Page 1: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

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Ca 1

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Page 2: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

Sebastian Stuart Fish Co. PACKERS OF

Fresh and Frozen



Columbia River Packers Association, Inc.

Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River



Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY

SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT Can be Procured from the following Seattle Wholesale Fish Dealers

San .Juan Fishing & Packing Co. Edwin Ripley & Son. New England Fish Co. Sound Fish Co. Palace Fish and Oyster Co. American Sea Food Co. Booth Fisheries Co. '\Vhiz Fish Co. Sebastian-Stewart Fish Co. Dressel-Collins Fish Co. Haines Oy;5ter Co. Ripley Fish Co. Main Fish Co.

Pacli:ed by the Alaslmn Glacier Sea Food Co. P, 0. Box 1001 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Petersburg, Alaslm

Arthur Anderson Fish Co., Inc. SALMON PACKERS


Large Volume Fresh Salmon Producers and ShiPPers


When un~werinA" Adn:rtisements j)]eus e mention CALIFORNIA FISI-ll!:RIES

Page 3: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


The California Fisheries The Voice of California's Commercial Fisheries


:>ublished semi~monthly at Municipal Wharf, San Pedro, ('n\ifornln, Ann ml subscription rate $3.50 per yenr. Single COllies 20 cents. All chan-ges ' d new copy for advertisements must be furnished ten days before p11b iention. M. W. ELEY, Publisher. Application rnnde for entry us tn Second Class mall, S1m Pedro, Calif.

M. W. ELEY, Publisher J. W. BROWN, Editor

VOL. 1 San Pedro, Calif., January 4, 1929 No. 4

West Coast Fish Week May 20th to May 26th California Fisheries Institutes Annual Fish Week on the Pacific Coast.

It is the first annual event, inclu­sive, of California, Washington and Oregon. Each year, one week will be set aside to be k n own as WEST COAST FISH WEEK, sponsored by The California Fisheries.

Indeed, West Coast Fish Week fills a long felt want, and will serve as a stimulus for the entire industry. It will bring before the buying public, truthful propaganda, why people should eat more fish. It also will familiarize the masses with fh:h generally. It will stimulate every agency depending upon fish as a business.

Below Are Details ~ Popular demand has caused The Cal­ifornia Fisheries to institute West Coast Fish Week, starting May 20th, 1929.

It will take a minimum of ten thousand dollars to put t hi s over "Big" and it must be BIG. A real hot parade, something the people will talk about until ihe next one in 1930. It can be done and must be done. No delay. Washington is for it strong, Oregon is crying for it and California straining at the wire-so Let's Go!

I'll say it's easy. No trouble at all. Everything a II framed, ready to burst into print, radio and a helluva lot of other things.

How are we going to do it? Oh yes, we just about :forget details. The first things to do is to elect by popular vote, an executive chairman, a director in other words. This director must be a Big man. He can be from either Washington, Or.-~gon or California, just so he be Identified with the fish industry. Now, 1here are many men eligible for this office. Use your own judgment. (See Ballot).

Next comes State Committee, com­posed of three men from each of the three states, and the one man receiv­ing the majority of votes in each state, automatically becomes chair:rpan of the State Committee. The election of offi­cers will close with our issue of Tues­day, February 26th. The popular

choices, as well as tabulation of votes as they come in will appear in our numbers of Tuesday, January 29th, and Tuesday, February 12th. Remem­ber, however, that our issue of Feb­ruary 26th will definitely announce those chosen, also a statement from each successful candidate.

Executive Chairman Calls Meeting To be held at the office of Henry

Dowden Co., San Francisco, California, Friday, 1\.'Iarch 1st. The business of this meetillg will be to definitely de­termine the extent of the campaign and how money >Vill be spent, as well as all details relative to West Coast Fish Week.

How Funds Are to be Raised The California Fisheries will pub­

lish a complete list in each issue of those firms and individuals contrib­uting, as well as the amounts. No stated amount will be asked and those not wishing to participate will not be asked twice. You must determine your­self how much West Coast Fish Week will benefit your sales for that week and you must talte into consideration the various agencies of propaganda which will be put to work in order to bring before the people FISH as it has never been before. So, when you make out your check, a lot will de­pend upon you.

Checlts Can Not Be Cashed Make checks payable to the Finance

Committee, West Coast Fish Week, and mail them, c'are of The California Fisheries. They cannot be cashed until after appointment of the Finance Committee, as selected by the general committee convening at Henry Dow­den's office, San Francisco, California, March 1st, 1929.

Who will be the first to mail checks'! We will announce in our issue of Tuesday, ,January 29th. Be a leader, for many will wait to see how the first ones perform. Regardless of what you contribute, it will s how your spirit, and your willingness to better your business.

May is Best l\lonth According to a concensus of opinion,

and it will meet with the unanimous approval of the entire fish industry, May is really the beginning of sum­mer, and it is up to our industry to familiarize the buying public with the FISH IDEA, so plenty will be con­sumed during the s u m m e r months when there is an abundant supply.

Those Eligible to Contribute Box, oil, can, label, ice, paper com­

panies, fish canneries, brokers, whole­sale and retail grocers, chain stores, wholesale and retail fish dealers, butcher shops, cafes, fisheries associa­tions and California Fish Exchange.

Publicity Necessary to Put Over Campaign

Will be decided by the committee at their meeting, Mar-ch 1st. Of course, all depending on the amount of money available, no doubt will 'include pur­chase of advertising and publicity space, radio, bill boards, window cards and streamers, inserts, booklets, recipe contests, etc.

Anyway, it will be some splash, and The California Fisheries has no fear whatever nf failure. Even if there is not as much money raised as anticipated it will go over, for we already have the promise of several publicity agencies who will cooperate to the fullest extent of their ability. But if the money comes in freely, your committee will be able to do wonders.

The California Fisheries has taken on a lot of hard work without any pay, and will c;ay West Coast Fish Week was in a way forced upon us as an impartial agency to sponsor the same. Our mission is to benefit the entire commercial fisheries field of Cal­ifornia, Oregon and Washirigton. If you are not already behind us, get there quick, for we are filling a long felt want. Farsighted people will real­ize the wisdom of a publication such as ours. Our magazine is not one of

(Continued on Page 6)

Page 4: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


Will the Pacific States Progress With the Trend of Times?

An extraordinary expansion of the methods of merchandising Eastern fish has commanded prompt attention throughout the United States the past year. Fishery interests on the Pacific Coast has not pl'ogressed as swiftly and unless the handwriting on the wall is seen and given heed to, fish con­cerns of the ·wesl; will degenerate into a hodge-podge of ancient methods.

History nf the East The phenomenal expansion of the

American haddock fishery in the re­cent years, is entirely tiue to the mar­keting of the fish in fillet form. This de>·elopment came about by good sales­manship, clever advertising and a sin­cere desire to meet the trend of the times. Today, eastern fillet of haddock is being marketed throughout the United States.

Lewis H.adclitfe, Deputy Commission­er of the U. S. Dnreau of Fisheries, remarks: ""Through modern methods of refrigeration nnd marketing, the had­dock bids fail· to supply the tables of two-thirds of the population of this COntinent, flut \Vhat fishery, great though it nlay be, can stand such a strain '! The answer to this is in the hands of our scientists, after they have thoroughly investigated the ques­tion. In the meantime, the Eastern producers o:f fillet of haddock must realize they can not hope forever to continually secure haddock from the present banks. Of course the rich banks of Canada will be invaded next."

