

, \ ______ .r_. "'A"


Sec~;on one

Cut Yt~etd '::::;+========-=---==~l.~=---~~~-Far '. ers Say . Hal. of Crop IMalY Be Lost I HOT "·P.atfl('1 and mOlsturf'-!"P11.

I bJ/l~ \"'I~" IF1\'(' cut the V.".l\ :" ,COUnl\ C fl"ll ~tTOJ! a" much Cl. •• )1

! pcrCl'nt 11 suh];' pltlceto , That Iwas the estlm.ate oOf scl.-

eraL farmers around IWaYI1" TueSd<:l1 when Interviewed bv

I Herald lI"eporter. Northeast l'II"

:;~~ilt ~;e~;~r:sU:f~:~~r~:~:~' lik-c WI ds '-for Cl week. Weath"'­,cbserve 5 arc still of-fcrinq ilttl,

I hope fqr any relief before t,,].,


weekenlJ. .

'1 north I J I 01 th(' (.'Ount~' ~lf'ent~ t, bt, IH 'b t~el shap~· than tJw S"fllJl.1 bpcauSl:' ) ('card l'al!l~. Sanli' o~ 1,·.

I can. sUi look!. ver ... good Lat. ' , I rl('tI-E'".~ !< 'em to bi" absorbln'-'. j J,

CoWl 1 '1 p:\!..\ Chalnn;Jl! '1,,;1, Robert~'lsa!C tod,n ",;omp p"]

\ !(>Jd:--. h;~y.· he{,l"l CUI as muc-h <t •• -.1

perCf'nl Idepl'lldln~ upon til' C1',{,

I US-f'd m~ht' gl"owld In 19:i~ 1'1"

-+--------=--'---------.J----! ! 11I~.1~11 ~I:I t:I~I~1 P:ll~~!~e~l/ '~'h" (~I'i

Beef Sale at I LOI" Hurd" hHH llbboll l'AJl:!"U~ Comolctt' results of the

:-.lE'ct b]oU~hl th( top pilei 0 competlt!On at both the Wayne !SStJ ;>(1 In thr fI1Sl \Va\l1{ OUIlI\ and D))wn county faIrs arc PU~ Ii'all -J-I-l bah\ bpcl auctlO 1 ~at Ilshed In this Issue .of The He -

I urda~' atternoon at the t·an·dound~ ~~~' c~i':~{'g f~~h e~~~tu;~!w~f ~h .Mlss Hur~'s steer was ,one of (~ '( page 3 sectIOn 2 for corilplete It

the 65 auctioned at the s·~le. It d~' lin Hi - listing of results It :c::a~:~h~~~d.~~~~~;:e~~,~~~~ 't ~i"rH:lf'~ 11<\ Fa mer Wayrne .a total of'$14.995.61'at th~auc- II g herf' F d D I 0 -I tion. an of approxr ate. ~()tl1C'1 a.filll IldnJ({i ! re a e vercome Re iuent Dies in Iy two cents over the market i G neWI I'\;;.glelJ \1 B ii R 1 ' price_ ~ . L up F'r"""'fkoe'" ,'" Pta<, Y eat at oya ~ ,A tD Accident Scconn hl';11 p~'lt;(" \ <\.::... .... lJ bl {,\ 11"" \.'V1H~'['I; tP.t'-'U[('1 T.'ef' D~l( :rnstr"Uct-o'"' (if \V;ryl-?'~ .• .,H'''I! "P")l" """"I I Lang-erne-wI OIl cornpam fo .10'11\ CD StCitt "d" gl.cath Improver! V'/ rl No an G. l'iiahnh.t:'. 3..: Or.:ean-'

I Lutt " blw ribbon Helelo1'd $tet\ nesda:- aft(,l. $;~ffermg. 11 h~alISid(,' Calif.. torrocr resldl'nl oj c.,' .... " •• -;_.~,,~_+ I I Karen "\VI1fer<. blue rtb00l1 ('u akefielj Man Gets stroke al Royal Saturda) ..' Wa e, wa.-; killed 111 an auto accl-

llCeOe1.~~ tord steel "en\ to .lrrr; s c<j.t(· tm J I Hak \\"l'~ fishin~ near Roy. I ,dent in Lal'tisourg. i\ ,11 Au.!: lt-th£' thu"d hI .... h price ot $28 " 9 A lHUl "top,"",i in at·it lpt~l .(~ , Fu ('nil senlCI':':-' wen' held :VIoll-

I l)the", Dr,'c"e<_' r'""e(l t,-an~._.'", _." e ree ames L " ....... ..;;, "", \.\.h{'"r.' hi' ""a" drin~ ict' n'u. - 'dCl\.~,un." 2.4 Buna: wa~at. Eternal: I down to $23.;)0 .Jim Tro tma]1 'I I ... r>r: ...... ('().lliLIJSefl anti lost 'N)l~- ,fIlll emetl'r\ ()cpansldt Winside a11d T. J. Hughes. ',an1, Arne-- 1" ( M')Ousn··s!-.. I Su yj\'ol''' ml'luLiI" 111;-, \' III Hetl. The

i sen."cd a . .., auctioneer,. 10:' thl' sal, 0 1J~ r ({ II,· rcgalll('(1 conSClou!'ne5~ aUer' two, ~hLldITll. lJougla,., ano JUd~. ~-----"--=---I-':'--'-'----'=':':"---fPu~ha8e Prices \ dJ...c\! I( t('\\ 1101IT" and was taken bacl~ motlh 1". Mn, iVlulw:.\lahnki..' brotll- 'M- ." ,a. d

PIice-ontlwotl1{'1 cal\"esi;:J\Jurrht :-;{"I l'llt',1 I If' \\;I\'IH 11\ i\lr". Dale. wh(, had ('"1'". ola~fl and CeCll slste] Lau-l lnlsters '''''Iayne Boy S~ve II iocalh. ~ the owne1" and p~.H..cJha~L': CIgtn(j'(,1 m~ iJ(,f'I' '\ummonM ~hortl) .after thc! rettlU.¥' hall brothers. Lorenz ICUld·S -I I '-~wcr". a, follows IT om'i' 'n, ""'''1''0' occaceed . Re"" aid and hall """, Nocma ! 01 ·In Lake Mishap

i~~~~l~~n;tdc:: ~~ldT~; J,(I:~nU m~\;~ Count:- '"'hid, h(' ...... a." fishmg

i:-.iIUA.lI01. <lI'OUllrj W.a:'>'T1~' h"r' I th' conlUllent:-- of s~q:,ra, i'"

Itann('rs I Felix Dorcey, Ont' mil' Sll1111

! :""n~~ es~Cid:;\IO~~ri! ;~.~ . ;~~~: '\\ Hl1fJut r.ill I~ cuttlll~' In''-"

})ami:l.).!;' l~ spnt!\ .. ErWin Fleer, 1\\,(, south ali', '

I east ""l-.-, flPt't: d ralJl to Ju't'], '·'1 I CaDI tr~nl snn"l.'ellng WI' h·:, I abou' 1111, c\lTP, Hl corn r·',_'l'llilrl· i p!ot~ ""'I'n tl' took a lltllt 1..,,' i~" I thall Ih(1 0tllCr."

pe~~ea ~n~b ~~~ _, ~~~~~d~a~r"~ cj:f:t'(:ti I com cro~ Til· \.Ield·'ha." ..! cUt ; abo111 411' 1JC"'l't~nl A rain in tlie--nc...,.t '

II ~~~u~al~ ~JO~~:I :::~~L~'I~'(iel~,!~! . about 1~(1 acre::. III COI,,1 wr~'I' (".~!,.! ! Sec q;ORN CROP - Pg. 2

~ • j

IIAnnual Wayne <

Fall Opening'is I, Planned Seilt, 17 ! faK~~~:I:::il~j;~~{;_Vf~~~~~;~~;'" I Sept 17 "ill bl'- worked OUI ;") , ChamhE'"ltOC Comntcrct.' rorrumtt I me-etmg omght A. J -A-t I Harold I gajJ~ atOp. co-I th, grOU1 .. I 'All shoo , and the, tm

Invited to p.a, tumt! aqd pet chil In the parade will receive ;a fr (; ticket to the Gay theatre oood for Thul-sday. Friday and S4t~" day mghts.

Stor!" tv,ltldow:-.. fei:ltu11.n~ n~.'

fall m('l'(mantil~" "\\-ill bf' unYE'Ilr-!l al I", TIll" parade is schedul'?d

Ill. tn star! ,ll I" .3l'

I ..l\ames ~!:eell. WAyne High band dJreclor. ~~ln Hazel Recv(' ,snntll:

I h('a~j of thr' baton tWIrling- PI'£JZI',nI' i and Janrc(' Fischer. '\',':1\"1''.('

i~~~p~~~r~;~;t:l'11~H~~~~' '~"l"'~ S 0 -F'--'--I<I'I--~u, I j. iTour ,~,,::~X~,,~~!:,:~,~';;'T:~,. iHurd . S2.G. Stat<· Nat,"n~l~ban" p oe pens a .. '·· m"",,,-,-,·1<1,",,, Au" 21. w!;en th"

1$25.5U EI Rancho: Jam' Ka 1. S2.... d 14 Nit ' t Add' ed 'Wmsii" Stat· bank V"an iJanl,,, on ay: '. ew ns· ru-C· 0, s ' ... -.. Ith,· i $2;)~)O. Jel'l" ' call'. Lt,t"o\ " To!)]!. , :$27.50. Genl eak. ~ame~ Kluge. I ~ !SCIVallOn ~"" .. " .• ~-:S25;3~ LaniQJn' Kuhn ifh\Jll'" -~--- - I FI·llli.emestcr will get underwa, 1 . IIDwll~!au $T..l3 Econom) J).'aI'kct iremen 1nswerTWD lat· a\,O{, State next Monda\ I Tuesdays toU! l)l('1'l1n Topp.: S26 Wa~'nt: Grall.1 ~ !mor 'n:..: when m"" ~tudent:- oom~ i~ne~~~!~~~~ ~11 land Feed. JlOhnm l)or('('~. S2(, ails Our "9 Weel, Learn Area Griid t(j (' campm tOt oncntaUon~ I t th' R i 1 . : Seyler Motoni: Terr~ \\rc/1l"c,!" :S:23 I test":> a I a p 1 ISharcr'!-, ~o('~n \\avn' , P T cia' ~ perciass regIstration 'will b(': On tile . 1----1--------.....

, Bob Jordan. $~.) Stiltt lI/f!IOJl(Ji SllO .. ndCcI respects. 0 .Y i Ihcllli on Tuesda). Freshmen Will shown and I, banJc LatT~ .JohnsOl' $23. cn\ '" 1 ,1<;1 I I reg-Ister We.dnesd<n Classt:'~ will trees as r For a IIstmg -of the p~ospects, 11Th d

at I See BEE SALE - P9j2 ~t.~,\ ~11I"h !>ched;l,ltK .and conferences of ... r· ,ill1he ~~ a~.. 'Hahn . Campus i ~~~ed

club, , will meet ,tonistru ....

Rob,'Pi 1 S"nnisJ"er

.a • It ea f'ootball teams, see the s.,ort;.s sch 01 will register students "Otto Sahs, 'I'~\r page. section two' of thIS ISSU{j Mop day and classes wi'll begm ' renee Hansen. ~I~I( ~. ~~e:h~po~:atl~ftJr~~;iO~om::~~ T~' day, ! ar(1 Baler and

PI. R· d ']"uf'~iI.I' week. follow the sp.orts page IOf ~ ester plans and actrvrtIe:-. I ~11J1lster" . i eVlse II ~7,~:t1 ":l/;~: \~;.\'.\ I'.::' /.~~'I)lll'" T~e Herald throughout the ; ~'~~t ~~a~~~~s:~~t~~~~~~·:-v;:O~~lt~ : ~r;~~('

I nea\~~a~ll~~;:rfiol d~~l! r~~~'ar~;i HI \~.~:, I sc 001 year. " mg. Dr. John 1). R1Cl". preSIdent, I E. F

,; 1\ tan. Count\_ Supcndllf'nrienl I'Concord ~_--,'L ilcgl' admuustratlYC counciJ a1 !:l: se.hOt)1 (>Xh.! conte::l~ al l/rl

f'. COUIl"i i iha" called i.! me~tm" 01 tnt' col-I

, cout T r o·~ 175 ·:Ic ..... er ',u do " and a .general lacult, meel- ' w_~",-""",~~':t'-'~ ____ ."":~'ci<~-""K1-''-''''''':!~+-~~~t-''t-~~~~~~~:''::'':.;

.11laI"1t' Wnghl announced tiliJ ' wed,. . 1--, l\Ii~ ... ,'\\ riJrht mud!" tit, 'an- 0 '"Reorg nlze ''In'I'U·re.JI :a·on.JIay : ~:t :t ~~c~~c~~~. I

JlOUlH't~rr:'~nl ;lftl"r 11 cht·(.j( ~f {':\' ~ g "". g hibit ... rt'\'Clllecl Uistr:i('t .-i"earn. Mernj"}('r~pl Ro\ Seo\lt I I ,II 111(:I'CaS(' lit til{ c'lll"ullrllCn'l

.'11:1 "p{'OIHI I)lm'" til' '\'i~l Hi .. - \"ill !loin t P.1C".Jl ]'11'''1 11n Auto 'Mis'hap l,l~/" {~t~llu~I'ftaS~t'~~l:~l"dl!~a~X~r('!~l(ll_ i

trir.1 ~. a .... annoUlu'p.d ~l Th," • 'londa) al Itll, 11I':!:1 lif"r;lld last \n'ftk. tlOn 01 i ~oAnn Klrchncl". 1~,. daughter nJ f ~~~t (" s~~~ji !~~~'nI.~~~~:~~!· ~I ~~~;l

. Fmal slandll1g~ among 111[' rud:iI . : ::'0,11 and EddH' Krrctlnl!r. C,?Jl- I ahe dol last yeat". Whtcli mdlcate" !

!. Dse,lo_'",rO,'c'". p.~a,· e~nd(11.), L.:~re',c'n' ,I ~~P".,fl1r)',.,1 I cord. wat-; In Bcnthae,k hospItal t.n!:--' Ilha' th, lOt<li ('1l11011mcnl

\Yl]1 b, ' _, > <' .K u~, ~ I \Ycck tollowuyz an aut() mlsllRp ii 1111'""; ".' :

---~--i-1,+--' ,_c_'C_'_.I._1'<_"_" __ ':',-1 ~__ ::~:.:ni.:~OUt.h of Concord Monda~ A\~'l'N; 01 .0I'Il'ittallOll ,and I'e{"-.I g ,reat on aCtlnue.., I:. planned to! I

~iss Kirchner,. ,teacner for I ne'i\ stUdents .. mel dll1g JJ Blg-LIt­Strng·l~y schaol north .of-ConcorD, i Iki 'rster ;plCDlC l(lh 'Women and a was on her way to sclrool when • "b(' n teed" tOI' ·tJw ml'll Tuesda~ !

the car she was driVing upset 'jn I aft.:> nOon, followed b~ all mformal a ditch, The accident :;occurred' I dam. l' e\t'nm;..; resld(.'11c(' .about 7:45 a,m, 'Miss 'Kirchner, .1 haH parlwl"- Weonl'lsdm the tacu!­was helped .out of the ·.car by 1;. Ir 'ccption Thudda:- and an alJ' 'Mr. and Mrs, Floyd :SUJ1ivan" i 01 daIICP' foHm~'m:r the 'Wa:nw~

I', who live nearby. Tney'-werc at+: ;Al.lIft stana footbaU gantt' Frida\ , tracted by the jammed- ""horn IOnl: 'I' al'ents Da)." ~\rhicb had been

I the Kirc'hner -oat. i ~c~((iukrt £01' Fri~Y' Scpt. 11, h,:s

i ~1iss -Kirchner continued on tlo! ~~r p~~~n;~n~~nc;i~~i~a~h~~~a\'e~~~ I SChO.?] bur lVa." tak~n to Benthad;: i Will bt' .guests of tl.!' collcg!' a1 tht.' Ihosp~tal Monday ~I.g"ht where slu': N I.ll' .statp~Doa ,. football gaml'

I rCQwrcd a transfuSion. She was nQl 'th'i en'n' ..... Cll1 In th.f' mjshap but 1:luftercrl se\j-' d wo n~; facult appotntme~ts

I era] .~rUlse.s. . . I ! ~ ounc.ed by Pr si~ent .John .D. I I i I e complete th list of 14 rn~

'M- Ie I ucturs who wil join the staff \ ~ " .' <' •• t. : at the apening.o the ·college. i ;, ·.0 .. ,. e,,'.5 'I ,! '1P (I new awo~ ltees are ':\irs . . I ..': 1 pa; la l\iarldc.} !lo'l1 el mstructor, in \

, I I ~~p (. ~~::~~~~\I~ ~e(;ct~~~u~~~ I i (prroes m 'W~yne Wednesday .a.:ml' I~ ace~ .James C McCarth). 'who I I Com. _ _.c$ 1143 10m d the speech taU at :Ma!- I

Oats _______ ~ ... :70 I ! ~~ E' unj"v-erSl"t\ Mrs l\iize was I i Cream ._ _+ _. ~ :.-64 I I adp (j to the hoDl(' economICS staff I

Heavy hens, Ib, _ .17 tOJt ach 1n th(' n~fOU1_'yeaI' yoc,a-I LuHtt "ben$. 1h. .15 II ) ti~ al home econ cs;p~~

-He-.vy $I'rlfl,g~, lb .17 I ~ s Mize recent d 'her dettees

~~!:~~~~J t~. ~- ~ -.:.f :~~ I I ~1~ l~~Q~~n~"\~~~l ~~e§~~!!! cpose ',,:,;,~~:~~~d[~ic~:dr'Oifa;;";;:. E9:!;Is, doz. _. ____ .38


:s I :c:a.LL£GE Of! N'NL-~_2.1 that 1'"

, I Iii Ie .", .


Wayne Depth;


,at J,he!waynetou,:,ty Fair last i ~ed~',J~~~~C~la~~:~~rC~~:~~~ I

, 'theawr'd, --- I' igh SQl,lod Lack.s!

Vets Bac/< "- I'! - -Herald: font hal!

,i •

~.IIRTHftJ Aug-. ;21: :\11', an;] ':\rr~. DUane' I

Lmd'><:lYI a -.,on. lJ()Il;~lcl Jalll('''', I Ib .... Hi h"., Bentil;u k hn"tll1al.

