mean? It means changes introduced into the human phenotype passed on to children in generations of a different identity. Stranger in a Strange Land indeed, this evolution was argued from the start of Sci Fi in Superman, Batman. Junctures of the human with alien or animal were long ago introduced into imaginative myth. Myth no more, Kakfa's Josephine the Mouse Singer, turned to a play by McClure, burgeons reality, but the mouse injected with human brain cells is no longer a mouse. The charm of Kafka's story is the charm of the mouse spirit, sullied now with the human genome. Laws to protect native species are not enforced. Mark the rhetorical nature of the “debate” that scientists want on animals with human genes. What they want is funding and permission from authorities to create “a mouse that can speak, a monkey with Down’s Syndrome, dogs with human hands or feet.”

Human makeover of the world in The Hybrid Age is more than genocide, it is an unbelieved destruction of all life. Not that it isn't couched in the coziest of terms of little robots and promises of perfect health and every utopian outcome. Not that it isn't amazingly attractive to upscale tech grads who see it as a means of advancing toward both the identity they lack in their amorphous beings as much as the preceding generation sought to be financial counselors and mortgage brokers. These are the mortgage brokers of the new human bubble. The Hybrid Age event is a true UBU


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reality, entertaining to watch while the forces of manipulation pull the wool over the eyes of newbies to the earth event, viz., college kids, who while they think they are important for being on the cutting edge, are on the cutting board and while they think they will be treated like this are instead going to be treated like this.

Severed Head

So if you think you’d like to be part dog or plant, said this way so the Hybrids can easily dismiss it, think first how much artificial intelligence needs you once it has exceeded your capacity by the


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trillion trillion. These blindnesses come from the dead consciousness that pretends that to be human is something beside its culture. As if to be anything is to be what it is not. Watching this documentary of the arrested development of Terence McKenna who will always be a youth, he achieved this by dying at 54, his indefinite mind expansions are as hypnotic as a tranquilizer, as unsettling as a neurosis, contacting consciousness outside the human, as they say they do at the ASU Sophia Project. That is why the predominant metaphor of this movement of the hybrid age is that of the Severed Head, a disconnect, urged on by greed, innovation. But  more, at least according to their own sources.

Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet indicate how long these things have been aborning and it is obvious that the idea begins in the Pop Mind long before the technology exists. This either is explained by the subconscious imagination or the conscious manipulation of the human by forces already greater than it than it will be greater than itself in Singularity, 2045. If 2045, or 2025, or 2012 is "the date," or today, that is another deception, since it must already exist for the date to occur. A therefore A, the first law of identity as in Descartes' I think therefore I am, already assumes the I before the proposition enunciates itself, but in this case add another "precursor," that before I think I am, I remember that I think. By this we mean to say that Singularity already exists in the most profound manner since it remembers itself in order to be. So what kind of being can create over centuries this consciousness for  gene alteration before such is dreamt?

Unfortunately for the transgenic, who wants to view the past as superseded in himself, the issues of human as creator are fraught with past literatures and myth. It is impossible to find any that do not impact the problem the transgenic has in interpreting the past to suit the new prerogative. Right from the start it should be obvious that the transhuman would not credit the existence of God, saying this idea is superseded now as much as Darwin and


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evolution. But as shown in Genesis, God would not be eager for a competitor in the creation of species. A number of parties got in trouble there that way. The transgenic will like to interpret myths of giants, monsters, aerial phenomena as precursors of his own


Polyphemus, Neptune, angels...there is room here for the transhuman take on the old, if it mattered, but it doesn't matter since it is shortly to be o’er-flown.

There really will be dinosaurs revived with tatters of DNA and if dinosaurs who’s to say that Yeats himself will not be raised, for


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transmortals think big, a selective resurrection of important personages, Max Planck, etc? Tom Gilbert really begs the question that the agenda of the Transhuman is about his grandmother. “An expert in ancient DNA at Copenhagen University who with Schuster and Webb pioneered the harvesting of mammoth DNA from hair, [he] admits that as a student of mammoths, he'd be the first to go see one trundle across a paddock…"if you can do a mammoth, you can do anything else that's dead, including your grandmother. But in a world in global warming and with limited resources for research, do you really want to bring back your dead grandmother?" National Geographic, May 2009).

