
By Langston Bowles-Fulmore In the early 1930 The Great Depression Started. As you all may know The Great Depression was a time period when the stock market was crashing and hundreds of thousands of people where being laid off. Corporation going out of business. This is a chart from 1920 up until 1940 and as u can see in 1933 the numbers of employees dropped a great deal and thats because The Great Depression hit us the hardest that year. THE HISTORICAL EVENT As I stated before the crisis is The Great Depression. The countrys that were involved in The Great Depression other than the United States were Canada, The Caribbean Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe. But the heart of the problem was right here in the good old USA. Some people say The Great Depression started in the early 1930s while other people say it started in late Either way they are write. However none of that matters because it didnt actually take effect until 1933 when big banks were starting to go out of business not to even considering that nine years earlier the roaring twenties was going on and the U.S hadnt even recovered from that completely. BACKGROUND TO THE CRISIS Well since 1933 was the first part of president Franklins term he decided that he should start basic and get more complex later and the first thing he could do was make the FDIC( Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) program so that anyone with a bank account whose bank was going out of business would not lose any money. Also he could just close all the banks until after his emergency bank act was passed. However do to President Franklins brains he also came up with the idea of combining small banks to one big bank.(these options were thought of in 1933) WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS In the end president franklin performed all of the above and then some. Unfortunately it took two months for president franklin to come up with these ideas however when he went to the congress to consult them all of them agreed with him and all of the laws and acts that Mr. Franklin came up with were all passed in the same day. He also stop all mining projects that were looking for gold and because of this anyone who owned any gold had to trade it in for American money because gold was no longer a part of the American currency.( these decision were made during 1934 1936) THE DECISION President Franklin rejected the advice of Morgenthau to cut spending and decided big business were trying to ruin the New Deal by causing another depression that voters would react against by voting Republican. So because of this the president appointed Robert Jackson as the aggressive new director of the antitrust division of the Justice Department, but this effort lost its effectiveness once World War II began and big business was urgently needed to produce war supplies.(All of this is going on during ) The Depression continued with letting up until the U.S. entered World War II in December After we entered world war two the great depression ended do to a lot of people being in the draft for the army it mad it easier on the economy and companies to pay their employees. THE RESULT The whole event effected America there really isnt one part you could single out. If I were president I dont know if I would have done the same things president franklin did. All of America was pleased with the job president franklin did and now if there is every a event like the great depression again at least we will have some type of knowledge to go off of. However I do agree with everything president Franklin did to get the U.S out of the great depression and some people may argue what he did was completely wrong but I think there wrong. HINDSIGHT presentations/timeline/depwwii/newdeal/ California's Living New Deal ProjectWORKS CITED PAGE

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