Page 1: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUIDE - Amy Innes · doTERRA essential oils and how I could create non-toxic effective cleaners that were simple and cost effective. Needless to say, I joined



Page 2: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUIDE - Amy Innes · doTERRA essential oils and how I could create non-toxic effective cleaners that were simple and cost effective. Needless to say, I joined


Whether you’ve been part of the Healthy Happy Life Tribe for a while now, or you’ve just discovered us, I’m really excited to share with you the journey that is changing my life, and the lives of many others. This business will offer you not only the chance to help other people, but in doing so, the opportunity of financial freedom. I am here to mentor you and help you achieve the life of your dreams.

I hope you can take the time to find a quiet spot and read through the information in this guide. If after reading the guide you want to know more, please contact me at [email protected] and we can organise a time to chat. If another wellness advocate from the Healthy Happy Life Tribe sent this to you, then please contact them to organise a chat with you.

Watch the video below for more information directly from me on the business opportunity available.

WELCOME.Finding a group of like-minded people is like coming home. You’re most likely here because you’re passionate about a natural approach to health and you want to help others do the same.

Page 3: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUIDE - Amy Innes · doTERRA essential oils and how I could create non-toxic effective cleaners that were simple and cost effective. Needless to say, I joined

I created this eBook because I want YOU to be able to experience the same life-changing benefits that essential oils have given my family. I want to remove the doubt for you, and show you how simply they can be used in your life. I don’t want your essential oils sitting in a cupboard and not being used!



Back in 2012, I was working full-time as an Account Manager for a publishing company. This job required me to manage accounts for half of NSW, meaning I was working long hours and travelling away from home multiple times each month. Full disclosure; I enjoyed my job and the flexibility of being on the road, but I felt stuck and worried about my future in this role. Chris and I were not yet married but I knew a baby was in our near future.

Due to the stress of my job, my health had declined and any form of self-care had taken a back seat. I felt like something needed to change. Not long after this feeling, I learnt about a fantastic course to become a holistic Health Coach. I had always been passionate about natural health and this seemed like a perfect fit for me. I enrolled while still working and studied part time with the plan to transition into this new career.


By this time, Chris and I had married and we began trying for a baby. I was cleaning my shower one day with bleach and became highly aware of the toxic chemicals I was using to clean my home. I totally freaked out. How could I be surrounding myself with such toxic chemicals to clean my home? Could this be affecting my chances of having a baby? I knew there had to be a better way.

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A good friend of mine introduced me to the amazing benefits of doTERRA essential oils and how I could create non-toxic effective cleaners that were simple and cost effective. Needless to say, I joined as a Wholesale Customer, began to learn about the therapeutic benefits of essential oils and how I could support my family physically and emotionally. To be honest, since falling in love with the pure, high-quality oils and experiencing so many health benefits - I haven’t looked back.

I kept educating myself on ways I could reduce the toxins around my home and support my family’s health; mentally, physically and emotionally. I found us all feeling happier, balanced and healthier, the oils having played a huge part in this journey.

At first, I never thought I would be interested the business side of things, however I couldn’t help but share the amazing benefits that I was experiencing with my friends and family. This is how my business started to grow - very organically.

I was about to go on maternity leave, and to be completely honest - I was panicking. I had done the math and knew it would be a struggle to pay our mortgage and bills on one income alone. I was nervous about the idea of putting my baby into care and the idea of leaving him at home when I had to travel for work - how would breastfeeding work?!

I made a choice to start sharing the oils slowly, but at a pace that suited me while working full-time, studying at university - and pregnant. Once on maternity leave I started sharing the oils more consistently. I reached a leadership level in doTERRA within three months, and this allowed me the freedom to leave my corporate job and stay at home with my gorgeous little boy. Within 12 months working with doTERRA, I paved the way to a six figure income that exceeded my old corporate salary.

Yes - you read that right; I am earning more than my old full-time income with a beautiful business that allows me to educate, inspire and empower others from the comfort of my own home.

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Fast-forward to now; I now have a rapidly growing team of thousands of women around the world who share the same passion to live a healthy, happy life. I now spend my days mentoring the people in my tribe to turn their dreams into a reality.

This is not your average product based business - where you host a couple of parties and earn a few dollars along the way. This business allows you the opportunity to completely multiply and replace your income. The best part of this business model is that there are no pushy sales. My business is purely formed with authentic connections made by helping others with flow and ease - I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m grateful for these natural health tools and the business that has allowed me to be a stay at home mum and to carve a life I love instead of being a slave to the nine to five. All whilst creating a solid, residual income for my family. I’ve found a path that has given me such purpose, and allowed me to share something that I am so deeply passionate about; empowering others to improve their health and wellness naturally.