,,\ug. ':!i: \11 .IJ](] '.:'111''-. Ua1'1'011 featured En.;kl',wp, \\,i"Jlo'J·. daue:htC't'.

opment Linrh!, Fa~~'. 7 Ill". ()/.. 11('n-1 I school- I thack 'h()~jJltal. I

I T ~~;~ i 'T';~lUnj~l~.~J;'(~trl~·I('::.n;tl (;(::;~il~~~'~J('~aU~ . El1mhcth,"1 I h . ..,. 11 (II., Bpnthack:

\"<lr~tly hU'ipitpl. I

~~~S~H",I1.1 J,.A, II,:,".",' .. ~aS' ".:'lIt' :ll1d \11'0.;. Hobel"t. ']()ni :vtanl', 8;

and Full- Ill" l' iln'ipif,:tl. Aug ;Ill'~ \11"'-;. Don I

Longl' :1_ "()ll. \1)("11;\('1. J ,\ nn, \\·.Jkd wid hO"llJlal. i

A\l~ ,lilt! "\11'''. \'1<11'\';n Po:-.p,<.;illl ,I rl.J1:gill('I, ."\';lIH'~ JOYCf'.: 7 Ills. nl:! oz., \V;tl.u'fi('ld._~~.os.~)!~I .. !

'Too Late To Classify

{,pnlr'l , : I

io;lgoill!.';iFOR Sl\LJ-:: Kroll (',nil \\ith ex~rJ th('oP-1 .\oL1th Side <Jlld H-fl; f,xtC'no;lonl of Al- ~ stair gate. Also a pfllr of white I

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~h(,!Iauntll"ytullsonstancl. Phon('2b~ I fore 0 p.m. anj 1.11 Mlrr Fi <It

: Wak('[i('ld. S3t211~~~~~~i~~~~



\\'ANTE]): \V,;lln',-s fit tlH' coffl'f' I shop. Go,HI hOUI'S. good pe!}. Ap-:

nt .. in !){'rsol1. Cit\" Grocer., s~ j



KING'S Where TI-ic! Big Gands Play;



~2L'jO, Gem cafp: I

. ~2,'i ;:'in, Stirtz Oil: S26, Langcmcj('l

, S26, Sherr:,­ihl'rt. S25.50. Rob­

Kf'nncth I VogPI. Poultry and Egg,

f::J Rancho: G31")

Edu~ation! Entertainment'

. Excitement! Surfac:ed Parking Lots

Picnic and Ca,mp Grounds

Nebraska's Biggest'Event!



organ Th£' hrick who

chUrch WIth·· her fathpr I gown fashionf'r] of Fr('~ch ! tillj' ht~E' over satin with a b~?ic(' fand full siilrt whiH:h tulle paTh-I of sunburst The ilIus~Dn ~'ok(' W;b oul1i nY.lon pleatmg untif'I' , \'E'IJ was, of Irnportt'd i I

'.which f€~ to finger! ip , • :J cor'on t of c.h{lntllJy rwaris. S (' cflTTJed a whitf' -. ~. ;-;j~.~~-~ •. I



1 i, ,

I Former Wayne Th' ,

'Girl Wl€d~ in aId' I ,Ii _ .. ~._e _"_.-, '_I)_'l1,_~...;,..+-...:..~:.:.:;.~.:.:.::::.r==l~s:ep!.::t::.. . .,::3:.., .:.;19::5:3~~3

~'r"'-:-:-""'!'--+-"":,,., ... -+ ... - ..... -~---... , i ~'~:~~~S~'I,~~g~~.~~t ~~\'I'~ lry Larson, I Fort Worth, Tf'x. B<lrharf! 1\1 I Mr· and I

Mrs. W. G.' 'Senul.:. left. Vw'yo" SUIlQflY." Ttwj.

a w('('I(. Mr. SchulL' that hi", rll'lth{'.r hu;z. dit:'d Frili<n

'I Anne B.1.:rtels, F9r t Worth, daugh- N rand Mr.s I • had !'tpt'J1t a week \1sltmg in the A ~al (('liJnf' I tf'r of Mr. and Mr~. 'George F. ' (>\\ York N Y cam£' H O\\erts and Jim JV{uITI» homes Loo"('

, II BaJ'tels, Kimball. Nebr., former Hnd \ ls]ted unnl Frld,:-' In Mr.s. I.~et H~9tJeJ call~ III the I ~~. 'I W'ayn!" rt'sidents-, and $ ISgt. Neil- EriC Thompson home From Fa} liampton hote Cplumbus C'd In I 1 honor son Pau,l aLj,rke, Carswell A;FB: Ih(>\ \\('flt to L,nlo]n t1 \ lSlt oth('1 Frtda\ arternoon I , Thurgda\

Of nil~i I I (,~h\'es I "twelve gll"ls elped Jayne IorIO'" Jm ('(' I taffeta.' I I fro~lll ~a!Fer'dcentrall CI~Y',spent HUg"hf's c('lfb.rat~' hor h,rthda\ last 1 Thursday of pinJ,.;::: the Ar1~~ Jf'~~;e~\~~t~l l'TH-.a. In [<rrd'IH afternJof Wall<l((' ltul!ihC'" ~om(> I

I Mr. and Mrs. Owen ~effrey and Mr and Mrs C::Jr1rad Swanson. ~~~ \11" "'1,100 Bill }.}hns[,l1 all of Plalln\IC'Yt w('-rf'1 Ff'rna!d.; Ia. spent Frida) altel· I


KUf>Sb In thr Adon JQfflf>\ ho (' noon anti mght In th(' Fred DC'n- Brad Cranle, N~tiOlk' Ila~ last Fllaa\ I Of kmgT'r honw The\ \\{'rC' on thf'lr I Monda\ l \enln!! InIWI ll~ th'l

George Peter, Omah~, spent t9st I \\a\ 10 Raptd Cli" ,W;:tll,I({ lIugh(" h mr .l I

\\rel,end ln lh0 Paul Mmcs horth' Mr and Mrs. Fr'ed Denkmger Mr and Mrs. Wallace l1 ug hes \.\.Ith hIS \\ III' and famtlJ.\ I sop('-nt the \"(cpknd 10 Le::vtal's, In I took thl IT f1hJlrlle~ .Janwst Rare

Mr and Mrs Frank Heine t.lok I In th(' JaJT'r.,~s \V LPWIS homE' The\ bara anrl Bill to ::NO! folk S nda~ : fhl'11 daughtf'! Mr<; Kl!'nneth Shll h{'lpf'd Lu)da ('eleblat!' h{'r blrth- so Ih£'1 ('ould at:f'Ihd BYF IstTI('1 I 1\f'rto(!m<lhaFllda, 11r .. Shll\(l da\ MVLC'''\lS IS ~lIs Dphkmg.' ral!' \1r Ani ",ir:; JlughC's \ls11'1 I \\rd,.1 leach thf' second gl"aa~ 10 the ('r'~ brothC'r. I'd fl j('nd~. I I i Kf'llom ~radl' "chon!. I I M.r .. a,"!c:I M~, Roy Lennart and I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hughes I ~ Mrs. Glen. HO~del'"Sheldt. and Jach \ Is.!tE'n m th~ .Robert ~lenn. and. famil'· Wf're !m ::\"Ol'fOlk on 1

I· Ch,·!"!· "{'I(' In SIOUX ("'11\· home. Wakf'f~el~, F nday eycnmg'lltUSlnf'S,\ ;v!onda\·. I Tuesday, . ·.1 Mrs. floy Lennart was a guest in ·Mr. and Mrs. E.iJ. I

I • ~r. ahd M rs .... C~cjl Hale, De·1 th~ Robert Glenn home. Wakefield; and Earl went to !

there' tlll'Y \Viii . Schulz homl~.

. ('.a.ur. 1a. anj L 1:,. Half'. L)·on5 Friday afternoon. Mrs. Glenn was 1l"Iursrlay en'nmg


\ISltl'd thl' S. J .. Ba,}c homp lasl ll, ________ -:---.... -------:.:...·--·,::'.:.---·--.;...-=+ ........ =..::=+:.===:::;:=::=~ Sunday. tyrr. and Mrs. Harry i. B('C'knel' and family 3Jlso called.

Mr. ajd Mrs. IN. P. Thomas were F 1 ~:~~~::':'~d'~~~~'g::,~:h;U~::'At.;n-' re,~ Moviect ... ~ree ~Lunch son, anjl Dwayne Atkens came last " 1 SundFl" I .<lhd VjS~ltJ?rt - until last

I TIIP<;n,,\· 111 ~h(' A.·J. Atkins homf'. TU ES ' Forth Worth :-.on of J' ;mr! ]\:/1'<;. I \]1· .... AtkinS IS thrr~'unl<'s daughter, .. DA~ SE PT

of Fulgente P Burk('. MansurcL La .. I)\\ay~p Al.kms returned to Atkln- . ' : , weee united ;n mamage Aug 9 at I '''~ w,t~ hiS gellJldpa,ents. .' ! , •

a I 3 p. Tn. in the Tnnlty Lutheran' . D. IAddlson WilS In SIO!-1X City j : church: Fort Worth. R('\,. Curtis: Saturdaj: aftelTIoon on bUsmess. 8 OQ p. M i E ,Jors.1ad officiated at thl' doublc' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jo.hnS'On and ~ • iring ceiremony. raul Vl"qn'. Fl'lda) eYenlOg- dinner

I:I('r: Mrs:: Mary Trout. accompanien ~~~n~~~ti::niT~I('sts of Ih(> EUgt'fl('

~I~~ I t~ftE&1~~eiT~)U~?r,n. sang "If Gm"! Mrs. Simon· ~essmann and Mrs.

~(}g(>~. - The brid{' was gi\·C'n in mR1Ti~ge ~;I~d~~~f\\;~~~ ~~:~a~·f :lr:;·n~~n~· ear by her father. Sh{' \\"01(' a baHN'lIla ..., ..

i /{'ngtfl gown of whll(' nylon tulll' Mrs. IW.· .• L. Wlsc.hhof visited

Lions C,~ub Rooms j Wayne

the' and~ lacp m'{'r taffelH. Th(' tUll{'" :Vfrs. \"\. A. :\1('~('r Thursday

Gedocn,n,,'n! ~~~r~~r\)O~·i~~ \~~~~O~·f;~~lpr}£'\~.~~~! Hughe~ went last Tuesday a lace JaC'ket. Th('re was ;J \a('(' 10 \'ISlt In thf' Fay Hampton hom{'. I

drape OV('[" th(' wabl and hIps and MrSr ,Paul Peterson, Columbus,


MO",","" I



I a flat 10"· llow on ttl(' left Siw \ lSI ted Saturday 10 thl' Ismael I carnpd a houqu('\ with a r~m()v- J~ugru'~)home

b.lue' nble w,.1Il(' garrl~nia ('or"ug(' cent- ~rs. M. W. Murray left Satur­pmk I ('reo il1j spilt whlt(. f'ill"nittion'i and cla\ for hel' home' in Omaha. She


.' Donna Van Dyke'. III.. Illcoll lwrl charge of th{' ~u{'st 'wn<; hrin('sm;lIn. Slw ()r- 1,f)nk. i chid lmliprinC! If'n~th gown of nylon Trw ilrill!' ~radual('(l from \OV:\"nr

. I ~~~~' op~~,r;I(l~~~f~:l~lS lkl" 11(J1](lurl I ~:.II'l:~')lsf~O;;lm~:~~. ~t~~n!(~{'~o~~~r!~i;~ I, ,B{',,! man was M Sg/ \\'ill[ll"rl' pl()ypd Ip.v ('pntral Alrlin{'s ll\ F0I1

F Sh· II T HId: \\'orth. TIl(' groom is H graduat(, ; S::·'Sgt., II' ~;:~f'm::'[~'rf' I~YI\~~f'\'\\~;'li' nf Man~1Jr;1 High ~;{'hool, Mansura,

~~Il~~~.~~\~l' J\'r:~IIH"h( .• I.~';~l~I! .. · ~~.\t.~,:~ L:~,)r IH'r going-:I\\'uy (>11"(>01bl(>

lr-;ll{'!'Sj ~\r~~'hl)~r't~'1 ~I\\l;~~f'~.,,<; .1<T;~'\~ ~~:~~ Ml·~, l~all(··s 11) LOlli"I,lna on rhpI!' \\;('(1dlng

:,'~~~~~h}J~~~~~lgf' ~~;~~ and an' 11\"!lIg at Forth \VOI'th, I

• R('Cf'plioll (lut-of-town gIH'<;1 wa-; Mrs. \V. parlO!~ .. HI'\cn H. Br('(1I'm£',)Tr. ,!llnl of th(' bride, i \~.~(~~~)_" _____ . ~~~,~._ Llr~o~ ___ _


the cheapest and ea~iest to! handle form of nitrogen. , I : I

Representatives from Allied Chemica 1$ and Farm to discuss your fertilizer [problems a~d needs.

'.' c: COrE AND BRit:; A FRIEND!




;CORt1IPICKER '''101'' "

p I corn ~c,",r thalia "eb..,k :, .. c (t>.u.tu & t .. ~t OfJ,utri'

GREA~ CAPAC'IT"i. K UAN~o.: I';;"'. , E .. -It W~~ ,~,1'/" ~oY .

tor anjIl8 "quicktllclL" R I' .

The',!II8 .. T>"";",,,, .. Pull t3-'Pe ('om

will bfo here


., 'f

:;. ,I


I O'~'I

Church tp Qrganize

Young qbuple's Ch,b Seqm CO~PIC$ of Tdmty Luth­

Han Chure~. &;n~ their families en-

k'~.~~~ ~iJ;i~1~ .~UrR~~~ ;~g.~~~n~ I ~oun~ cou. les t.1Ub \viI! be organ-

~)ifegl~n d~~ ~St'daTh~~,~~~l~h:,~~~ :'''11'. and: M 15, j\\flllisRH~e, Mr. and Mit". Clar ,nc~ I. Pfeiffer, Mr. and

~~ll~l'M~~r ~~: JSl~~t~~~l . and Mr.


High Sc~odl Grads

To Teac~ tlo/is Fall Donna J~nlte~ Cleol'R Baker and

.s!.lal"~ly':1 ~l'h,"1.'el" 1953 graduat('s ot Wlnslde'l1lgh school will teach

~IJ1·l~'u~~:Ls~flr~. O~le~t~~~~ ~~u~~~ ('la;:;s inclu(le as follows: Darrell T'l'outmal! r~nd Leon Koch, who will be a!".h>l}dI

X \ya)~ne State. Teachers

collegf', a d 'Shirley Ba-rner and JoDean J~ es: ~r(' attending FC'hool in OJll~ha.: ~~s Barner is taking a cOmme~lal' course, and Miss

'.Jon~~ ~s ten~ling an electronics Jo schooL ,_ arYL CarStens, another

class mem erl ir employed at !Nor-foil·\. ' I

,~ ~'~~s ~ame Mrs. f~ensen

,\ Dele ate IFriday Mrs. Ja sl"C. J~nsell wa!'i nam­

ed, qelega e ,:jt'9 the Rebekah as­~f'1;nply m e~ng at Beatrice Oct. 20, 21 an 212 Friday night at a regular, of'the local lodge.

l\trs. • lc~ert was nam-fd se('r the remainder pf 1.953, f !thfL resigationn of ~rs. 'lar nee A)lkin~. who il!o 'llOl'lng t ~D\'I.'l •• l\lr!!l. AI)king ~\'as: 1)!.eM ~t ct a J,';ft. I \Vuuudc s 1 dge will be host to ~~ Wayrjc hapter ~r.iday. S'ept.

I , Jaclle, Judy We~dell Muhs, nil. Buss, Danny an Sue Ann Glass, Sie ers and Larry

~pkings Honored James Th~lm"!llIIn'rI Son

~t Farewell Party! Baptiseclll

t~eir home Sunday evening in ii or of Mrs. Barner's birthda.y· ~1 ~nd M~s. Clifford Bak('f ann'rc:n tty, Mr. and Mrs. Bob P~lul ar Alan. Mr. and Mrs .. Frt'd R('('~ M and Mrs, Ray Reeg·anct fam1ly' :-'1 yve e played Mrs. served I S,lrlt',,,,,."

~C:1~e:::d ra~o~;:.e. Favors Were ~i. Low Joker club held la fare­

,"puo"" "" .... ,' ,,'"U""6 ~nd Mrs .. Ernest Grone Hnd '1;;11 lly and .Mr. and Mrs. hi GrOT

At~end Fle~r Reunion

S~nday at Laurel

1° ky~~gw~rar:~o~:·to~a;:~~:: . w~ll party Tuesdai evening, Aug.1 s~n 25~' at the William Wylie home' son,

C 10. Prizes at cards went ito Mrs:' infant's gt~~ndpaI;etTl;s f~~c~a.~~:·s~;~.a social C\('nl1

o 0 Graef and Mr. Wylie. Mr.' .

--'--i-r----I----L-----:--+------iL------i-- Rev. and M,rs. H. M. l-lilpcrt and

~ney and Mr. and Mrs, Carl

~rft. ~S~o~h~rglU~~he ~~~seS~~~d~ ,

Woockmans Honore~ For 20th Anniv~rsary

utman and family attended the F1 er family reunion· Sunday af-

~~r:k~~ ~U;~L' Laurel municipal

,;tnd Mrs., Howard Palmer of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs WilfHam Deck ~nd Dale were Sun~ ?8t,afternoon 8l}d luncheon guests In the John Asmus home. '

"upe;li~te~;I;;;i' . Mr. 8:nd Mrs. Howard Palmer,i o I SIOUX CIty. and Mr. and Mrs. ~ohnl

. Asmus spent Sunday evening i'1

, ~~~~~l~t~~. ~~dk:r~~ ~~6c~~ man's twentieth weqding annivers_ ary. -

I .


COOkiES Sugar Wafers or Vanilla Creams

·6-oz. PKG. 25c Ja~e Arden-the cookiestt'ith'the pqrty flavorl

12-0%. Get an Extra Sul>ply

of Brea~; Milk, " Eggs and Butter to car;;1 through


this long~ week end. !

White B~eadskYI;rk' thin.slir;; ::-:-:,., 2t':i , ButterSh~dy Lane, ptrchment:w.;.ppe<! ".,',' t~~i

20c 72c

Fresh Milk """ .... . .. .. ,' ~ ~ts,43c

C .• lor~.O, PIAC~HES -.' . $4 59' . 2lbs. Bu. • loSe

\ ./

1IrvIImI. .. ~ ling-pack hasUIs'l ~Atp.ahlsupp,tbls week-ad ~

, ,


M"rgarin& sunnibank Brand,. co~()red, fresh / .... ,.

Clle:ese Whiz Kraftcheesd spread ..... , .. 18-~Z.

Sweet Pickl Bond's whole

\ I

Last CaU for Cannirg

Mas~n Jars ~ ..... Pi~~S 815e" ... Jar C!:aps __ ._.s1J'ie1li~g lo9c.~ .. , ,Beet Sugar b:~O~J=er cavnin; , "


1·lb, ctn,,25c, 16-0Z,·5·7c .Jar

25c 9ge 4ge 9ge

SOl'lul Circi('l. Mrs, P. C .. Jensen Wll,~

to SOCia) eirel£> Wednc$duy noon, Fifteen members an",wl'r 1'0.11 call.' 1'1~s, . Don Wylie \\ ;I~ guest. ~om yo Set iurnjshN\ tht, d

ternaon s entertainment :\j\

Cora Brodd held high score ';) I N~igh,bol'in!: I Mrs. Kent J~cl{.';on, IO\\" SCore. ;,\1'

Jensen served luncheon. l\1rs. 1\

D~~~~y.war,ne, will entertain We,


-P .. 125-ft 2 1 al'er Wax\u , , , , , , , , . Roll' St Snn,dwilrh Bag 4~bag 10 S Silk, paper.", .Pkg. C

C assorted colors, 25-cup 25 . ups COld, drinking rups .. Pkg. C

Forks or Spoons .. 20p~~~nt 9c -Torpedo Brand. . . ~C~~ 2Sc

12:0' 4'3 ... Can." C

5-0'. 25 .. Can C-

...... ~~~ 7Sc Butter ~~~~I~r~;:~~r. ~J;O:' 35c

D·e • 1·pt.29 . r sSlng DuchC3S i •.•.. .... Jar C

P· kl .. 1·qt. "ll9 Ie es Western Pride, whole .. Jar I. C

1l-oZ:29 .. Jar C

.~~t~~25c Jumbo ~iz~ ~.I~;~Z~ 29,

2 25 can~ c

Ch' Kitty 7'0'. Bag39 IpS Clover .... (BudgH Size)· C

Potatoes Kobey 4'.t~~ 22c

6 12-0T., 3Sc botties

'.6 6-0=. 29 ... , . bot~~cs· C

6 7·0': 29· " .. "~~\~"". bottles ,C

Edwards, - . , . . • l-Ib. 79c wonderfully 'ri~h .......... _ . Can

Airway, freshly ground. , . , .. ~~~ 73c Small 7(·

~ Can

. Empty Pantry Spaces.

27< • 46-0% 29

Libby',' """ .. ",, ... Can' e· - 16-0%. 1'8'

Glenn-Aire, whole sections , , .. , . Can C


Ltlll!lII,,.,..·1 . No,2'h 38· I I Hoote .. Delight .. " ... Can . .. e

2 ~6-oz. . :Bottles 2Sc HIRES-with real ra~f juices

i Stock Your Cupboard I ,.

! -;Fresh)~"Pplies. for Fall

. :,: ....... ,2 17-oz . Cans

Armour Star ...

Z 2

12-02; Cans 16-oz. Cans

2. 16-o~. , Cans

15 1 ~-oZ': . Can

16-oz. , .Can

33c 41c 3$e· 33e l.Se 34c 19c

... : ... 12·oz, Can 43 c handy pantry shelf item

1-lb,Can 33e""".,.CaE (or your delicate: Call-pastries. -

. 21.oz, Pkg, 30e " .. , 63.~z, Pkg-, '73e i it's the new wasbing,~nsauQn., ~.

ls.o .. P~;"· 3b~,: ... ~4~'0~";kg_i3~ detergent, 'for 'cIiIMa .r\~ finer laundry q ' .

• 1 I·. '1 14"'£ 15' ::~.~ •• ~.~ ........ I •••• , cans .,.c

Bab'O' ,

{'UH'uant ('hurt'h (i\kl\'in 0, P('(kr:-;oll, pa:o;tor)

Thursdl-lY: BihlC' study 8 . follo:w{'d by choir rehc>arsal

