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A road rage experience recently left me shaken. Not only because of the experience itself but because of the aggressiveness of as the person put it someone from a good family. I realised that despite my wish and agreement to solve the issue, this was an entity that walked out of his car not wanting to solve the problem but to assuage the need to intimidate. Finding his opponent a young driver and a mere woman despite efforts to calm him down, his need to bully was strongest. The driver was easy target and threats were an easy flow. The woman needed to butt out cause she is from a good family. Observing his body language all I could wonder is Why? I was willing to solve the issue, perhaps visit the appropriate authorities. But the aggressive stance didnt move an inch. And then when I willingly handed over my contact details, there was still a last parting threat You better call me or else.And this is a regular scene on the streets on

There are various kinds of bullies in our lives. One that we find in the corridors of our schools, giants bigger than us or then those bullies that are always one step smarter than us. Then there are those educators that think the book is that inspires the child and not the subject or themselves. And what of those members at home, who muddled in their own scripts or stories, need to feel a sense of control and edge over others. Emotions or discipline, the intention is to push their will down the throats. And its all done under the generous skyline of wanting to help cause they, obviously know better. These are the home-grown passed down to us by generations.

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