I’m excited to guide you to do the same and create your very own healthy, happy and abundant life.

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Finding long-lasting health and happiness is something we all strive for. And we all have dreams that we want to turn into a reality. Working with doTERRA has allowed me to do this and follow my passion.

Do you want to:• Empower and educate others with simple tips to improve their health

and wellness?• Provide easily accessible solutions for other families?• help and serve others?• Make a positive impact in the world?• Fall in love with your job instead of hating the 9-5 grind?• Control your work schedule so you can have more time with your

family?• Work from the comfort of your own home?• Connect with people and be part of a supportive community?• Design a life you love?• Make the rules and be your own boss?• Align yourself with a company that focus on making the world better?• Find your tribe and a group of people that just ‘get you’?

This business model fits into any lifestyle because you make the rules and set your own pace. Whether you’re a stay at home mum and looking for a side business or you work full-time and are looking for a change, this is the perfect opportunity for transition. You can grow it as slowly or as quickly as you like.

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To be honest, doTERRA’s essential oils really do sell themselves. This is due to their quality, effectiveness and how easily they can be incorporated into your daily life. I don’t believe in pushy selling - it simply doesn’t work. People don’t want to be pressured into buying, and they’re not going to enjoy the experience or have a fond recollection of it.

Instead I’m about engaging with people, listening to their needs, recommending how oils can help in their life and creating long-lasting relationships. I want my business to be known for its integrity and for helping others find solutions to their problems. I have recorded a beginners class introduction video for you, including details about what essential oils are and how our oils are sourced indigenously - in an ethical and sustainable way.

I fell madly in love with doTERRA’s vision to impact the world in a positive way that I wanted to be part of it. And I wanted to support others to be a part of it too! I know that collectively we can make such a beautiful difference in the world.

As a health coach myself, I believe that given the right environment and support, the body has the ability to heal itself. I have witnessed first-hand many of the individuals and families that I work with, feeling empowered to take care of their health in a natural way. Fellow health coaches and practitioners have also joined me as they too want to provide a product that can assist their clients to reach that next level of health.

Delve into the world of sustainable sourcing with doTERRA.

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OUR HEALTHY HAPPY LIFE TRIBE.When you enrol with me or a fellow wellness advocate from our team, you are not only supported by me as your enroller but you access the incredible support of our entire Healthy Happy Life Tribe. Even though we all have different lifestyles and goals, we all share a common goal of embracing a happy and healthy life.

Once you begin your journey with us, you’ll also access our amazing support systems and resources to ensure you get the most value from your oils:• The Healthy Happy Life Tribe Essential Oils Guide• 25% off all product with the opportunity to get up to an additional

30% back in product points through our amazing free oils program• Access to member only promotions• A one hour one-on-one consultation to introduce you to your oils

and assist you in getting the most value out of your membership• Access to our private members group• Online account to manage orders• Resources to get you started with your oil journey, including online

classes and courses, recipes and tips so you know exactly how touse these oils to benefit your health and wellness

• A 6-month Beginner’s email series program with weekly emails• Optional participation in our Oil Camps to learn more• Bonus: Access to a 30 day cleanse webinar which can help you

to kick start your health journey recorded by one of our amazingleaders

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If you decide to explore the business side which allows you to share doTERRA wellness products, you will be supported through our Healthy Happy Life Tribe Mentoring Program. This program includes:• Personal mentoring with one-on-one support to launch your

business, which includes detailed training calls via Skype or in person.

• A 5-week training step by step program, that was developed by me and includes information from doTERRA leaders earning seven figure incomes, which includes easy to implement steps to launch your business with ease.

• Monthly team calls with the other members of the Healthy Happy Life Tribe who are also in the process of making their dreams a reality - the perfect space to celebrate our wins and support each other to reach our goals.

• Access to weekly members only training videos and webinars.• A step-by-step guide written by me on the actionable steps that

will set you up for success and allow you to start turning your dreams into a reality.

• A FREE website where others can order from you

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Worldwide, we are one of the fastest growing teams in doTERRA. Most of our team members didn’t set out to share the oils but once they started using them and fell in love, they couldn’t help but share the oils with others. Now they are creating a beautiful dream business by helping and supporting others. I believe the reason our tribe has experienced such amazing growth is the wonderful people we attract into our community and the amazing resources we have in place to support our members to achieve anything they put their minds to.

