
Multiply using the Partial Product and the Lattice Method

In my experience, especially as a teacher of students with special needs, most students choose the lattice method to perform multiplication problems containing numbers with two or more digits.

I believe this option truly lets the student take the number in smaller pieces and makes the operation more manageable for them.

7615?6460Difficult!Confusion!Too Hard?????MultiplyWhy!

Help Me!Multiplying two digit and three numbers can be a scary proposition for most children. By using either the partial product method or the lattice method it allows students to take a more organized, step by step approach!

Either of these methods will ease the students apprehension and the best part is, students can choose the one they feel most comfortable with.

Lets begin with the partial products method.

Lets multiply

45 x 35


5By breaking down the numbers you are multiplying by place value the numbers become easier to manage. Then students can think in terms of multiplying using base 10 strategies.Students can then make an easier calculation.

Once you have multiplied each number, its time to add the products. 1,350 + 225

1,350 + 225= 1,575Next you simply add the sums together and your answer is 1,575!

xTens60Ones240Select one

Select one

5Select one

Select one

You try the Partial Product Method62 x 458002,40010



20030First do 40 x 60, then 40 x 2Followed by 5 x60, then 5x2Sorry! .Try Again354502122515By breaking the numbers into these boxes the multiplication process becomes more manageable for students.Once you have completed the multiplication process, its then simply a matter of adding diagonally!5751,Winter SunshineEvgeny GrinkoWinter Sunshine EP, track 12011-01-01T03:41:29Soundtrack195302.67eng - URL: RAIGCopyright: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 2.0 Germany: Grinko

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