Super-Salesmanship Through super-salesmanship and ad­

vertising, the producers of the East have created a "fish taste" among the many millions of people in the United States, while the fisheries industry of the Pacific Coa,:;t stand blankly by and with their own eyes see Eastern fillet concems shipping carlot after carlot of fillet of haddock into Western markets. There can only be one ex­cuse for the above condition, as far as the Pacific Coast producers are con­cerned. They have been satisfied with the handling of the whole fish, with­out the progressive thought of com­plete merchandising. ·while today there is much comment with J'eference to the Eastern shippers invtHling· our mar­ket::;, yet we \vill have to give them their due, ami ;.;ay 11more Power tn them" if they ean continue to steal the table front under the ·westem meaL A Few \\'estern Progressive Dealers

Sebastian Stuart, llooth Fisheries, and San Juan F'ishing and Pacldng Co., of Seattle, are tl'adc mal'ldng sliced salmon and hahibut and in a small way, bidding for the western

By Chas. \V. Cahill

market. Howeve1·, their efforts have been sincere and while there is an in­dication there 'nay be an energetic campaign started by the above dealers in 1D2fJ, there yet does not appear any great enthusiasm on their part. There are over twenty-five dealers in Seattle all competing of course for their share of the trade. California buys a major­ity of their shipments and the great cry in Seattle seems to be the unusual long terms of credit, automatically taken by California consignees. This is all brought about by energetic com­petition, plus tl weak consumer de~

mand. As long as an article has no identification, it remains shipwrecked and without the limbo of the trade, as well as its sponsors. One horse has about the same -value as another, and unless the one is pedigreed, they re­main on the same footing. The same applies to :fresh fish. As it now stands, one dealer's fish is just as good as another, as far as the consumer is con­cerned, and each man's goods looks the same in the consumer's eyes, unless it has some special method of identifica­tion, or special guarantee as to the quality of the same.

How far would a canner go if he attempted to market canned fish with­out labels-or any other product you can think of would not go over un­less it is properly impressed on the minds of the consumers by some sign of endorsement or trademark Each of us were given individual nam·es when we \Vere born, and if we all wore the same style of clothes, there would be no reason to have separate names. Each one's particular style of dress, stamps his or her individuality.

Fish is no different, from a merchan­dising standpoint, than other perish­able commodities that have met with unusual success when given creden­tials.

Credit \Vhere It Is Due Much credit should be given Crad

Meredith, of the Ne\vport Fish Co., Newport, Oregon. This gentleman was until recently an actlve partner of the :Meredith Fish Company of Sacramento, California. When he took over the Newport Fish Company he got real busy on fillet and today he turns out a fillet which is far superior to any­thing packed in the East. His brand is known as the HNewport Fillets" and he is shipping them as far East as Texas. He has the right idea and should go far toward building up this indw;try for the \Vest Com;t.

Another Pioneer The Umpqua Fish Company of Gard­

iner, Oregon, i.s tuming out a salmon

product under the trade name of uBriggs Jerked Fish". It is made after an old Indian process. It is not kip­pered, but is jerl<ed and scientifically' smoked which gives it an unusual fla­vor, irresistible to the average person and should be solrl in every market of the United States as a rare delicaCY for it is exceptional and cannot be substituted.

They have the l·ey to the whole sa}. mon surplus situation. The salmon can be frozen and processed at their leisure. While they have great ambi­tions to put this jerlced fish over in a big way, and t•.re now maldng what they think are volume shipments, ho\v.:. ever, it is nothing short of a miracle that they are able to sell any of it, for it carries no label or any other sign of identification by which the consumer can discriminate between it and othei• vastly inferior z;;;moked and ldppered salmon on the market. It is to be hoped that the Umpqua company will soon acquire a label and place theif wonderful and unique article on a ped­estal far removed from other similar articles.

Progress in California Some progress has been m'ade in-.

California in a small way. For in­stance, some four years ago, the Van Camp organizations of San Pedro, Cal­ifornia, started trade marked parch­ment paper covered fillet and a great volume of business came of it, which continues today. The Van Camp or­ganizations were the first people on the Pacific Coast to trade marlt wrap­ped fillets.

San Francisco is the real Pacific Coast origin of the fillet. There is no trade marking or any labels or other method of identifying their fillet in the markets of the Vilest. They just put the naked fillet in a rough wooden box and away they go. They have a real opportunity to accomplish wonderful results with this merchandise, for their fish is especially adapted to filleting and hundreds of tons are made by San Francisco dealers each year. Per­haps after the Eastern people have firmly imbedded in their m'inds the wisdom of trade marked articles, and if they are not forced out of the market by Eastem competitors, whose products are already being sold in carlots in their territory, t.hey can take heed to themselves and lock the stable door before the horse is gone.

Conclusions In the clear, cool waters of the Pa­

cific can be found dozens of superior fish, which should be merchandised,

(Continued on Page 7)

I l I

Page 5: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


Comments from Here and There EDITOR'S NOTE: Thin publication docs not assume responsiblity for 'l rtldes UIIPCnr!ng under "Comments From Here and There." All articles 11111st be signed with full name and address.

The California li1isheries. Gentlemen:

1 will have to compliment you on your first and second editions, they were wonderful, but as yet I haven't seen an article that would boost the San Diego Tuna boats. In reality they are the ones that keep the canneries in motion, so let's give them a hand. And incidentally the finn I'm work­ing for sells them all their ice, so you see I'm interested. And at the same time, I'm going to boost our Product.

Believe it or not, but we claim to have the coldest ice on the coast, all due to the fact 1 hat our friend Ralph Smith of the Union Ice Co. is always on hand to see that we get service, and if you don't believe that, ask our friend Lawrence Oliver, the manager of The American Fisheries Co., and the Oliver Meal and Oil Co. He is considered one of the best friends and advisers that the tuna fleet has and ever will have. lt is useless to go on and explain Mr. Oliver's standing on the water front, for every one of you lmow him as a real friend, (that in­cludes the cannery o w n e r s of San Pedro).

1 We've read a ~ot about W. R. Smith ! in both your editions and were pleased

with his articles, now let's give our own John Ghio a hand, he's tried awfully hard to train the fishermen, but seems to have had more success with women, in fact he has them eating out of his hand and it won't be long now 'cause it's going to be a cold winter.

And as Andy Gump would say, i "AND ANOTHER THING" I don't

like the way IV. F. Jahn (Spider) knocks our fleas, in fact I don't see how he could have felt a flea bite, When he has only been in California a few days. Why he hasn't even had a chance to thaw out yet. Yes sir it is

· Pretty tough when a inan has to come to California to let old man "Sol" dry his clothes out.

American Fisheries Co. By H. L. Miller, San Diego, Calif.


packers of


P. S.-Please e n t e r this where (Spider) will see it.

Editors Note:-\.Ye were pleased to receive your letter. Thanks for the praise, as we are really trying hard to please you. We are going to give San Diego a real boost soon and es­pecially the Tuna boats.

You are right, Mr. Oliver is well known and admired in Southern Cal­ifornia, and we wish him continued popularity.

John Ghio has our sympathy, for we know from experience he has a tough job. However, w·e feel sure he will win out as cleverly with the fish­ermen as he does with women.

California will be honored shortly with another visit by "Spider" and we are going to make it a point to arrange a meeting between you two.

We wish you a prosperous New Year.

In reporting conditions in this dis­

trict of Southwestern Oregon for the present, weather conditions have been

so adverse that fishing has been res­

tl·icted very greatly. Steelheads are very scarce for the time being and the costs of ga-l:hering the fish from different points for delivery at the plant have become very burdensome with the result that prices are now ruling higher than when last report­ing. Fancy fresh dressed Steelheads are bringing about 26c f. o.b. Marsh­field at this time.

Deep sea fishsing has been at a standstill, but is expected to start up again after January lst. Fresh Ling, Rockcod, Sable, etc. will then be avail­able at general market prices. There is some stock of frozen Shad Roe still available at reasonable prices. Quota­tions will be sent upon request, promptly. Also some stock of fancy hard-salted Sable on hand, with a few barrels hard-salted Salmon, the latter on the bargain counter.

Am pleased to note that my old friend and customer, Mr. Bowlus, of San Luis, takes the same keen inter­est in life as always. I hope to take a trip next spring and pay him a

personal call again. Very truly yours,


Mr. N. M. Blumenthal,

Los Angeles, California. Dear Mr. Blunmenthal:

The first issue of The California

F~sheries has arrived and I certainl:1 congratulate Mr. M. W. Eley and his

friends for this splendid publication.

It is really an attractive and interest­ing journal and contains much worth­while reading matter. Our ad on the back page is splendid and can say is in line with our policy to keep pegging away with the facts that our oysters as handled through you and not only grown in the pure salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but come directly to you without stopping to have a bath in fresh water. Consequently, they always contain the necessary iodine characteristic of salt water oysters.

We have had only one little cold spell and that did not last long. We see no reason why we cannot continue to supply you and your good trade, Red Cross oysters throughout the sea­son. Our next car to you will be of a better quality, firmer, and in every way more satisfactory.