When you join we want to set you up for amazing success. Firstly, we want you to feel comfortable using the oils and be able to easily implement them into your daily life! You will start to build your product knowledge and gain the confidence to help others do the same. We provide you with information about what sets doTERRA apart, so that you are motivated to start impacting the world one household at a time - or one drop at a time as oil-lovers like to say!


By establishing the Healthy Happy Life Tribe, I have found a community where I am accepted and supported. We are such a diverse group of people, including stay at home mums, nutritionists, health coaches, chiropractors, university students, full time corporate women, health store owners, yogis, and energy workers.

If you already work in the wellness industry as a coach, yogi or natural health practitioner, you’re likely in this industry because you’re passionate about helping and serving others. doTERRA aligns perfectly with this passion because you can authentically share a product that you believe in and create a passive income stream. It will allow you to keep doing what you love even if you have a slow week with clients or are on holidays. The great thing is, that paired with my training, doTERRA also provides an amazing, free education system to help you feel confident in your business.

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When you become a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, you will get your own website. Take a moment to have a look at mine. For every retail sale you make through your site you receive 25% of the sale. Once introduced to the oils, most people choose to sign up as a Wholesale Customer, providing them with access to our supportive members group.

doTERRA will pay you 20% of the point value (PV) on products or kits purchased when someone joins as a Wholesale Customer. This is paid the week after a customer enrols and you receive a further 20% on any orders PV that same customer purchases within their first 60 days as a Wholesale Customer. Additionally, the member who enrolled you receives 10% and the person who enrolled them receives 5%. This means anyone you enrol will be contributing to your income as well.

Paid monthly, this bonus is based on your team structure. For example, if you have three members on your frontline purchasing 150PV in products each month, you will receive $50. If, through your support, you help those three people to assist three on people their frontline to purchase 150PV in products each month, you will receive $250. Then, if you work with those three to support their journey and they have a further three members on their frontline who spend 150PV on products each month then you will receive a $1500 bonus.


Retail Commission

Fast Start Commission

Power of 3 Bonus

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Want to know more? Check out:- doTERRA’s Compensation Plan- doTERRA Compensation Plan FAQ’s

This is a great commission and one that helps set up your business as it creates a long term residual income. So if you were to stop working in the business, head off on holiday, need some time off to care for a loved one, then your business will keep paying you as a result of purchases made by your team members down the line. While it starts off small, as you continue to build your business, it continues to grow. A real incentive to put in hard work and effort in the beginning and it will really pay off as you grow.

In addition to the fantastic incentives I’ve outlined above, doTERRA also encourages those who want to build larger teams. For those who aspire to the leadership ranks of Silver and above, there are additional bonuses based on a delegated amount of what the company earns which is then divided between the leaders. As doTERRA continues to grow, so too will these bonuses.

Unilevel Commission

Leadership Bonus Pools

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The potential is unlimited. We have team leaders making six and seven figure incomes in their doTERRA businesses. These are everyday people with no business, sales or marketing backgrounds, just a passion for sharing and empowering others. I’m not going to lie, to get to that level they’ve had to work hard and put in the extra effort. But the amazing thing about your doTERRA business is that you control where you want to take it. Whether you want to fully support your family on your income, be able to cover the grocery bill, or save some pocket money, it’s totally up to you. But know this, the potential is available to you if you want it.

To see what that potential could look like, take a look at the table on the next page to see the average income at each stage of business. Remember these are everyday people like you and me, passionate about introducing others to essential oils, and helping them to set-up their accounts and loyalty reward orders for each month.

Now, I know you’re wondering how much money you can actually make. So let’s talk about the real life income available to you through your doTERRA business.

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Building dōTERRA Naturally


INCOME EARNING STATEMENTThe dōTERRA® business opportunity is robust and growing. While the vast majority of Wellness Advocates are focused on the use of essential oils for the benefit of their family and friends, for those that want to develop a profitable business by actively working to grow and achieve leadership ranks, there is a significant earnings opportunity as noted below. Of course, each Wellness Advocate’s results will depend on the time and effort they put into building their own dōTERRA business.

Rank StructureAverage Monthly

EarningsAverage Annual

EarningsPercent of



100 PV 3 personally enrolled Elites

$2,200 $26,600 62%



Premier Premier Premier

100 PV 3 personally enrolled Premiers

$4,900 $59,000 23%



Silver Silver Silver

100 PV 3 personally enrolled Silvers

$9,600 $115,000 5%



Silver Silver Silver Silver

100 PV 4 personally enrolled Silvers

$17,100 $205,000 7%

Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

100 PV 5 personally enrolled Golds

$38,500 $462,000 2%

Presidential Diamond

Presidential Diamond







100 PV 6 personally enrolled Platinums

$112,750 $1,353,000 <1%


Elite Elite Elite

* This graph is based on the Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary and can be found on

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The amount of time it takes to grow your business differs for everyone. To give you an idea of what’s achievable, I’ve included the average timeframes for reaching leadership ranks, along with how long it took me personally to achieve.