Anything brought back by a hair or bone is why the grave of Gilgamesh was sequestered and why the Smithsonian does the same with the excavated giants in its collection. This sounds totally like the search for Merlin’s grave in That Hideous Strength. What it really impacts is King Ramses and whoever else the transhumanist would return from the dead with deep agenda, who, unlike your grandmother, would like another shot. Maybe they would like global warming. Maybe the Greenhouse Effect would make them feel at home. The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency of the U.S. (DARPA) has all manner of cooperative efforts toward these ends, mainly to construct an enhanced, perhaps hybrid, super soldier, because it feels it must beat the Chinese and the Russians. Human altruism is in short supply. There are as many links to this as you like. The one cited is 4 years old. Think you the SEALS…?

If this sounds ridiculously like the satire of Swift to the human, a Gulliver according to its kind, to the organic machine it will be dead serious when it comes online to the 10 to the 26 trillion trillion brain cells. Everything made new by Singular fiat, except that these are old mammoths and warriors dug from the hills of Palestine. The hybrids however will be new. There will be no


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discussion if the transhuman assumptions hold and things are as they say they are or as the trillion trillion make them. To them it is impossible to be overridden. To them it is as impossible as the taunt that Isaiah gives against Babylon (14). This is called"the moral tragedy of not building god," (Hugo de Garis. BBC Horizon, HumanV2.0--47.12-47:26) It should be obvious why the Transgenic does not sanction God, after all, these are the New Rules. If you think the Hybrid Age is the reverse imitation of Genesis, the destruction not the creation of species, and that it is bad, or that the bringing back from the dead of Ramses, Yeats and the wooly Mammoth is a mockery of the resurrection, that just shows how prejudiced you are.

Many of a religious bent are concerned not to take "the mark of the beast," always emphasizing  the mark and never the beast. But in the age of the hybrid the beast may arrive in the form of a retrofitted serum injected in the guise of a vaccine combining animal and human DNA to cure some engineered disease. Or, in the words of Verner Vinge in 1993! "within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended." (Abstract, The Coming Technological Singularity). Two-thirds of those thirty years are gone! Listen to all the podcasts  from ASU Templeton school of Transhumanism here while you wait. Do not consider Melhman's logic more than rhetoric. Selective breeding, mutation is always within a species. Human and animal together, never.


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Other reading:

Transhumanism: Genetic Manipulation   Tom Horn, Steve Quayle. Five hours worth taking seriously if only because transhumans do not brook opposition. They were able to burn down one of their opponents when name calling didn't work, On Wrestling With A Pig,

The Concept of Existential Risk. Nick Bostrom. Oxford, 2011. Posits every possible ER except singularity! which he did in 2004. Mark Studdock was at Oxford in That Hideous Strength: A Fairy Tale for Grownups

Leon Kass. The Wisdom of Repugnance. Also, Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity. 2002.

Max Mehlman, Transhumanism and the Future of Democracy, ASU April 2009 Transhuman ASU PodcastsEndowed by Their [Human!] Creator?: The Future of Constitutional Personhood The $100 Genome: Implications for the Department of Defense (JASONs) Protecting the Endangered Human Mice with human brains *A Mouse that can speakThe Transhuman organJames J. Hughes.   (Trans)humanism & Biopolitics Transhuman TransformationHumanism and TranshumanismC. S. Lewis as PhilosopherTranshumanism's SolipsisticUtopianism


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Note: This primer, published on Scribd, emerged from work at the Human Botany Review and other sites where these links and others are also live.

AE Reiff / Day 4+


Baiting the Supernatural One of my many editor friends on receiving the first Anthropology

of Orc said, " I sometimes wonder where the world of your imagination resides. Do you consider it in any way related to science fiction or fantasy, etc? I , to be sure, consider Borges a sort of science fiction, which is not in any way to denigrate his work, which I adore."

Reversal of Field


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At the same time their intellectual cousins were convincing the world that there could be no validity to ancient literature, especially the Bible, that the Flood was a figment of imagination and that Jesus could not have risen from the dead, the Transhumanists were foisting such realities as would boggle the minds of  fundamentalists. Demythologists had said such myth existed only in the Old Testament, but  a complete reversal occurred in about a hundred years  so that the neighbor across the hall from the academe who  said David could not have written the Psalms, Dr. Schwartz, was plotting how to get in touch with the ghost of Aleister Crowley.