Sllnd<iy, Se-pf. 6: ,. In 1-t,Ol. ~ornin~

Frozen 'Sliced California

Stockton Brand

:\111111' frnm rr('~l'. rille , 'fmnatm':o> _

12-oz. B\>ttle.


Mrs. George BrunlS ,'~'('rC' th~' Mel,"in Bt'uns: home

evcning, , ' and ~arTY, Wiiyne.

guest.s 10 the Geo]'g'(' Frida.)'. _ \

rawberries '30 Ibs. $9519

Trailer Brand Tendh

::Spring 12 17-oz.

Cans .. ,' ~lc

Sunshine S"gar Honey :


I :

:'\~rZ~~~d' !,"O:;' "TtlUr5d~Y \ 'lIsb~s Back Home I . SophIa Walter' visited in From reste· "T'

Bartels hOll'If~ : Friday" rn rip , I. Dr. a d Mrs. M. J. Busby and

!." !thmmy l1eturnt'd la~t Tuestlay aft Ll'fty Ohun ler a th

1'ee week tnp thro~gh the

M.arth.8 Olson, Janice and ~·('~f.1 T ey visited a-t the J;.eonard slta~~j I~ 11 h the Glen returned Thursday from a =-c~home at Seattle. ~~~ a Win Park

trip to Ne\v York City ~-they vis. ted "Lefty" Olson. : Ihorp from Ainsworth Honor Mrs. Salcke1r'50In :\l.r. and Mrs. R. E. 'heeler. Sud

Wakefiield F Ik AJnswor~h, were Wednes ay af_I' at r ay o $ i~rnoon and overnight g Cst!> in I Mrs. Carl Ijnt."rb,;n M~s Ro~s Wh~('ler home. 1r. and Whef'ier, Mrs. '

,,' h .. I? II Smith, . Lyons, jOined I son and Mrs. 5ang~,.t the I I pm In the (>vemna , • -uests in th(> errr

l~st Mon ay eve- i Mr, and Mrs. G(~orge Lueders I Saturda:v e\,en1ing f at he ~c1t I and G,ny spent last Sunday after- i Mrs, Sackerson's an:r l~derAdefl, I ~{~~mhl~~~' e\'ening in the J~e WiJ- I :'~urRday,

the nightl in the' l\1r 'llld N1' G II I Monrre Olson I And Gr' ,rs, ,porge iLU.f'd('l'S Vaeation in ChkRl:o I t guest in 'the Thom!>~~ hV~~~(>~~H.t ~h(' 'hMorrli' \ Mr, and Mrs.

I and he girls. ni!]rr on~ y e\ e- I Gord(!1l Lundin Chicago, w('r£" entert1ain- i ,..,' I' I mornmg for a

home of 1vlr5, El.rner I Bc'v~~iv H d' k.' ill' Chl,cago" Bruce 1"lleel:wc1od.. , l~~m(' Su·n~la.y ~~o~C O~~h~ C\\\~r~, ~~!~eda~d B~~~

T~en' (,Iuh' ' th: t~1\·,~~~~~he~ he~ ~ra~ir:g at I-the Fred Y ':I1CI:e cluh will meet I taken a ~. ,J: ho~plta .. , ;t,he ha.":' Mr. and .

Em(' HJtz Wc<jnhday, for Dr,<C~ ~~~l.t~~e,as offic,' nurse I ~~~~YjnO~~0f>n


31b. Cq~n 79c CHICKE~S LL ••

'''--:-:~iiiiii.::-:-:~--=-~---=-=---l u. S. GOoD'BEEF ;NII:LUII.



Duty Mr. and ,Mrs, Adolph Sichel

met Bob BlChel at Fremont: 'last Tuesday ('ver:ting~ Bqb had spent lJ mont hs In Korea, Enrout(! home Bob stopppd * Clovis N' ~. to see Dick EiChej!. .' .



HA1M" 9-12-lb:;o.yerage

2.gCLB. ROASTS, ... ··3 HEAD . LE~TUCE 2 ----..

,~. PoTiio s,10"··· co:nE-2~ GRAP ~ED:2"; -_ ..

J.z~:;72'fff--PRICES ON FRUITS



[Of .1[[$


3 "\o!"''',;'


"' •••••••••••• '1'

Reb8kafrs Meet, Make

Plans f~r "Sower" PPhf 11<lh" mf't In lhl(' cluh

roqOls F id«y. A short IjU<;il~{,<'S meeting \'BS' held. Plan] logo to \:Vin~i {' Septemlwr 1,1 werE' r'rrle. PIl' this lim(' the I\VaynC' <'\111 wi"] lurn tJw "Sower" onT I 10 t ~w W ltsick club.


111,,(,(' 1 Lpt' Ann Rhonda J<'IIW. I

.35. Present ~t Country CI~b

Country rlu held its 1 o'clock iUnchf'on Thu 'dny with ;->5 pr('s~ ent. ilrjdge P Les went to Mrs. F. S. Morga <lnd Mrs. 11. J.

f1(')~Ct. G~:r r~~~(>~'~~ ~~~. 1(:

FR IT SALAD S tilD~E One for REl9,:!lar Pri~e, 9f 20c - I

Get Second One for lOc

W,~M(;Natt. rs Tom Johnson

f~e~r~~,d (W:!{el~~fl:ti~~!i Go.lf Tournn .t is being held ~odav at thf'!!lUh. 'Ladj/~.o; f '("1m ~)lainvii'\\' .. Ti .. \ ('n, Nf'ilgh. 1l<II·t~ ilnglOn. ;\orl lk tout h ,sIOUX

q~i1y, Sioux Clt and. Yanl\:'ton <11'(' d·.':r~( ct f'rl til [' tl'f.


'AIRyEddQ~EE .. I

Oentral S09ial Circle

Meets, HOISI Two Guests >I

• , , .' , • ~ • '" ,~ '"/ ,~ .• , "I" , t i ., ',I ••• ' ••••• ••• 1 •.

Mr<::. /1 1 '''"\1''1 \Vittl1r was hOR. t<'55 Jo Hillside Tue.;d:W. Six­kL'11 mernt)('rs and· one> guest Well' pl'('~cnt. P~ii(.es~ we're Won t .''; ;l'lrs. Alvin Willcn:;, Mn;. AI-



Step lively J

Get a'/ight akd

I· II~,. . . , ove ~ :s.Itmmtng


: l~hru-, i, 1

A~ t'as~ on' your budget as theyi are on you, 1

rillmflt!'s soft'l smoothing, freed~rn.giviIlg I Ski!,pief;! N~ heavy bOll.'. N?:hins IQ pilIC~, PI,ke 0lbind. Just a rew wispy uoce~ of th, gfll11es sJim~il1g you~ve ever adl We've .... sjtdles nd p:f.tie. in yout len 111-0 rang8 f or 'IY!~ and ~lastfc •• Sud, an dry ill a I

, .jl,lry. S ippie" ••• for ,slims!er, of all I ages. 6me t~ke your pield ~

B~a. """I""""":",,,,,,·,· ""1 f~om $1.2 L ' 9!irilles ~nd P~pti~s .,. __ j",I_ fro~ . .$3.96

, ,




Mrs. L. J. Bress~cr WAJ1 m'lny ori:tes on canned noods esx ibit('() I at the W1lnie fair. Harold eivcd.1 a prize on his hf'tfer and a. ho .

-:\11'. <lnd :::\h's. Har~~' SlynhOfJ and r';~)J'e~lL.w(>w ~'~'_h __ ~lar Ka_~ I

Danyin Aglers visitpd

W:v·\~~~·71~~~ a~fcrl~l'~I:IFit in neap:1lis with Durwin's ,,151(']', Clan' BUsi{irk, ___ !,_ ~ ___ ~ ....

Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipatio

Avoid Inteslinal Upsel! Get Genlle Vegelable Laxative Way!

Swans' For a Fall Collection of

Natlonally Advertised BI~u5e5

I For~a~pus W ~ar i !.-S~hlp n Shore blM.1

The hl~tlse' that's imrparahlc from today's liYingl lilt;" Slltll-l.I~!C';lptm('s tht' casual Amcrican ~oro~ ~:

in ~!'pl'diJl(, hroadc:luth .... C'urr's a soft I!' ('(IIl\ !'rtihltt l" .. , fields IJt';l(ltJI dl pl'.lI"llmtton:s:

,\ L'ln (-;!1l11~1}" \\";l ... h,t],]c cO!llht'd ("olton, , , \\ hite. l.\lA)tt' p.l',ki}, uel'p ,~lo\v-ttllll'S, Si/.~· .... 1() to ·10.

, "Men), 4th~r new Ship'" Shore s~yres, tc.-... "

~~ •. via1'~-pat~d

• must for every sweaier girl .•. for any ba,~c drc .. ~

Collars of Fi'(Ilch linporud AntoN (lined Wilh organ die for ..

".shape in~urancc'')- ;­Aild Croclultd WooI_~f.~t"'witb

pearls or rhinestone.! A.ll ~ith dainty shell,

i'1:~"t:' "', ,II ' 'i \ ,,'

'>~, :: '. '¢'N~OI("

I i

Bibl' '~t" It?h

Re."·:, ',.\.' W. Knoel" live of thE' L th~ran' . lute. 1VUnneapuli". \vi:l nn~·day Bible conference eOl'dia Lutlic-rnn church .sumla,~· night:

i '. I

, , '" I --

5', I k : :~~~~~:~~~~~~J I ~'F'c""-""""C,--''''''''' pea ,S i Chilkiren. I grandchi'dron and . ! ~rt~at IgrandchHdren of Mr . C,. J.

I M~gn~SOh ~athered -at t. e city. , 'f IW ki park lJnda~ for a picnic n hon- . e' X i ee ~'orOI ,het' h rtho.y, ThO'~_ repent wf!rc- ,the f milles of Glen Mag .. nt,tlrnn~ GeOlge Magnuson. Melvin

- - - :.- I rv~gn s'on, aIlace Magnus n, Art , ' I J hns n, enneth o)son'~ArVid

l:lhl!lrnl"i",,";' Angus Steer ' p tenon Evert Johnson, L.w-, '~c~ BClCkfl rom Evon P terson

'1 iii r anl Mr" Oscar J' hmw" M nel M s Fo' rest Ma nu::on " d ,1l's ~"<:,"neal Pf'ters nand L nt>,1 A gJ'oup of fne-nds anel

I n 19h~or!3 !>rtent Mond:lY af~e~noor: w~th ~rs, l'l'wgnu!'on for thf samE ~,

1q:~:~:;:r::;;ed j' ,

uJgts in th~ Melvin . arlson h melFl'iday night in honol1 of the

,thil't~1~('ighth wrdcting anniversary of MI,. and ,Mrs, Joe Carlfiob were

i M, 8,nrl I\Tr!;. :'IliHon Carlson and I faJ.:ll!l' Mr. an? Mrs. Clifford I ~l~'~~~~~, aI~~~C~~~~lY~n~'1I~'f\~1?Y ~~~ I

i l'Ik ;:'~d 1vIr,;. C' lr~()rd CarL':lon al~d: ~ r,~mil~'. 'j

. L('avt> Slmdl)Y a·nd Mrs. Normnn Sul i

van.1 have be-('11 hel'f' for t p,ast month l(>ft SUnday. Mr.-;, !ivan Wt'nt to hpl' forr'l1l'r IIaq.l£'l". Tpx .. and Norman will port ut T:woma. Wash .• tor ! in Alaska. Mr. and MI'!'. F'!uyd ji\'an and Gar\' lm)k rtll>fTl to ha i,..·hpre .1hey mH Mr'., I Neull ~:'mit·h and furnJ!;,' 01 I ~~~' [I pi('nie ill I'f'O'IlY 1'<1l"k. I

. Mrs. Ann N(>b~lJl, ('ol"inr1l' atd Di<'k and Alma V~ill('j-.-; \\'l't"l' Su -


day' e\'('nin!.; \'ISit(),', Sill tlH' (,;(,Ol',,'{'; , Vollers home. I' ,

MI'. and Mrs, CIi~f~.8· t~e9-t1~tn , '~I~~l I~~:l/ ~~<I:~I:~~)C;~~~,:<;t~f'.II'rI.

:¢hurches I

I Allen Tuesday of last wllgl;kJ.q':ia y w£'re at the Ralph H~adJ('("s- In

: Wayne for suppC'r Saturda~' nL£;~lt i

and at Gail Se:Jons S1.I.ndq,@.' Tl,·;tt:C1r~ 1"amUy Pit-nil' : noon. I I \1 r . a 11d, lV11 t' . .J (lhn I~[!I1S0n and ~

-. --,- :'~; . 'R~:!f~ il~!{ [fll~7J%, ~I~.\.l1dA!~~~~ II Mr, '::, ,jacob Knl\ ~l(' and family m,pt r('la~ I

Karf'n .',' I, livE'S [rom G~gor, y and WCl,ll, S', at!T. J.' D .. Sunday ,to Rf'sth<lven near Q '

~ke Andes f r a picnic dmner I '1inh,'aO(,Ji" rhE're WCfl' 6 pr{l<;cnt They also ,L\ \'isited Fort an~~llJ dam.' I

i -~ :-"lrs Edlth~ .1ahn WaltcfH."jd

I ~~~I {~\ g~~~~ ();r c1~~':ngC~)~~I~fll:lr" I

I Mr clnd Ml I~ob(jr; Aliil'n and II I girls "pent thJ \\~'( ktllll \\ Hh her

I ~~~~)hn,p)~~l f~\;n~;~f P(;/' 'l,~rl r~\lr.-; I "Jr ;in'rl i ("hel';-fl's,q~l'~on ;.:;}pnt hi)' w(if'k !Dlck Jt.

wl1h Glm':!\ ~(,·.<;();l."Tw\"l;~ ,S\\'ln- Idn y f(1f n .. :lY(' 1 I "!~l"l ( ,':t: I,'y >""Jo,O:l ,ilro 1 il"", \\

I I '!"

Cbmei t~~'

. I


I I, : It's tortd'y new! It's b~'VERIZED! i This door I op€'ns on 50 millilon dQllars' worth' of new trl,(ck d,sign an~ driving COMFO¥T.

Fprd spe.~:t that much in t>nlgi­neering U eae new 1953 Ford Trucks. I 'marks ~n all-ti:re high in rking comfort tljlat you have! try'out, to bplieye!

Coine Sit in this new Ford' CAB just 115 marvel at the

lhe cab, at the get with the ~ew

and hfge

B.- $350

C - $500,:.

• •• If sft. .' '\

wears~ ~ l.ifau. ' " liful Orcin"~::'

can" buy bel~e,' qUal~~ ,the money. ,

MINES JEWe 204 Main



To Choose


will re~ --c.o:-, -.,--t-----~-_j-..,__+-__:_-f_._-+_-meet~ ~amei home Th~sday and werc ac~ I

Mrs. ~ompani~d 'by fMrs. Alverne Jones G~1p :and ~WQ .l::hildr n and will visit her c~u; ~~~~~~l~~~g~ ld Mr-s. Ted Bcnja~

serV- 'I MI'. arid MI s. George Johnston T. C. spen~ last week in the Black Hills

) :~~tJ. 'i~;~~:t~~~r:nth!~ie~~~~~gd '\VeJ'C' at the F~lk I-Iamm home at ,Long' Pine, the Bob Johnston home Teacher Moves lat b,roitlL'n Bo ' and "the Wesley • ~ Scott hOJfl1e at airo and the Harry Ghd en, la. wgrlds~npJ}}i.~:+~~~as and her mo. ~tl"' and Mrs, Geolj'ge l ~tl1zcn and Ithel, .i\1rS, SPCfcpr Jones, Norfolk, l\. thleen moved, Ul nH;~.j pome llday alter spend- fr] m NOl" lk Frlda~ . Ml' Flnzen ,ng about 10 d')5 with the Darwm w~ll tea,e In the IIdden schools

found I Jonc:s i<'~mlly t Salida Colo, and I tWs vear, He 'has vlously I been 1v-11h other leI I\es ill Denver, a mem~e of tne C IT~ll facult"

I ~d:"N y, are makl g ~n extended accom- At Carroll liIome _ \lsil with Mr. and r~. Ed Wag-

H('v. and Mrs. R. L. NC'lson, formeT' Cal'l'olJ

I L~ Morrisf Visit ~!:'-rr-.Ya-o:~~~s~sJt E Snvgr oswc-I

),11' and ~ IS, L } .. , MorriS, rltey spe t a Jew ay~ JR!it week ""·'·.I"P""''' AlVIn ,ON' Mrs hgner lstear daughter

Hl'ldq-t'I)OI1, a~h arrlVeu last 111 the Fr d Soost h mef, Magnet I

altf'nJed the celebration. Rc\i. :WiI-11am'> had sf'rvcd the New! YOI'k

~rt~t~\~e:rh~~ect M~'i~~cnr~~~;, J::~~l\ \\cck to VISit their daughter, Ml s. ----- -1 ' Glen Wingctt nd ol'Othprs of Mr. Mr, an Mrs. A. . 'Sahs rctuI'n­::\~O\'ris. Mr. 1\'1 rris is hC'ad ~Iectri- cd TU(1sd' y aftC'r 5 ering a few Clan on the gO\·ernment proJect fot, days wit their d u htc!', >Mrs. the "Chief Jose h D!l~l" a~ Bl'idg~> Charles arwooj a ~ amity, Per- . port on the C Jumula River. ry 1a : ; I'h

Mr. and MI~'. Mo!"ris WCI'C hon~ ---~'---i I \: ored with gat erings during the Burwell uests. '; week. Others p es~nt with them for ~'Mr, an Mrs. Mci'inl Graves and

• dmnel' W('dneiav evenIng In the d ughter,' .l3UI"WC'Il, \'f're guests of hor Morns h IT).e w('re Mr and M , arid Mrs. Irve Q;raves from Mrs C H. Mo IS and Hal old, Mr ThUrSdBytuntil Sat dtl,y. They al~ and 'Mrs. R E Jones and Rilchard so attend p. the W!l~'nt' fair while

Lot Mf)rrls L. E. Morns show· here. -'1 1 I Her- pictures ot t e Chief Jos~ph dam _-------+---_ .

'. Mrs. proJcct durlllg' ~he ('veiling Ml I and Mr$. Leo Jells!'n !-.1)pnt

, wfn~~rtd~lO~;'t~~~~~ e\;~'~lnfi~~ ~~~~a~1s~J~g III ±c Cecil PI mce 1 picnic SUPPC'I, and i'('latJ\es had I Joan J~}~encr \\ l' t to the Wa';) n('

Gronp GI PICniC Suppf'r Moneia\ ('venll1(T In I County f r ThUl<.:d ~ w,th Marll's Mr. and the C H Mal ns home "Nllliams nd Mal'dcUe Jones \\as

Aug 19"01' The .:\101"1'IS' \\lll letulll to \\Ith he1- rlda~ Gt'Ooe I Brldl!epol t Se~t 'if ~ I

the F.are;"'~11 Held Ch rthes

West ~oin~ , Clean~rs I

and 1

Launderers Pick-up; and ~eliverYI Monday :and T~urada,

CaU 4821 . FOR Hdu~E PIcK-U~

Or ILeave At '1 ,ATKINS


Bethan~ Presbyterian Church (Jilrr Gdff('s' p~stor)

!<')'idsy,ISept. 4:'1 JUnior hiL:h meeting. 1 Arnold Olmstc.'sd·s, H p. m. High ~choOl fc1~owshlp at the

m~~~daYfl Sf'pt. ~: Church at worship, ~;45 CI.m. "God's' 4abor Union." hureh aJ s~udy, 11 a.m. Church a Ivcspel's, l3Q. Discussior·

SCI~~sr: 'h~~i~~~ti~U~td~;e $1i~ ~~~ JcnU.ns home'18 o.m,

St. Church ( .)

of V/ayJlc for t hL' P;I<.;t llw,\' !l\CU on alarm Can'oll for 47 years.

canH.· 10 W<lYI1(! coun­Yoi'l{ in 1900. Mrs.

fm'met' Mill) Hug!ws, family by covered

:i\1ls~oul'i in 1902.

<;qurch, I

we~:v~~~~g M;~~sts~m~Srs~~'f:i~~ fes led group sln~ing, The P itph­ard family, oldl friends of ,the Jenkins', provided speCial usic. Among r('lati\'l"~ of Mrs. J nl~in:,

attC.llPing werC' her brothers'f' T. and A. r:. Hughf's 311d thc'ili' ives, Lincoln. and her three sister and t heir families': 1\11'. and Mrs An­drew Evans, McCook: Mr. 'and Mrs. R. H. Jane's, Wymorc land .Mr. (fnd Mrs. L. ~, Jones, Wy ,


I .i'.11 s Vernon l\1lilcl and f ~l1i)-1-Old :Mrs Walt!'1 Mlll!'1 a~o NOI-

Picnic Sunday Il lolk spC'nt SJnda~ aftcm n In the lIt'nt} Andel son hOI1lt' I

I bon oj SI T"llli s' Sunday gucst15 1Il tl,e hOle of I Ult:h hdd PiClll( dllllltlllMI al\,j. ':\lIs l:hach IItillbcjlt Welle

thl' ( Illnll f)uk :\11 and MIS Claud( Ddlllt';), Ml I Funeral r~~~t~~r~~f(~n !de~a~l~l~ arn M~~

j \V f1 Fl { III II Dill J (Ill dnd Mrs Jess Hlnrlckson and fam-n Hohllt" \\(ll' 111 tlY,Dodgc •

hHl'llUon to ,11- Mr and Mrs A J Chl(.-Q:ipe and IU <.; fiJI Bllilc sons, Valent InC, well' Sa'l!-urday Ii{' chuJ'(:h th('[C'. evenlll.g -dmner and oVernigoht

IOIIII~(::;'o\l;n~~\\'~~~~ T~~~:s~fTh~~" r:~~~ne~r~~ ~~1~ . seOill (\arnrll at ~io- tine Sunday.' after I spending the

Holm LS a IHCLt' of week with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. Joy 'rucker and

Rush and Mr. and 'Mrs. Uvi: Rob-

