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Wednesday 19 December 2012


Chamber Desk Arrangements during the Christmas Recess

The Chamber Desk will close at 4.30 pm on Friday 21 December. It will reopen at 10.00 am on Wednesday 3 January 2012 when normal recess opening arrangements will resume.

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Summary of Today’s Business

Meetings of Committees

10.00 am Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee Committee Room 4 10.00 am Local Government and Regeneration

Committee Committee Room 1

10.00 am Public Audit Committee Committee Room 6 10.00 am Rural Affairs, Climate Change and

Environment Committee Committee Room 2


Meeting of the Parliament

Subject to the Parliament’s agreement of business motion S4M-05255, today’s business will be as follows 2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.00 pm Portfolio Questions

Health and Wellbeing followed by Ministerial Statement: Autumn Budget Statement followed by Stage 1 Debate: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill followed by Financial Resolution: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Marine Navigation (No.2) Bill – UK

Legislation followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business – S4M-05150 Rob Gibson: Pentland Firth and

Orkney Waters’ Marine Energy Constraints For full details of today’s business, see Section A. For full details of the future business, see sections B and C. ___________________________________________________________________

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The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold Section A: Today’s Business

- Meetings of Committees

- Meeting of the Parliament

Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament

Section C: Future Meetings of Committees

Section D: Oral Questions

- Questions selected for First Minister’s Questions

- Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time

Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer

Section F: Motions and Amendments

Section G: Bills

- New Bills introduced

- New amendments to Bills

- Members’ Bills proposals

Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published

Section I: Petitions – new public petitions

Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section A – Today’s Business

Meetings of Committees

All meetings take place in the Scottish Parliament, unless otherwise specified. Contact details for Committee Clerks are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee 34th Meeting, 2012

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4

1. Declaration of interests: Margaret McDougall will be invited to declare any relevant interests.

2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private.

3. Skills: The Committee will take evidence from— Angela Constance, Minister for Youth Employment, and Hugh McAloon, Head of Youth Employability and Skills, Scottish Government.

4. Public Bodies Consent Motion: The Committee will consider a draft public bodies consent motion on The Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013] (PBCM (S4) 5.1).

5. Skills: The Committee will consider the evidence heard on sklills.

Local Government and Regeneration Committee 30th Meeting, 2012

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1

1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private.

2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2012 SSI 2012/315.

3. Public services reform and local government: strand 2 – benchmarking and performance measurement: The Committee will take evidence from—

Derek Mackay, Minister for Local Government and Planning, and David Milne, Team Leader, Local Government Outcomes and Partnerships Unit, Scottish Government.

4. High Hedges (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

Derek Mackay, Minister for Local Government and Planning, Gery McLaughlin, Head of Community Safety Law and High Hedges Bill Team

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Leader, and Norman MacLeod, Senior Principal Legal Officer, Scottish Government Legal Directorate, Scottish Government;

and then from— Mark McDonald, Member-in-Charge; John Brownlie, Policy Manager, Community Safety Unit, and Emma Thomson, Principal Legal Officer, Scottish Government Legal Directorate, Scottish Government.

5. Regeneration inquiry: The Committee will consider details for fact-finding visits, and the launch of its call for evidence, as part of the inquiry.

6. High Hedges (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence received.

7. Scottish local government elections 2012 (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence received.

Public Audit Committee 19th Meeting, 2012

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 6

1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private.

2. Section 23 report - Health inequalities in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence on the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Health inequalities in Scotland" from—

Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Claire Sweeney, Portfolio Manager, and Phil Grigor, Project Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland;

and then from— Derek Feeley, Director General Health and Social Care and Chief Executive NHS, Sir Harry Burns, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, and Donald Henderson, Head of Public Health Division, Scottish Government.

3. Section 23 report - NHS financial performance 2011/12: The Committee will consider correspondence from the Scottish Government and supplementary information from Audit Scotland on the Auditor General for Scotland’s report entitled "NHS financial performance 2011/12".

4. Consideration of approach - Health inequalities in Scotland: The Committee will consider its approach to the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Health inequalities in Scotland" and take oral evidence from—

Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Angela Canning, Assistant Director, Claire Sweeney, Portfolio Manager, and Phil Grigor, Project Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 30th Meeting, 2012

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2

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1. Declaration of interests: Jayne Baxter will be invited to declare any relevant interests.

2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Scotland) Regulations 2012 SSI/2012/321; Plant Health (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Order 2012 SSI/2012/326; Crofting Register (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2012SSI/2012/327; Crofting Register (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 SSI/2012/328.

3. Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence in roundtable format on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

Craig Burton, Inshore Manager, Seafish; Stephen Cameron, Managing Director, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group; Jennifer Howie, Head of Shellfish Unit, Food Standards Association Scotland; Walter Speirs, Chairman, Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers; Peter Pollard, Principal Policy Officer (Water), Scottish Environmental Protection Agency; David McCallum, Chief Inspector, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary.

4. Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

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Meeting of the Parliament

Subject to the Parliament’s agreement of business motion S4M-05255, today’s business will be as follows 2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

S4M-05255 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees to the following revision to the programme of business—

Wednesday 19 December 2012


2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Health and Wellbeing

insert followed by Ministerial Statement: Autumn Budget Statement

after followed by Financial Resolution: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill

insert followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Marine Navigation (No.2) Bill –

UK Legislation

Thursday 20 December 2012

delete 2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.30 pm Finance Committee Debate: Draft Budget 2013-14

and insert 2.15 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.15 pm Ministerial Statement: Waiting Times Audit Report followed by Finance Committee Debate: Draft Budget 2013-14

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions

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Health and Wellbeing

1. Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Government what the reduction has been in the number of hospital acquired infections in the NHS Ayrshire and Arran area since May 2007. (S4O-01618)

2. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what its reasons are for not changing the regulations governing new pharmacy applications to allow an NHS board to consider any applications submitted rather than applications in sequence. (S4O-01619)

3. Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government when it last met representatives of NHS Lanarkshire and what issues were discussed. (S4O-01620)

4. Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Government what key issues were raised by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing at NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s annual board review meeting on 17 December 2012. (S4O-01621)

5. Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Government which NHS infrastructure projects in Grampian will proceed following the extra capital funding announced in the Autumn Statement. (S4O-01622)

6. Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether its policies and priorities for the health service are being undermined by UK Government policies. (S4O-01623)

7. Jim Eadie: To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with community pharmacy representatives on the future of pharmaceutical care. (S4O-01624)

8. Hanzala Malik: To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde regarding its waiting times data. (S4O-01625)

9. Stuart McMillan: To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to assist people with visual impairments. (S4O-01626)

10. Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made in rolling out the Childsmile service to schools and nurseries in the NHS Forth Valley area. (S4O-01627)

11. George Adam: To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to tackle smoking. (S4O-01628)

12. Gordon MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what actions are required to reduce health inequalities. (S4O-01629)

13. James Kelly: To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to the availability of drugs to treat cystic fibrosis. (S4O-01630)

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14. Willie Coffey: To ask the Scottish Government how it monitors and reviews the cost to the NHS of prescriptions issued by GP surgeries. (S4O-01631)

15. Alex Johnstone: To ask the Scottish Government what progress it has made on considering the adoption of the 111 telephone number for non-emergency healthcare services. (S4O-01632)

16. Jenny Marra: To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Tayside about waiting times. (S4O-01633)

17. Colin Keir: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with NHS Lothian and the City of Edinburgh Council regarding the delivery of the North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre. (S4O-01634)

18. John Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Ayrshire and Arran. (S4O-01635)

19. Joan McAlpine: To ask the Scottish Government what benefits it considers single-bed hospital wards will bring to patient care and wellbeing. (S4O-01636)

20. Linda Fabiani: To ask the Scottish Government when it last met NHS Lanarkshire. (S4O-01637) followed by Ministerial Statement: Autumn Budget Statement followed by Stage 1 Debate: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill S4M-05229 Nicola Sturgeon: Water Resources (Scotland)

Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Water Resources (Scotland) Bill.

followed by Financial Resolution: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill S4M-04853 John Swinney: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill:

Financial Resolution—That the Parliament, for the purposes of any Act of the Scottish Parliament resulting from the Water Resources (Scotland) Bill, agrees to any expenditure of a kind referred to in Rule 9.12.3(b) of the Parliament’s Standing Orders arising in consequence of the Act.

followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Marine Navigation (No.2) Bill – UK

Legislation S4M-05259 Keith Brown: Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill - UK

Legislation—That the Parliament agrees that the relevant provisions of the Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on 20 June 2012, relating to the Harbours Act 1964 and the Pilotage Act 1987, so far as these matters fall within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, should be considered by the UK Parliament.

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followed by Business Motions

S4M-05239 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion—That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 8 January 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Finance Committee Debate: Employability

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 9 January 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture and External Affairs

followed by Scottish Government Debate: Oil and Gas, The Success and


followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 10 January 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Action to Support Youth Employment

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

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Tuesday 15 January 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Scottish Government Business

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 16 January 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning

followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Freedom of Information (Amendment)

(Scotland) Bill

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 17 January 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

S4M-05240 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SI—That the Parliament agrees that the Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) (No.2) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

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S4M-05241 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSI—That the Parliament agrees that the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Scottish Land Court) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

S4M-05242 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSI—That the Parliament agrees that the Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 [draft] be approved.

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business Debate on the subject of— S4M-05150 Rob Gibson: Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters’

Marine Energy Constraints— That the Parliament notes with alarm the recent report from Scottish Renewables suggesting that the costs of grid connection and transmission for the delivery of electricity produced from marine renewables in the Marine Energy Park area, which comprises of sites in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters, are set to soar; understands that this follows new charges from Ofgem that will result in a transmission regime that will increase costs by 91%; notes that the estimates of the projected annual connection charges for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters area have increased from £56 million in 2011 to £107 million by 2020; understands that this contrasts with an annual subsidy of some £2 million that would have been available had these been commissioned in the waters off south-west England; believes that clean green energy brings massive potential for renewables and that the sector is already delivering jobs and investment in the Pentland Firth area, and expresses strong concern that, because of a UK regulatory system that it considers unfit for purpose, there is continued discrimination against the marine renewables sector in Scotland that could hinder the sector’s development.