This is hardly exaggerated. While they denied Noah and the flood on the second floor, on the third they were taking DMT to contact the nephilim, fallen angels that fell to earth and corrupted the human race before the Flood. Not only were they trying to contact any discarnate entity, but they were trying to bring them back to life through robototic technology and DNA substitution like the wooly mammoth, freely admitting, as if they were proud of it, that they could bring back any life form for which they had DNA. Museums and morgues of the past were raided for the hair and bone of giants, mummies. They figured to up King Tut and maybe Ramses and get input. They did not think to bring King David, but then his appearance may have been to them a foregone conclusion:“the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD.”

Mad Science

When the general society realized these scientific tenets and that scientists were not mad, but certifiably crazy to make the human species as extinct as the dinosaur they were about to revive, that out of this melange they going to create a new man, H+, it was too late, for that H 1.0 had slept as much as he could, his biggest


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concern being whether the NFL would play, "eating and drinking and marrying."  The  human anesthetic was as great as any before Noah's flood when "the Nephilim were on the earth, the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them and there were heroes of old, men of renown." It would have seemed unbelievable anyway that the transhumanists were reviving those days that occurred in the first book of the Bible, but which were resolved in the last,  the Apocalypse being the denouement  of the flood. Not even transhumanists believed it, caught in the middle again, which makes all the more poignant their complaint that Transhuman separatists are "locked out," not just of society, but of understanding the beginning and end of earth's adventure.

This scientific reversal of field showed up in in literature and philosophy as much as in science. Traditionally literature was thought to have its authorship as designated, Moses, Homer, David, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu were

thought to be who they said they were. This was turned upside down in the nineteenth century so that most of them had to fight


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for existence. It was existential threat that Nick Bostrom (Future of Humanity Institute, 2011) loves to cite. It was said they never existed, and if they did they didn't write those things. Textual science filled the role of author with editors. So while lit was destructed and made over into an editor's delight, denying

traditional authorship and more, ideas that had previously embarrassed everybody came into vogue.


W. B. Yeats and Aleister Crowley symbolize the shift. Both delivered through the mediumship of their wives their magnum opus, Yeats, A Vision, Crowley, The Book of Thelema. Yeats' wife Georgie had

wanted to woo Yeats away from other occult influences and did so by concocting the automatic writing that preoccupied them for ten years, but more importantly was the source of the myth of the greatest of Yeats' last three works. Some say it was less medium than Georgium, that she spoke on behalf of herself and less of  Michael Robartes and Owen Aherne.  It was the same with Crowley whose wife also delivered his Book of Thelema. So what was completely absurd to science became standard practice in


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literature, seeking the supernatural, not as feelings "recollected in tranquility," as Wordsworth said, but as otherworld spirits. Crowley's philosophy "do you want is the whole law" became the  point of view of the Transhuman because it suited anyway to call ethical and moral what they were doing when it was simply just what they wanted. Scientific writers however do not have power to convince that their rhetoric is truth in nearly the way literature does. Together these were in fact their new/old gnostic religion.

New Science Making Monstrous

The scientific world is more shallow that the literary. Its writers cannot mask that their rhetoric is not truth, and if they believe it themselves that indicates a level of being. Yeats never believed what he was doing, which makes his lines more habitable. If super science, literature, philosophy led, business and government would not be left behind. Perfect pragmatism and self realization of greed saw business put the ideas of new science to profit, as did government, except it had greater resources. Let it be acknowledged that  history repeats itself, and if the flood of Noah becomes the focal point of this new religion, so too the line "new philosophy calls all in doubt" from the poet John Donne revisits how this happens. What Copernicus and Galileo did in deconstructing the earth as the center, New Science does in reverse by making the the H+ the center of all things once again. We're BACK, but a little changed! Human 2.0, 3.0, 4.0....

So as these tentacles gathered around the defense department's DARPA, the think tank physicist JASONs, think tanks RAND, Brookings in the US and hundreds of other globally, and competed  to make strategic advantage, build the world brain and join it in hyperlink to super soldiers. The only check to this was other laboratories that sought to mate human and animal and join  these enhanced senses to the super soldier, who could smell like a dog and see like an eagle. And the only check to that was the effort


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to Cryptozoologically clone whatever DNA's of the past could be thought useful. Joining present monsters with those of the past remade crypto embryology.   This of course was done with great sincerity and morality under the cover of preserving present endangered species. There is hardly need here to mention that all these would cover their tracks according to their kind, deniability being resource management.