~~~p~~&vtehet~a~i?~h~i~ld~~~~ C'r home. Mrs. Joy Tuckcrjrerrain-

~~h~~ J~ :~:i15i~ ~~~d/~~ :vr. rs. Roberts had been thCrj dur­ing the previous week. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gries, Nor­

lolk spent Sunday with thel Har­ry Gries fampy.

. '"""


h' '5:30p.m.,

" '. i ongregational C,u(.ch

Harry· MHdsen, from OuUook.'

thl',), looked after and visited :vIrs

and childreh at , a few days. They

enning in the -' and left Fri· home to see dock HI San

he had '~C('IT a fOl', 1\\0 and a

3'1. Miles West Carroll

Spollt'oreif hy' LADIES AID

Adults: $1:00 i

CHildren under 10: GOe

k and Rev. O. B. 'Rr-oett I,H' Pn'sb~Y'l'Ian ~ynod

\\'t'ck Itl Ha'1tings. , gone fQUI' day,s JJ~d n.'.

toria;,. MI'. If(~lPl{ 15 fustee s~ nod councll and I Rc\',

~~~ta~l'~. clg~~e craJ~ and .Jean. Pnm~har. la., i came,

101" a \"l~it III the'; T. S. , . :\Jr Cr'aun 1'C'tmlhed to '

I .:\1J.!;. Cra4n and l'E'mam{,j 1m' a wpek'~ visIt. and Mrs. Ted Jamc$,I!lngle-:

I I CallI. came la..;! "-10Ildf' and

I ~t~. :J(;1l;~~~~··ndm~~11~·~~~. W;~l;~~ . ~~\~ I i Back~tl'Om. Th(',\ w111 also lsr! in I the h'or Jal1ll'~ home, SIOU~ CIty, WendC'll Ji-l.m('~ honH', Nnrlolk. and

I \\'i~\~:ltJo;nln~'i);rl~~(J" ~~~J.rO~I~n. '

~~lJ~~~·tl'~~lr1~rnli·l r/~~~ ~J:'~nc~j~~ i untd Sllll(j'l\. }Irs. Hill {h Mnj, I

Ba('kslr()m'~ dau/!hlC'l'. . ,:' ! Mr. and Mrs. Abe ChICQII~C and,

ramil,\, \'alenll11l', 'were g'~~ts tn; thr Gkn Jpnklll~ hom,' an 10 the J

EnOl Hi-lml'] hornl' lil~t I {'sday 'lnd \\'pdlll'sdH\

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jenkins ,nd dHughtr'r~, Story Clt:-, Ia",

'tt'I't .. F]'Jda~ l" riling a.nd mr{'\'111ght I ~u~"~~ ~~d tl~'r~I~;e~'r~:~I~in~O~~~ ,j r mlh mm'('r! 10 ;'\Iol'lolk ?unday. 'I :\,11', jenkins works lor thf' county .. The JenkinS' sold Ihl'lr hpu.:.c 10:

:W~'/)~'~'~jlt~~s~C~~y Bolton, Nor- i (olk, ~p('nt laS'1 w('ekl'nd wIth Mrs. I Bolton's par{'nl~, ;\11', anti Mrs,] Herman SUlld, '

Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mildred, I

~tUl'g.b" S D., cam£' last ~onday to visit m the Eric Thompsop home. Miss Thompson went on! tlo Des:

~~~U:~~'\'(7~"u~t~1 ~~I~~lB~d fIthomp-1 Kare~ Upton, Madlson,~ visited:

~~~~~UE's(~ay Hl th,e Adon :,Jl'ffrey i

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Nel~lj)n left 1

Frjctay for a week's \~ac, aUoitJ Th('~r I son, Scott~, IS ~ta:,-.'ing: -..y]th hIS

grandpan:-nts, Mr, and Mrs; !Henry I Wacker, sr. i I

-~ •• JI~ •••• i "I · " • · · ' ., · ' ., .' • . , ~:f : i

: I • • · " • • • • • • • • • · '

!Offerlyou a . '. I _1 __ all~YI' Tr

" Nobody. but nobody. but La deep pile chenille rug for th their wide +arietv of se\'en backs, guantnteed :fast color that you wiq find ~lt Larson's'

1188 Our (amous ~pr In g m aid sheets m strohg durable mus­lin that IS ~guaranteed to wear four years In your home. New 1 \\ price.

air - and I a -Sparelr

!for' only 1 1

A pdir . I

+1 A SpCilre




l'l ,3 Sh,er


Stock i/ng s , , ,


for dnly I


Gives You Box To

The regular retail value of is $1.85. With this new you pay only $1.00 lor and a Spare" plan will These stockings are sheers, exactly the bf'en accustomed to son's you buy them, "a

You get usual pair. ally happens )'OU stocking because You have a spare and a Spare" plan may we suggest spares, for $2.00, This a one time offer, nylons every time you


'~8· Jea SIZES 6 TO 16

• 8-oz. Denim

• Bar-Tacked

• Triple S.titched

Here arc the killd of that your boy will like are made to fit him Iy, are full cut a perfectly. Made of and sturdy 8 ounce that wiH wash wit shrinking. Complete stocks, all sizes ~ to 16

! :F,uit of the Loom



by the,Bpx

· • · · • • • • • • · • •

* · · • • · • • .. .. .. •

and a Sp",,· .. ', mst~adl of the

? Wah!~/ ~('I ~~~~~e g~~d : a mate exactly ~hd s~e colO!. a

it. Under 00/ ~Jl!1cial "Pall' :-

st~;km;s b~~: t~Y~~~~\;~ S!~:r~43a{~d l~e:u~~rl~la~n h; y~~~

Larson's. '

BeIge" will. go \Vitr, re:~thing, , , I

. ,('Iegantly shap~d :he~ls . more shapely, :

• .. • • · ~ .. • • • .. • • • • • .. • .. :--51"'"

',{"': .. .. • · • • .. • • • • ..

Mr. and',Mrs. John Greunke, F're· mont, spQ~f' t~8 weekend in Ithe flier-bert $1"lt>ma:nn home. Sunday

It. afternoon 'the Greunke's visited in

th~f~U~~U>h ~=:ul~~~a ~f~iilil{,'n and Bevetly werf' rlinner: gub~ts in the Melvin Russell tlOme', Sun.

d'Kr"ri\Y~ Renter viSited last ~'on. day and Tuesday in the Dbnald Milliken 'home. ;

The fo,lowlng had a Ili('nir in. l Bressler park las.t Sunday: Mr. and

liy Eyeryone ~;d·MV;:i~~r5:r{.oot~~~~ndrf'~m~~: I ror. and ,Mrs. Floyd' Rnymel' and

SiN n 'W 1, ~n and Mr, nnd l\lrs. Earl Jones.

L,~;n'dl;cI:g (,~ l'l~n~~~J(~~m~~rm~~ - ",' : \\11[1 thf' C',lty - for frer ~lrinkinJ.:' W"lb ',' \"·atf'r hU'>lncss. As he passes 10- I U r '('a 1 citilcn ,enjoyin~ drink of ~ Wa~"nC"s drlkious 'valer at ;rthe • By Stall Corrf'spondf"nt t d t h 1 t fo"ur tain in solid siladf' of the' ,It wen an go er as maple- on thq Pearl stl'e{'t conner ' ~ '"I ' 1 of firc statioh Jawn ... h(' ~u _ I\-fr~. Au:.,'1'Ist ]~n"'f' "pf'nt 't mrs- .il ~., an( Mrs .• JOf'l Corhlt an.d gf'sj<.; "whv don't vou O'rt ga day Hftffi,: 'noon In the Dea.n Det-I Lm~~ and Mrs. Clarence Corblt drink in lhl: l).<lnk {:o!dC'/~~'at Jefson horne, LClut'eL arrl\;ed h.ome W('dnp~day from a lhr]'('" to which comes t~~ MI'. and Mrs .. ~u~ust .I{tll ... ~ at- '; wpe~s tnp. They call(>d in the I rcph \vatcr may b 11 tended the Will Hamen's Sliver ~loyd Hansen home, Grund 15iland, .. I: ~us't don't S(,u~Ot( ('I' wed~ing: anniversary vVpdnE'sdny In tl[le Lyle. Hansen home, North hi"il I . .! r, as evcnmg,' Platte, and m the Roy Best home,

.... ' I Mr. and Mrs. ,JAc'k Rmitb and Denver, Colo. Lloyd and Lyle Han-

~:. ~e~~ a~dd f~~ilyanC~lld~I~~~st J~~C ~~~ t1~s.b~!~:~~ ~r~2~r~~t~s ~~~= m~~,' \~~~;~ ~~~(~H,t~O:l~;l\/~:~~' t~,,~ ~~~/n. the Laurence l1ansen ~r;~ !;i~l~;~~o' Springs, Colo., was,

;~;~~J~;'nl~tl~el's a~~f' 1;~1~(,1~:' ,,~~~ an~lri'a::nl~ ~'lrJ·l~~aSI~~d~k~~~~~ ne~;;J~}~o~;~~~~e ~~~~r;~.s~~~~ held 10 tak(,'plC rid!',:; with lhC'm. ning ginner in the Ho\\'al"(~ :'I13U tour. ,,' home. I G~ests 'at the Bernard Koch

<i i\fr. 'and lUrs. n:enneth homr. Sunday ('v('ning were :VIr. and family werC' last and l;\1rs. Carl Victor and :vI,s.

Defendants who are tried in district court have no oppor­tunity to appeal to the emo­tions of women jUl"'ors ... and that's a fact. S~efTls the women In the judiCial district have 'no interest in serving on juries.

Ttl "'asn't a case of bulton. but­ton around Wa:- nt' YIonday. . (HfI','wls who lwld 111(' 4-H Bab\ Ikei' ;,ule- Saturdav at thl' lair chanf;ej the rhYme to "Calf,

c~~~ i f~~U~:~h~~~r\ h~~ ~~ ~f{'?;;;~~rd;~ banI" was ll(n~'IH'l'[, to be \\'11('11 dell\'('r,v time can1!'

:\lonna.'·, Call' w;)" tal-\C'll homC' b:-0\\']\(']' Jatlf' Kan1 h:- mi:;tn){p Satl~nla,\ .

evening callers in the qah'in Miller and sons anj Aleatha IV1au HomC'. Fitch. Raymondsvillc. TC'x.

:\fr. ! and Mrs. Raymond Han~lf'n and family visited in the: Kei1h Rf'ed home last Monday cv~ning

l\(r.'and :Mrs. Roy ~ay and 1\lari-

}~~mr~\u~~e~'ee~~rr~~ i~Vthd(r~~r. I ThC'y called on the iCharlC's Witt


Wayne • by 8ta!' Corrt!8ftondent


ram, ily, Buffalo, Wyd., and in tl<l,e Gil Day home Monida, Man!. Mrs. Dinnpr ~IPst'" in thp Ray Ag-, \Vltt is Mrs. Day's sister arid Giller, jr., home last Sunday werc' Day is Roy Day's hrothC'r. On theIr' Mr. and Mrs. Levi Giese, Mr. and I, rf'turn trip th.C'y }vent through the Mrs Glenn Gie"e find fa '1 B n mnck Hills. Mrs. Emma Hick:; re- Cen~er, Ohio, ~1r: and ~~t A~i~ ~'~:i~~~g \~~ t Itlh : l~:~; rJ~~\\ ~i ~\~r h~~~/~ ~~ts'k ~.n~ n~o~~~s~ ~1~~u;a6<i~'se~a., I sincr' the miclcl1p of .Junf'. ' Sb~\'p Eilt>nburg, Norfolk, s,{M"nt

Adf'lin(' Tolu"f'k and .jpl"ln' Fink, Friday afternoon in the Harold Yankton, W(,I (' Sllnd"y· dinnpr Sorensen home

gu~;;:. i~llit~l ry~:!~1~:.~na~~~';~nni~ M:.:.r.J~~1 +~~;;,~!~~~ a~\'~7,sc~~;~ i Dloch. l",st0r\'illl', S.D .. ,,]l(~1~1 last ton called ,in the Floyd HUf.lJl I \w'"k in the Boll Pf'nr) h"nmc. home Thur::;day.

i ;\rr~. (', A. 'l'oml)ldn .. , 1:ommy MI'. find )trs. Charlf's, Ni<'hols I <Ino Bahhy, (llllaha, yisitpd a few and family visited in the Willard

Rlecke home last Monday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarf'nN" Granquist I

John Bush the and family helped Jeanl1e Harder I past \HPk \\ ('1, :\11. and Ml s. rwlC'brate .her 10th birthdn,Y Thur~- I

Howard POl'tl')' ana sons, 1\IIitchC'11, ~y evemng. I $hi~'~~ ~~I:~('~~I~;II(:.~~~., J~n~' ~~: M~r~n~n~~~. G~~;pd s~~I~a~n~ i and Mrs. Cad Jlaph:en. Las Cruces, N.M .. \v('r~ last Tues~ I '--_____ .1-_____ 'day evening guests in the Clifford - Victor horne. , !



Mr. and . ed graduation evening for who lhe

Kt>Il'in MUier ~nd sons and' Fitch, all a Raymond­

Texas, came la t Saturday a three week visi~ with ~rs.

blurb City. n1.-1d this Guests at a weiner roaSt. in the

those ,"vho are L€'vi Giese home last Friday eve~ . on th(:> rental ning \1,:(,l'e Mr. and Mrs. Glenn

"COmE", My I~elov{'d" Giese ami family, Bt'lle Center.' China the <IUtllM hns Ohio, 1\11'. (lnd Mrs. Alvin GiC'sc of her nO\('] hut 5\1(' and sons, Storm LllkC', la., Mr. there, "a llfe ~h(' was and Mrs. Rny Agler .11'., and

is a story of "thl'('(, daughters nnd ,Mr. and Mrs. Wll-

i ••

I 1 •

: JSl sun~a;· aft'moon yu.,r. 'n

I fue BasIl O~1:J.l\l'll.hom(' to 't{'\t' hl"lI I I' . Debbie. Lea O~bllr\l'"

were- MI'. anfi M"s. 1-:1-, Jackie and ('Oil"

. and Mr.'!. F.lrll'I' SQn..<;, :\1", and

Wfschhof and VOtW

. .Jim. Milllla'n nnri !vllehc\o, Ll\·lng~.lon allr\

a 'Con1plete Line of plL rEATERS , '.

Ell STORE , Phone 126

spiritual RllCCC';S, Mr. and"Mrs. Howa,rd bur Giese and son. Last Tuesday

nrar(>r to til{' final i ~~'~lC'~~i~~ ~~~~ d~nJ~~ evening the group h(>ld R. co-oper-I:~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~i~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /~.:::::;;;;;:;t~:::;:;::::~==:::::::f::====:::::::::~:::FF:::::::::=====~~====::':=::~~f:il al~~. S1~~gc;,;:. ~.r P~~~i"f'cj7~:;~;nd 'I ~---t'c~~J~j~~~r~l~~~n~~sfu:i~~~~;. the

:\1r. nnd Mrs. Ronald Strin~(>r'


oom '·R,oof




and family., Independence, Mo .. came last Saturday and visited until last Monday in the Mark Stringer home. Then they went I

to Blair to visit with Mrs. R. Stringer's .,parents. They rC'turn­ed to the Mark Stringer home Tuesday nhd will visit until Sat­urday. Ronald and Mark Stringer are brothers. '

Mr. amI :\frs. Rill Rotwl'ts ('.a11~ in the Augu::;t Dorman home Jast Saturday ('vening.

:Mrs. Dan lI(>ithold vislt~d in the August Dorm'ah home Thurs­day afternoon.

G1f'nn all,d.~.".y Chi~'hcstP)"~ l'ttrk­dalf', Ore., left' few hot'r\e 'Thur$~a)! after spending a :W~ek in the Aug.t


ust Dorman! home visiting thE'ii

_~a_~t_hb_e;_cn_M_I;,~I_'E_' ,_L_,_C_hichcster, who

and ;HOSPITAl;

306 Pearll';treet

: Wayne, Nebr:

• Hospital




Phone 617


.!. :1 I

I j



j I II. . I ~..' i I ,~J " I ' II

oun Y I 4j~ , Fair ~ward . in.,er '~.pal0mino <P.~ under one; a es Cook, Juamta;:: eOh8uer'jIDfl:-1 hDWS$ prote-ciol' Clara ~el1~ GOldberg, j,anet Clraef, .lud,ithl~a Phil' po, Carole prlJ-~o:'f' T~1~br .. ) Herald' lVlabeft, blue; lfred Carl ,roo. '/(Jeer. Janet lngaJI . Bee Ko 1m r- C a hers Loretta arrutte, Nan~ Graef. Sherri Gray, E'a"tb~~" Rllt?lafr. hrendn Sahk Janic(' ihurstia • $e t .~. 1953 0

Colt under 0 lei. \rictol' kni r;ptte. g"en and NOrn1a P splshB, ~u. tvers n, l\1yl~ Ml kelson, Pats} son, Judy KO~lmprgenr' Irenc Mar- Samns.on 2. Rutll Ann. ir'routman, _, _, . I-+-----~___t---'--t----:f bluE'. II AdvanCed Unltl SCh*t, L,ynh-ett S httgerber afid ra 21 Ktlt1'n Monk 2, M l'Hs,-n. Monk'j Linda '.Walk('r, Susan Wright and Len'S Help Mo he\" and Oa:~, Saddle colt I trder

two' j P. Slip: Arlene Mo IS and ax ne Mary Witt. blUe. Linaa M9ITj~, Mary P_, wclski. Lin~ N,O r~,~!, Br~::eEL,_, blur', 1 ' ('an ~ocs( ,pm'plc; 1.lalriciU %otiuu. 'blu~. ~ 1 ,Morris, blue. I Po tfolIO' Shirl y Stuthn'l.lltJ. GtJ aspiC" 2, G' CC l..(>€' Jac . n 2, I PMOiiiino~ I Donald Kbcl.. Summer dNSS: axine ~Io I •• P.~rpl . Barbara St thman." Mar, C F • C If Bo Di~\Z. "'1)'0 Gillaspie, De-b]u~ , ' 1- ~'- blue Witt and Jan~ Kan , blut:' ounty air a I' I In ' .. I Iso M' a d

Saddle colt der three: J1m~t Portfolio' Marte Barel , lIo (' unit <:la1'* Helll' Cham~ , , , Sa~~~b:~' '111 haae~e Th~ps:, 1;1-RaMsey. blue; d Koc , rea; purple. I bel'S, M\la MIkkelson and Shlllcy an Chtistcns ,bluf'. . HarT)" aranqu ~,white. Complete cost meso Mfu ele Stutlimann purpiC' Pat!':\ Schmit. Le rning to Ble a Homemaker

~C'l'v(" , PI', r-j<tnd. Vogel! resC'I'\'e Shqrthorn Heifers ~

nC11~lah Gilbert anrI rinr- i)UrplP: Tefl') Jca~ te Muhs, blue'>; , andfl nnf:'th tO~g{>, n·d.' Ang t. Heifer, heavy

D ~ MeYl'l' ann Gordon purplt>: DUane Lutt, Delilbhl'iclu"lu, Gilbe'·t, Geraldine John ~Mohll. 'red"

An~~be~et~~e\ig~~d g~,~~: a~~n~~isv~~~" Hereford


~~~6L'I?1~~~r\' TC'ITY J~lhke,v RobE'!I'l Petprs. ref!; Il'n., ,1!'rr\ £o('n('n "liam~, \\'hite,

PalomitlD ,teo Marlyn 'Kjoch, Barelm1m, Margar t Claus 0 na L~ nllt Sphttg-erhpI and Mary Iponna B("t, purplC" H(' '(,l'ly" I

blue. Wentzel and DOrIS cntzel, u 1('. Witt blllf'. P I Ii. 3 1 'I' P rl :! SadcUe COllt!! halter, VI!. ~. W r~ Box Mar) Pa\\clskl, pUI"- O~n~~°'I.g' i!,:aa~~e,;\la~.i~~!;~t lkh'~

West. blue; Qil 1.' rt Mau, N:-d~ fal~ and ~ree%lntJ . pIe: . lann .RohrkP' Joann Rohrke rf'ns 2. blue. fr~ro~~~o:i &;~\V P 10tas Fre~Zing: Marfll? Barfl an, and fR°t' Jean WochiPr, bluf'. G'lrl's RIDOIT'! blue Bnd red I' .. ~, purple; Mar('~le B relman. Ju ni~ t Cooking Awards w~~~j,t%I~~rl,~'lf~(~n 2 and linr,.n'

Dam and pj. !~C{': James _ a:ben, ta Boeckenhau('t' 3 Dorothy!B ug· ii' . Cotrden I ~ ,blue; Walfred, at'lson, red, ' ger, ,Roberta Fin. Br0ndai ahs, Meal Planning- , Mariorlf' .11.~~hl'1'ns, rurd ~ nnp

Palomino u~der saddlp: r' P. and Karen Sahs. 'b ue. I :!'.llr (,f'k B<l.r('\man ~. Juanlta Hutchin"s, p~u-blp: :'\lru. ']Plle 1 ncifl 1"hrim~s, 'blue I Gilbert Ma ,TC'd; 'Canning: Doris Wentzel. Rr.b ,rta; Hope __ f'nhauer:. purpl£,: }.1an'elc 5,1 Annplt{' Mdc'luskc\' and ~~alh-. Walfred Carl~rJ .. , white, F~nn. 1m'etta Darrime. Mary IttI:' Barr man 2, blUE', l'r~ne \1 -GI'ath blue

Saddle hOrSI'l'under sadd £I: W, and Wayne SChmte. purple:'D ris: I How and Whys I Yard Be~ut;fjc~hon . '~ C, West, blU~~ Gary MartrdalP, Wentz!:'1 4, Rpbl'r a ~inn 3~ 1\ ar-) :vI rc'f'k Bar01'!lan, Ethel Cars~ 'IApril Robf'll'ls ~, and JH,Ill' S 'hifl', red; W. p, TtIt?mas, \\'hit.e. I ct'le Bar'elman 6. uanlta Bo .C cn- I('n~ 2, ::\OIary Carstens, Cynthia blUe

, hauer 5, Clara B~lle Cham e~~ 2, ern"';' Conne(' Sue TI'outman. Ruth H~ndieraft " 'I Special Liy*,stock Awjatds L?rt>tt~ Dam~l" 2.IShirley H t:~Ck, ,Ann f,Troutman 2. purpll~; Marcell' ,Am'il .RobJrts. bhl(,. . I

Beef showm~h Jack La~g~mei~ ~~~gi~~a li~~~:~~ fSJ:,~·.la Ptltigl~ ~:~:~ll~~~~1 ~al;:r~~a~:,\\'~giaN~i~~ S[~~:;~;ita Bf{~~~mp", l)L'(onf,lte


er plaqup awltlded b, 2\lrs Julia Schmidt. BaI"~aral Stuthman ton- kel"'~rn ,'I Connee Suc Troutman 3, a d Df'lorE"S And£'rson, Span Lill-I Helman A\\arCl b\ 01 Johl1j Ed('n~ nil' SUl' TI'OutmaJl 2, ,Rut !Ann 1 Jud)1 TI'()Ulm~l_l, Rut,h Ann T~ut~ e '5, blu(',·. I

I bw'" I 1 Troutman an~ Malry Wltte~, ~.llUtUe, ma):1 '::\lilr~ \\ Itt. \i\,llima WvIIQ,4, oster

SWme show~n Henry f lOmp- ; ! Wa~n(' Schmod(' and Juahlta ! Patricia \\111'(>('1£,1', hluf'. 1

son, a\\ ar'd b~ e\lpr Motor Special Eritri~s j BO( 'k(,lll1aUf'r. blue, r ~oDot,hx'OOEtto.o,. PU"PIO .• ' Clal'kl ('on'. I . Dalr)' show an L('on Nwmann, T, t-I Let'~ Cook I , .. , ,- 1 ' award b.\ C f C I i Secretary I:)ook l Ju~nrta I.le-Ck. - E[iP(,11 Blehel. .JUdy Bl'onzyn~ki, : .~er SWN'thE"litts, Happy l;Iear s Bnd

Gl'"Ofip of ~ st('crs fron} dub:' enhauel', pUlllJle Cla,ra ~Cll(, Ja.:'\ }hn Goldherg, L.aVonnp Lutt. I I Logan HOJTlPIlilakers Project cluh, Bl'enna Go G(lpers. blue;., EPM, iChambert.., C!'nth/a Cr'al'--" nnlt' Sa,!I~' Lutl. purp.ll'; Carol Bronzyn- 'I : : ~Her~la Staff Photq J}lue, .. red; Pleasant ~alley. whit~ Lnft and Jan CC' ~au, bl.ue. , Skl,tDC'lnrcs Bush 2, JaNohn Gold~ Jim Nevrc.a:stle, is Dixon County ~air ajt Concord I ~tyle Show

Walter J. IlHl?rman Mtmorial News reports: IFaunell F ert, bel", Jan(' Kant, Sally Lutt. Jo- shown abQve WIth hIS IReserve last week. Jim IS the son of Mr. ! I BC'verl\, Hartman. Carol Dick!.'),.

trophy: BilJY~MriUel'S' ! • hlue. .1,1 Rnn' Olson, .Jamce Sampson, .Myr- Champion >~g~_s_.~~~-=-_~ ~~.d Mrs. Jack ~-=-nn~_t!' __ .. --t- I:. !i'"a'O""a'n' AH'nns."st~oon. g'pJuorpalne:BoSJ-"'naln,da Ht'l"vale F rillS herdsqta.ll&hip Posters: Juanl~a ~('c:.kenniupr: na ~chlin('!:>'1 anj Ga~'le_ Utecht 2, V 11 .. 1" award: Carro Blue Ribboh Win~' ~'o purplf'. three blue, Karltn Ka} bluq,. " • 1 C' t ,~..alson, Je~n Armstrong 1J anna ners. 'first; B~flt 'Em All. ;second. Bopckenhauel:, qne blu:: ., la~a: eefln'ning Baking D,xon oun y I Ickp\ Melba Larson Mar) Alm~ , , Hen"ale Fa rhs Champion' Breed- Bt"~le. Chambl1~, ,on(' pUT plf' 'j LOlS , 1\ arcelp Bart'lman 3. LoreUa 1- _ 1 trong Sa1l1\- Mattes, ($>tlPV3 Rob-in.g Heifer; J~el Jeffrt'y: Filet, one blul. . I, Da mf', Jane Kant 2, Sally Lutt, rts Annette- 1\1cClusk, M I'lent'

HervaJe Hereford Helfer:: Shar- Scrap book: UllS Fleer alnt ~u~ I Jallinebl'llE' :\1ort'is. Brenda' Sahs. Beef Cattle '"I 'nelfl :Marv Koch Pa1t\ ~V(>n: oh Edertburn, I 3; Donald Warne (1y Troutman, purple; Jl nita I Ph~'!lis Sahs, Marilyn Samelson. Herefords Gilbert M~ttes and Let s Sew I Varh:.'Ot' Korthouse and VI ,.,Ima Meyer 2. . I . i ' Bo(>ckFn~aue-r ana Jane ~an~, bl1:lc, I J31'ice Utecht. Nonnan Brugger, Edgene Packer, purple, lrper PMcr- I lud\ Sel1\\ adz Janl('(' S~hl~f I RUlsl hlue

4·H Feedmg Contl"St: Jud): Hem~ Adilf'\ ement !b 0 0 k, .tIJanfla , pu plf'; GaJe Thea Bathke 2. Sally son 2, Carrol Rahn Getne IPacker 2 and 4.nn1' ral pE nt('r purple Ju~ rong Contest

~ •• r"~L?'QJI"P"'~ e~~~ C Daih Animal: Janet In- Bo~~~~~nh~~%;un~Ub~e~k: :'vdrcelc! gr ~aen7:e~~;' C~:~~~, B~rett~ g!f6;~; ~~~I~lsS{)~a~~~bf;~7i'e~rt~. I ~~a;\~I\~~;~ 3a~~;i ~~~,h~rsWaJ~ rILI~!~Ch-H-;;l~(, H~~.e. ~11~nn; fnllls. i, . ,Barelman. blut'. I J I Da~me 2, June Gay Dunklau 3, ::\farCia Kqester. Dpnms }f;:oelimg I:::a (Jlr en 2 Ann C'alpentf.'1 Carql Workers and LlbC'rt:\ Belles, 1~lu{'

""'''."',,,,-''--" liken I IBorockenhauel', b~uro, I 80 nie Lutt 3. Gayle Ann Lutt 3, son Wa)ne Allen and dm Wal I QUInn hlu(' Phdhs Fahrenho12: and (' -nth18 Kiwanis: !Vr~tk{'t Ltttf'r: Bob MiI~ HornC' Ac('(mn;t book: J anita Ph ollis Dunklau, Roberta: Finn, Loren Andf'lson 2 M\r n Peter~ Sudll'1 Ga\le ::\OE and J('amne I DemonstratIons (IndIVldual~