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 12 December 2012

Thursday 20 December 2012 11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions 11.40 am General Questions (for text of questions see Section D of the

Business Bulletin for Thursday 13 December 2012) 12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions (for text of questions see Section D of

the Business Bulletin for Tuesday 18 December 2012) 12.30 pm Members’ Business – S4M-05153 Drew Smith: Job Losses at

Clydesdale Bank (for text of motion see Section F of the Business bulletin for Monday 17 December 2012)

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.30 pm Finance Committee Debate: Draft Budget 2013-14 (for text of

motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Monday 17 December 2012)

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time Tuesday 8 January 2013 2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time

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followed by Members’ Business Wednesday 9 January 2013 2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture and External Affairs (for names of those Members

selected for Portfolio Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Tuesday 18 December 2012)

followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business Thursday 10 January 2013 11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions 11.40 am General Questions (for names of those Members selected for

General Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Tuesday 18 December 2012)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions 12.30 pm Members’ Business 2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 20 December 2012 17th Meeting, 2012

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 6

1. Cross-Party Group: The Committee will consider a change of name and purpose for the Cross-Party Group on Tobacco Control.

2. Guidance on correcting inaccuracies (in private): The Committee will consider draft guidance.

3. Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament Act 2006 (in private): The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk.

4. Work programme (in private): The Committee will consider its work programme.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 17 January 2013, the Committee expects to take oral evidence on the Law Reform working group report and consider an issues paper on Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament Act 2006. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section E – Written questions lodged on 18 December 2012

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament. Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R". S4W-11916 Iain Gray: To ask the Scottish Government when it last met the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to discuss joint working on plant health strategies.

S4W-11917 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning has had with Queen Margaret University regarding its decision to pursue compulsory staff redundancies.

S4W-11918 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Government when the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning last met representatives of Queen Margaret University and what issues were discussed.

S4W-11919 Anne McTaggart: To ask the Scottish Government what projects or initiatives to provide legal advice to people facing property repossession or homelessness in Glasgow the Scottish Legal Aid Board has funded from its 2012-15 budget.

S4W-11920 John Wilson: To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take regarding air pollution levels at Scotland’s main railway stations following the publication of a recent Network Rail study on the matter.

S4W-11921 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-11036 by Michael Matheson on 22 November 2012, what information it has regarding whether additional processes were introduced by the (a) Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and (b) Commission on Human Medicines to ensure the quality, efficacy and safety of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine in light of the litigation initiated between 1992 and 2003 regarding its safety.

S4W-11922 Neil Findlay: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-10877 by John Swinney on 18 December 2012, which of the companies awarded contracts by (a) it and (b) its agencies since 2007 have been named by the Information Commissioner’s Office as subscribing to the Consulting Association; on what basis it concluded that there is no evidence of the use of blacklisting in relation to these contracts, and how it ensures that companies that are awarded such contracts maintain high standards of business and professional conduct when delivering them.

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S4W-11923 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government how many farmers have not received their single farm payments due in December 2012.

S4W-11924 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government how many farmers have not yet received their 2012 single farm payments as a result of clerical errors.

S4W-11925 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government what compensation will be offered to farmers who incur costs while waiting for single farm payments that are delayed through no fault of their own.

S4W-11927 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government how much notice farmers are given if their December single farm payments are delayed due to administrative errors.

S4W-11928 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government how many farmers have had their single farm payments delayed in two successive years through no fault of their own.

S4W-11929 Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what recent progress has been made in developing a dryport in Central Scotland to allow sustainable urban distribution of goods and the shift of goods from road to rail and water.

S4W-11930 Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will consider giving supermarkets that contribute toward business improvement districts dispensation from the public health levy.

S4W-11931 Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what recent progress has been made in encouraging local authority pension funds to invest in affordable and social housing.

S4W-11932 Angus MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on ship-to-ship oil transfers.

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are normally printed the day after they are lodged. If an amendment is lodged to a motion then the original motion will appear alongside the amendment, along with any support lodged that day, in this section.

Each Monday, this section also contains all motions and amendments lodged the previous week that are still live and any motions and amendments that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted from the list.

Where a motion or amendment has been withdrawn, it is indicated in this section the day after it has been withdrawn. Support for motions and amendments received after they are lodged is shown at the end of this section the day after such support is received.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

Asterisks before the motion or amendment number indicate a motion or amendment published for the first time;

Asterisks also identify alterations to the text of a motion or amendment made since it was first published;

A hash symbol identifies motions eligible for debate at Members’ Business;

A diamond symbol identifies motions lodged for Members’ Business that have not yet attracted the required cross-party support;

An "R", identifies motions or amendments in which the Member who lodged it has a registrable interest.

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments not scheduled for debate and which are over six weeks old.

A search facility is also available on the Scottish Parliament web site at

Any questions in relation to this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk, for which contact details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

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New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-05258♦ Jenny Marra: Big Concert Event of the Year at Creative Scotland’s 2012 Award Ceremony—That the Parliament congratulates Nicola Kilean and all involved with Sistema Scotland on winning Event of the Year at Creative Scotland’s 2012 Awards Ceremony; notes that the award was won for the Big Concert project; understands that the Big Concert was the culmination of the Big Noise project that began in Raploch in 2008 to provide children from deprived areas with the opportunity to improve attainment and learn new skills through intensive music tuition; believes that Sistema Scotland has made a significant difference to children’s lives in Raploch; notes the future work that it will carry out in Govanhill and the ongoing campaign to bring El Sistema to Dundee, and hopes that future endeavours for Sistema Scotland will be as welcome and successful as the Big Concert in Raploch.

*S4M-05257 Lewis Macdonald: Housing Benefit and Employment for Young People—That the Parliament notes what it considers the u-turn by the Conservative-led UK Government in its recent decision to make no changes to housing benefit entitlement for under-25s; understands that over 30,000 young people qualify for housing benefit in Scotland, while the unemployment rate for those aged 16 to 24 stands at over 20%; welcomes proposals by Liam Byrne MP for a bankers’ bonus tax to finance a real jobs guarantee for 100,000 young people in an effort to tackle youth unemployment across Britain, and calls on the Scottish Government to take urgent action to tackle the problem of youth unemployment in Scotland.