As if there were no end to making monstrous the implications at the super collider would have alerted somebody that something was going on with the report of "some kind of invasion by spontaneously swelling and shrinking spherical or wheel-shaped creatures" had occurred or was expected to occur. But this was not in Ezekiel the prophet: “This is what the wheels looked like: They were identical wheels, sparkling like diamonds in the sun. It looked like they were wheels within wheels,” but the report was that "Dr


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Bertolucci later got in touch to confirm that yes indeed, there would be an "open door", but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open "a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it" (November 2009).

Democratic Peoples

If it seems the common people are lacking in this, flash mobs enabled by Smart Phones gathered at first for theater but soon turned to burning down London. More importantly, like child pornographers, they networked their disillusioned selves against what they called the unjust society, but really just scapegoating their parents and teachers for not doing what they should have themselves, that is, preventive maintenance on their lives. While it can be said many ways, Techno anarchists galore find much sympathy 

"hemmed in by a universe of intensely stupid people. Above me are alienated career political whores and cabbage patch corporates who’d rather see me recycled as fertilizer since I won’t ever buy their shit nor work for them. Around me I see apathetic consumers and worker drones who live life thinking the next best thing is being a pensioner. Below me are teeming masses of undereducated and genetically challenged morons who never had the opportunity to adequately blossom their mind." (Comment #2, Caught in the Middle) here

To dilate the social complaint of H+, that the robotic courtesies of society are degrading to the life of "consumer employees" for which the ordinary human seems socially hardwired, the complaint that


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"we don’t know each other, we don’t know the queer person, the straight person, the white person, black person, Latino person, disabled person, older person, religious person, atheist person,"

the solution is not remaining silent at the checkout counter to avoid mouthing inane platitudes, thus to preserve our sincerity at rejecting pop culture. 

You would think these technoanarchists never heard of the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit or of Willy Loman or a hundred other plays and novels detailing the malaise of society. But to jump to the cure, it is love, love for the checker, for the immigrant, for the human in the recognition that "there go I," thus extending the same hope and sympathy you youself would like to receive. The problem is that transhumans really despise ordinary humans and see them as only fit for extermination. Kurzweil Quaddafi, Nazi perfectionists aside, when I read of the H+ schemes, it makes me love the human and see myself as one with great gratitude, for we are imperfectly perfect.

To further impact the H+ more communicative side, Doctrine Zero has it that neo-gnosticism,  the idea that "you have lived your entire life in the darkened basement of reality,"  is

"based upon the idea that one could, in principle, remove the various perceptual filters imposed by our brains and societies, and perceive a much wider arena of Reality than that previously thought to exist."


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Perceptual filters being the defense mechanism of identity,  the irreal knowledge of the ET grasshopper that Terence McKenna achieved on DMT found him a demon. If it feels bad that insects can see the UV spectrum and you can't, that visible is defined by the human, then you can see this beating a straight line toward psychedelics and gene therapy, but again, not to belabor the DZ's, who are all too young to know this, were they to have patience to grow old their understanding would so increase that they would see into the electro-magnetic spectrum, they would know the height, breadth and depth of being in a way that they never will with DMT! Unbelievable! "Why didn't you tell me?" they ask. So while they demo the human as inferior, all along the old know you can live in the daylight and end in the light. They also know that to

return to the cave and tell all is to re enter the dark, and to the light,


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light matters. Anyway, who would believe it?

The ResistanceAll these together were the perfect storm combining the destructed family and traditional society and literature, the destruction of the natural world and the scientific moral ethics that simultaneously built the brain like sci fi movies said they would, Skynet, and learned how to revive every evil the earth had labored to extinguish from every remote past, monsters, tyrants, giants, and worst of all spirits that had been imprisoned in the earth, all the while saying to themselves that they were to be gods, transcendent ones, thus putting themselves at the greatest risk against the forces they were about to unleash upon themselves. That there existed a small cadre of opponents to this from all the areas mentioned, from science and philosophy to government and religion was something they wished to downplay, for these persons were sooo prejudiced. They belonged to hate groups. Of course the kettle was blackest under the pot.

What you will find here pretends to be a sample from the various groups and allegiances cited. It is an ongoing sample you may sample from yourself to go deeper. Chief sources are offered for this endeavor. That language has been used and still may be for the greatest deception belies the effort here that language is intended with integrity and humor, not rhetoric.


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