.-::;:.;.: •. ,,. ... ,,,,::- I, Poultr,\-J. NorITian Bru~gerrbIUe, Br nda Sahs, Phyllis Sahs 2. Mari~ 1m blue I Learning to Sew 1 BuC'hnl"r purple Melba nOll

Sewing Awards I Yard Br>Rutlfid-atlOn Ma garet 1)~.sam(,lson. Palsy Schmit, Bar· Angus RobC'rt Schult Jim Ben !\L-IIh n Knplfl purpl(' 'K~} ~ blu(I I

hal1ks I

I Clam:: 2 rurplp~ I Juanita Bd keh- ba 'a Stuthmmln' 2 Shirley Stuth· nett and Bobb} Dlckev lue Fluptll \lall(l1(' 1-\nrol! I and Mar" OemonstratJans (Team) I

Le,'s &ew I I hau(,l LOlS F1('f'j- and Janl('f' ::vIau rn nn \1a1 \ \iV'right and Norman Oalr-y Cattle Sw-' h.och ~ bluC' I Happ) Hparts, Lone TrE"(" Bu!':\'

I Dust CIO~h' Janla> Sampson and blue I Hr g"g('1 2 blut' Brown S\\-'ls..<:; 1'\\')-l1a S\\-anson Lounging ~nd Sleeping Garments l FlilgerS ami C'ld!k Center $Wl'ct-ctaylt' Ut t, purple, JaNohn I Gal'tipn ).1ardfllp FI{'('r purple Durple. Chervl S\\-anson and :\Olona I Annf'lH ";\Ie( IUBke\ pUlplf' Bt'l- ht>arts, blm' (loldberg, al'} SchrO€'d,pr and 1 Ma.rcelp Barelman blu(' I I Homemaking Dicke\,. blue I"rh Hal'~an ~ ;\'anc\ A.rmstrong Judglnq JUhe Ann Sp~lttg€rber, bhl(' W('€'ds Jual1llta Bo('cken.J.auC'r r BoLc;tcln Veil Dean Carlson I and Calol 1))('''['\ hhlC' I ,, ___ .,_. ;>_"_~ ,

Pin cusruoj;lF Joan Olson~ JantC'e purple. r 1 -Room ImprO\ emC'nt Marcple blue- ! School Cloth~es I and Sampson, MYrna Schhnes, Mru Ion WOOdworking) L£'on Dau~ pur naJl'C'lman 2 Jyanlta Boeckpnhau· Gu('rnse) LanJ Pearson 11lu(' r \ 1\ 1'1I1 IIBns('n pm pIC' \'ll g'lT1ila 1 11 ' Strize-k and~'le Utecht. blue. pIe Kpnneth N~)('hlmoos bl e 'Nrnq Lmda Kessler. purple, Mar~ Swme IQ 12 Pit F\('I and Gi'-n('\a

Kprtblef: ar), Schroeder. Juhe Kf"ep We'll .h~anlta nn~('k hhau~ Cf' (' Ba,!'£'lman Jualllta Boeckf'n· Jerr) Thomas. D~n Thomas I R~:;~rls hl~lf' \ f;

purple, Ell en Bictu~lj Jeniep. I ~(alnmg to bC' <1 Homemaker son 2, blue Patlrlla WhE(](1 2 purp1£' I Ann Splittge el' nnd Gayle Utf'cht. et- pUt'plp I I ha ('r 5 anel Linda Kessler blup 'I'omm, Gar.. m 2 and onmp P('ar~ I Dress~Up Clothes I I 1

Samp!':on an~' l rna Sl.'hlihes hlu£" Learning to ~~W I{aff'n Bowers Shanda Flf'er Ju~ Showmanship _ L t' C k I I

blue 1:> I NPf"rtlf' {'3lril:(' 1:"an W1tt urplf', f' :\1onk 2 Conmp Sue Troutman and Eug('ne PaC'\(f'r, b~l\E' IIIa~~\3r.;\a \d JOI~gf'~"on 4 Ila~ rd~N!tor Jnan Ob;Oh, -l ~ d~h GI'aef VirginIa Hetrick, Kar~ 'I\vvla Swanson G~lb('\t Mati!!". e s T{)<lO , \ lite)" ur 1(' Arlt't1f' ".:~::.::.!;;:::....::.::::;; ___ + __ lMan SchlO('opt nnd Clara !Wile hatnhf'rs orPtta I R th Ann Troutman 2 and Wilma Judging t- P I, V \1 t1 ... .2 dnd Dldnnp I-\:Iae-, blu(\. 1 Dammr Rose nn Farran l fmc\' \\-vll(' pUlple, Wa)ne Schmode 5 Arlin Wallin and pn,' af'~('r m~~n~lwd ( I __ .... ______ + __ I cloth ~1al"\ St'hrol:'- IVer!;en. L\'nhet~ Spllttgprh r and I \\-lJ1ma W, he Ruth Ann Troutman blup - I Il\tr anil 1\11'<;.

Barbara Stuthman blu(, 1 12 ConOl£' SuP Troutman Ftancl!, He/'lcfsman I Bemnmng Baking k th ' 'i - hd ng'P Virginia Hetrick 2~ Shlrle\ purplC'. Vincent Ka\amaugh 1..0\\ A.ndl'l"on La\:onm l.., ••• .uCO Pm CU!':hlOh' Ga\'le KI gstoh.1 [hllnf'S Manl"n Monk I Beverl~ Carrol Rahn a~d bart f'1 Hahn 1 ~1,1! 11\ n Srh\; <II h:n ~~~ 1h f'l~o;;t

Karpn ChIld" MaX-II Br,pn~ Sahs. eanna Schr ~. I tl'lck:1 Arkne GJ f'\ e~ Judith ell N) g-ren, Arlen M;tg~uson, Vc rll C:~ nthld Buphnel and Vprlean i\\ III attend thf' Ar-lenf' MOlTI!': LJ nn tt Splitt erber, purp . u II G r 2 J t G [2 Shanda D Carlson Cla)-1on 6. nd('rron Iner I nuson 2 purple braska

I d). Bp k lnt't't a Damme arolyn ae ane rae . . '"1-" h Leatrice 13al'elman anr~ Llke~ Jantce • au, M)Ia: lkke-l· F ee-r 3 Mar) Craig 3 Clcl,ra Cralj::{ Peterson ~nd Ahm Andf'rsan andr~\ ~~ 111nf' I Beeler, bot~ or

S(m oann Rh rkf' Patsy ehmlt,. 2 Kar('n Bowers' and LaVonnp blue. 1 I I weekend wUh MISS . ba st 1 h IchE'1 blue Tractor' eonttst Meal I

-'''-' •• ___ ._ Beverl) 1\1aQ I S~~·o~f' St ~;r ra ~:r; Let's H('lp Mother athd Dad Maurlce Juhlm I awartded purpl(' r Ma I' ents Mr and Mrs tBarel Iman W~~t""nd no~)jea~ ~:r~ , blu£' I J amt~ BoeckC'nhaUer. K are n in tractor. ope-rator's cont('st I !etta hl,af'mer

l 3 2 I er l\l;. and ]\fro;;. Wllll'tm

Gre a v{'rs(>n, I oeckenhauer Janet Rae Brogren Tractor ttlsplay Card 12, J(l\ C't Feg e\ t h I Tmyel Faunell Fit'v£>rt Sally diana Dunklau June Ounklau. Ju- Maurice Juhlin, P¥rpll' and r Robelh hlu(' P1lg-er ca~led t c

s,chrf1,nC'f' atJ.1 1 L) nnett.,8 Ittger~ I d~ KollmorO'en NiCki/;' McLean Olson blue 11=00:::1 Preservation Thompson orne , I1c-r, ~UrpIP' Juti) Car5t.(>ns Lotet· J~nnab('lIf' Morrl!': Judith Phdlm 2' DIsplay Board I ~ PalrH'la \Vhe('~('1 amI nesday (lvenmg

~ amm€', .rane Kant 'Patsy 1 darolf' PrlC(' and Roe Jean WaCk- D1xon Ll\ Q Wll'E'!':1 Max Rahn I KOf':;t('I - . JoAnnf' aHnd ~7d C H chnt t Barbara Stuthma n and I ~ Boeckenhauer leader, purplc ::\tlanorlf' 6. elt 0 1 '

. ary \Vrlght, IjIlue 2 . ( 2" Janet ioy ElectrIC Motor I stal;) \laTela : Kay Lynne HO~f'l" :f\1\ila Mlkke-ls and i ae Bronzyn~ Dixon LI\ e Wn es, I Happel -l Patllcla 1 wepk m the

term (> Valilk~mp, purplc. retta I s I ' L Karen I Secretary Books ne, a Robt'l ts 2 "I1UII ll\ n wtyle her am ( MarJ Schroeder Renee ~ild!': Sharon MarCia Koe!':ter. dub ten BariJRra LansPi' ann E~Jl l]tf'; Mat;'~ [Nltt and R e Jean 1 df'nb~rn JaNohn blue i Falll enholz blue a

WoPijlC'r, blUP~L II ' outfit: Marc~lr ..I .. Apron: Lo'dC'tta Dam (' and, 1

Juanita Bdecket $l~~: ~1~r~(>; ~iikk~f:J~~; D~~~~ : ACCC'ssory, sleeping or lounging!: Flohrke, ftene1 Wilt!':(' ant ::\lar:..- I

Gale Theo-1lBathke and, Juanita II blup, , Boeckenhauel" blue. ammo,

Complete : Doris wenl· ' , Pats}, z('l and purple; Dot s I I bluC',

You're "sitting pretty" behind the wheel

Take this Bel Air model. First thing you'll notice"ls the qual­itv of the interior. Rich-looking appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the k~y to statt the en­gine ar:-rd you're reac!y to go,

, , You can see all around

All tho;~s W~o~He'r to Milke theOixon County

. a iSuGte~s. i .. I I I

II I ' , , '1

Had ~Ihe S~PPOtt; ~In~ Shows; Fine Attendance I, .I" , !

to th'~ ~eo~le of Dixon 'and Surrounding ! i Ii ' , I' , I ' 'I

I J j, I .! '.

;-1'Fro~i:he!IF.alr)~?~rdard ~he People ~f ~ Thnks!, ' • . . !

You loo~ out and down i

through a wide, curved, on~· piece windshield. The pan,; I ramie rear window and big side windows provide • clear view in all qirectiona.

And It·s the II~w.ft.Pficed linG' ..--..-__; A detJlonstration will ,how YDU

that Chevrolet offers jU!,l about : everything you could want. Yet I it's the lowest-priced line in the low·price field.

save~ me of doIiars t:

I iDixbni


I ,

, ..

I 'f~rNortllea Nebr __ _

Laurel i I

Northeast Nebrasl,{a Conference. Promising Prospects, Bob Elm, toach: I Kenneth Hydlger. Tim Jensen, Returning Leitermen I ' Don Nelson, Dale Reynolds, John Tw ty-five men !l"eporrtted $r LeRoy ~vorson Johnl Ward: MarrIes . en ~l" ~ " Robbins 'Ro~r Pool J~ Nelson, openIng pra~ce mcI qmg 13 I t- ter-tacklE'.

01:: Tr~~tinan 15 atiason an, guard; Char s Fleei' ~ckle:. Jon T fa tion, ll-man football.

yste'Y! E~ployed "; ~!1f~~k;qE e~~~;lhi'l~ac~l~~ Season's ~:~~~~I~ssistant coach. tv Stralgh~ T, E-!-man foot~. BiU Ma. 1Iatt ful1baclk:.' Other let- Sept. I-At Lyons arren ~tsket: rid Howard S' , terme1i are' y Bass,ICraig.Hey- Sept. t8--WisnC'r ~sslsta~t ~oache , don, Paul K ell, IDQn Tanveman, Sept. 25-0aklanti

'Two Wayne boys will fill two g1ps in the f-orw&,rd wall of CloaCi! Barney Lewellyn's WSTC

ildcats this fal1. Roger Higgins, I ft, and Dave ,Meyer, right, are sated for tackle and guard spots,

e eM' cUrt' 'M ' li termen. vetl·are ger Johnson. SY5tem~Ployed

;se~:~, SlT~i~~I'.;.urel \ Ga~ Tuttle, eal VBf Fossen and Oct. 2+At W~t Point, I I

I Sept IS-At ~~~omfield ~nnIe Jense , Oct. 9-Wakefield ld.rling six man loo1ball scmel' fnl One 'of the hard('~1' ba.ttles for a


'Sept. 25-creij.hton Pl"lomising P speois 0octet

·, 21tP-"'DA~cra)tOum,. er 19n2 with lR6 points. Qther lette!'- I stal'tlllg position is gomg on at Oct. 2-0pen, . Ken Garri n, quarterback, and 1~-~ L- mtn aTe Dale C<;tl'sfens, M.Hun nl!"ht \?~a]"d where lettermen Dave

' 0occtt" 9j -S_AWt :.irnc·ce ' D"eupalanCCemBeUnMl,:" 'lfhoa"ll'b'Raa~~'a~dJus,tEdfidn,de Oct. 30-At Allen GJ,i-aef, Donald C.ralg", Donald l):och 12\1('~'('r, Wa} nL'. and Larry Jolmson,

GoY, .., 11'~ Nov. 7-At Walthill and Hans PiwC'lllti::ky. LalUl'l-,I! aIT VYlIlg. Oct. 23_All

n Pea!body, who !moved t<? Hru:mgton Sx-stem Employed •

Oct. 2S-At l1tinview during summ('j·. They filled Import- Six-man footbalL ~ --- I ant line poMs!a ycar ago. 'Wakefield Season's Schedule Area s, Hunters Get

• • SeaSOn's Sche~ule Sept. 11 --AI Wa) 11(' l'rep 190 . ' Holy Tr l Ify Seut. ll-Hrrtim:ton Huskc" eonfercnce, Scpt l&-·llccmcr arne Permits

No conferenc~. ~:~i: ~~~!.ll?nIerce Byron!1 McCaughey, Coach ~~7.t:2~O~~~~dgc lJ";'\'II;~~t~"" 'dl ~~;:t~;~'~~' (' Nebraska Louis Ricciardello Coach Oct. 2~Pla~vi(,w , . Returning Lettermen Oct. 9 At Crofton hur1\pr fan'd extremelv well in

' Oct 9 At oly TrIlllly Eight veterans include'd in 16 Oct. 15-----:-lIumpht,L'.\', drawin sial' g"amc permitl! at the .Returning Lettermen at' 1-6 Br ~" Id bo.vs out for first practice. Thc." I Oct. :21-At Bancrolt ca"litol!l'el'l'ntl)', A total of 190 pel'-Nine returning. six of them with c, -~ O.\!,.W' I ,_"

three years experience. They ate Oct, 23-A I Ponca ~~ g~~~~~ ~1~~~~'B~~C;:;C~~~~~, :~~~;. 360~v>~~~\~·ca.~t ~ ~~~:Sc~~~~\~e:~~I:l~utl~d~;~r~~~~. in Clair Hausman, quarterback; Dean Oct. 30-A !Creighton ? fall. Gar'y Linder, Dewaine Cisney, I • Mnlounrl Ll's""man, Wayne', wa~ McGrF'gor, tackle; Duane Avc'ns, Genc Carlson and Tom Borg. , the' only area huntE"r to receiY(' ~ln end; Ed, ZimmeI" fullback; Vince L Other Prospects L ltbiO~C, rJ('rtllit. A majol"ity of the Rossiter, haJf!back, and Don yon5 I Robel't El'landson, Dl'llny 'I\1ey- ewelly· n cal ! unters l'ecC'i\'cd drcr per-

are Jim Gt>isler, ¢uard; J'erFo~le O·sc~aSSrc'M' C'Ou ' se:an', C6ach Donald ,Hoyd:, Sandy Otte. Dennis ,halVe pel'mlt~ for hunting in area

SC'hwartz, halfbackj 'I\vo~year vets H I If nc{' er, Neil Kunzman, Gary Bums, , Ul(' local men receiH'd big

' Feilmeir, center. and Harold Cl - i II. Fredl'icl{son and Kenneth M<.-Quis- •• '3 '1 mell', guard. Returning Let ermen fan. ~ In oans as 1,[" Area' :1 dv('j" r:{'l'rnit~ were the

"T::r''';;lC:,'_~,~:c_J Promising Prospects Coach 'Mussman rrporls ill{' Season'S Schedule most umel'qus [or local hUnters Two new boys show plentv squad lacks tram size and exprr- Se'pt. 11 ·-Battle CI'('ck I I I A b)'ea down! o'f the number of pe;~

pro:nise ... Jim Hauman, a quar- ienc¢ of 19;)2 ('quad. Only fivC' let- SC'pL\18- At Lyons '4eave Squad I mits b counties includes: Cedar'

l~~~f~kPe:bgdy ~~J~ t;~",j1:'!~~0~ tcrmon bac'ic;L;, PH~~:';i~' ~~~:~:: t':!{/3At'i:"o~~~ • ~h~~~t 0;: ~(~n~U{:)~~;~' l~~anton 3,

~':~ ~~'~::lears experience. , ' 'f' h~l~~~b~~~ior'~'~l~r g~l ~&:~\t,.::~nt~{~, w~)~,:'~' c~~~e; a!;o;'ba~neJ!~c'lct"' t\;~~ -...;+---------se~~~~,sTS~e~l~,~an football. tackl'c, and cd Thatcher, junior g~i: :;~--:-~1 ~~;r17{1 wqek. Coach Banley LL'\\'l'll)n IS se

11 T d 11 S D "1 beilloanillg the loss ?f several kl'): Sept. - yn a, . , Season's Sch(lq~lc Oet. ~O--Open players aftcr tile I11'S1 week of Sept. 18;-Open. Sept. 11-~~PI$d('I' Nov. 6~Allen pr¥ctic(',


Nothi~g is so popu. lar as college cprds, for C"Lmpus wear, Day's ~ords are tai­lored bf the finest he,avy""eightHoch· meyer, <c,prdu roy that is perfect in every detail.

Sizrs 29 . 38


t2~Op't', 12i>," =-WA'tr. kScef,iJeblnd ',. i Probably the biggest loss ,to ""c 'w t~c Wildcats was Don Groullk, Oct. 2 At, TC'kamah ayne Prep S huyler, voted the

OC)e'::,' 910 AWt I':"?l~~h·"J·l~lJ· Comtlassei Conferenee. 0 tstanding fres~man athl.ete at

" the college last year. Groullk was. Oct, 2,1 At !Vallf'\' Anthony Clementi r Coach ordered by his doctor to leave ~~~~f' 2l~-'_l~':~IJ\Y.~;~ Foillt Returnihg Lettermen football out of his fall schedule.