We shall be pleased to assist in any way the perpetuation of The California Fisheries.

Very sincerely, Henry C. Ellsworth, Pres.

J. & J. W. Ellsworth, New York City, N. Y.


!-;.,;:··~~:~~ries I 1~:~ Pioneer Mackerel Canner ~:~

Also Packing $

: Tuna, Sardines, and other Califor- ~ £ nia Seafoods ~

I. ~: \Vilmington, Calif. ~

- 'i! ;000000000000000000000000000~



THAT FAMOUS "WHITE STAR TUNA" "Crescent" Brand Sardines

And Various Other California Sea Foods Cannery at Monterey

~Bead Office: 110 Market St., San Francisco Home Office-Terminal Island, Calif.

Page 6: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT



(By George T. Otn)

For the last week of the year we have enjoyed a very nice holiday. Weather conditions have been warm and clear, fishing was below normal and only very small amount of fish was brought into the San Pedro mar­ket. Fishing b o a t s from Mexko brought in very ;.mall catches for the previous week. Only a few tons of barracuda were unloaded at the San Pedro Fish Wharf. Fishing in gen­eral is at a standstill due to the fact that many fif.;he::men are enjoying the New Year's holiday. As a rule, this time of the year is the most quiet season of the entire year and local fish market dealers here do not ex­pect a volume o£ fish for a few weeks to come.

The gap in the volume is made up by outside fish, such as Mexican sea bass, northern halibut, salmon, sole and other varieties of frozen fish. Not­withstanding the fact that frozen fish of all kinds are finding their way into the markets of Southern California, and as the demand for frozen fish in­creases, fresh fish alone can not poB­sibly meet the df-mands that frozen fish will naturally fill in for frozen fish is a merchandisable article, while fresh fish is more or less a hazard, therefore we look for a greater vol­ume of frozen fish to be handled in the years to come and those who do not contemplate the handling of frozen , fish as a substitute, are simply kid­ding themselves in the direction as explained above.

Be sure and 1ead number of Tuesday, 1P2!l, really it will be

the San January



Diego 2Dth,

The end of !;be year finds fishing poor at Santa Cruz as elsewhere. Many boats are idle because it does not pay to run them, many trucks .are idle because there is no fish to haul on them. The Martinelli Company has discontinued its Santa Cruz branch, but was still operating at 1\'Ionterey when last heard from. A.balone from Mon­terey Uppeared in local markets this week, the first in two months. Not enough crabs are caught to supply local demand. Crab fishermen bring their nets back hmgled up with star­fish, sharks' teeth, coral and fish skel­etons, everything but the kitchen stove-but few cl'abs. All the fish restaurants and many of the fish markets were closed Christmas Day.

San Diego, as you would like to know it, in our number of Tuesday '···~··~•>?• onn. 1non


The lowly mackerel has begun to come into its own lately since the can­ners at San Pech'o and Wilmington have found out that there is a ready market for this fish >Yhen put in the can. At first, this fish was only put up for the export trade. It has since become very popular here at home, as we see it on the shelves of all the best stores in our coast cities.

Profitable To Pack The canners have no doubt found

this u very profitable fish to pack, as recently d~ring the months of Sep­tember and October and well along into November, there has been upwards of five hundred tom; of this valuable food utilized by them; at times, mak­ing mackerel a very scarce article on the fresh fish market.

The pa~kers of Southern Califomia arc certainly to be complimented on the sanitary manner in which they are handling this food product, and while it is equally as good as the Alaska Pink Salmon and put up in the same manner, it is much more reasonable in price, let us hope that it will remain so.


(Special to California Fisheries) The Umpqua Fish Co., of Gardinet•

Oregon, report to us by telegram, thai they have doubltd their daily capacit~·

011 "Briggs Jerked Fish" and are now in a position to fill all orders. It is hoped those who ·were disappointed in not being able to secure this unique and delicious jerked salmon during the holidays, will get in touch with the Umpqua Fish Co. now for their future requirements.

"Briggs Jerked Fish" is made hy an old Indian process, and is by far the cream of fish specialties.


The Newport Fish Co. of Newport, Oregon, wires us they are preparing 1 t(l turn out a greater volume of those l fme Newport Brand Fillets for the ( y1;ar 1H2H, and Mr. Crad Meredith, an old timer in the fish busineSS1 alsn owner of The Newport Fish Co., is one of the most enthusiastic supporters 'If ftllet this publication has yet come into contact with.

--------------------------------------------------------------) WEST COAST FISH WEEK


(Continued from Page 3)


those cut and dried propositions. Our pages are open for the interests it tends to serve, namely, Commercial Fisheries.

Those Eligible to Vote Firms and individuals residing, or

maintaining branches in the states of

California, count one

Oregon an d Washington, J

vote lJer dollar contributed. ' How to Vote .,f

Firms or individuals vote for one I

executive officer or director, regard· less of whether your candidate reside:; in California, Oregon or Washington, As long as he is identified with the fish industry of the above states: How· ever, vote for three on the State com· mittee for the state in which you , have your home office. I


l~'~o~r __ I_Ji_r~e_c_t<~n-·------------··_··_··_··-··-··-··-··-···-··-··~·~··~··~···~··~··~··~··--------------V--C_>T_E~·-s_ .. _ .. _ .. _. _______ ~ ~~~~!~~ornia ~:: ·········::::::::::::::::::::::::······· ............................ :., .::~:::::::::: Committee !3 . . .................... .

Oregon State Committee ~·························································· ................••••••• ,

.............. ···········

......................... '

\Yashington State Committee

Name Si..reet Address Gity and State


!:! ..

$ . ················

Suppose you contributed only one dollar, you are entitled to one vote for a director; one vote each for three state committeemen. Whatever you c·ontribute you are entitled to the pro-.,..,.,,.f-i"n"t"' }..,.,;., no: c:tntotl <1hn~r<>

.............. ...............


Amount of Check.

Make checks payable to the Finan~;, Committee, WEST C 0 A S T FIS1· j WEEK, and mail with your ballot t~ The California Fisheries, l\funiciJll1

Fish Wharf, San Pedro, California· nn T'T' 1\T{)"\i\T l'i'{)"R .c:!TTf"'.I'Rs:!.~.

Page 7: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT





~--------~----- ~ish erma n' s

-~-~~--~ ~~ --~- ---~-· ----~---~

Section II

Curb on Fish Attacked Whether the State of California has

the right to regulate the sale of fish caught in the Pacific Ocean, miles out from the State's shores, and to place a limit upon how much oil, fish-meal und other by-products shall be pro­duced, was the question brought up recently in a suit filed in United states District Court.

The suit was filed by ,John L. Dyer, attorney of this city, and B. D. 1\'Iarxgreen and M. A. Thomas of San Francisco, on behalf of the Van Camp Sea Food Company, and the Globe Grain anrl Milling Company, as plaintiffs. The defendants named are the State Fish and Game Commission, the Department of Natural Resources of California and Fred G. Stewart, its director; Eugene D. Bennett, head of the Fish and Game Division of the Department of Natural Resources, and N. B. Scofield, hem! of the commercial fisheries department.

Restraining Order Issued A temporary reFtraining order, to­

gether with an order to show cause, both returnable .January 7, was issued by United States District Judge James. By the order the officials of the State and other employees are prohibited from enforcing the regulations, which it is charged in the action are uncon­stitutional, until the question is de­termined by the court. The tribunal to try the issues will include two Dis­trict Court judges and one judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals, being a constitutional question.

The action seeks to have the State regulations regarding the fishing in­dustries declared unconstitutional, es­pecially with reference to an order, made by the State Fish and Game Commission No\rember 7, last, setting out what should be the capacity of each reduction plant. It was stated that many millions of dollars are placed in the balance in the determin­ation of the action, which is a test case and brought to halt State officials from bringing actions here against the packers, as has been done in four instances in Northern California. It is asserted in the action that this State has no law that sardines and by­products "be retained in the State."

Pacb: Less Than Capacity It is asserted by the Van Camp

company that the pack ordinarily to he had is much Jess than th~ capacity of its various plants, whereas, by reg-

ulations, the plants are restricted to pacldng not more than 25 per cent nf the monthly capacity of the plants. It was asserted in the action that most of the output is shipped in inter­state business or to other countries.

