Page 1: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

Meetings: 02/06-09/12—Ana at Minister’s Week 02/14/12—Tuesday Men’s Group 6:00 A.M., Fellowship at 7:00 A.M. 02/21/12—Tuesday, 8:00 A.M. Bible Babes at the Bistro 6:30 P.M. Mission and Stewardship 02/23/12—Ana at Palo Duro Presbytery 02/22/12—Ash Wednes-day Service at FUMC 02/24 -25—Friday & Sat-urday, Central Area Men’s Retreat @ Lake Brown-

wood 5:00 P.M. Friday. 02/28/12—Central Area Woman’s Retreat early registration due today. 02/29/12—CWF 5:30P.M. At the Cooper’s

Sunday Events by Date

02/05/12 - Ana’s Instal-

lation with Fellowship


02/12/12 - Fellowship

with FUMC,

bring des-


02/26/12 - 1st Sunday in


Youth Every Wednesday in February

Now meeting at the NEW FPC!!!! Normal Meeting Times.

02/11/12 The Rock & Worship Con-cert @ Key Yeager Coli-seum - High School Youth. Cost $10.00, Time: 3:30-10:30 02/17/18 - Jr. High

School Camp @ LBCR –

Meet at FPC at 5:00P.M.

Friday, back Sunday


This year is off to a

great start! New minis-

tries are on the horizon

and new excitement fills

the our church!

The Men’s group starts

meeting again this month

and they anticipate not

just fellowship meetings,

but meetings of hands-

on outreach to people in

the community.

Not to be outdone, the

Bible Babes also start

this month with Break-

fast at the Bistro.

We brought in more

nursery help so our

young adults can partici-

pate in the various ac-


We also anticipate min-

istries for our kids, fel-

lowship meals and activi-

ties throughout the year!

Yipeee! What an excit-

ing time!

Life in the Parish


0 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 1 2

Jacksboro Parish F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2


02/01 – Rhonda


02/01 – Dorothy


02/02 – Brent


02/03 – Ryan


02/10 - Norma


02/11 – Ronnie


02/14 – Andrew


02/15 – Liz


02/17 – Tom


02/18 – Anne


02/23 – Tina


02/24 – McCall


02/27 – Corky



2/14 Tom and

Alex Neal

Page 2: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

P A G E 2


Do you love hearing

the children at

children’s moments?

Think how much

fun Children’s

Church will be!

Volunteer with

these great kids!

Young Women,

come to the Bistro!

CHILDREN’S Ministries


Bible Babes at the Bistro Young women, you

asked for it and

now it’s here! A

group that supports

one another, listens

in times of frus-

trations, celebrates

our joys and has

an impact on our

lives comes to

Jacksboro Parish.

Join us for this

first gathering on

2/21 at 8 am. Let’s

get together and

discover more about

ourselves, one an-

other and our

faith! Girls get-

ting together is

lots of fun and

think of all the

fun we can have!

comes out on the first!


help in




Committees and

groups, please get

Newsletter articles in

to the office by the

25th of each month so

that the newsletter

and turned in on time

makes our


tion better

in the Par-

ish! Thanks

The Edu-



found a good Children’s

Church Programs, we

just need volunteers to

implement and have a

great time with kids!

Please contact Karen

Davenport with your

willingness to

help...even one

Sunday is


In the Works: As we

see more and more chil-

dren attending

church, we need

volunteers who

will love them, care for

them and their families.

Hear ye,

hear ye!

Get all the

news and


things hap-

pening here

at Jacksboro



Page 3: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

Presbyterian Update on Building

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

This week First Pres-

byterian Church sold

its beloved church on

the corner of Live Oak

and Knox street.

There are mixed emo-

tions from everyone in

the congregation and I

pray we will love and

support one another

in this time of

closing out one

ministry and

honor those who

made that minis-

try possible. At the same

time, we excitedly antici-

pate where God leads us

into the future. As part of

the contract, Bible Baptist

gave us their building (I call it the

new FPC)which means that

youth ministry continues as well

as looking at possible new minis-

tries for our congregation.

May God lead, guide and direct

us as we step into this new fron-

tier of ministry in a new building!

Where: Mo-Ranch

When: May 29-31 or

June 1-3

Theme: Reflecting the

light from Mountaintop to


Cost: $242-280/person

There are some scholar-

ships available. For

more information:


A great opportunity

awaits you with this con-

ference! Programming

consists of how we re-

spond to our mountain top

experiences on our daily

main street days.

First Pre-


sold their


Presbyterian Women’s Conference

Central Area Men’s Men’s-Feb. 24-25, 2012



available for


conference! !

Theme: At the Crossroads

Keynoter: Rev. Ben Hubert

Where: Lake Brownwood Christian Retreat

Cost: $55 if register by 2/20/12

Contact the office for further information

Page 4: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

P A G E 4

Coincidences are

really God in

action and can be



We still need one

more MDO worker!

