Page 1: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein


By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien

Page 2: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

What did you learn?

Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean?

Zinc plays an important role in the formation of:• protein in the body • assists in wound healing,• blood formation• general growth / maintenance of all


Page 3: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Foods rich in Zinc?

Page 7: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Foods rich in Iron

Lean meat, poultry, and seafood contain heme iron – a form that is more readily absorbed by the body.

Page 9: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Linoleic acid- Why do we need it?

Linoleic acid is an omega-6 fat needed for cell membranes in the body. It must come from food sources because the body cannot make it.

Page 11: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Potassium - Potassium can help lower blood pressure and may reduce risk of kidney stones and bone loss.

Page 12: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Potassium - Choose food sources of potassium from all food groups, especially vegetables, fruits, milk, and yogurt.

Page 14: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Magnesium - Magnesium is a mineral used by the body to build bones, make proteins, release energy from muscles, and control body temperature.

Page 16: By Dr. Vivian G. Baglien. What did you learn? Your diet is low in Zinc. What does that mean? Zinc plays an important role in the formation of: protein

Summary Write at bottom of your ½ page diet summary- a response to this question:

From this presentation and the information in Super Tracker, write a 3 sentence summary of how multiple foods play dual roles in nutrition.

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