It was shown that 2,3H1,717 cases of one-pound tins, 258,431 cases of other size cans, 2,581,81.4 gallons of fish oil and 17,830 tons of fish meal were produced in the State during the last year.-Los Angeles Times.

Mexico May Build B Patrol Boats

The new patrol boats :for duty off Lmver California may be cmmtructed next year by the ~Mexican government, according to J. E. Leon, chief of the ~Mexican fisheries service at San Diego. The boats would aid the Curtiscor and the Tecate in patrolling the tmia fish­ing lanes.

Fishing Center is H.ecognized

A metropolitan newspaper seems to have awakened to the fact that San Pedro has a big fishing industry. A story recently published said "the larg­est fishing center in the -..vorld!" Out­put of fresh and canned fish is set at $13,000,000 a year, $10,000,000 repre­senting the value of the canned fish and $3,000,000 the value of the fish supplied to the fresh markets.


Final reduction in the Mexican ex­port tax on fish has become eJTective, according to word from San Diego. The order has come months after -;t was first authorized and its benefit to the San Pedro fishing industry, because of the ll;!W big ice boats which do not go to Mexican water to fish, is doubtful, although greater conven­ience to local fishermen is promised by the moderated tax.

Under the new tariff, the export tax drops from $35 to $20.54 per ton.

Fish is the highest taxed commodity under the Mexican export tariff and hundreds of thousands of dollars ha . .,; been yielded to the southern republic by San Pedro fishermen in the past years. The high was largely res­ponsible for the development of the fleet of high-powered live-bait boats which could cruise to the high seas for their skipjack and yellow-fin tuna.


THE TIMES? (Continued from Page 4)

whether sliced, filleted, or whole­packed in small, attractive containers, trade marked, a11d frozen. One can­not take a prolit unless he has the merchandise to sell. Fish, like other perishable products, are plentiful at certain seasons uf the year, therefore, modern refrigeration methods, combined with a plan of Eales and advertising, will solve the problem.

Smelts are now quoted on the whole­sale markets of New Y Ol'k at 15c per pound. Newport Beach, California, produces hundreds of tons of the finest smelt in the \vodd, which hardly bring over 3c per pound because they are sold fresh. Suppose ~hey were scaled, cleaned and pachd in ·15 pound, neat, trade marked boxes, and frozen scien­tifically in a shazp freezer, what would you offer? Yon could not buy them out of their natural season for less than 15 cents p2r pound. Everything with the earmar:~s of success, depends on a prearrang8d plan. We on the Pacific Coast will live long enough to see all the above come to pass, an.] as long as you are in the fresh fish business, why not take one item which you produce, develop it through the medium of advertising, based on some­thing tangible, so it will repeat on its own accord.


Gilbert C. Van Camp Insurance Agency, Inc.

Complete Insurance Service

Unexcelled facilities to take

care of your marine insurance

Telephone 2680 Municipal Fish Wharf San Pedro Calif.

Telephone Main 4490 867 Harbor St. San Diego Calif.

Page 8: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


~==========F"=RE=S=H==FI=S==HS=E=C=TI=O=N======~~ Enterprising Salmon Shipper of Coos Bay, Ore.

Chas. Feller, Inc., Well Known Salmon Producers and Shippers of Marshfield, Coos Bay. Oregon

(Special to California Fisheries) By our Oregon Correspondent

The good house of Chas. Feller, Inc., is located on (Coos Bay), Marshfield, Oregon, in one vf the richest salmon shipping centers of the northwest. Here the silver horde is at its best. Many dramatic tales can be listened to with gripping interest from the

the vast importance of the same in the states wherr it is most abun­dantly available, is probably but little realized, except perhaps by those ac­tually commercially engaged in the industry. The annual catch of salmon of all kinds taken within the waters of the state of Oregon totals approxi­mately fifty million pounds, valued at over fifteen milUons of dollars.

Receiving Plant of Chas. Feller, Inc.

lips of one wt.o has pioneered the industry in that section. The one in question happens to be a very success­ful, energetic merchandiser of the world's strangest fish, Mr. Chas. Fel­ler, who originally was a plain fish dealer. He incmporated · the present business in the year of 1917, and judging from authoritative sources, the business has doubled many times the former capital, and Since ihe year of incorporation, the company's plant and equipment have been changed many times to meet with the natural improvements necessary to handle a business of their ma1:,rnitude. Today, Chas. Feller, Inc. is ranked among the best of its kind in the Pacific north­west.

The Silver Horde Rex Beach de£erves the credit for

making the salmon famous and it is now very reasonable to assume that every human being in the United States past the age of ten, is ac"­quainted in a measure with salmon. Nevertheless, thP Pacific salmon is one of the finest of all sea foods, although

Many thousands of people are em­ployed in salmon fishing. Marshfield, (Coos Bay) Oregon, is situated in thP center of one of the most importaut production are:ts of the state. Many rivers empty into Coos Bay, the mort, important being the Rogue, Coquille Umpqua, and Sinslaw Rivers. They an~ literally alive with cutthroat anti Steelhead trout. Nature has implant,'!d in the salmon family that instinct which urges the nature of the fish "':o leave the ocean and llscend the man:• rivers and streams in great numbers annually, to propagate their kind and it is at this period of these yearly migrations, that man is privileged tu take his toll of the Silver Horde, and provide himself with a delectable and wholesome food for his immediate and future needs

Variety of Salmon in Oregon 'Yater~ The earliest variety of salmon to

appear in any of the Oregon rivers is the "King" or 11Chinook" salmon, a fish very appropriately named, as it is, without question the finest fish o.f its kind. This variety of salmon scl-

dom weighs le,<:;s than 15 poundr; dressed and will run as large as 40 pounds, while many individual speej. mens may exceed that weight. This fish is very shapely in appearance at~d full of vigor and energy. It requires strong netting ta capture him, and if taken on rod and line it is the gamest fighter of all salmon. Next in impor. tance and quality comes the Silver. side Salmon·. 'l' variety does no1 appear in any large numbers until about September 25th, a It h o u g ]1 weather conditions may cause them to run earlier or later, as the case may be. This fish does not attain th!; weight of the King salmon, but aver. ages a b o u t 14 pounds, out of th-~

water. Nevertheless, this salmon plays a very important part in the salmiJIJ /' business. By the time the silversides } arrive, the Chinooks or Kings hav~

nearly disappeared, and so, were It ! not for the Silversides following up, ., there probably would be no more sa~

mon to be had until later on in the

I winter or until the following spring', The meat of bnth the IGng and Sit­

versicle salmon is deep red in color Both fish are fat and therefore fine flavored. Each hnd is excellent fish for the block anri carries ·well in ice on long distance shipments.

Although the Steelhead is generally classed by the rr·.ajority of dealers ne a "salmon," it, nevertheless is a mem­ber of the 11Traut" family. However, this fish, due to the fact that it seeks the ocean after it has reached a year or so of growth in the river in which it was hatched, attains a very fine size for a troui;, and on an average will weigh about. 10 pounds out of the water, at maturity, and when on itr. way back to the river to spawn iu the normal ccurse of events. The flesh of the Steelhead, like all Salmon Trout, is not deep red but pink. It is u~ually fat and well flavored. Its ap· pearance is slender silvery, and this fish, generally speaking, is a beautiful cn:ature to look upon when in prime ct:ndition. On act'ount of its size and gr.meness, the Steelhead is a favoritC with fly-fishermen on all our streams.

To many people, Salmon is just Salmon, but to us it is something more. It is the most wonderful fi.Sl1

(Continued on Page "13)

I !

Page 9: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


r-·-·-·--·-·wA-s-Iii-N.G To·N·-·s-iiir-r·E-R s-·-·-·-·-·-·-1 •=•-''_,__,_,,_,,_,,_~_Q_,,_,,_., __ ,,_,,_,_,_,,_,,_o_,,_,,_o_<>_•>-•>_>_<>__,.,.,..,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,.,.,.,,..,..,,_,.,,_,,_Q_.o..,_.,_,,!•

E. J, \Vhitman, President Est. 1892

HAINES OYSTER CO. Largest shippers of shellfish on the Pacific Coast

PIONEER DISTRIBUTORS OF Puget Sound Scallops, Shrimpmeat, Crabmeat, Olympia Oysters, Rock Point Oysters, Deep Sea Crabs, Clams and all other shellfish.