Alcoholics Annonymous

Note’s from TJ

Children’s Director Hello Church Members,

I would like to share a little

bit of information with you

all. I am currently conduct-

ing a survey throughout

MDO and Preschool. I

have been researching sur-

rounding MDO programs

and have come up with

some ideas for next school

year. A brief overview of

my ideas consists of com-

bining MDO and Preschool

(MDO Xtreme) and chang-

ing the program to Tuesday

and Thursday, 9am-3pm,

September through May.

Ages that could attend

would be 6 weeks -5 years.

A Christian based curricu-

lum would be offered.

During the summer we

would hold class on

Wednesdays during June

and July with the month of

August off. A school aged

group will also be offered

during the summer. The

ages would be K-3rd. They

too would have a summer


I am very excited to get the

surveys in and see what the

parents think about the idea.

If you are a church member

and your child does not

attend MDO or Preschool

but will in the future I

would love for you to fill

out a survey. I know the

information I have provided

to you is very minimal, but

at this time the change is

not definite. It is research

to find out if this would be

the best way for us to edu-

cate the children

of the future.

Stephanie Swan

What a crazy few weeks it's been here at the parish! God has definitely been mov-

ing. And it doesn't look like things are going to slowdown in the near future, as far

as I can tell, and I couldn't be more excited. The youth officially moved all of its

belongings into FPC's new building and it's awesome (at least on its way to be-

coming awesome). There's a lot of work to be done which is going to have to be a

group effort from all of the parish and I believe we can do it.A few weeks ago at

the planning retreat I talked about how I believe God has built a platform for

our church to do youth ministry and our new building is just a part of that plat-

form! I would encourage each of you to begin to pray about how you can better

serve our student ministry to Jacksboro. I started this article with the word crazy.

Crazy can be scary sometimes but it can also be exciting. My prayer is that in the

midst of the craziness you're not as scared as you are excited. TJ York~Living

and Loving

to finding a local AA,

but that group just lost

their meeting place.

Well, one thing led to

another and here we’re

are hosting AA again!

Praise God for using us

and our church in ways

we continue being

amazed. Praise God for

this congregation who

is willing to offer the

help to those who need

it. Thank you, church!

God bless this new min-

istry of our church.

Last week, an opportu-

nity opened up for our

church to host a local

AA group. It’s amazing

seeing God work and

how things happen.

One call of help from a

complete stranger led

My prayer is

that in the

midst of the


you’re not

as scared as

you are ex-

cited. ~TJ


Page 5: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

Dear Church, What a crazy couple of months! As crazy as it has been, I’ve been blessed beyond my wildest imagination by this ministry and the people of this church. I cannot thank you enough for all the kindness you show my family and your willingness to work so hard for the church! All I can do is offer a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone! This coming month will not slow down either. I will be gone the week of 2/6-9 for Minister’s Week, Installation services is on the 5th and on February 22nd we have the start of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Service with FUMC. I LOVE this church and all the ministry we get to do together! We are already one month into the new year and ministries are starting anew. That being said, it takes all of us to make those ministries happen. I ask that you spend time in prayer and let God’s Spirit lead you as you venture onto new ministries, start participating in old ministries and find ways of being God’s hands and feet to God’s world! All the committees need your support and your hard work...please volunteer as you feel God calling you to a specific area of min-istry. Some ideas of ministry include (but not limited to): choir, worship plan-ning, children’s ministry, outreach, youth ministries, helping move and unpack FPC, fellowship meals, bring your ideas to various programs and so much more! We need your hard work, creativity, prayers, excitement and willing spirits!!! See everyone has a place at this church...bring your gifts that God’s given you and let’s get to work!

St. Theresa of Avila wrote: "Christ has no body now but yours No hands, no feet on earth but yours; Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion(ately) on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good Yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world Yours are the hands Yours are the feet Yours are the eyesYou are His body." So, Christ continues on through you, me, us...may we all do what we can for Christ! Much love, Ana

Pastor’s Prattling

Page 6: BUSINESS NAME 02/06/2012 Jacksboro us for this first gathering on 2/21 at 8 am. Let’s get together and discover more about ourselves,

Word, song and Sacra-ment. United in their bond with the Lord and moved by His Spirit, they engage in fellow-ship, study, recreation, and ministry to each

CHRISTIAN FAITH TODAY: Facing the Challenges

Keynote speaker is Rev. Dr. Thomas Long who is the Brady Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology.

“The Men’s conference is a gathering of men who on a weekend meet to worship together in


There are multiple work-shops focused on Bible, Church, Mission, Per-sonal Development and Social Issues.

Costs: $181-257/person

There are scholarships available, please call 800-460-4401 ext 239 for more information.

115 N. Knox St

PO Box 716

Jacksboro, TX 76458

Phone: 940-567-3735

Ministries and Outreaches

Tuesdays and Thursdays Preschool

Wednesday Mother’s Day Out

Lord’s Acre

Youth Programs

Christian Women’s Fellowship

Ministerial Alliance

Alcoholics Annonymous

Jacksboro Parish February 2012

Men at Mo-Ranch May 4-6

A Shared Ministry of Memorial Christian

and First Presbyterian Churches.

Join us at the Ranch!

We are on the WEB!!!!!

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