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  • By Jacob Wilson, Quinn Ruddy, Ryan Endicott, and Ben Gokey
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  • Many people were mummified including farmers, civilians, and priests. The most famous mummies though were the Pharaohs of Egypt. Who Was Mummified?
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  • Mummies are bodies of humans and animals, preserved either by natural processes, or by a method known as embalming. The first mummies were mummified by natural processes. Farmers buried the dead and the sand dehydrated them. Most of the mummies found were in tombs and pyramids. What Are Mummies
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  • Ancient Egyptians believed that what ever was written or placed with the mummies went with them to the afterlife. The condition that the person is buried in is equal to their condition in the afterlife. In Egyptian religion there are three parts of the soul; the akh, ba, and ka. The ba flew free from the body, the akh went to the underworld for trial, and the ka remained with the body feeding of the treasure buried with it. Why Were People Mummified?
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  • Step 1: Remove the internal organs from the body including the brain, intestines, lungs, stomach, and liver. They were stored in clay pots. Step 2: Coat body and organs with natron to help them dry. Let the body and organs dry out for 35 to 40 days. The Mummification Process
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  • Step 3: Fill the body cavities with spices and herbs. Rub oils and gums on the body. Step 4: Wrap the body in linen bandages The Mummification Process
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  • Step 5: Cover the body with gold and jewelry. Step 6: Cover mummy with resins to preserve the mummy. The Mummification Process
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  • The very first mummies were buried in the desert. They were buried by farmers, and dried by the sand. The next place mummies were buried were in huge pyramids made by the Pharaoh's workers. The last place mummies were buried was in a valley known as the Valley of the Kings. Where Were Mummies Buried?
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  • THANKS FOR WATCHING WE HOPE YOU LEARNED A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The End

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