-QUALITY ALWAYS-Telephone Main 6800

Pier No. 12 Seattle, \Vashington

Dressel - Collins Fish Co. ·wholesale Dealers

Fresh, Frozen, Salt, Smoked, Kippered and Canned

Fish, Oysters, Crabs and Clams

Telephone :Main 3181-3182

OJice and Plant~ Pier No. 12, foot of \Vall Street SEA'I'fLE, WASHINGTON

11 lf It Swims, We Have It"

Palace Fish and Oyster Co. 'Vholesale Dealers

Fresh and Frozen Halibut and Salmon and all other Fresh Fish in Season

Also Crabs, Clams, Oysters and Shrimps

SHI Railroad Ave. Seattle, ·washington

WHEN IN DOUBT Get in touch with the

WHIZ FISH co. 'Wholesale Distributors


Whiz Dock, Seattle, Washington

Fishermen seining Salmon on CooR Hiver for Chas. Feller, Inc.

San Juan Fishing .& Packing Coo Inc.

Wholesale Dealers, Packers and Shippers of

Fresh, Frozen, Salt, Smoked and Canned Fish

ALSO: Fresh prime chilled Salmon and Hal­ibut steaks wrapped in parchment paper bearing San Juan trade mark and packed in small convenient size fiber packages.


Seward, Alaska Port Lawrence, Alaska Ketchikan, Alaska Uganik Bay, Alaska Port San Juan, Alaska Tutka Bay, Alaska Pacific Fisheries Co. LTD. Pdnce Rupert, B.C.


ABERDEEN FISH CO. John Hannula, Jr., Prop.

Producers and Distributors Throughout the year of Salmon, Steel·heads, Chinooks

and Silvers

-NO CLOSED SEASON-'l'elephone Aberdeen 530

200 South G Street Aberdeen, \Vashington


OF FHESH, FROZEN AND SiVIOKED FISH Specializing in Puget Sound Salmon

Telephone Main lOGl 1107 Dock Street Tacoma, 'Vashington

M. J. Berg, I\1anager

The Klevenhusen Packing Co., Inc. Pacltcrs and Exporters

Also Wholesale Shippers of

Fresh and Frozen Salmon, 'Halibut and many varieties of Sea Foods-also mild cured Salmon


Page 10: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

. 10 THE CALIFORNIA FISHERIES January '1, 1929








Dry Cured Salmon Dry Salted Herring TELEPHONE ELIOTT 2929 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON

American Fisheries Complete wholesalers

and distributors

The best by test

In business to satisfy your

every fresh fish requirement

Municipal Fish Wharf

San Pedro, California


Mail Your

Subscription NOW

M. N. Blumenthal WHOLESALE


Producers Selling Agent

Fresh and Frozen Fish,

Frog Legs, Shrimps, Crabs,

Scallops, Red Cross Brand

Oysters, Fillets

Quote Your Offerings



L L A s T

In case you have already mailed your subscription checl\-then after you have finished reading The California Fisheries, hand it to someone else in the industry, so we can obtain their subscription. s

T CALIFORNIA FISHERIES, Municipal Fish 'Vharf, San Pedro, Calif. GentJemen:

Enclosed herewith find my checlr for $--------------------------------.-------• representing

----··---·---·----------------------Years subscription to your semi~monthly publication.


l l



It is our understanding you are maldng a special rate of $2.95 until Feb~ ruary 1st. 1928 and after that time, the regular price of $a.5o per year. prevails.


Name of Firm ..... ----··--------···-----·------·-·----·--·--·-·----··---··-·--·-····--·--·

Street Address ........ -------------···---······---··-·-····--····-·-·--····-····--···

c A~ L~ City .................................................. State ........................... .

NOTE: Club Rates-5 l~year Subscriptions @ $2.50; 10 l~year Subscrip­tions @ $2.25; 15 1-year Subscriptions @ $2.00. United States; add 75c per year for ForeiJin.



Page 11: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

Janum-y '1, 1929 'l'IIE CALIFORNIA FISHERIES 11 r-------·--E··--n---·li·--6--RIAL----·--1 •=·-----·------.. ---u--u-•,__,_.._..,. __ ,_~•--G--o_.. _ _.. ____ o ____ ,•:•

OUR RESOLUTION FOR 1929 'l'he time haf> now come for the

making of New Year's resolutions. It is the open season on all sorts of promises and we see no reason why we cannot add a few more to the already large list.

This publication is filling a long felt want in the Com'rnercial Fisheries world, not only in California, but in Washington and Oregon as well, not forgetting Britis:1 Columbia. Every­where we have gone securing adver­tising space, we have been met with wide open arms. Never in our entire business career have we been treated so royally. Large and small operators alike, have giv;m us their pledge of loyalty, and have proven it with checlrs. Our promises to the elemen.ts which have made this journey possible, were made with a sincere desire to fulfill the same to the letter and as long as we are able to draw our breath, we are going to serve the above interests in a fashion which will benefit the whole field we try to represent.

We have always believed in the short route, minus the usual deceit and flattery, and while we frankly admit our inability to indulge in the 11high-brow" polished vocabulary of the intellectual, however, >ve do not take our hats off to anyone when it comes to giving you the honest facts concerning our commercial fisheries field, whether it be information rel­ative to our opinion of the units which make up the commercial fisher­ies, or news item's along with gen­eral information. Just as long as it is honest and to the point "that's us."

More Resolutions We further resolve to give our

readers a publication of merit. You do not have to enclose any stamps in order to receive information from us. We gladly go to any trouble for you. Below are listed a few things we will do for you:

If you are a shipper and need brok­erage connections in California, we will secure you a good broker.

If you want to put a new article on the market, or develop a new terri­tory, or try to build up an old one, our time and resources are yours. We will counsel with you, e::;tablish a contact with the firms who may be interested in what you have to offer, etc.

If at any time you need an impar­tial agency to arbitrate a matter, whether it is on a turned-down ship­ment or a dispute over an account, we

will act as a board of arbitration, and render you an unbiased decision.

Regardless •of whether you are a shipper, wholesaler, or retailer, and you want our opinion as to the responsi­bility of any of the above, we will render you a confidential report. We have no fear of gettin-g "in bad" with our space advertisers, as we shall not solicit any advertising space from' .1

shipper, .wholesaler or dealer who can not pay his bills. And as quickly as we are convinced any one of our space advertisers are not doing the right thing, -we will take steps to alter tlle situation. Therefore, we are cer­tain of always having the support of the element who have the desire of playing the game the way it should be played.

We ate independent and honest, even if we do say so ourselves. We are not out after any one's scalp, nor do we want any petty quarrels. The mag­azine is fully sponsored and guaran­teed. It is fast becoming an institu­tion of service and a medium of good will, a friend as it were to the trade. We are glad to say our space advertis­ers wallced up like men and put their money on the line. Now it is up to us to produce and do it right.

We will be pleased to publish your letters in this journal, under our "Com­ments from Here and There" page, or answer any questions within our scope of information.

So after ,all follrs, the California Fisheries belongs to you. It is your clearing house, for a better understand­ing of your business and its conse­quences. Come what may, we will do our best to better in our feeble way, the fresh fish industry, always pushing toward the ultimate plane of "Success." So these are our New Year's Resolu­tions. Sow your seeds of Good-will with us now and we will try and send them back to yoa tenfold.

SPECIAL APPOINTMENT By Telegram to the California


The Nordic SaleB Co., Inc. advises us they have appointed the San Juan Fish­ing and Packing Company of Seattle, Nmthwest distributors of the Nordic Fillet of Haddock. The first car has already reached them and the second car is on the way. It looks as though the Pacific Coast is going fillet mad and the Nordic people are to be con­gratulated for their energetic sales organization. I\lore power to them.


If it isn't fresh, don't sell it. During the past ten years we have persistently stuck to quality goods and service to the trade. In these days, the house­wife wants the best and seafoods, above all food products, should be of the highest quality.

Look forward with intere:;t t.:. tlw January issue of Tuesday, the 29th, 1929, for authentic information con­n·rning tuna as received in San Diego.

San Diego-la~gest lobster re ~eiv­ing port in the Read otlr i."~,ue

c.;:!' January 29th, 1929.