Supported by: Kezia Dugdale*, Margaret McCulloch*, Jackie Baillie*, Neil Findlay*, Michael McMahon*

*S4M-05256 Angus MacDonald: Bo’ness Hippodrome’s Successful 100th Anniversary Celebrations—That the Parliament notes the completion of the Hippodrome 100 project, which celebrated the 100th anniversary of Scotland’s oldest purpose-built cinema, the Hippodrome in Bo’ness; understands that this is the culmination of a year-long special programme of activity inspired by the Hippodrome and its place in the nation’s cinema-going heritage; notes that, in addition to the cinema’s regular programme, there were over 60 events, which included a touring exhibition, screenings on a refurbished railway buffet car, an ambassador mentoring scheme for 18 to 30-year-olds and a public art project in which over 150 P5 schoolchildren from Bo’ness took part; acknowledges the project funding by Falkirk Community Trust, Falkirk Council, VisitFalkirk and the National Lottery through Creative Scotland; believes that the project had nearly 1,000 participants and attracted over 3,000 audience members, and looks forward to many more years of entertainment at the Hippodrome for audiences, performers and members of the community.

*S4M-05255 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion—That the Parliament agrees to the following revision to the programme of business—

Wednesday 19 December 2012

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2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Health and Wellbeing

insert followed by Ministerial Statement: Autumn Budget Statement after followed by Financial Resolution: Water Resources (Scotland) Bill insert followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Marine Navigation (No.2) Bill – UK Legislation Thursday 20 December 2012 delete 2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.30 pm Finance Committee Debate: Draft Budget 2013-14 and insert 2.15 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2.15 pm Ministerial Statement: Waiting Times Audit Report followed by Finance Committee Debate: Draft Budget 2013-14

*S4M-05253 Gil Paterson: Milngavie Anchor Boys—That the Parliament congratulates members of the 1st/2nd Milngavie anchor boys on raising the most amount of money for World Mission across Scotland; notes that the World Mission Council is part of the Church of Scotland working in countries around the world, usually on the basis of partnership with local churches and institutions and always with a view to involving church members in Scotland; welcomes that the £1,328 raised by the anchor boys and presented to the Moderator of the General Assembly, will be, in the words of the officer in charge of the 1st/2nd Milngavie anchor boys, Mrs Val Dunn, ―enough for the Boys’ Brigade in Africa to buy an electric brick making machine which can be used to really make a difference now and in the future‖, and looks forward to further acts of great kindness by the 1st/2nd Milngavie anchor boys in the future, which not only add to their continued positive work, but to the continued acts of kindness from Scotland to its international partners.

*S4M-05252♦ James Dornan: Make Young People Your Business—That the Parliament welcomes the Skills Development Scotland campaign, Make Young People Your Business; notes that the campaign highlights that only 25% of businesses in Scotland have recruited young people straight from school, college or university in the last two to three years; considers that there is a false perception that young people who come straight from education are not ready for the workplace and

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that this perception makes it harder for young people to gain work experience; further considers that this perception flies in the face of research, with the majority of those taking on young people finding them ready for the workplace, demonstrated in the UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey 2011, which noted that 68% of businesses found that school leavers were ready for work and 82% of further education college leavers and 86% of university leavers were ready for work; highlights the website at, which helps ensure that employers in Glasgow and across the country are aware of the financial support and assistance available to them, and welcomes efforts to encourage employers to help young people build their skills base by looking favourably on Scotland’s young people and the fresh talent that they bring with them.

Supported by: Mark McDonald*, Fiona McLeod*, Bill Kidd*, Annabelle Ewing*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*, Clare Adamson*, Rob Gibson*

*S4M-05251 Gil Paterson: Clydebank Schools Unite against Sectarianism—That the Parliament congratulates the pupils and staff of Linnvale Primary School and St Eunan’s Primary School on their anti-sectarianism project; notes that the project, which brought together pupils from both schools to learn together and hold discussions on how sectarianism affects people’s lives, came from the novel, Divided City, by Theresa Breslin, which tells the story of two boys who form a football team even though they come from different backgrounds; welcomes the project for taking time to discuss the novel and the impact of sectarianism on people and their communities, providing pupils with a new sense of awareness of the subject; further welcomes what it considers the positive impact of the project, including creating links between the schools and highlighting that pupils from the different schools are mixing better, indicating a positive course in the fight against sectarianism in the future, and wishes the project continued success in the future and in any extension to other schools in Clydebank and Milngavie and across Scotland.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing*, Bill Kidd*, Dennis Robertson*, Rob Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Roderick Campbell*, Kevin Stewart*, Jackie Baillie*, Chic Brodie*, Marco Biagi*, Richard Lyle*

*S4M-05250 Mark McDonald: VSA’s Successful Recruitment Day—That the Parliament congratulates the charity, VSA, on what it understands was a successful recruitment day, which was held recently in Aberdeen; understands that the charity had previously noted concerns regarding a lack of people seeking careers in the care sector; notes that, following the recruitment day, VSA received 100 application forms in just two weeks and that these were all for paid jobs with them rather than voluntary positions, and commends the charity’s efforts to promote what it sees as the essential role of carers in the north east.

