
Hadoop is a free, Java-based programming

framework that supports the processing of large

data sets in a distributed computing environment.

It is part of the Apache project sponsored by the

Apache Software Foundation.


Cost Effective



Resilient to Failure

Note : Hadoop is also called as Big Data

With Hadoop, you can mine Twitter,

Facebook and other social media

conversations for sentiment data about

you and your competition, and use it to

make targeted, real-time, decisions that

increase market share

Your home page looks Awesome. But how do you

move customers on to bigger things—like

submitting a form or completing a purchase? Get

more granular with customer segmentation.

Hadoop makes it easier to analyze, visualize and

ultimately change how visitors behave on your


Security breaches happen. And when

they do, your server logs may be your

best line of defense. Hadoop takes

server-log analysis to the next level by

speeding and improving security

forensics and providing a low cost

platform to show compliance. In this

deep-dive demo, we identify and respond

to a security breach using Hadoop

From out in the field to the assembly line

floor—machines stream low-cost, always-on

data. Hadoop makes it easier for you to store

and refine that data and identify meaningful

patterns, providing you with the insight to

make proactive business decisions.

Geolocation DataTo Get Big Profit From Predictive Analytics

Geolocation data is plentiful, and that’s part

of the challenge. The costs to store and

process voluminous amounts of data often

outweigh the benefits. Hadoop helps reduce

data storage costs while providing value

driven intelligence from asset tracking to

predicting behavior to enable optimization.

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