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C# Is The Future

Filip Ekberg

I’m Filip Ekberg



Author. Blogger. Speaker. .NET MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @

C# through time


The evolution of C#


C# 2.0Generics

Partial types

Anonymous methods


Nullable types

Getter/Setter separate accessibility

Static classes

And more..


Implicitly typed local variables

Object and collection initializers


Anonymous types

Extension methods

Query expressions

Lambda expressions

Expression trees

And more..

Dynamic binding

Named and optional parameters

Generic co- and contravariance

And more..

C# 3.0

C# 4.0

Asynchronous methods

Caller info attributes

C# 5.0

The Future of C#


Starting fresh with the new compiler• .NET Compiler Platform (codename Roslyn)• Microsoft decides to re-write the compiler• Compiler written in C#• Easier to extend and maintain• Trusting the compiler to solve complexity for us• Let us be less verbose (syntactic sugar)• Open Source!


C# 6.0


Using Statements for Static Members


Using Statements for Static Members


class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { var angle = 90d; Console.WriteLine(Math.Sin(angle)); }}

Using Statements for Static Members


using static System.Console;using static System.Math;

class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { var angle = 90d; WriteLine(Sin(angle)); }}

Using Statements for Static Members


using static System.Console;using static System.Linq.Enumerable;

class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (var i in Range(0, 10)) { WriteLine(i); } }}

Auto-Property Initializers


Auto-Property Initializers


class Person{ public string Name { get; set; }}

class Person{ public string Name { get; } = "Anonymous";}

Auto-Property Initializers


class Person{ public string Name { get; }

public Person() { Name = "Filip"; }}

Auto-Property Initializers


class Person{ private readonly string <Name>k__BackingField = "Filip";

public string Name { get { return this.<Name>k__BackingField; } }}

Await inside Catch & Finally blocks


Await inside Catch & Finally block


public async Task DownloadAsync(){


try { } catch { await Task.Delay(2000); } finally { await Task.Delay(2000); }

Null-conditional operators


Null-conditional operators


class Person{ public string Name { get; set; } public Address Address { get; set; }}

Console.WriteLine(filip.Address == null ? "No Address" : filip.Address.AddressLine1);

Console.WriteLine(filip?.Address?.AddressLine1 ?? "No Address");

var filip = new Person{ Name = "Filip"};

Null-conditional operators


var people = new[]{ new Person(), null};



Null-conditional operators


Person[] people = null;


Person[] people = null;Console.WriteLine(

(people != null) ? ((people[0] == null) ? null :

people[0].Name) : null


String interpolation


String interpolation


$"My Width is {Width} and my Height is {Height}";

string.Format("My Width is {0} and my Height is {1}", Width, Height);

String interpolation


int age = 28;var result = $"Hello there, I'm {age:D5} years old!";WriteLine(result);

int num = 28;object[] objArray1 = new object[] { num };Console.WriteLine(

string.Format("Hello there, I'm {0:D5} years old!", objArray1));

Dictionary Intializers


Dictionary Intializers


var people = new Dictionary<string, Person>{ ["Filip"] = new Person()};

var answers = new Dictionary<int, string>{ [42] = "the answer to life the universe and everything"};

Expression-bodied members


Expression-bodied members


class Rectangle{ public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; }

public override string ToString() => $"My Width is {Width} and my Height is {Height}";


nameof operator


nameof operator


static void Main(string[] args){ WriteLine($"Parameter name is: {nameof(args)}");}

Exception filters


Exception Filters


try{ throw new CustomException { Severity = 100 };}catch (CustomException ex) when (ex.Severity > 50){ Console.WriteLine("*BING BING* WARNING *BING BING*");}catch (CustomException ex){ Console.WriteLine("Whooops!");}

C# 6.0Using Statements for Static Members

Auto-Property Initializers

Await inside Catch & Finally blocks

Null-conditional operators

String interpolation

Dictionary Initializers

Expression-bodied members

Exception Filters

nameof operator

And more..


C# 2.0Generics

Partial types

Anonymous methods


Nullable types

Getter/Setter separate accessibility

Static classes

And more..

Implicitly typed local variables

Object and collection initializers


Anonymous types

Extension methods

Query expressions

Lambda expressions

Expression trees

And more..

Dynamic binding

Named and optional parameters

Generic co- and contravariance

And more..

C# 3.0

C# 4.0Asynchronous methods

Caller info attributes

C# 5.0

Features withdrawn


Withdrawn features 1 / 2




var client = new WebClient{ DownloadFileCompleted += DownloadFileCompletedHandler};

var y = (var x = Foo(); Write(x); x * x);[field: NonSerialized]public int Age { get; set; }

Binary literals and Digit separators Event initializers

Field targets on auto-properties Semicolon operator

Withdrawn features 2 / 2


class Person(string name, int age){ private string _name = name; private int _age = age;}

public void CalculateAgeBasedOn(int birthYear, out int age){ age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthYear;}

CalculateAgeBasedOn(1987, out var age);

int Avg(params IEnumerable<int> numbers)

Primary Constructors Using params with IEnumerable

Declaration Expressions

Why care about withdrawn features?


• Indicates the evolution and on-going work• Shows there are no promises until it is RTM• Withdrawn does not mean “Will never come to C#”

C# 7.0?


Tuples (Multiple return types)


public (int sum, int count) Calculate(IEnumerable<int> numbers){ var total = numbers.Sum(); return (total, numbers.Count());}

var result = Calculate(Enumerable.Range(0, 100));

WriteLine($"Total is {result.sum}, with {result.count} numbers.");

• Requires a record type• Record types uses primary constructors (see withdrawn C# 6.0 features)

Pattern Matching and Record Types


public record class Point(int X, int Y);

if (expr is Point point) { // Use point here}

More potential C# 7.0 features


• Nullability tracking• Asynchronous streams• Declaration expressions (see withdrawn C# 6.0 features)

• Binary literals and Digit separators (see withdrawn C# 6.0


• And more…

Endless potential

• Language feature discussions on Github• Compiler API at your disposal• Write code analysers and refactoring

packages• C# evolves and grows each release


What about…

• F#• Java• PHP• Python• Ruby• etc..



C# is here to stay,it is the future,

time to embrace it!




Thank you,I’m Filip Ekberg



Author. Blogger. Speaker. .NET MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @

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