• • •

-~- I Fin> ]'e1 urning vcts ., lDon Den- Ron Fredrickson, South Sioux wakM eld

t kltlgcr, Don Perry, Maqy Ring, City freshman, has left. the squad S ,\$ t. Ted Sandahl. son of C.

M d· Bob Shi"IT\, and Bill WoWmhaupt and it is rumored he WIll enroll at F. Sa dahl. was sC'nt to Warren a l ISO Pr'o"';isi1ng' Prospects ' Morningside. Fredrickson had fig- AFB.I yo" Aug. 27 from Fairch~ld

RaH,UpSkhcrO'a'Om"1f r:\nCg'Per, Coach Juniors John Dawson, BOyd urcd promlnent~ in Lewellyn's AFB,! 'ash .. to attpnd the Adrnm-

.10 ~r~~I~ok~~hR~~:eD-;;-nRS~~r~nt:~ ~~~~!~elgth~~~SGonc ~~~~~t¢f:C h~~~~~~~Ft;~~~p~~!~~ S11T\\"ts'eonntYo'pecign~ g Old':J,nlI1c, hSCqCukaPdd )100~t. rLYO,'~nCzlle:\n·'. DCae'c·iJd

l' RN'!ttZ')leaf'of'n"RifC~eaSrdh_ Eleven other, squad memL)(>rs the ,CQ rs(> he \vill re-turn to Fair-

lJ s '" L- t::, ~ ha\-c not reported for practice. child, gt, Sandahl's address while sess('s good sl' e. Coach Darnkl'Og~ rnan-- ·Tpd Bahe. Others eX'llectec\ They are Rex Deputy, S('ymour, af Warren AFB is: er stated it \\1;' too early to makp to turnlQut arC' Merlyn GramjJerg, la., whose knee gave out: Butch 3461st Studeht Squadron

prospC'cts of tlh squad. System Employed cd to pass his phvsi.ca1: Bill Pal-any definite s atc,mcnts about tlbe and Je~ .. y MePherran. Vveichelman, Hartington, who fail- ,~. ~ \Varr('n AFB, Wyo.

Season's Schedule Six~ an football.. ml"l', Wayne; Ty Sherman, Nor- Hos~ins Youth Sent. 11- -A'rF!'Crce Season'~ Schel;tule Oro'~(lc; a,Ha,D>p' CB"ducs,,:?, 'DPC~~nndyClW'; ciGcl~e?~ Sept. ]F: '-A-t Wayne Sf'pt.

1 11 -IWinsidc.l\ G t 'P t'

S('pt 25 1ri rllm Sent 18 At O!'lmonu man, Hartington; Glen Wagner. e S\ romo I.on Oct.' 2· Wi~ N Sppt:124 -CI'oft~n Ashland; Gerle Seger, O'Ne'ili: Bob Yol<qhamo, Japan _ Merle Seh-°OCe't', 91·6-.A .. 'NN" !!:ahn GJ'O\" OOc

e',,' <_--ARant NdCOwlP'h·a. stle Mittelstadt, Pender and Bob Beh-1 nWI", s~n of MI', (and Mrs. Walter "".Il.- 9 ren8, Pierce. Behmc>l-, Hoskin~. 'was recently

Oct. (date tm be set) ·--At Stan- Oct. ~6-At Wausa An encouraginq note amid, the promo~rd to sergeant while serv~ ton t Oct. 20-Beemer losse~ was the' presenc~ -o~ lettelr- ing Wit11 th(' 40th Anti-aircraft ar-

N 6 B tie Crl'ek 0 t 127 Coleri 19 man Dick PetersOn, Junior end t"ll t Y k hamo J pan _,,_ov_'_- a', ~ - ( C from Elgin. Petersen had' beq,n 1 .;r~~tor 0 P~OI di~pa~ehe~ with

Penderrl, WI"ns' ide :~~~~i:~sfn~~kn~~~7ih:~r;;~~~ - ~~', ~--~- It, be able to compete this fall, ~'" r ',-'lA

Husker andl rLogan Valley confer- Corntassel CanferellC'C'. Lew e 11 \' n is c:\.j)C'cting Gil ~ IE" P'II C h O'Doherty, Brighton, Mith., center,

ences, . h' uge,.e I en, oac to rcport this wcek altcr he lin. I ¥ '1" • ~ay Magsamen, Coae I Returning Lettermen ishes work with his father at home. 1l!~111 311.,. Re'turning Lett*rmen I Nine:lettprmen returning" i~clud- Thc ~TSTC'mentol' is alrC'ady 'WWiI.--N-·-'A" -DS-,

Pender, boas11' lOne of the strong-, ing fOUl1' regulars, . , Bob Dltman, his varsity squad for the est groups of IICttermen returning Gerald B.rugg~r, Bab Koll and Da~'~ tlit ag:ainst Aug:ustana

, i~ the, Hus~..: Iconfen'nce. Coa(i:'~_~I~ll.:Wrtle. Dltm~n was the state S wcC'k He's switch{'d Jim An- 'Pho" ne 130 ~j;::=::=~~======:::::'::::=:::::::':======11 i;!~~;~ to ipH haHb,lf'k and pul Don ! Harris, a rll'fellsi\"(' back last fall.


in the' fullback spot. Reno Pfl~il. Wayne, is quarter­

backing the t?utflt blft is Ibeing pl'essed by Blll Weddlllgfeld, Pen­der.

Jarold Dennis, anoth(T let1er­man, has talu'l1 over I'ight hall'.




,I '

Teams . (J 'iI:I'-.'

ic u'amwig , , At I, .

~~r~I~~a~Ie h~s he.cntoin 1h(' 'I[J ol\li lines driting a jel'p rOl' a {'Hpl:I]11 Bdol'e ~'n!('dng- tht' taught s h0(11 in Di::.;on McClary's addrl's:" IS:

Hq. H~ry. S7 VA Bl;! 'APO I ",'.0 PoslmaS\CL' San F '~ncisco, Calif.

~;.t. . t~y Waller, Jon 01

arid Mrs Leland Waller, is in tlw South Pacific. His

Switch to Squirt

I' I

, ,

ska Fa ,

C~mmo~ity Briefs (C,ATTLE

SlaUgt~r pr.ices the past mOn[h have lost about o-:ae~~alf' the sharp gains II;n.ade the first two w eks n July. Numbers slaughtered are contInumg ,to runi ahead of a year dgo. F eede caUle prices have not orne back down from the July rise as much proportion­ately is slarghter prices. Movement of feeders out of the Sand Hills is very slow.

HOG.S Butc~~r/' r!-" es are' showing a~rength again after two w~eks of declining prices - de­clined Ib 'a out $4. Tire·· price I break was freakish in tltAt it wasn't expected until a month I.~te I' the time heavy rarketings from Spring farrowin~s.

p~ricea l-of11i: quality eggs are I expected to continue their seasohat increa$e during late sua:nmelr.n early fall. Altho.,J,gh the amount·of the rise from spring to fall may not be aSllar~e as ast year, fall egg !prices should be as high or high4r than in 1952.


WHEAT The AJ.g;..t 11 forecaot indic~teo that NebrB5~a's wheat crop -rill' b~ its fourth largest on recbrd - about 88 millio~ bushels, despite weather conditions.

'J ! • ,

(ORN Cu~en t;stimat:s indicate th.,t dry weather is cutting into Ndbraska's com crop. The Augus estimate was down 22 million bushels from the July esthnate.

'Agrl~ultJ.lre 'lin. Our Econ'bmy !,

~~----------------------~----~I :\Jan~"·of LIS who are active ,in agricult4,re sometimes fail tq f"n)' appreciate the imllortanc~[ full indugtrial ac­L~\'itr to ag:r!~ultllral l?l'osperity ", r' to ~nders.tan. d the rUla!I\'e pO:-'ltwn of agrIculture to the entire ecqnomy.

The is,ize of the net farm income i gteatly influeneed lJ)'

1) i~(.tllstr.ial prosperity, 2) the d ~~e of comp,etition in 'l,!!rictllture, and :1) the ·relations ip pf the altno·unt of loudi l"()II~lIml'd to fill(:tuating incl mc.

! . , ' Indoilttrial Prosperity! Important '! 1 ~ I~' flu.trial prosperly directl)' aheetg the prosperity of , ag'ri 'ulttlrc vecause l4 out" of Her), 100 perRons in the. I

; llati)11 do not liy€ on farms, .de~~aSing from 25~!; in I~ 1 ~l:~$ tl) J f)-', in 1 ~)5Z. As'll l,esult, I n-farm people are the'

. bu."fl's of most of what ·agrieultu'~ produces. Farm peo­pll' 'tillY only a l-'mall pa.rt o( ~!.hl~t they proc[ucl' them­sel\'e~ or uf ,,·hat the ncttlOfl H,\oi a i hole producc~. I

\Vht.jl illdusti'Y is booming city Itt :a9p1e have the money I to bu~' farm p-roducts. In 1952, net! arm income was about 11 1 'I:J iJiilioll dollars compared t~ al10ut 270 billion dol-

. If-! IS oi t()t~l net personal I11com~, llcludmg net farm m­"Ollie. This melans that ail farm pe pie had 14 1 :l billion doll',ar:-:. to spend for gC.1>odR 41nd sel' ices that they wan~ed,

\ whiltt n()ll-farm pt'ople had 255 hilron to spend for thmg~ tht,\" w<lnted. l\fo~t olf the movcm nt of farm people to tll('· c~t \. take~ p),are because many jobs are available and ~he$~ i~f!>Optl> tan eHrn a hig~er le~rel of ,living by work­IIW In ltld u~tn' than 1)\' wO'rk1ng on the farm.

r ••• ! \

Agriculture "Too" CompetitiVe . J I

:' I tl>e competitive position of agr uitllre, in the national I l't"oh~m~' d('nie~ farmers a ',strong COl1()mlC ~nd bargam~ ill!!1 J',osition in th~ ~arke~ pI~ce. Fa~~ers 'do not have ;ltCp1-\S to as much lnforma~I(~n abo t PI lees .a~ do ~he pC'o­pie \\"ho huy and HC,ll to ~arrners .. Competldo~. IS never ("ollplctl'ly free an~·,,>here1at any Imft. but ft IS more e~­fl'l" ivc wh{\l.'c thcre are many bu,Yers and sell,~rs. In agt·l­cuI LI~'C' some 5 million farmers sell their products to only a f lI"t bu\·~rs'-1'~j}!;pr()l:('ssors an'd di~trib!l~Ol~:-l R ~t the price they will Jla.··~!l dl'w of their competltl\"e\p ee - what they. must pn·· to g-l'l U~\' product ~ and th)· take into eonsldera-, tin 1 the forces that mH~' hffeci t c Hupply and dcmand cOlf'dhioll in the futurc. I 1'hi.<.; ·is where the· fof" gOI .... erl'ment actJOn corneR ill. It is . that farmillg iR done by a largel

Gel' who sell into an orgaIl-l I market, farmers theit:" prices and inj

as \.vell as products that .operatel ctg la ws. If farmers dOl

, . does this impl~l of the natioji'al in, been helpful in ini

time of government needed ~h imrned. to IiV(l Qll, they .

were off,e,ed. may take the

get a and


to the cap;iclty of HIt' hUIll<Lll ,~t()Il1Hl·h. I'l'(J]JiW jj\·ing- ;11

LT. S. eat <!Inly auouLl,600 pound~ of f(lod all~lually. But' t~e type, ~'ariety and composition of that f(J(~cI ancl tht' condition;.;: under which it is l'atell are practical!.,· Ull­I mitcd. It mar uc supplied very cheaply (II" it !lla~· 1)(' very expensi\·e.

When it comes to Ilon~food item~ that ,,"t' htl.\·, .<.;uch as qlothes, autoR, radios, homes, ptc., tht'I"(' is practically 110 liniit tOI our want~. Not only do man.v of LIS want largcr and better things that we alrl'ad~' h~\\ l', but \lC an' COIl­

slt.antl~· \yanting new things. \\Tith modern acl\'cliising it if; little \\'JndPI" that. thp consuming public do¢~n't ~lH'lHl more for oDds - there are too man.v otht'r things com­peting fo the consumer's dollar. During vVorld \\"ar Il when;.;o 1anv non-food item~ were unayailable, people did spendl more on food. PArt of thi~: increase wns ftfr more expensh'e foods prep~!red in the .home. part (If it was RPenl for more pqunds· of food. In addition, food:'! were reIn iv{'l~' ChCHP 10mpaned to other thin~R uc-callsl' of an ah, ndant supply t)f food and scarcity eff other

goods, I

~gricult~ral Decline ;, ' ~Vh~t .h;'I, l)l'~I.l th.(' nct ITS~I,lt of agriclu[l~rl"s l"t.'latil·('l:\· illechmng- POSltlO1l 111 th" natIOnal ('conom.\·! ll(~w ha~ thIS <kffected the farmers ~haJ't\ Q)f the totaL net ink'orne': Hl'­tween th<e vean.; 1~)40 HllId ~947, the farmers' shar:.' of total net p~rsonal incomw greatly int'l"cased because of a g-encrnl up!-'\\ing in both 11. S. totall net. itcomt' <lIlt!

net farm !income, al1d l.H:'c:~u~e of d.e-clining: fa m popll:la­tion. Sincr 19:1'7, the farrm ~hare oj total net ncom(' has fallen ahlj>ut :W', .~~ - 1'1'001 ] G:1 to J 1·1 in ] S~.


What' 5 Ahea,d I _-,

For This Year? What "re the ecol'lom~c forces that will affect ag­riculture in the near future 7 Listea ·ltelow ~re some of the important economic forces that are I relevant\ to a prosperous economy.



*Total populati-on is growng at 3 t(J 4 miI;iio? per­sons annually.

~·Farm population's long-~uln trend ~s dowlllward.

~·Employment. at alt .. ti./ne 'rtcord, and will i,continue strODe. ' , i

*Natjon~l netl p:rsonallin~~~~ is at 'I:ln all-ti~e high, and wdl oolnhnue tq rl~e If curr~nt government policies continue. ' 1

*Ta .. es will level oflf o~ m~y decrea~e somelwhat be .. ginning January 1, 1954,1 I t'

*fnvest,?ent in new c()ns~ruction ctntinue to ad.-vance. !

I ' -'Induotrial production at I.n all.time peak, and will continue upwards the coring year.


* Agricultural exports .Ito cootinue tp about one-third fromt~e 1951·52 II

"Agricultural n.,,,,h,ctinn but may be slightly drought conditions in

t "

, , , II) plall th~\ hog enterpri-se for IP54 is ;ilts ~h.(!lllcl be ~I:'leded from the ipring Bn.'t"dltlg datt'~ of course will drPend

. you want your pigs next sp illg-,

i I considl\r the present sit ation . J illg decisions I"I:'g-arding 1953 hog-s. . ~In' the hight'~t ill si!\"l'ral \·ea s alld

g ratio is al)ollt 17 or U5~ i-Iog num­do\", n for the second con~ecutiv year ;-);; spring- pig crop b 10' ( smalle than

- the total numul:'l' raised i~ 50.7 ht' £i\"(::'l'age of 6.81 pigs SH\·eel per lit'­highest on record. Storage ~to~ks of

. helow a ~:ear agu. Hog price~i~hOUl( August and, althoug they

.. , price.<.; should lH.' nsid-('r this fa than I<lst yea!". i

ing To Decre~se r:-; will ue auout the same ·1 in the

as last year, but for the L". S. a de­S r, is expecit'd, according- to t~ June There is a phssilJility that the f II pig actually be as large H:'i a ye r ag-o.

, han! ueen some ~hifting to falII pigs llnp 1 sun·ey \vas made. Ho~vever,

.. ne!-'s conditions deteriorate mJterial­fall pig., ShoLlld cell vetter thllJl the L·l'Ojl. ,

The' . ue:-:tioTl is .............. H'ow IO!lg will thelfavur-able for hogs cont~nlle': It i!-' d fficult to pre . hon· prnqtalJlc it may oc t raiSl\ hog-s t !!(I to marRct a year from nr,\" Im­portant f(-lciors ,are bU,\oiiness conditions wage e,:\1"1101'S' income :lnd compt'titi(}l1 from b ef and other ts. Althou~h the K~)ITal1 Ar~istic\':' h.a~ si.l[ned, cipfen!-'E' spenOiIl~!· and '~h.e na-tl come are pxpeeted to cont(llU(' at a high ' I. Hepf <ltld poultr.,' suppli~~ wil~, IJl'Oh-ably i)e Ilt'xt .\·ear. although 11 the Idrouth CI)ntiIlU· ."Oillt' of the majot cattle ar~as thl' heuy.\, .\ 1,!dy of bed· m,lY roach tl\c marhet he-fore lie· fall. I

Use of I lioll ill J'(~cent mOllthJs has neW thi~ tiDll' of .... ear. Ho\vever, cory:;ump­

I d milk hi-IS remained about thel !-'ame. . k is uSl1all~· channeled into ~c\"eral

, ' jJ!·()rill(.:ts f such as hutter, dhet'se, (!n· l11i] k ;;;olitls.

