Page 1: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

JACQUES CARTIERBy: Iman Muhammad, Julia

Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Page 2: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Personal Information

He was French He became interested in exploring at a

young age because a lot of the men in his town would go on fishing trips and he would tag along.

He studied navigation in school. He married at 26 and had no children. He lived from 1491 to 1557.

Page 3: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

His discoveryJacques Cartier was trying to find a northwest

passage way to Asia. But he failed. But he did discover the Saint Lawrence River. He also claimed much of Canada for the French. Along the way he discovered smaller thing like The Straight of Belle Isle, The Bay of Chaleur, and The Waterfalls La Chine.

Page 4: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Purpose of His Expeditions

On his first expedition in 1534 he was trying to find the northwest passage to Asia. To find new lands and bring back treasures from the new world.

On his second expedition from 1535 – 1536. He was out to find riches in new land.

On his last expedition in 1541. He went to Canada to claim land. But he was forced out by the Indians who were there before he was.

On all of his expeditions he was sponsored by king Francis the 1st.

Page 5: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

The Obstacles He Faced One of the obstacles was their were no

previous routes. Another obstacle was cold winters on his

second expedition they could not make it back to France because of the winter weather so they had to stay in a Indian village.

The last obstacle was scurvy. Scurvy is a diseases that you is in your gums and can be in other parts of your body.

Page 6: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford
Page 7: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Travel Routes

These are the travel routes Jacques Cartier took to discover the St. Lawrence

river, trying to find gold, and Canada.

Page 8: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Impact of his explorations

He discovered routes all the way through the eastern section of what is now the United States and northeastern Canada. This opened up a trade with the natives.

Page 9: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford

Interaction with the Native Americans

They spent the winter in the Indian village of Hochelaga and they were nice to them.

The Chief of the Stadaconas let his take his two sons to France to learn French and he would bring them back on his second expedition in 1535.

The second expedition, all of Cartier’s crew got scurvy. 25 of the crew died. The Indians showed them the cure for scurvy.

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The Importance of Jacques Discoveries

He claimed a lot of land for the French in Canada.

He also claimed or named a bunch of land marks including waterfalls,rivers,straights, and bays.

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Interesting Fun facts

After retiring from exploring, Cartier became a Portuguese interpreter

Canada was named as it is because the natives pronounced it “kanata” which Cartier changed to Canada

When Cartier and his exploring partner landed on his 3rd expedition, they supposedly found hundreds of tons of gold and diamonds

The two practically stuffed their ships to it could take no more

But it turned out both of the jewels were quite worthless minerals, one quartz, the other pyrite

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Page 13: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford
Page 14: By: Iman Muhammad, Julia Blumbergs and Tony Bradford


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