  • 7/28/2019 Business Ethics (Group)


    Business Ethics BUS 4053



    In this era of globalization, doing business ethically is not only is an obligation, but

    becoming a necessary for a company to gain society acceptance, improve company

    image, and contribute to build sustainable economic, market and environment which arethe elements that vital for companys long term sustainability. Study of ethic involved

    complex mix of theoretical orientations including humanistic, behavioural and

    intellectual, which could defined as the structured and critical examination of how

    institutions and individual behave in business, which involves appropriate constraints on

    gaining company profits and self benefits which the actions will affects others (Chris).

    However, business ethic was a very subjective topic which different individual will have

    different perception toward how to do business ethically and distinct bottom line of ethic.

    Hence, ethical philosophies are diversified different perception and bottom line of

    ethical conducts and behaviours. Regarding to case scenario that giving in this

    assessment, few ethical philosophies have been stated and applied to the scenario.

  • 7/28/2019 Business Ethics (Group)


    Business Ethics BUS 4053


    1.) Differences between Philosophies

    a.) Utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism defined that the decisions that can bring the greatest benefit to majority

    people is consider as ethically correct. (William H Shaw, 2009)

    The advantages of this theory is that comparison can be make for other similar predicted

    solutions, in order to find out the best solution or the decision which can beneficial

    majority people. A logical and rationale argument would occur for every decision

    making, and enable people to apply it on case by case context. However, the

    disadvantage of this theory is that future is hard to be predicted. There are no human

    beings can certain their prediction are true. The unexpected results may make the

    decision become unbeneficial to majority people. In this circumstance, that person

    would be considering as unethical. (Advantages and disadvantages of utilitarianism -

    Marked by Teach ..., 2007)

    It can be divided into two types, which are act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. Act

    utilitarianism defined that a person would perform an act which can benefit majority

    people even without include their personal feeling and law. For example, a manager was

    late to the meeting, but the reason of late is that he is preparing additional information

    and notes for every members in the meeting.(Rainbow)

    However, rule utilitarianism is slightly different as compare with above. Although, it

    also will perform an act to benefit majority people, at the same time, it will provide

    justice and fairness. For instance, a lecturer is on time to the class, believe she believe

    that her lecture will benefit to her student, at the same time; she is following the rule that

    has been implemented in the university.(Rainbow)

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    Business Ethics BUS 4053


    b.) Deontology

    The word deontology comes from the Greek. Deontology means duty and logos mean

    science. Thus, deontology means science of duty. Deontology is a normative theory

    regarding which decisions is required, forbidden or permitted. It is a theory which guides

    us on what we ought to do. For example, an older brother may have an obligation to

    protect his little sister when they cross a busy road together.(Deontological Ethics

    (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy))1

    A more satisfactory foundation for moral rights is provided by Immanuel Kant. It is

    based on a moral principle that he called categorical imperative. The first version of

    categorical imperative is act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same

    time will that it become universal law.A maxim would become universal law if every

    person in the same situation choose to do the same thing for the same reason. Kant

    categorical imperative focuses on a persons interior motivation but not the external

    consequences of his or her actions. (Deontological Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of


    The second version of categorical imperative is act in such way that you treat humanity,

    whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an

    end and never simply as a means. This means that treating humanity as an end is that

    we should treat each human being as a free and rational person. This principle in effect

    says that people should not be treated as objects incapable of free and rational choice.

    (Deontological Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy))

    c.) Ethics of Right and Justice (Virtue Theory)

    1Deontological Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (n.d.). Retrieved from

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    Business Ethics BUS 4053


    Ethics of right defined by John Locks as natural rights are certain basic, important,

    inalienable entitlements that should be respected and protected in every single action-

    right to life, freedom, and property. This is strongly based in western view of morality.

    Justice can be defined as the simultaneously fair treatment of individuals in a given

    situation with the result that everybody gets what they deserve. On the other hand, the

    Theory of Justice which stated by John Rawls, every person is to have an equal right

    to the most extensive total system of basic liberties compatible with a similar system of

    liberty for all.2

    Raising objections to other normative theories and defining itself in opposition to the

    claims of others, was the first stage in the development of virtue ethics. Virtue ethics aim

    of the moral life is to develop those general dispositions called moral virtues. Virtue

    ethics are generally making decisions based on integrity and characters. Moreover,

    There are six dimensions of virtue ethic in business are community, excellence, role

    identity, holism, judgment and integrity.3

    d.) Egoism and Hedonism

    Egoism generally refers to the pursuit of they own welfare or interests. An egoist

    completely doesnt care about welfare or anyone else's interests. This means that, in fact

    they don't care about anyone else's welfare or interests, only they own benefits or

    benefits. Example if my slaves are hungry, I will feed them. Otherwise they will starve

    to death and then my pyramid will never be built4.

