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  • By Paul Maestas
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  • This is Freddy. He is a very friendly mouse. His brother, Max, is friendly, too. His sister, Mandy, is even friendlier, but Freddy, is the friendliest of all. He shares everything he has with everyone he knows!
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  • One morning Max woke up and was hungry. Mandy woke up and was even hungrier, and when Freddy woke up he was the hungriest little mouse in the house. He could eat a mountain of cheese and still have room for dessert!
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  • So they all went to the breakfast table to get some cheese to eat. On the table they saw three pieces of cheese. One was big, the other was bigger, and the third was the biggest piece of cheese they had ever seen!
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  • Max got a big piece of cheese while Mandy got the bigger piece of cheese. Since Freddy was the hungriest, he got the biggest piece of cheese. It was bigger than his mouth!
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  • After they ate they decided to go for a ride to the park, so they dashed outside to get their bikes. Home sweet home
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  • Maxs bike was yellow and fast. Mandys bike was red and a little faster than Maxs bike. Freddys bike was blue and the fastest of all. It was as fast as lightning!
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  • They all loved being at the park. Playing on the swings was their favorite thing to do.
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  • So they all got on the swings and started swinging. Max swung high into the air. Mandy swung even higher into the air but Freddy swung the highest. He was so high he could touch the clouds!
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  • Max, Mandy, and Freddy then went to the slides. They noticed that the three slides were different sizes. One was very tall, the other was even taller than the first one. The last one was the tallest slide at the park.
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  • Max went on the tall slide while Mandy went on the taller slide and Freddy went on the tallest slide at the park. So tall, he could see his house from the top!
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  • Max, Mandy and Freddy played at the park all morning until their Mom called for them to come home. So they jumped on their bikes and headed back home.
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  • Since they played for so long, they were very tired. So Max rode his bike slowly, while Mandy rode her bike even slower. The slowest of them all was Freddy. He was riding so slowly a snail passed him on the way.
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  • When they got home from the park, they went up to their room to listen to music and sing. Max always sang loud but Mandy would sing even louder. But if you want to know who sings the loudest, it would have to be Freddy. He sings so loud the neighbors can hear him!
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  • Max, Mandy, and Freddy danced and sang so much they became very, very tired. So they went to their room to take a nap. Max had a soft bed made of cotton. Mandy had a softer bed made of feathers. Freddys bed was the softest bed of them all. It was so soft it felt like he was sleeping on clouds!
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  • As they began to fall asleep, they thought about all the things they did that day.
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  • Max thought about how hungry he was in the morning and that he ate a big piece of cheese. He remembered riding his fast bike to the park where he slid down a tall slide.
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  • Max had a very good morning and before he knew it he was in a deep sleep.
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  • Mandy thought about how much fun she had in the morning. Always trying to out do Max, she remembered eating a bigger piece of cheese, riding a faster bike, and swinging higher than he did.
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  • All this thinking made Mandy very sleepy and before long she was in an even deeper sleep than her little brother Max.
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  • Finally as Freddy crawled into bed, he thought of all the fun he had that morning. He ate the biggest piece of cheese and rode the fastest bike to the park. As Freddy thought about how he was the loudest one singing
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  • he fell into the deepest sleep of all.
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  • Works Cited Clipart from Microsoft Powerpoint Personal photographs of Paul Maestas All other artwork created by Paul Maestas

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