SilverTakes an average of 18 months.For me: I started sharing consistently after my son was born and reached silver after 5 months. Prior to this I was sharing casually for seven months while working full-time, pregnant and studying. This is the perfect business to transition from other roles if you are not ready to commit to full-time straight away.

GoldTakes an average of 27 months.For me: I reached Gold just two months after I reached Silver.

DiamondTakes an average of 42 months.For me: I reached Diamond 18 months after I started my doTERRA business.

Blue DiamondTakes an average of 58 months.For me: I reached Blue Diamond 36 months after I started my doTERRA business.

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I’m the first to admit that I was skeptical when I learnt doTERRA was based on a network marketing model. However, after learning more about the company and seeing how they do business, I was reassured.

Created in 2008, doTERRA is the largest essential oil company in the world and amazingly, is debt-free. I’ve been asked many times how doTERRA has been able to make an impact in only eight years. Firstly, when you’re producing and selling such a high quality and well performing product, the oils really do sell themselves. A total of 7 out of 10 users with a wholesale account return to purchase on a monthly basis, giving doTERRA a 70% retention rate, compared to other network marketing companies with a retention rate of 10-15%.

Unlike other companies, doTERRA doesn’t spend millions of dollars in advertising, instead it rewards members and wellness advocates who are working with individuals and families to help empower them to change their lives and educate them on the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.



For more on doTERRA:- doTERRA Company Fact Sheet- doTERRA Compensation Plan- doTERRA Earnings Discloure

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When I first started, I found it hard to believe this one company could possibly change my life. I put off jumping right into the business side of things and just used the products personally. It didn’t take long for me to see the amazing results for myself and my husband. Naturally, I started to share the oils casually with friends and family.

After my little man was born I wasn’t comfortable placing him into childcare so young, but I also knew that I couldn’t be a full-time stay at home mum. I needed a passion and a purpose. I wanted to contribute financially as I knew we would struggle on one income, but I knew that going back to the corporate world was not what I wanted for our family.

As I become more involved with doTERRA’s network marketing model, the more I loved the idea. It’s a business designed in a way that rewards you with financial freedom by helping others to succeed. We are always going to need healthcare and through the use of essential oils we can empower others with natural tools and solutions to reach their optimum health.

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There are so many ways to start sharing the oils and building your business. You might want to start with one or two options, or you might want to jump in and try all of them - see what feels right for you.

For me, talking with people about areas of their health they may be struggling with or looking for a solution to help them, is a great way to start a conversation and share samples of the oils.



These can be hosted in your home or you could build contacts in like-minded industries by offering classes at a local yoga studio, health events, wellness days or workshops at the local library.

Why not send out some samples to friends or anyone you know who might have an interest or know would benefit from the oils? You might want to invite a friend over for a casual catch up over a cup of tea and essential oil infused treats (be sure to look at the recipes we have available in the members group). If you’re someone who is more comfortable in smaller settings, than this is a great way to start and build your personal confidence and your ability to talk about the oils.


Free or Paid In-Person Classes

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Share the oils in regular blogs within your online space, including your favourite tips and tricks and your personal journey about how different oils help in aspects of your life.

Share helpful information about the oils through photos and videos on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter. Choose whatever medium you’re most comfortable with, or a combination of a few.

This is so easy to do with modern technology. You could host a webinar, live Facebook event, Skype call, eBook or eCourse. And the best part, you can do them from home, film them once and use them again.


Social Media

Free or Paid Online Classes

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If you are based in Australia these are some great starter kits if you would like to do the business however we do have more options available on page 11 of our introductory guide.


Home Essentials Kit: $330 (save $245 off retail)This is the perfect starter kit as it gives you the top 10 oils and a diffuser. It is our most popular kit - perfect to have on hand to showcase to potential customers. - 5ml IceBlue- 15ml OnGuard- 15ml Lavender- 15ml Peppermint- 15ml EasyAir- 15ml TeaTree

- 15ml Frankincense- 15ml Oregano- 15ml DigestZen- 15ml Lemon- Petal Ultrasonic Diffuser- 12 Month Wholesale Account

Nature’s Solutions Kit: $635 (save $451 off retail)This kit is incredible; includes the top 10 oils plus some amazing extras - and is heavily discounted!- 5ml IceBlue- 15ml OnGuard- 15ml Lavender- 15ml Peppermint- 15ml EasyAir- 15ml TeaTree- 15ml Frankincense- 15ml Oregano- 15ml DigestZen- 15ml AromaTouch- 15ml Smart & Sassy- 15ml Lemon