Supported by: Nanette Milne*, Joan McAlpine*, Bill Kidd*, Kevin Stewart*, Rob Gibson*, Annabelle Ewing*, Dennis Robertson*, Roderick Campbell*

*S4M-05249 Sandra White: Glasgow 2014 Ambassadors for Success—That the Parliament welcomes the announcement that the number of people to have registered an interest in volunteering at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games has hit the 40,000 mark; understands that almost two thirds hail from Scotland and

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that the top 10 areas are all Scottish, topped by Glasgow, and followed by Edinburgh, Paisley, Motherwell and Kilmarnock; notes that up to 15,000 volunteers will be recruited to deliver the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, and wishes the organisers and volunteers the best of success.

Supported by: Brian Adam*, Joan McAlpine*, Bill Walker*, Stuart McMillan*, John Mason*, Nanette Milne*, Liz Smith*, Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd*, Kevin Stewart*, Drew Smith*, Rob Gibson*, Annabelle Ewing*, Hugh Henry*, Jackie Baillie*, Richard Lyle*, Angus MacDonald*

*S4M-05248 David Stewart: Combat Stress—That the Parliament acknowledges the work of Combat Stress, considered the UK’s leading military charity specialising in the care of veterans’ mental health; notes that the charity has been in operation since 1919 and is currently working with over 5,000 veterans; applauds the treatment and support presently being provided to 729 Scottish veterans; commends the range of services, which include a 24-hour helpline, community outreach work, short-stay clinical treatment, raising awareness of the plight of veterans with wounded minds, a specialist Territorial and Reserve Forces liaison team and an NHS Specialised Services-commissioned veterans’ post-traumatic stress disorder programme; notes that this work has been supported by the Scottish administration since 2004; empathises with the charity’s maxim, They fight our wars – We fight their battles; understands that demand for the service is rising, and wishes the charitable organisation continued success in the future in caring for Britain’s armed forces veterans.

Supported by: Angus MacDonald*, Mark Griffin*, Adam Ingram*, Kenneth Gibson*, Jackie Baillie*, Nanette Milne*, Liz Smith*, Jamie McGrigor*, Margaret McDougall*, Hanzala Malik*, Christina McKelvie*, John Mason*, Neil Findlay*, Paul Martin*, Kevin Stewart*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Hugh Henry*, Roderick Campbell*, Mary Scanlon*, Richard Lyle*, Sarah Boyack*

*S4M-05247 Derek Mackay: Public Services Reform (Planning) (Pre-application consultation) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft]—That the Local Government and Regeneration Committee recommends that the Public Services Reform (Planning) (Pre-application consultation) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: John Swinney*, Fergus Ewing*

*S4M-05246 Derek Mackay: Public Services Reform (Planning) (Local Review Procedure) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft]—That the Local Government and Regeneration Committee recommends that the Public Services Reform (Planning) (Local Review Procedure) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: John Swinney*, Fergus Ewing*

*S4M-05245 Derek Mackay: Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Supplementary and Consequential Provisions) Order 2013 [draft]—That the Local Government and Regeneration Committee recommends that the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Supplementary and Consequential Provisions) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

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Supported by: John Swinney*, Fergus Ewing*

*S4M-05244 Jean Urquhart: Ainslie Henderson, International Animation Award Winner—That the Parliament congratulates Ainslie Henderson of the Edinburgh College of Art on being named winner in the animation category at the 2012 Adobe Design Achievement Awards; understands that Ainslie’s work, I Am Tom Moody, beat nearly 5,000 entrants from 70 countries; further understands that Ainslie enlisted the vocal help of the actor, Mackenzie Crook, for his project; considers that Ainslie’s victory, given the number of entrants, demonstrates the creative talent studying at Scotland’s colleges and universities; believes that this international recognition further demonstrates the opportunities available to those who pursue an interest in the arts, and encourages young people with creative talent to use it in whatever way they can.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor*, Bill Kidd*, Kevin Stewart*, Jackie Baillie*, Roderick Campbell*

*S4M-05243 Neil Findlay: Compulsory Redundancies at Queen Margaret University—That the Parliament is concerned at the threatened and confirmed compulsory redundancies at Queen Margaret University; is particularly concerned that the university does not appear to have followed the legislation in place to try and avoid compulsory redundancies and has not complied with its obligations to formally consult the university trade unions or the Scottish Government; believes that there is no need for these compulsory redundancies as the planned changes are part of a reorganisation with enough jobs available for all existing staff; notes that universities are autonomous bodies but that they also receive significant amounts of public money, and urges the Scottish Government to engage fully with the university and its unions to make sure that the law is complied with and compulsory redundancies avoided.

Supported by: Kezia Dugdale*, Jackie Baillie*, Iain Gray*, Hanzala Malik*, Hugh Henry*

*S4M-05242 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSI—That the Parliament agrees that the Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 [draft] be approved.

*S4M-05241 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSI—That the Parliament agrees that the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Scottish Land Court) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

*S4M-05240 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SI—That the Parliament agrees that the Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) (No.2) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

*S4M-05239 Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion—That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 8 January 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

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followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Finance Committee Debate: Employability

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 9 January 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture and External Affairs

followed by Scottish Government Debate: Oil and Gas, The Success and Opportunities

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 10 January 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Action to Support Youth Employment

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 15 January 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Scottish Government Business

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

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5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 16 January 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning

followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 17 January 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

*S4M-05238 Jean Urquhart: Shetland’s Emily Shaw, Scotland’s Young Ambassador—That the Parliament congratulates Emily Shaw, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) on being selected as Scotland’s new UK Young Ambassador; understands that the project gives young people the opportunity to discuss issues that affect them at an international level; notes that, in 2012, Emily has already represented Scotland at the Commonwealth Youth Parliament as well as representing Shetland in her role as an MSYP; applauds Emily’s engagement with and interest in the democratic process; believes that she is a positive role model for young people across Scotland; considers that Emily’s experiences demonstrate the benefits of the youth parliament to young people and Scotland, and encourages young people to get involved in their communities in whatever way they can.