.. ad\.:,.antH~(':::; ill retailing :::;!.;:iJl milk tic!. !

milk ;Ield . ...; much to ilH.' diet of ~JC()ple l'(Jlltaitls Inlany suln:;tances ne~~sarY

itioll. It is one of the finest an most S()lWl~e~ of protein. No oth r food

"fl1ilk as a s..ource of calciu and , ndin,t.; soU1Te of riboflavin -lone of ·Ils. With the exception of qt and ciateJ with fat, the nutritive; value

m\!( comiPares favorably w"ith that' milk i I

, , I


, I . calcium intake of t.he AmerIcan peo-

, satisfactory of any ~f the major nu­is was shown by a summary bf the



1954 OUll

:\ ebrash.a the C01"n has u 1).\· urought, ~ehraska crop if mOl e rain CO

fureca:-;t h; for a . Jul.\· 1 e<.;tim.ate i~ dou bt if we haye a tion will increase next pl~· aml a hjj!h mally to keep more S(jW~ !-'u('h conditiollS it i~ likel !

contilllll' Lt\'oralJlr until· Ilcgin ill the falL Earl~· cO!lsideraulr better than

One other fartnr i~ im an' ~ti\l large and the of li\"(~ hog~. Although nH'al t.qw bogs may not be, hog bUYE'r~ ,In' bee) the t~·p{' of hog~ , 1.'" ill the dirl:'ciiull of meat·ty pe and lard-type


For 195 Produ

J. . Pl;1Il to prod Llee ~ll t shelter alllI proper l',ue


"Xutriti'i"e CUlltent of compiled u~' the B lIome Economic,';. waR fuur major American Only about (i out of 10 pro\'iding' recommended

n sl'\"(:rel,Y damaged! :;till hH\T a good I

N:tti()nally, the j

last' year, :The I bu~hef~.' No

crop, hog produc­A good feed RUp- i

would induce Illig'S. t:nder

hog priacs will: he;'I\·." hog runs

arE' likelv '·to· sell pigs in 1·954. i


Ilt. Lard supplies i~ lJt'low the price, premium p.aid for I

as high as it ~hould mtlre critical of: trL'nu i~ definite- i

between I

Good Economical SUDdlen~ellt

Greater use of not1fat prove the diets of the rna V be used in the foods such a~ SOLI

ery prodU~S dry with fluid ,ilk value of dis es c~:, __ . ___ ._", stepped-up by One-pound 39 to 41 cents*. powder costs ab'Olllt to 21 cents* for fluid \\·ho wants to feed find that nonfat dry tionally ph)fitable amounts of green ter or fortified m'\r~:arma

Th St~t~ atio:na ., " I'

, 1-

You to Bank wi;th Us I



I , ursday, Sept. 3, 1953


\41'1'(( E TO « W-;TI( \( Ttl/n.; "

''1;7,,;1',',1(1)1';:: \~,I,I:':};'tr:;t(!ltl'('::l [1\t".I,~:~ I nul Irllg-Htiol\ III lil, ~I'IP ('npl\,,\ ')1 LlIHo11l :"Jdllli"\,a O!I ~pp\(.llhpJ

1. ]'1',\ \lntil ]11 \111 '" "d, \ .\1, ,~lld >\1 thu t 11111,- 1'\1 hr·. J \ , '" JI. rl u nd UPIHI to,' (,1(\111:-.10 (' l:\('nl'''rl' !'AVf';;\I1;:\l\ crL\EltT. 'I' \\ (I

~tJtIJ)!a;;t-> (j[\\llD ItAII .. Hnd In,!

,;>nl.ll 1\ "I I, "11 111. :'\()[ti {)LI" HON -(1,\S f'" (1"1 III .\1.1 S, o(\)ld.\1 \ 1'1 "I"!

1\0 :.; 1,',' I! l'~"1< r',,1 A 1.1 ("Hoi

'I'll" f>1 "[,,,1'\, ,\ \1" I k ""Il"1II'" ~ "f "'ll H)lWtlllg- 11\ "I Ii mil.· ,01 i'IlU.rI

I(Oll,j ull<l It 'I llld,' 01 1;111 I,'" 1:111 til (nnd

IOHl :!I'lll


'101) 211t

1 ~n I ," 11'1 11'1 I

" .-,',

lOS 1 lit

"'11) ]',lj

11)7n II.:! \1,]

-,\11 1 "I





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.1 .,

Brings ,\1

Results. " ,,- Brings I


e as~:for YOU!! I ,

Try a '~lassifiedAd IITodav---We K ow I . I •


iPho~le I .


CLAIMED (,lnl~ \"our S!l!f" Date

Enl'ly ..• Chl"l'I;;: Thf"St"

DlltE"'" First!

6. ComhinntiOil II f' \\ "P a P " r plan, uf sal" ad lind salf" bill.. tif>-UI), \\ hkh ml1k~ your ad'\",-rti-;ing (·ompl!·t.· in nne- jilh.

7. Lplili~ P'\:IWOM', l('liIis _ drh'ing and tlmf' npp(lf>d in post­in~; rf'Wt'T !\Uk hill'l Ilf'l'(lf'd.

R. Your nt'n !I)JRlu"r ud in Pll­W'r ~'"P"i farmf'rs opportun­ity tn ... tlldy your !>alt- list ("!\"pr ('ar('ftll1y, in thf'ir own hump .... and '\Ip('idl' 011 thf> a~.klt· .. tlwy ilia,' \\ i~h to 1111)".

fl. If ~-nu ('nnnu! ~d in tn tht' Hprahl offi('t> >;'Hon, ju~t ('ull :\-(""a~ER 130 and \\to n1'1

I _~omt· to }'our, !~~-.: __ . __ SEPT. 22 Il( JBE:RT RI::,\EHART

C'lnsih g Out F<1nn Sale: I.{:wa!t~j 3 miles w('st and 3 north of \Vln­<';1df' Troutman Bros .. Auc1Hm-

I I'pr".

-\\'nl('11 TII~ lI .. rald fnr 1,1 .. 1;"11,

I Ernestine Cunningham Weds Marion Larson ln Randolph Rites

P..nnrlolph - Ernpstln(' Cunning­ham, daughter or Mr. and Mrs, W E. Cunningham. :.Ind 1-'Inrion Lnr­!-lon, ,",on of \iIr. nod" Mymn Ulrson, C:lrl'()lI. Wf'I'{' unlll'll in r:nnrri:q.,;(· SIItHk.y. Au~ust Hi, <.II

~llmri. ~~. ~ut~l<~~h;l~;~~~(r,('~:, doubJp rinK Cf'fpmony.

Cand('lHbra and haskets of r;-ladioli d£'Cora-ted t he church al­IaI'. Mrs. LaVernf' Hurlburt. Car­roll, 3('f'ompanipd hy Mrs. J. F. Atwood. "<Jog "lkc3U<;P" ;lIld "Tfw

, Pnl}'f'r.'" The r .rid!' WOl'{' a cown with a

la('e iJodic(' and n('t skirt ow'r sutm. II fealUI{'d long lace sj('eves. a nf't vokf' anci full skirt which f'nof'd in a train. Her crown o{ :;iced pearls and rhin('<;tones held a douhle tier veil of nt,t trimmed in lace. Sh(> carriC'd a houquei of rf'd rosf'S.

Mrs. Norman Anderson. Carroll was matron of honor. She cho~e II

blue- gown of nylon net over taf: , f~~a ~~d ~nr;ied a bouquet of yel. I

Jon Gartner. Randolph. was bes1 I man.

Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Lar- I

son \A'ore navy blue dN'sses anc'

I corsages of white carnations. Reception was held in the I

I·church parlors. Those assisting! . I were MTs. Hazf'1 Phares. Mrs j

I Mabel Jordon Mrs, LawrE'nce Lar­son. Mrs. ::fIa;"y Nelson. Maryloi!;

I :'\1iUer. ::\Ian'el Lora!'2:. 1\,,;la I Holmes and ;.vla!"lellf' }·"dd,P Shir-' IIf'Y Craig waS; In chargf' of thf'· I ~UE'st book and Rozella Allar <.!-nct . Norma Ruzer had 1 he gifts.

i dO~~e ~r!~e s~~~~~a.!~~ ~~'o~~~~ : ed in Norfolk. The bridegroom i~

Cl graduate of Carroll High school A \\'hitE' dress trimmed In blnck

was chbsen by th{' bnde for he) ,going a ..... Ry pn~f'mhle. : AftE'l' a triP to the Black Hdl~ i the couple will bf' at home in Nor­rolk.


FARM LOANS 4% National Fann LoaD Ass'os.


Federal Land Bank System Felix Jf'linek, WalH"field A. T. Cavanaugh. Wayne


you\ Wayne Air Service

* 949 Mere. Club coupE'. Overdr.ive,

Ra'dio and Healer


* 949 Mere. Forrlor. RadiQ and Heater~-

Local onE" owner •


* 949

.. 1248 Fqrd Sup~r Df lux!' TudnL Radio

and HrR1f!r


* 947 Stude .. ChampIOn' Fordor;. RadIO nnd Heater


* 1941 Ford Tudor. Radio and Heater


* Pick~ps 19.51: .. " ,r"

8 , i I "l l

They wlre supper guests ill Al- Bell Scho", " Op it, ing uert SulndelJ home.

wt::;dg,"~ve~~i;.. (1~l'~al'~li~~7i Delayed h fainting home' t~ sp~l1d Tuesday, uesday Mr. and *1'5. E~l.her Mardnson. evenmg! visitors were Mr. at d Mrs. Mr. and Mr~ Kef tt Johnson and Georg~ I-:,istrope, Mrs. Letit e Hat'- Mr. and rs. M tin Holmberg

~O~its~J~l'~s.Lt:;}~ F:gcl~h~il d h~~~~ c,J;:.nT~et~e C~~:~h~, O!~~~~l~b:'~d~ crTlyh, ,~l!1lcdoel,nn, John',~ n ramill ' '~el"c BeGause of ta del a ed' paint job,

.A. .">V Wt opening of s hool·w, s held up Wltil dinner gUf'sts. In thc' Mary' Mor- l'uesday, ~' . ten$Dn~home Sunday,' I I

Mr. nd Mrs. E.'W. Lund hl an'.:;, --ii;-;EJdont'ROber . family visited Jean!n ~('r(' at Rosaitc S' tUl"day in' the Lc nard oberts home

:~ c~~~ J~~. t~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ d~~!~~ \IV~1;e~dnal ~~~inJ ~rome Pearson followiJllg the wed9'ing re earsal. ,md Jolene 'cre d Inner and sun­Nendell Cole, Wecpi~g Wat r, who pcr guests 81.mljay iin the Elvis 01 was aIi army budd}! 01 rGl 0,1 ae- 'on home I 'I -

compa~ied hun he\'(' to sPQ d Sun- ' Mr, and ~rs. 'M~Vin 'Meyer and day in the lattel"s' parental home, dauP'hters ere in h~ Glen. Olson

Me, !mj Mrs. Howard Be creson, dome SltnLia eveni g. Radclilfe, la., came Sunda\- al(pr- Rc\. and 'Mrs, I illard Carlson noon tp attend the DUt,;' chner- vislt(>d in !:tc" Lau cnee Carlson

~;~n~~~~~:~~int~:nl rtv~<l:i ~;~d~~j ho~;, r-:~~~1IJ;s~ni g'il Lund and home. I : MI'S, Henr" IRubec ''helped Mrs,

-. - I F1(~d Utechticelcbra,te her blrthda} Thul'sdav cVfnlng UppCI t:U('~ts Mrs. W. Erlandson las.t TUe$da} evcJ1lllg. Friday eVe-

In thl' Mell~ 11i.1llg h me \\{,Ie .:vII llllg the~ ent to see the Art and l\1,IS Anton I \ant' South Hondred on BirthdaM ..(mg(~ v.h JclurHed from thclI S10UX (It\ alm(: tht'll ons dnd fam- ,:J \ala110n tllP WedrJcsda)-dH'S 1\11 -anti JIYI! s B b h.\ dl1(' and .r OUljtcen lad IPS ~P( nt' \!vI! qnl ~ I __ I I

Janet. Bato~ ftou,t::e L<I ,\11 and rld\ aJiternoon With :\Ir~ fall(n New Rural SChfc01 :\11 s John ~\.\Iane dl d John II 1 r lland~on III obsl'l \ ,t!H l' [hc!

r~~~:ap~~~\{\~l~~y IV: 11 s all~t()~~I~1 ~l thrl(~\ freach~rslNam d I ':-oekwcll dnr fthond -I S()ulil SlOU}o. I \11 lind MI s \Vdll (n I'..llllldson I d\'OI1I1C I Bal net IS the ~ne" (i

lh i \\lnt to Chcrokf'E::' 11 Sun ,Iv for 1paehll In tII!oOtnctl13 Paul Rmg FOl'Mrs IE Sand hI's bathda) a I1lcO)( dlnncl \\-lIh a f!1 UlJ of l-md B~uce LundahV are begmners

Saturday th~ pllo\\ln y \\erc altf'r- tll('nds at till' park EunIce BlOrklU

1d WIll agam

nOon,lunChf'pn gUf's1<; Mrs Bpn Mr and MI'i Al D( lillt 0SpllH I f(W il thp tell h)-Ills Johnson FrCdnCkSOllj

1V1 1S StllH Johnson, Johnso)1) dnd Pd:l\ alld~('a!Ul \\.J1l b~ bcgmnmg here

~:~d~~~:~~ f~::~IlI1 a\~I~lIA~~~ ~;~~I1(~(IL Il~I~~~l~I~~('~~lgU ~t:S~I~ nBiiddY Feher caches dlitrlct Mrs I J C Ik('s~ill MI S l\1l'li( I Johnsotls LiUlltlg 1)u "l <'H All _ _ 1

E.i1l0" and Blr~~(',(', 1\Tr. and Mrs. E·I Lillllll'I' gW'sh Ihe Jrkf So-: Bobby ari~ Billy King spent the .u:. Hvpse ~IlJ thPll' housc gUI1'st'l \10111(' and :ropl'nt fla')t wcck 1m the Dick Sandahl August Ha~sotli" LalVI sa, CallI. , l :wrne \vhild their parcnts were on

MI'. and l\Illl:;. ;\Il rns Sandahl ,:1). :\lr~ ,J.wk "";()(j 'J"~)(,l'g. I \ aL"ation, I and .John \V~'r1'1 ~lllll!" ~Ull- ~l) Bub ."';l'L"o).l al]d ",on~, I ::vII', and IYIl's. Carl Si('\'crs and day ~n eonlll'1Wl.tlOll of Sall- 1l('11i \' alld I I,ll 01 wcn' 11ilC'!I' grandron, DOl1nlc FosstUn re-dahl S bJrthdaY,:?bsl'l'. allee. and, llll' \\ It 11 ,r~'IH11\'P~ al :l r,)Jcllll' su per ~t l'turned to, Lancaster, Cal.. last Allan S, :111dcfhl! 11anlllY and 1\11', and thl' \\ n,'\ nl' pa,",k Sun~ay. 'omph- rrUl'sday ai;ter visi*ng the AUgust 'Mrs. H.O':lll'lj lilCl'manl wel'(' atter- OWl1tlTlg th(, AI 1)('lIltt I Cl.,nUltr-,. l~{ay and ~~dolf Kt,ay families, noon \ ISltorts. :\Ir. dnd :"11 'i. BIll 0Jl'l~ 11 are. Thos(' 6·hm h('r(~ in 'addition to

('0101 do 1~11( J.:: W Lun(iahllfamlly who a1-I Bell 1 tindld thJ\,eddu1g Sunday C\ol'-hOl11e ttl 11llg \\C1C 11 and :\lrs Joe John­

~Oll Eel II JOhn50n and Alell'n At 1 lnt! 1 Johnson l\~l andl'11 s Art .:'I1UI1-l dill(' to "on <lIH1 sdns Mr and 11rs C n.

Al t A. .. dn :"11 .. apd :vtrs .cRoy Lundahl

I \1rl and Mrs Laur nee Hanson and

Borg, Omaha, IS Sipend- fanjlJiy, rvk and, Mrs, Martin we~k With her coiuslns, Ho~mbl'rc;,: ~r,r. a~d :Mrs. AlbcI1

alc,o. and Corette Borg, I SUil'dpll afd MI'. and Mrs. Carl

~'~~l'I~~:~ '\1'1 fi111ll/~;1~1l;aUb~~~~ I S.UAe~~~t Han'>on iw~s a Sunday d~I}I](,1' HOI t.; al f!1 PlCllIC dlO!nf'r guqst or hI11~1C'-{'(,' Mrs. E,

I hl'\ : al COl1cuni parl~j.'nLia\ \V., LUl1dafl and f,. Illlh', ill thl'l atkll'ucd the fim' . ~1r'. and Mrs. CIl f M,unson wcnt

I and .:\oIl'S. LO)'f'nl'l' 'I.':>cil('1' to. :Abcrdet'l1, ? .. D, .Fnday for an ?!I("O:b~l1: ~(rn~ \\"{,],p 10 IIw .:vIa ['I, 1 1 1-1ul- 0\ cr Sundky \ lSI! 'lth relahv(>s. 1 hut :o.dd\ 1 h'l' hdnll' W'L'dnesda.v l'\ (>11 ng for I ~

home. EilcE'IlI's third birthda). Shu 't<ilrled! ,1 ., school al Salem s~ncta" , a n

- c\ c-I Larty Carlson rC'turIll'd lr,om and camn lSaturday by way f Des G RL StOUT NEWS h·t. 1':\1oinc~ wlwl'c he enjo)cd tl1l(' statc .'1' pted Ilau' f()J' til" dil\', BrQwnie ~one Troop I

Wood I .sU;tflrllW 1'lTr'). \VI~n('r, InsltC'd $rownil> Lone Troop I met in , 0\-('1'. last Tu('sd<t,\ night wIth her t~Ci Girl !Scout cabin Wednesday

tol.k. \ iI .. (,OUSln. :\Il's. Ldloy Lund'a~i and ~ttt'rnooni. :\1rs, T.,J. HUghes was til of a ",on. tamll.v·, I m (::harg~, Beverly Scrimsher join­Ml~~ Foro.;- :\11'. i-1lld ;'III'S. :\lal'tl/1 Holmb€Tg l·d the TrC?op,- Th~i following girls

SWRI,l.c,on 'Cl, tten,d('d 1.1.ll', D,ah1t:1T'1l I'('ufllon ,ilt [CC<,'i\"('d I, for HaVing, ~tknded ::Vlrs'l till' Wai<l'lle!d ])al·k Sunday. our knOWIng th<,

=--l'\ l'ral Th!' Eldon Bal'cllllan fam1-ly vis- ," Mary I Itt'd III tlw 1-:mll LW1d hom _ Wl'd- ,- i Lan-

1~~b~~~~t~~:: j lltJ~1::-ll'S('~;t~~1t'~7~ons .\\·u'C wi ~ Mrs.] I ('\'('nl11g. v\"altPl' Gl'o.Sl' for Sunday cilllnl'r.

So sheer ... .,"'''' ..

Thcy're dull-IU'itl"(', high 1"3, igetOlw. THupetO)lc, Compal'e~

~ Heg. C.S. l';ott. Ulf.

uroy popover usettes


fabrics rthy of

skill for your Fall needs!

Good Housekeep. eized finish for eas­

..wide selection of rich and gat' 49

Choose your~ now! C

·!l29 "'~ i ".

made. from tough ll-o"ruce denim for wear." Bar tae-ks, cqppeJ1

j'rivets at all

<trainlooiints S'anro~ized for last ng fit, Vat­colol'fastn~s. Sizes .. 6 to' l6. Come see!

> • '

12 66



can hardly be seen

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