Two coilS of heavy rope, one belong­ing to Cottardo Stagnaro an d the other to Carrol Uhden, w e r e taken from the municipal wharf Christmas night by unknown marauders. Wharf Commissioner Gray is investigating the incident. As the pier gates are bolted early each evening it is thought the property was removed by boat.

San Diego is a factor in the Commer­cial Fisheries of the Pacific Coast, therefore make it a point to read the San Diego number of Tuesday, Jan­uary 29th, 1929.


Tuesday, January 29th, 1929.

Tuesday, February 12th, 1929.

Tuesday, February 26th, 192H.

Tuesday, I\larc.h 12th, 1929.

Tuesday, March 26th, 1929.

Tuesday, April 9th, 1929. Tuesday, April 23rd, 1929. Tuesday, May 7th, 1929. Tuesday, 1\'Iay 21st, 1929. Tuesday, June, 1929. Tuesday, June 18th, 1929. Tuesday, July 2nd, 192f). Tuesday, July 23rd, 1920. Tuesday, August 6th, 1920. Tuesday, August 27th, 192f). Tuesday, September lOth, 1929. Tuesday, September 24th, Hl2H. Tuesday, October 8th, 1929. Tuesday, October 22nd, Hl29. Tuesday, November 12th, 1929. Tuesday, November 26th, 1929. Tuesday, December lOth, 1929. Tuesday, December 24th, Hl29. We suggest our subscribers cl:p out

the above for fu+,ure reference.

Page 12: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

T 11 .t<; c A L J 1•' 0 H N I A F I S H E R I E S January 4, 1929 r-l,_,_, ______ .. __ ,_,_,_s AND I 'E G 0 ___________ .. 1 __ ,1

·~·-'-·-·----··-··-··-·-··--·-.. ----··-., ___ _.._.,_,,_, ____ 0_., _______ , __ ,, __ •••

Fred W. Schellin, Pres. E. J. Ghio, Secy. and Treas.

American Fisherme11's Protective Assn. ACTIVE AND PROGRESSIVE

Membership-103 Boats, average 4 Fishermen to Boat Transacts all business contingent to our association

Telephone: 3-1804

867 Harbor St. P.O. Box 875 San Diego, Calif.

JOHN N. VITALICH, Manager Established 1915

Chesapeake Fish Co. \Vholesale Dealers in all kinds of


Specializing-L 0 B S T E R S 849 Harbor Street


Van Camp Organizations Producers of Supreme Quality Sea Foods

LIVE AND COOKED LOBSTERS Texas Shipments made direct from San Diego

\Ve are the largest handlers of Fresh Fish in California


867 Harbor Stt·eet .. San Diego_ Calif..

LAWRENCE OLIVER, 1\lnnage; Established 19U8

AMERICAN FISHERIES CO. Wholesale Deniers in nnd Shippen of


LOBSTERS IN SEASON-Live and Cooked WE SPECIALIZE IN Fish Fertili:.r:er nnd Fish Oil

Wire for Quotations Get Our Prices in Cnr-lots Defore Contracting Elsewhere

841 Harbor Street San Diego, Calif.

F. BUONO, Gen. 1\Igr. P. CRIVELLO, Secretary-

San Diego Fishermen's Association, Inc. -KEENLY ALERT-

Directing the wants of our Membership, aggregating 85 Boats, average 4 Fishermen to the Boat.

TELEPHONE Franklin 2714

825 Harbor Street San Diego, Calif.

H. DAKIS, Proprietor Established 1914

San Diego Fisheries Co. Direct \Vholesale Dealer in Fresh Sea-Food


Wire Us for Quotation-We Respect Standing Orders Telephone: Main 9698

815 Harbor Street Box 77 San Diego, Calif.

If It Swims We Have it . .. The People's Fish Company

Producers und Distributors of ALL I{JNDS OF CALIFORNIA SEA FOODS

Special attention to Hotels and Resturants Especially LOBSTERS-Live and Coolred

Fresh, Smoked, Shell nnd Fresh Water Fish in Season

TELEPHONES: Main 4158 and 4159 869 Harbor St.. P .. 0 .. Box 1205 San Diego, Calif ..

Prontpt and Honest Established 1908 Try THE UNION FISH COMPANY

Direct \Vholesale Dealers in Fresh and Salt Fish LOBSTERS-Live and Cooked

825 Harbor Street San Diego, Calif.


Wholesnle Fresh Fish and Lobslers Spednlbing to the JnJlltnese Tradc-Ctdly understanding quality of Fresh Fish de~>ired e~>pecially Tuna, Yellowtail, Bnrrncudn, :Mullets, Senbnss, Etc. 825 Harbor Strcel San Diego, Cnllf,


TINT'S FISH MARKET \Vholesale Distributors of

Columbia River Salmon, Carp, Suckers and Smelts

Also all kinds of Fresh, Salt, Smoked and Pickled Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs, etc.

Telephone Atwater 3511

·206 Yarnhill Street Portland, Oregon

J. E. LAWRENCE CO. Marine Brokers


Steve Duemovich, Owner and Manager

WESTERN FISH COMPANY "\Vholesale Distributors

Columbia River Salmon and other Marine Products SPECIALIZING IN CRABS AND CRAB MEAT

Branches: Bay Center, Wash., Walport, Oregon 124-126 First Street Portland, Oregon

J. F . .Meehan, Manager


Salmon and Halibut--Also Fresh, Smoked, Pickled Fish and Oysters

All Orders Filled at the Lowest Market Price Telephone Broadway 3690

34 Front Street Portland, Oregon





I '


Page 13: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

January 4, 1929 THE CALIFORNIA l<'l::Stll!'l:ll!'o;


Chas. l"cller, Inc., 'Veil Known Salmon Producers and Shippers of Marsh­

field, (Coo"" Bay) Oregon

(Continued from Page 8)

the waters produce the world over. The study of this fish is as interesting a~ it is long.

An inland buyer should know and b:::ep in mind this one important fact: Salmon enters the rivers from the ocean only at maturity for the pur­r:ose of propagation. At that time, they ascend to the topmost tributaries and tricldets where they deposit their eggs. In these remote waters they af­ford their young hatch greater security from the raids of their finny enemies whose desire for the delicacy of sal­mon eggs and small fry is insatiable. After leaving the ocean, Salmon ceases feeding entirely, and our king oi fish must rely upon his accumula­tion of fat to carry him through, to sm,tain him for a long period. of time when he has to endure long delays in pools below repids or when insufficient ,-c lume of water retards his progress. After negotiating all obstacles set in h1~ path by ~nan and nature, his re­maining vitality lends him the re­maining final strength then to fulfill the supreme purpose of this nomadic life; to develop and ripen the ovaries, to seed and fertilize the spawn, and lust but not least, to fight off the incessant swarm cf trout, ever presen·i:, \'v·lrich greedily watches for a chance to devour the eggs as they fall from the female -fish into the gravel.

Our deductions from the foregoing v,rc.uld therefore lead us to the con­clusion that the further the salmon must travel to the spawning grounds frDm the ocean, the fatter he needs to be when he enters upon his journey. It is a recognized fact that salmon negotiating long streams like ours, are the most desirable for consumption, since they are t·aught in the lower reaches of the rivers at the beginning of their migration when they are in tht prime of condition, right out of the ocean, and when they have lost none of that overabundance of fat, of that delicious ilavor and deep red color, which combines to make the salmon t h a t much-sought~after and highly prized luxury of our table.

Methods of Fishing Salmon are most generally caught

by the use of Hdrift-nets." The length of these nets varies according to the width of the river. By means o£ a Hfioat line" the netting is suspended in the water and drifts or floats down with the current, hence the name of

11 Drift; Net." In recent years much trolling has been cnrricd on out on the ot~ean. Fi;:;h taken by this means ate caught before they reach the ri-vers. Therefore we should take cognizance of the fact thnt many of the fish caught by the trollet·s are not fully g10wn and would, under normal cir­cumstances, not have entered a river fN' spawning purposes for a year or more. It is evident that much of the fish taken by the trollers is immature fish and not of the best quality. Fish feed heavily while in the ocean and th~ flesh has a tendency to become soft very quickly after the fish is c:1ught. The digestive JUICe of the salmon is very rotent, and fish taken

1-'Cl'Ye others, LIE~ more modern one

h:wc their im plen1ents of business, the

nwre anxious the buying public is in­

cliued to take advantage of those fea­

tures, and we feel the firm of Chas.

