
    Glad to have you here Please take a moment to fill out our Welcome Card.

    the Gathering Peace be with you John 20:21 Alleluia! Christ is alive! Receive the Holy Spirit John 20:22 Let all the people praise him. Let all creation sing with joy. Alleluia! One Year Road Trip Half-Way Thank You!

    As children, 5th grade and under, are invited to their classes,

    parents feel free to take them to their classrooms (follow the arrows in the courtyard) and then slip back into the worship service.

    the Word Gospel Reading John 20:19-31(NRSV) Prayers of Intercession Judy Balswick He Keeps Showing Up - Tim Hsieh John 20:19-31 (N.T. page 109, 110) the Table Communion Tithes and Offerings Cross-Cultural Ministry Update Steve Stuckey the Sending

    Trusted prayer partners will be available after the service at the front. The ushers will collect benevolence Offering as you leave the

    sanctuary building. Nursing mothers room is available in the lobby with video link to

    the service. Please join us for refreshments in the gym after the service.

    LIVETHEVISION: Seeking God and Sharing God with

    a Beautiful and Broken World

    WELCOME! Glad to have you here

    Please take a moment to fill out our Welcome Card.

    the Gathering Peace be with you John 20:21 Alleluia! Christ is alive! Receive the Holy Spirit John 20:22 Let all the people praise him. Let all creation sing with joy. Alleluia! One Year Road Trip Half-Way Thank You!

    As children, 5th grade and under, are invited to their classes,

    parents feel free to take them to their classrooms (follow the arrows in the courtyard) and then slip back into the worship service.

    the Word Gospel Reading John 20:19-31(NRSV) Prayers of Intercession Judy Balswick He Keeps Showing Up - Tim Hsieh John 20:19-31 (N.T. page 109, 110) the Table Communion Tithes and Offerings Cross-Cultural Ministry Update Steve Stuckey the Sending

    Trusted prayer partners will be available after the service at the front. The ushers will collect benevolence Offering as you leave the

    sanctuary building. Nursing mothers room is available in the lobby with video link to

    the service. Please join us for refreshments in the gym after the service.

    LIVETHEVISION: Seeking God and Sharing God with

    a Beautiful and Broken World

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