- 15ml Lavender Peace- 15ml Purify- 15ml Citrus Bliss- 10ml Clary Calm- 10ml PastTense- 120ml IceBlue Rub- Petal Ultrasonic Diffuser- CorrectX Ointment - 12 Month Wholesale Account

- EasyAir Vapur Stick- doTERRA Wooden Box- OnGuard Toothpaste- OnGuard Hand Pump (2)- OnGuard Beadlets- Fractionated Coconut Oil

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Oil Sharing Kit: $1390 (save $511 off retail)This kit is amazing value and fantastic option especially if you want to dive right into starting your doTERRA business. It has multiple bottles of the same oils, which is great to have on hand to create samples or sell.- 3 x 5ml IceBlue- 3 x 15ml OnGuard- 3 x 15ml Lavender- 3 x 15ml Lemon- 3 x 15ml Peppermint- 3 x 15ml EasyAir- 3 x 15ml TeaTree- 3 x 15ml DigestZen- 2 x 15ml AromaTouch- 2 x 15ml Smart & Sassy

- 2 x 15ml Balance- 2 x 15ml Frankincense- 2 x 15ml Wild Orange- 2 x 10ml PastTense- 1 x 15ml Citrus Bliss- 1 x 15ml Elevation- 1 x 15ml Grapefruit- 1 x 15ml Cilantro- 1 x 15ml Oregano- 1 x 15ml Lavender Peace

- 1 x 8 Vial Sample KeyChain- Fractionated Coconut Oil- 5 x Cap Sticker Sheets- Petal UltrasonicDiffuser- 12 Month WholesaleAccount

For more kits and individual pricing:Australia Pricing:

New Zealand Pricing:

USA Pricing:

Canada Pricing:

Europe Pricing:

UK Pricing:













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To begin your business journey head here and follow the instructions below:



1. Click the ‘Order Now’ button or follow this link: Click ‘Join and Save’3. Choose the country and language that’s appropriate for you4. Click ‘Local’5. As you are interested in sharing the oils with others, opt for the ‘Wellness Advocate’ option as you will then have the opportunity to receive financial benefits. 6. Enter your personal information, including your Australian Business Number. If you don’t have an ABN, that’s okay, but eventually, if you want to make money with doTERRA, you’ll need one.7. At *Enroller id*, enter my number: 16252698. Click verify (it should then show you my name)9. Set yourself up with a password10. Click over to the next page11. If you would like free membership, select what kit you’d like to order, or if you would like a custom order please choose the $35 introductory packet and then add items you would like to your cart.12. Enter your Credit Card details and process your order.

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• You will receive an order confirmation email from doTERRA and a welcome email from me which will include a link to join our private essential oils online community.

• We will set up your one-on-one consultation once you have received your oils, to discuss how to; use your oils safely, use with children and get the most out of your oils. We will also go through oils that can support hormonal balance and gut health, how to reduce toxins around the home and much more.

• I will arrange access to our Builders & Sharers community, plus instructions to access our Business Mentoring Program at a time that suits you.

• You will need set up your monthly Loyalty Rewards Order of 100PV per month, which equates to roughly $150 AUD. This is your ONLY business expense and a great program to help you build up your oil collection. The average time it takes for a wellness advocate to reach the rank of silver is 13 months, so know that once you hit Silver you will earn back your entire investment within 1-2 months That is completely unheard of in business. Don’t treat this like a hobby, but as a business, and stick with it for 12 months at the very least. You will be growing a beautiful, long term residual income for your future.

After you have placed your order:

I’m looking forward to supporting you on this journey and excited to have you in our tribe. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] and we can set up a time to discuss any questions you have.

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I’m Amy Innes and I’m a wife, mother and passionate advocate for natural health. Being a doTERRA Blue Diamond Leader, I work with women across the globe helping them create a healthy, non-toxic home for their families, and reaching goals beyond their wildest dreams.

Connect with me:


Not only have essential oils helped my family physically and emotionally, but I have paved the way to a six-figure salary by authentically sharing these oils with others. Panicking about maternity leave while I was pregnant, I started sharing the oils more, but in a way that was authentic to me – no pushy sales! I now have a 2500 plus team of women who share the same passion to live and healthy and happy life. I’m honoured that it’s my responsibility to mentor them and help turn their dreams into a reality.

My aim is to support women to make empowered choices about their health and well being, as I know it can often be confusing and change can be hard to start.



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