Feller, Inc., ha.S not only definitely es­tr•.blished a landmark which will stand uut \Vith the progress o:f time. But while they are passing through these short years of striving to please others, we should at least give credit where credit is due. And the California Fish­ goes on l'e<·ord by complimenting Chas. Feller :for tPe fine business way iu which his establishment is conducted unci we conclud~~ by wishing him a prosperous New Year.

fnterior main pacldng plant, Chas. ~-;ellcr, Inc.

on troll must be quickly cleaned and iced to prevent the acids from break­ivg down the tissues of not only the stomach itself, but also of the flesh of the fish sul'rounding the stomach and intestinal cavity.

Intimate Chats \Yith Mr. Chas. Feller

According to lVIr. Feller, and he shvuld know, the fresh fish business is one of indis1;ensible personal con­tact. 'When the spring season opens on any one of the rivers it requires tlw lmo\vledge of real dyed~in-the-\vool

all around fish merchandiser, to amal­gamate the complicated situations. Space does not permit us to tell you v:~." the dozens of details necessary to get a salmon ready for shipment to the markets of the United States. Hcwever, Chas. Feller, Inc., usually L; one of the first in the market with the latest quotations and their facil­ities are of the very latest type, even i11cluding their uwn ice maldng· plant, and patented express loading machine.

Conclusion-Editor's Note After all, we are in business to



A phenomenal situation with refer­ence to marine life is taldng place every day. A situation exists at Coos Bay, Oregon. Striped Bass stay in the bay the year around, and have to a great extent, driven jumbo smelts out. Various fresh fish shippers of Coos Bay and vicinity have been catching striped bass and making shipments and one concern reports the catching of one \Veighing 48 pounds. There has been about twenty thousand pounds shipped from the Coos Bay region for the year HJ28, and the reports come in that these fish have been caught as far north as \Vinche:ster Bay. Heretofore, catching of striped bass has been con­fined to the Sacramento River, but judging from the above, they are changing theil· spa\vning grounds. It is a question now as to what extent the striped bass industry will develop in Oregon. VVc are merely calling these things to your attention and we will watch results.

Page 14: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

January 4, 192D

.,-·--·--·-·-·-·-a-R.-iiG.oi\T·-.. -s .. ii1-P .. P -ERs-·--·-.. --·-·-.. :1

·=··..t-.-<>_..,_,_H_<> _ _,_, __ O_b_O_!>_O_CI_O_O_.O_, __ O __ _,,_,_,_,,...,.,,_,,_,_,_O_<>-<>_>_<,_,_C_<,_<>_<>·•>!.

Chas. Feller, Inc. Wholesale Fish Dealer


Umpqua Fish, Storage and Supply Company

Exclusive Producers Of


Gardiner, Oregon

Empire Cold Storage and Packing Company

Mild Cnred Salmon, Fresh Fish, Hard Salt

Salmon, Halibut, Black Cod and Herring

Empire, Coos Bay, Oregon

J.R. Burke Collier H. Buffington

Gold Beach Packing Co. Fresh, frozen, mild cured and canned salmon

Bandon, Oregon

Unexcelled Service

COAST FISHERIES Wholesale Fish Dealers

Specializing in Salmon, Crabs and Crab Meat Shad and Shad Roe

\Ve Own und Operate Our Own Fleet of Fishing Boats



Sunset Fish Co. Producers and Distributors

of Chinool<s, Steelheads, Silvers and Bright Falls Salmon




Of Salmon, Halibut, Ling

Cod and Snappers




Chinooks, Steelheads, Silvers and Bright Fall Salmon


OREGON FISH CO. Columbia River Smelts


\Vholesale Dealers and Shippers

Fresh, Salt and ·Smoked Fish, Crabs, Clams, Oysters · and Various Sea Foods

Telephone Atwater 5127

143 Front Street Portland, Oregon

When answering A(h·'"rtisements please men•Uon CALIFORNIA FISHERIES

Page 15: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

January 4, 1929 THE CALIFORNIA FISHERIES 15 r-·-r-.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _,_ .. _·-·-·-·-.. Los-·A. N .. G£.ii s·--·--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-r-.. -1 •=·~,..,,_,....,;.,,.,....,,..,..,,_,.,,_,""""''<=>>_,..<>-•-==-•""""'·'""""''_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_Q_.,_,_~-·•--•-•>-•>-<>_>_u_,_,_,_,_,,.,....,,....,..,,._;,,_,_, .. !:


PRODUCERS: Please quote us on Carp, Black Cod, Mullets, White Fish, Suckers, Rock Cod, Halibut, Salmon and Specialties. Phone Westmore 3263 1812 S. Central Ave.

Los Angeles, California



A. K. KOULOURIS j':jOldest sea food brokerage firm in So. Calif. !:! Sole distributors Nordic Fillet l:·i Handling all classes of fish and specialties i:.i TELEPHONE VAN DYKE 3067

06 E. 4th St. Los Angeles, Calif.


If you need reliable, energetic representation by nil mcnns talu! the mt1tter up with me

Telephone Mutual 7908. 847 Traction Ave. Los Angeles, Calif.

WREDEN .... a name linkeU: up with over thirty years of LoF

Angeles FISH, POULTRY and MEAT HISTORY . . a name that st::ntds QUALITY-HIGH with a ma·

jority of leading hotels and retaurants of Sout11 ~ ern California .

. a name upon wl1ich hundreds of equally discrim­inating smaller hotels and restaurants depend daily for meats that NEVER vary in quality­delivered by a 40-truck Fast-Service that NEVER slips up .

. a name surrounded by a great organization which understands EVERY requirement of the vast hotel and restaurant trade it faithfully serves.

Wreclen Packing & Provision Company Main Plant and Offices

129 South Main Street Phone MUtual 4351 Los Angeles

MARINE FISH COMPANY We are L11rgc Buyer~ of All lGmls of Seafoods. Quote us Volume.

\Ve OliCrnte 13 Stud> Trnclu1 cuvering all of Los Angeles County,

'l'clcpltoue Trinity 5371. 1214 Pro1lncc St., Los Angeles, Calif.



PUODUCERS, TAKE NOTE:-Wc buy nil ldnds of Fish, espec· inlly Cnrp, Black Cod, l\Inllets White Fiah, Rock Cod, Halibut, Sulmon and Specialties.

l"i! Tel. Vundilte 37-10. 1012·14 So. Central Ave., Los Angeles, Culif.


I <

Young's Market Company I


Wholesale Fish Division

Los Angeles

Producers: Quote us fresh fish and I specialties

1410 Towne Ave. PhoneMetrop~litan 63661

Harbor Fish Company Fresh, Salted, Smoked and Canned Sea Foods

All Varieties of Shell Fish, Game and Oysters 'VholesaJe and Commission Merchants

PRODUCERS, TAKE NOTE:-Quote us on all ldnrls Fresh Fish and Specialties

631-633 Central Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Phones TR. 6259, TR. 6250

You cannot go wrong when you sell advertisers m this journal. - ----------- ----··---~ -- I


I FISH & OYSTER COMPANY Wholesale Fish Dealers

"Distributors of the Best"

Fresh, Frozen, Salt, Smoked Fish

Producers, Shippers and Wholesalers

Specialties in Season

HOME OFFICE-739 KOHLER STREET Telephone Vandylte 2084


Branch, San Pedro. Telephone 520

Page 16: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


MEREDITH FISH COMPANY Wholesalers of · Sacramento River Salmon,


P. 0. Box No. 954 Tel. Main 545 116 Eye Street, Sacramento, California

New Capital Fish Co. \Vholesale Healers in


Phone Main H95

ll17 Third Street Sacramento, Calif.

