Page 1: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen


Page 2: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private


Cyber stalking How social networks invade our privacy

Privacy Walls Identity Theft Surveillance

Status Updates


Page 3: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

Cyber stalking is “sending threats or false accusations via email, or mobile phone, making threatening or false posts on websites, and stealing a person’s identity. Sometimes

the threats can escalate into physical spaces.”

Majority of cyber stalkers are male

Cyber stalkers are usually anonymous

Cyber stalkers are driven by revenge, jealousy, hate, anger, obsession, and mental illness

Online Stalking leads to real-life stalking

Cyber stalkers can obtain personal information


Page 4: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

This video shows the dark side of social media that nobody really seems to see. Patrick Mashoni former classmate of

Kristen Pat had an obsession for her. They hadn’t ever met in person, he only had her on an online class and from there

followed her on to Facebook. Patrick would send Kristen threatening and disturbing videos of him talking to the

camera. It got to the point that he even stood in front of her work and waited for her come.


Page 5: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

Social networks are leaking personal data through Apps.

Example: FarmVille

“The “Like”, “Tweet”, and other buttons are social widgets that are used to track users across other social networking

sites because it allows them to recognize you on other social sites.”

“Other social network sites use advertisements to track and gather your information by placing ‘cookies’ to see what you are doing. These tracking tools are mainly used on

websites for kids and teens.”


Page 6: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

Anything you put online is not private

Can access post before and after they are posted


Page 7: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

Identity theft is not cyber stalking. “An identity thief, whether stealing from a stranger, has a very specific goal in mind – financial gain. Identity thieves are unconcerned by

the consequences of their behavior on the victim’s life, whereas the actions of a cyber stalker are deliberate and

focused on the consequences to the victim.”

“With the increased global use of social media, there are more opportunities than ever before to steal identities or

perpetrate fraud online.”


Page 8: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

This video show that by putting your personal information on social networks it is not as safe as you think. Lisa

Lockwood son was a victim of identity theft, his personal information was taken from him and used against him.

Without him knowing provided his personal information to sign up for games online but what he didn’t know was that

he was signing up for loan applications.


Page 9: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

“As certain high school seniors work meticulously to finish their early applications to colleges, some may not realize

that comments they casually make online could negatively affect their prospects.”


Page 10: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

“Criminals are creating networks of fake online profiles on social networks in order to target, individuals and there



Page 11: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

This is a basic status update that someone posted on Facebook. Many people would think that it is ok to post them up. People don’t realize that by posting them up is dangerous for the reasons that they can have a stalker and it automatically show them where they are at.

Page 12: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

With all the research that we have found as a group, we’ve come to understand that social networks doesn’t ensure us

of having privacy 100%. There are so many components that come with online sites today and most of it is usually

public. Although we can set our accounts to private, anyone with accessibility can somehow see what we’re up to, where we are, and what we post. Situations like cyber

stalking, invasion of speech, identity theft, etc., only becomes open enough that anyone who participates on

social networks can openly view a person.


Page 13: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

1. What do you guys think about the need of privacy in regards to social networks ?

2. Do you guys think it’s possible to have privacy on social sites?

3. What does privacy mean to you?

Q & A

Page 14: BY: Elizabeth, Jordynn, Justine, Aileen. Thesis: Due to posting excess information on social networks one is able to access another’s private information

"Criminals Using Fake Social Media Profiles to Target Victims." Media News. Digital Spy. N.p., 2 Mar. 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

Cyber Stalked College Students Speaks Out. Perf. Cynthia McFadden. Youtube. ABC News, 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. <


Gross, Tricia. Could Status Updates Put You in Danger? Digital image. Bright Hub. Tricia Gross, 6 Dec. 2011. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. http

:// aspx.

Hitchcock, J A. "Cyberstalking." Link - Up, 17.4 (2000): 22.

Lewis, Kent. "How Social Media Networks Facilitate Identity Theft and Fraud ." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

Martin, Rebecca, and Cori McCabe, Ms., eds. "Cyberstalking (May 2013)." National White Collar Crime Center (n.d.): 1-8. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

"Privacy Violations – the Dark Side of Social Media." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

Singer, Natasha. "They Loved Your G.P.A.Then They Saw Your Tweets." N.p., 9 Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

Social Media Identity Fraud. Perf. Lisa Lockwood. Youtube. CTV News, 21 July 2010. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. <>.


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