Supported by: Anne McTaggart*, Chic Brodie*, Mike MacKenzie*, Liam McArthur*, Jamie McGrigor*, Colin Beattie*, Kenneth Gibson*, David Torrance*, Rhoda Grant*, Bill Kidd*, John Finnie*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson*, Dave Thompson*

*S4M-05237 John Mason: Scotland’s Population is on the up—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of recent census data that shows that Scotland’s population, after years of decline, has reached 5.29 million, and believes

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that an increased population is inherently a good thing for Glasgow and Scotland, leading to growth in the economy, the tax base, new businesses, employment opportunities, improved local services, public transport and better use of currently derelict land in rural and urban environments.

Supported by: Rob Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*, Angus MacDonald*, Graeme Dey*, Mike MacKenzie*, Annabelle Ewing*, Adam Ingram*, Stewart Stevenson*, Bill Walker*, Bill Kidd*, Brian Adam*, Marco Biagi*, Richard Lyle*

*S4M-05236 Elaine Smith: Moira Anderson—That the Parliament welcomes Sheriff Frank Pieri’s decision to allow the exhumation of a grave in Old Monkland Cemetery in Coatbridge; understands that it is believed that the grave may contain the remains of the missing schoolgirl, Moira Anderson, an 11-year-old Coatbridge resident who went missing in 1957; congratulates the Moira Anderson Foundation, a charity set up in 2000 in the name of the missing girl, on the work that it has done both on the unsolved case and in supporting people who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse; believes that the decision to exhume is a positive step for the investigation, and hopes that it will bring closure to Moira’s family and those involved with the case.

Supported by: Mike MacKenzie*, Graeme Dey*, Christina McKelvie*, Anne McTaggart*, James Kelly*, Annabelle Ewing*, Roderick Campbell*, Richard Lyle*, Malcolm Chisholm*, Sarah Boyack*, Neil Findlay*, Kevin Stewart*, Bill Kidd*, Dennis Robertson*

*S4M-05235 Stuart McMillan: Launch of MV Hallaig—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of MV Hallaig at Ferguson’s shipyard in Port Glasgow on 17 December 2012; notes that this is the first commercial ship to be wholly built and delivered on the Clyde in more than five years and is the first of two vessels being built at the Ferguson’s yard; understands that the building of this ship was possible only due to investment by the Scottish Government; believes the hybrid powered vessel to be the first of its kind in the world and that it represents a source of pride for the local community, and commends all those involved in the creation of the vessel and in maintaining Port Glasgow and what it considers Inverclyde’s proud shipbuilding heritage.

Supported by: Graeme Dey*, Angus MacDonald*, Kevin Stewart*, Gordon MacDonald*, David Torrance*, Annabelle Ewing*, Roderick Campbell*, Rob Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Mike MacKenzie*, Adam Ingram*, Bill Walker*, Stewart Stevenson*, Kenneth Gibson*, Bill Kidd*, Brian Adam*, Margaret McDougall*, Dennis Robertson*, Jean Urquhart*, Dave Thompson*

*S4M-05215 John Finnie: Pat Finucane Murder—That the Parliament acknowledges the release on 12 December 2012 of Sir Desmond de Silva’s review of the murder of the Belfast solicitor, Patrick Finucane, in 1989; understands that the report found that Royal Ulster Constabulary officers proposed that Mr Finucane be killed, passed information to his killers and failed to stop the attack before obstructing the murder investigation; further understands that a member of an army intelligence unit, the Force Research Unit, was involved in selecting targets; believes that MI5 received intelligence two months before the killing that Mr Finucane was under threat but no action was taken to protect his life; considers that the review clearly identifies

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state collusion as it reveals extensive leaks of security force information to the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) and other loyalist paramilitary groups, as well as a failure to investigate and arrest key members of the West Belfast UDA over a long period of time; welcomes the comments by the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland that the failings evidenced "now needed to be assessed to see whether there are people who can be held accountable"; notes and understands the Finucane family’s dissatisfaction with the review process and conclusions; reminds the Prime Minister, David Cameron, that, in the case of a Libyan rendition claim, he pledged to launch a judge-led inquiry into allegations against the secret agencies, and calls on the UK Government to ensure that such state collusion in criminal acts cannot happen in the future.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Bill Walker*, Neil Findlay*

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-05234 Shetland’s MSYP Emily Shaw is New UK Young Ambassador (lodged on 17 December 2012) Mary Scanlon*, Anne McTaggart*, Jamie Hepburn*, John Finnie* S4M-05233 Largs Housing and Dementia Day Care Centre (lodged on 17 December 2012) Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05232 Awards for the CAFÉ Project and Starter Packs (lodged on 17 December 2012) Joan McAlpine*, Annabelle Ewing*, Richard Lyle*, Mike MacKenzie*, Rob Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*, Anne McTaggart*, Adam Ingram*, Colin Beattie*, Roderick Campbell*, Chic Brodie*, David Torrance*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson* S4M-05230 Respect My Dying Wish Campaign Success (lodged on 17 December 2012) Mary Scanlon*, Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05227 The European Union, Winner of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize (lodged on 17 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Bob Doris*, Rob Gibson*, David Torrance*, Marco Biagi* S4M-05226 Closure of Clyde Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (lodged on 17 December 2012) John Mason*, Annabelle Ewing*, Rob Gibson*, David Torrance*, Jamie Hepburn*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05224 Son of Angus Honoured in the USA (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson* S4M-05223 Ballast Trust (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05222 £10,000 Donated to Arbroath Good Causes (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson*