· Telephone ~;!}NG5 SUNG COMPANY EST. 18oii' I Commh~sion Merchants and oldel'lt Fish Shippers m

Northern California ji

Brunch: l{eno~ Nevada. 916 Third St. Sacramento, CaL




Producers and Shippers of Catfish, Shad, Striped Bass and Salmon

Standing Orders Solicited

PHONE Stockton 1032 or 4095

29-31 E. Channel St. Stockton, California


SAN LUIS FISH COMPANY Estnblisl!cd 1918

Wholesale Dealers of Fresh Fish and Shell Fish Telephone 86,1

581 Dana Street P. 0. Box 305 San Luis Obispo, Calif.


Wire for Our Quotations Established 1870

S. LARCO FISH COMPANY 'Ve ship everywhere-all Idnds of California Sea-foods.

Special attention given to standing orders. SERVICE PAR-EXCELLENCE'

Specializing in Lobsters-Live and Cool<ed

214 State Street Santa Barbara, California

I I. Takigawa, Pres., Mgr. Est. Since 1902

Pacific Mutual Fish Co., Inc. Producers and Distributors of



Write us regarding· SHELL and SLICED AB· ALONE, MILD-CURED SALMON, SARDINES and ANCHOVIES in brine or dry salted.

Telephone 368-P.O. Box T

Cable address "Pac-Mutual"

23-25-27 Municipal wharf, Monterey, Califomi~

T. Hamaguchi, Prop.

Central California Fish Company Producers and shippers of all .kindsoffreshfish

Shippers: Quote us your fish-Standing orders solicited

Telephone 196--P.O. Box No. 96 Municipal wharf, Monterey, California



P. L. HINS, Owner ShilltJers, llt<Utc us-on Hulibut, Snlmon, Striped Bn"s, Roe,

Shnd, Culfish, Sln·impa nnd nil kinds of • Specinlties Established since 190'1. Santa 1\fonica, Calif.

'j';;~-:-;;;;;-·-·-·-"-·-·-·-·-.;~;:~;~;~;·;-~;~;:'j' ! MATTHEWS FISH COMPANY I ~ Dealersinalllcinds of fresh fish - Shippers quote us on specialties~ I SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA .:.,_,,_,_,,....,.,,_,,_,,_,_,,,,._,,_,_Q_,_,,_,_,,.,_,,._,,_,,_,_ .• :.



Those fin~ Newport Bench Jnclt Smelts nnd \·arious other Southern California Fresh Fish

Correspomleuce Solicited Telephone 350-W Newport Beach, Calif.


Famous Newport Jncic Smelts, Hnllb11t nnd nil other Jdnds Local Fre~h Fish. Wire for Quotntion~

'felephones 2()9 or 134 Newport Beach, Calif.

Page 17: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT


NEW RETAIL 1\!AlmET 'l'he Pioneer Fisheries Co. of the

l\Iunicipal Fish Whul'f, San Pedro, Cal­ifornia, announce they have just opened a new, exclusive retail fish market in the Sel Rite .Market, 43G American Ave., Long Beach, California.

lVlr. Dave Jagars, a well known fish man and expert salesman, has been given charge of the market and will serve as their active manager, which should go a long ways toward the success of the venture.

including a twenty-five foot refriger­ating case, with ranple capacity to take care of two tons storage. They an­nounce they will handle all kinds of shell fish and spt~cialties. From all ap­pearances, this market is one of the best in Long Beach. r~verything in the market is new,

SAN FRANCISCO -----------------------------

Alex Palndini, President Bryce Florence, Secretary G. Alioto, Vice Pre•ldcnt Jo•evh Chlccia, Tren11urcr

Northern California Fisheries Company


PITTSBURG FISHERY Plttsburll, Calif.




SIIELTER COVE Shelter Cove, Cnlif.


Home Office Telephone Davenport 5860

550 Montgomery Street San Francisco, Calif.

All Advertisers appearing within these pages are Reliable or we would not accept their Advertisements, Therefore, you should have no hesitancy in transacting business with any of them, CALIFORNIA FISHERIES recom­mends them without reservation,

Henry Dowden Bryce Florence


MARINE PRODUCTS Telephone DAvenport 6820

598 Clay St. San Francisco, Calif.


Crab and Salmon Fishermen's Protective Association


Directing the requirements of its membership

Telephone Franklin '1939. Meigg's Wharf San Francisco, Calif.




"When Others Fail Try Us"

Specializing Standing Orders Phone 475 Municipal Fish Wharf San Pedro


Wholeanlers and Retailers of 11\IPOUTED AND DOJ\.IES'l'IC GROCERIES. MEATS AND

CANNED GOODS. SHIP SUPPLIES Telephone 1348. 1\Iunlcipnl Wbolesnle Fish l\Inrket Bldg.

Sun Pedro, Cnlif.


Wholesalers of all ldnds of Fresh Fish, Perch, l{ingfish, · Smelts, Maclwrel, Lobsters, Etc,


Telephone 1<1 7 <1 Municipal Fish 'Vharf, Sun Pedro, Cal.

SAN PEDRO FISH CO. Wbolesnlc Deniers and Standing Order ShiiliJers

of nil Cnlifomia Seafoods PHOMPT nnd RELIABI.,E - "QUICK SEHVICE"

Telephone 10. Municipal Fish 'Vharf, San Pedro, Calif.

Eatnblished 1911 ZANKICH BROS. FISH CO.

Wholesnle Shippers with a Reputation If yon wunt honest, conscientious Service, pluce your orders with us.

Telephones: 333 nnd 334 Municipal Fish Wharf San Pedro, Calif.


When a Fisherman needs a Friend COMPLETE FISHING GEAR

San Pedro, Calif.

STAR FISHERIES \Vholesale Distributors of All Kinds of Southern

California Sea Foods If you crave Service place your requirements with ll;',i

TclCilhonc 1\[nin 8105 Telephone 2525 P. 0. Box 385 MuniciJJDI Fish Whnrf

Sun Pedro, Cnllf. Snn Dh.'SO, Cnhf.

~------ ---------------------~ M. P. SUGLIAN, Secy.

Fisherman's Cooperative Association


Correspondence invited relative purchases of our members. Information gladly given

Municipal Fish Wharf-San Pedro, California

H. YOKOZEKI, Secretary.

Southern California Japanese Fisherman's Association


Enterprising and without question loyal to thr· interests which it tends to serve

Telephone 3595. Terminal Island, Calif.

When answering Advertisements 11lense mctttion CALIFORNIA FISHERIES

Page 18: Ca 1 · Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River ASTORIA, OREGON KAHL I. SIFFBRMAN BAHL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT

January 4, 1929 '1• •

r-·-~---·-·-·-.. -.. --·--sANP £n Ra·-·---·----·-- i ·-·l •!••-••-·-••-••---

0-, ___ ,,_,,_,_,..,_,_,,_., ___ ,,_,_..__.._,,_.,_,__,_, __ ,_,_n-..~-n-•-o---._:.



Los Angeles

Wholesalers of all varieties of



San Pedro California

John lvnndch, Mnnnger Estnbliabed 1897

We ship standing

Orders all overT exas,

California, Arizona

Nevada, New Mexico, I Etc.

NOTE: We nrc lnrgt! buyers of nil kinds of Fresh Fish and Spec~

inlties. PIe n s e IJIHJte

1111 on ,·olume.

Producers, Packers and Shippers of all Kinds of FRESH, SALTED and SMOKED FISH


i Standard Fisheries Company

~~one San ""~~----~::~~~_::_~:~San Pedr~-Y. KAMIYA, Mgr. Est. 1910

Central Fish Company Shippers of all Jdnds of Southern California Fresh Fish. Depend on ur. to supply your~yants regardless of the


"Standing Orders" Tel. 834. Care Municipal Fish \Vharf, San Pedro, Calif.

Vincent Di Mcglio Annie Di Meglio Jack Cuomo

Est. 1897

Ocean Fish Company DISTRIBUTORS

All l{inds Fresh, Salted, Smol\ed and Fish Specialties

Standing Order Given Special Attention



TELEPHONES Market Phone 229

Residence Phone 1596


We Handle Nothing But the Best At Lowest Prices. Good, Fresh Fish Products of all

kinds, at all times. Send us your standing order 11If It Swims We Have it"

Pacific Coast Fish Company and NAKAHARA COMPANY Ship Chandlery and Supplies _

Phones: 907 and 908 P. 0. Box 267 Municipal Fish 'Vharf, San Pedro, Calif.

Cable Address, "Mutual" Bentley's Complete Phrase

Mutual Fish Company Municipal Fish Wharf, San Pedro, Calif.

Wholesale Fresh Fish De(Zlers

Import- Export-All kinds of marine products

Pac}iers of

"Pampco" Brand Tempra Fish Cake

Geo. T. Ota, Manager

Telegraph "Mutual" for your fish requirement$




I l '

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