    2 Khurana, P. (2013). Theoretical Perspective of Conceptual Variables [ONLINE] Available at: [Last

    Accessed 13 July 2013].3

    2. Athanassoulis, N. (2010). Virtue Ethics [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 13 July 2013].4Egoism. (2013, July 14). Retrieved from Egoism:


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    Business Ethics BUS 4053


    Term comes from Greek the word "hedonism", refers to several related theories about

    what is good for people, people should be how to behave, what motivates their behavior

    and they do. All of the hedonism theory identifies pleasure and pain as the only

    important elements of the design of any description. Determine if hedonism theory only

    pleasure and pain are the two important elements, not only the description of the

    important elements and then they would not be so unpopular because they are. However,

    the claim that pleasure and pain is the only thing is very important to hedonism and

    interesting unique philosophy5.

    The personal egoist in the business world does whatevers necessary to maximize his or

    her own happiness. What others do, however, is considered their business. Simply to say

    it means to pursuit of their personal long-term interests6.

    Impersonal egoism states that an individual should always act in his or her own best

    long-term interest7.

    An impersonal egoist may find comfort in the invisible hand argument that the best way

    for people to do right with respect to society in general is to get rich. Of course its true

    that theres something crude in shameless money-grubbing, but when they look at things

    with rational eyes, it is hard to avoid noticing that the kinds of advances that make lives

    better. Example, cars affordably produced on assembly lines; drugs from Lipitor to Chap

    Stick; cell phones and spill-proof pens. It does not mean that an egoist will act against

    the interest of the society. They may be able to safeguard their interest without hurting

    the interest of others. When an organization performs or safeguards its interest without

    5Weijers, D. (2011, August 10). Hedonism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]. Retrieved from

    Hedonism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]:

    6Egoism: Just Me - 2012 Book Archive. (2011, May 15). Retrieved from Egoism: Just Me - 2012 Book

    Archive: theories of ethics that rule the world - (2012). Retrieved from Nine

    theories of ethics that rule the world -

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    Business Ethics BUS 4053


    hurting the interest of others, then we can say that the organization acts ethically3

    (Egoism: Just Me - 2012 Book Archive, 2011).

    2.) Application

    In our point of view, it is ethical for Betty to obey the orders and requests of her

    superiors. Based on the utilitarianism ethical theory, Betty was performing the act which

    is beneficial most of the people, even though, her act was illegal. In this case study, both

    act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism were applied to the situation.

    In the first half part of the case study, Betty plays as a rule utilitarian. As shows in the

    case study, Betty was disagreed to slash expenses through improper accounting, because

    this act is breaking the law. Yet, while her superior request her cooperation to make the

    company finances look better and promised that it was one time fix. Eventually, she was

    agreed with it. However, she was tending to resign her job because of guiltiness. At this

    circumstance, although Betty was beneficial majority of them, at the same time, she was

    following the rule of company, by prepared taking an action of resign.

    In the following half part, Betty was changing her role from rule utilitarian to act

    utilitarian. According to the case study, after the senior executive persuaded her to stay,

    she was abandoning her desire to resign. At this situation, Betty was not obeying to the

    company rule and law, although her decision was beneficial to majority of people.

    Therefore, act utilitarianism was come under this circumstance. Moreover, after she

    discover the fact was different with what has been promised by her superior. Betty was

    still willing to assign them, even though the figures were needed to fudge again and

    again until the company was declare bankruptcy and sued for the guilty of fraud.

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    Business Ethics BUS 4053



    Decision making is much depending on circumstances, individual values, and external

    influences, however, people will not deliberately make a decision that wrong and harm

    in their perception. In other word, Betty is trying to make a right decision in the dilemmacondition which in the middle of legislation and interests of majority. In conclusion,

    Betty conducts is unethical for obeying the orders and requests of her superiors. First

    proven by the intention of her to resign even she holding the high position in WorldCom

    as manager, which the order of superiors is contradicted with her own set of values and

    integrity. Ethic may be a very subjective topics, which it is hard to define right or wrong

    in complex circumstances that might affected large chain of people and other elements.

    WorldCom is trying to protect company interest and avoid penalty of legislation,

    confusing Betty which it is act of utilitarianism that protect majority interest of the

    individuals in the company, however, the true ethical bottom line should be set higher,

    focus to larger scope, which is not only protect company interests, but to protect the

    welfare and fairness of society. Regarding the guideline that ethic should focus to larger

    scope of public, Improper accounting could affect taxation, might involves corruption,

    and unfair to government and competitors, finally indirectly affecting the society.

    Hence, Betty conducts are unethical.

  • 7/28/2019 Business Ethics (Group)


    Business Ethics BUS 4053



    Advantages and disadvantages of utilitarianism - Marked by Teach ... (2007, November

    27). Retrieved from> ... > Politics > Political


    Deontological Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Egoism. (2013, July 14). Retrieved from Egoism:


    Egoism: Just Me - 2012 Book Archive. (2011, May 15). Retrieved from Egoism: Just Me

    - 2012 Book Archive:


    Nine theories of ethics that rule the world - (2012). Retrieved from

    Nine theories of ethics that rule the world -

    Rainbow, C. (n.d.).Descriptions of Ethical Theries and Principles - Biology ...

    Retrieved from


    Weijers, D. (2011, August 10).Hedonism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy].

    Retrieved from Hedonism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]:

    William H Shaw, V. B. (2009).Moral Issues In Business - First Asia Pacific Edition .

    Cengage Learning Australia.

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