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S4M-05221 Future of Knightswood Community Centre (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Bob Doris*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson* S4M-05220 Congratulations to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (lodged on 14 December 2012) John Lamont*, Hugh Henry*, Annabelle Ewing*, Mike MacKenzie*, Colin Beattie*, Dennis Robertson*, David Torrance*, Jamie Hepburn*, Kevin Stewart*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05219 Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs (lodged on 14 December 2012) Nigel Don*, John Finnie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05218 Street Stuff (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson*, Jean Urquhart*, Hugh Henry* S4M-05217 Falkirk Safe Zone (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Mike MacKenzie*, Anne McTaggart*, Jamie Hepburn*, Jean Urquhart*, John Wilson* S4M-05216 Julie Fowlis (lodged on 14 December 2012) Annabelle Ewing*, Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05213 Delay to DLA Reforms (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don*, John Finnie*, Jamie Hepburn*, Dennis Robertson*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05212 Seabird Action Plan (lodged on 13 December 2012) Alison Johnstone*, Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05211 Save the Children, Give us a Hand with Childcare (lodged on 13 December 2012) David Torrance*, John Mason*, Liam McArthur*, Stewart Stevenson*, Annabelle Ewing*, Stuart McMillan*, Adam Ingram*, Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*, Christina McKelvie*, Bruce Crawford*, Roderick Campbell*, Jean Urquhart* S4M-05210 Coastal Communities Fund Awards Announced (lodged on 13 December 2012) Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05209 ScotRail and Wi-fi (lodged on 13 December 2012) Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05206 Scottish Government Must Address Concerns about Unconventional Gas (lodged on 13 December 2012) Malcolm Chisholm*, Margaret McDougall*, Kezia Dugdale* S4M-05205 Official Opening of Park House Health Care, Cumbernauld (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05204 Currie, Balerno and District Round Table (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*

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S4M-05202 Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn*, Fiona McLeod*, Alison McInnes* S4M-05201 Heriot-Watt University Brings Global Thinking and Worldwide Influence (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don*, Jamie Hepburn* S4M-05199 Reverend Ian Miller Receives Freemanship of West Dunbartonshire (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05196 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Volunteering Award goes to Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (lodged on 13 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05193 Home-Start UK (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05192 Students Taking Control of their Learning (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05191 Ardardan Team Honoured at Business Awards (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05190 The One (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05189 Hospital Discharge Pack for Carers (lodged on 12 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05181 Landlords and Housing Benefit Reform (lodged on 11 December 2012) Aileen McLeod* S4M-05178 Congratulations to Angela Webster and Findlay Munro (lodged on 11 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05173 Jobcentre Plus (lodged on 11 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05171 Devolve Air Passenger Duty (lodged on 10 December 2012) Aileen McLeod* S4M-05168 Celebrating International Human Rights Day 2012 (lodged on 10 December 2012) Alison McInnes* S4M-05167 University of the West of Scotland, Dumfries Campus (lodged on 10 December 2012) Nigel Don*, Graeme Pearson* S4M-05134 CEPR Delegation to Gaza (lodged on 06 December 2012) Lewis Macdonald* S4M-05128 The Origins of Addiction (lodged on 06 December 2012) Nigel Don*, John Mason* S4M-05127 Congratulations to Philip Glennie (lodged on 06 December 2012) Nigel Don*

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S4M-05125 Rosebank Craft Brewery and Visitor Centre (lodged on 05 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05117 Time for a New Motions Process (lodged on 05 December 2012) Alison McInnes* S4M-05114 Top Marks for the University of Stirling (lodged on 05 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05107 Lothian Buses’ Green VIBES (lodged on 04 December 2012) Nigel Don* S4M-05102 The Case for Universalism, the Jimmy Reid Foundation Report (lodged on 04 December 2012) Aileen McLeod* S4M-04857 Migrants’ Rights Day (lodged on 16 November 2012) Annabel Goldie* S4M-04688 Congratulations to Dr Winifred Ewing (lodged on 05 November 2012) Graeme Dey*

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section G – Bills

Proposals for Members’ Bills

A member seeking to introduce a Member’s Bill must first lodge a draft proposal, together with a consultation document (or a statement of reasons why consultation is not considered necessary). Subsequently, the member may lodge a final proposal, in broadly similar terms to the draft, accompanied by a summary of consultation responses (or the statement of reasons). The member secures the right to introduce a Bill to give effect to the proposal if the final proposal secures, within one month, the support of at least 18 other members from at least half the political parties or groups represented in the Parliamentary Bureau, and provided no indication is given that the Scottish Government or UK Government is planning equivalent legislation. All current proposals (together with associated documents) are available on the Scottish Parliament website at Proposals for Members’ Bills / Session 4 Proposals:

New or Reprinted Draft Proposal

Dennis Robertson: Proposed Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges (Scotland) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to strengthen the Blue Badge Scheme enforcement powers, including powers to cancel and confiscate badges in certain circumstances, and to provide an appeals process for applicants when their Blue Badge application is refused on eligibility grounds. (lodged 18 December 2012).

A consultation document, lodged with the proposal, may be viewed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) or on the website page referred to above. The consultation period runs from 18 December 2012 to 20 March 2013.

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section H – New Documents

Committee Reports The following reports were published on 18 December 2012—

Subordinate Legislation Committee, 61st Report 2012 (Session 4): Subordinate Legislation (SP paper 240) Subordinate Legislation Committee, 62nd Report 2012 (Session 4): Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (SP paper 241)

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)

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Business Bulletin: Wednesday 19 December 2012

Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress

A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics. As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon. A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2. Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders. Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day. (G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (G)

Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)) 19 December

Forth Road Bridge Bill (G)

Introduced 11 December

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Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 completed 5 December

Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

High Hedges (Scotland) Bill (M)

Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Local Government and Regeneration)) 19 December

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill (G)

Stage 1 (lead committee (Finance)) 5 December Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill (G)

Stage 1 (lead committee (Education and Culture)) 11 December Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill (G)

Stage 2 completed 13 November Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected] )

Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill (G)

Passed 28 November

Water Resources (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 19 December

Stage 1 Report – Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee (11th Report, 2012)

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 18 December 2012 Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 [draft]

(9 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment) Lead committee to report by 8 January 2013

Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Scottish Land Court) Order 2013 [draft] (14 November 2012) (Justice)

Lead committee to report by 23 January 2013

Knife Dealers (Licence Conditions) (Scotland) Order 2012 [draft] (29 November 2012) (Justice)

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Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Supplementary and Consequential Provisions) Order 2013 [draft] (29 November 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Public Services Reform (Planning) (Pre-application consultation) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (29 November 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Public Services Reform (Planning) (Local Review Procedure) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (29 November 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Lead committee to report by 3 February 2013

Council Tax (Variation for Unoccupied Dwellings) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Lead committee to report by 4 February 2013 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft] (11 December 2012) (Justice)

Negative Instruments Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Subordinate Legislation Committee. Subject to annulment by 9 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 7 January 2013

Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/305) (15 November 2012) (Justice) Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Assistance to Registered Social Landlords and Other Persons) (Grants) Amendment Revocation Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/306) (15 November 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Subject to annulment by 10 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 7 January 2013

Rural Development Contracts (Rural Priorities) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/307) (16 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 13 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 7 January 2013

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Diligence against Earnings (Variation) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/308) (19 November 2012) (Economy, Energy and Tourism)

Subject to annulment by 16 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 7 January 2013

Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/315) (22 November 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Police Grant (Variation) (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/316) (22 November 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 17 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 7 January 2013

Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/318) (23 November 2012) (Health and Sport) Council Tax Reduction (State Pension Credit) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/319) (23 November 2012) (Welfare Reform) M74 Motorway (Fullarton Road to the M8 West of Kingston Bridge) (Speed Limit) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/320) (23 November 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment) Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/321) (23 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 20 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 14 January 2013

Court Fees (Miscellaneous Amendments) Scotland Order 2012 (SSI 2012/322) (26 November 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 22 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 14 January 2013

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Metal Dealers’ Exemption Warrants) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/324) (28 November 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 23 January 2013 Lead committee to report by 14 January 2013

Town and Country Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/325) (29 November 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Plant Health (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/326)

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(29 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment) Crofting Register (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2012 (SSI 2012/327) (29 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment) Crofting Register (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/328) (29 November 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 3 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 28 January 2013

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Child Protection Emergency Measures) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/334) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture) Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rights of Audience of the Principal Reporter) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/335) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Safeguarders: Further Provision) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/336) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture) Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Appeals against Dismissal by SCRA) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/337) (10 December 2012) (Education and Culture)

Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/338) (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Council Tax (Exempt Dwellings) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012 (SSI 2012/339) (10 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 5 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 28 January 2013 Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) (Amendment) (No. 2) 2012

(SSI 2012/341) (12 December 2012) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 7 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 4 February 2013

M9/A90/M90 Trunk Road (Humbie Rail Bridge to M9 Junction 1a) (Variable Speed Limits and Actively Managed Hard Shoulder) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/343) (14 December 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

M9/A9 Trunk Road (Newbridge to Winchburgh) (Variable Speed Limits and Actively Managed Hard Shoulder) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/344)

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(14 December 2012) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Subject to annulment by 19 February 2013 Lead committee to report by 11 February 2013

Local Government Pension Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/347) (17 December 2012) (Local Government and Regeneration) Shetland Islands Regulated Fishery (Scotland) Order 2012 (SSI 2012/348) (17 December 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment) Marketing of Bananas (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/349) (17 December 2012) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

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Contacts for Further Information

All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX

Web site:

General Enquiries 5000

Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199

Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187

Legislation Team 5277

Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124

Committee web sites at:

Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact

Education and Culture 5222 Contact

Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact

European and External Relations 5226 Contact

Finance 5451 Contact

Health and Sport 5410 Contact

Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact

Justice 5047 Contact

Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact

Public Audit 5236 Contact

Public Petitions 5254 Contact

Referendum (Scotland) Bill Committee 6124 Contact

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact

Subordinate Legislation 5175 Contact

Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Parliamentary Bureau The Conveners Group

Scottish Commission for Public Audit

MSP Details Glossary

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Printed in Scotland by APS Group Scotland

ISBN 978-1-78307-059-6

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