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Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, Recently representatives from St Patrick’s College attended the launch of the new Charter for Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition. This new Charter replaces the original that was implemented in 2004. This Charter is significant to our College and all of the other Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition that are spread throughout Australia, as it describes the distinct identity of EREA and their schools. The document quite clearly sets out the characteristics of this identity and practical expressions of how the characteristics can be demonstrated. Central to the Charter are four touchstones that describe the culture of an authentic Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. The touchstone are: LIBERATING EDUCATION —We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope filled and free to build a better world for all. GOSPEL SPIRITUALITY— We invite people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community. INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY —Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. JUSTICE & SOLIDARITY —We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself. Our challenge at St Patricks College as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, is to be faithful to these four touchstones. If this Charter is to become a ‘living’ document, it is the responsibility of all community members to ensure that they are true to these characteristics through their words and actions. We will formally launch the Charter into the St Patrick’s Community next term. The end of Term 3 is rapidly approaching and students are either currently doing exams or about to embark on their Term 3 exams. I reiterate the importance of a good preparation program for exams. This would include regular revision and study throughout the term, having the correct equipment and being ready physically for the exams. An early night before exams and taking time to focus prior to entering an exam are critical of a student is to be physically ready for their exams. I encourage all parents to review these issues with their son over the coming days. There is no end of Term 3 report sent home to parents, however results are available from the exams and I encourage parents to make contact with their son’s teachers if they have any queries regarding Term 3 progress. Despite there being no report being sent home this term there will be a number of other important pieces of information that will be posted home over the holidays. With the mail out there will be a review letter from myself, information about a number of upcoming events and important information regarding medical and personal details. I ask that parents complete these forms and return them to the College as soon as possible. This will allow the College to update information in preparation for the start of the 2012 school year. Please assist the College staff by returning these forms as soon as possible. This Saturday night the St Patrick’s Sports Support Group is hosting its Trivia Night in the Waterford Building. This will be a great night and I encourage you to come along. Some tickets are still available from the College Office. Finally this week I wish to congratulate the CIC Athletics squad for an excellent performance in their Championships this week. They were placed 5th in purple division which is a very good result. Congratulations to all athletes and their coaches. Have a great week.

God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

08 September 2011 No. 28

F T 3F 16 S

S D 1.30

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REQUEST FOR PRAYERS It certainly has been a tragic week for two school communities in Queensland. We received very sad news earlier this week of a sad event affecting our fellow EREA school, Ignatius Park College, in Townsville. On Friday evening, a Year 11 student was killed at a party in Townsville. Our St Patrick’s community fully understands the tough times such a tragic event can bring to the whole community. Please keep the Timoti family, the Tokelauan community and the Ignatius Park community in your prayers during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the Principal, Mr Michael Conn and his staff, as they support the community through this most difficult of times. They remain in our thoughts. The terrible news of the death of the young Somerville House student this week has shocked the community. Our thoughts and prayers are also very much with the Somerville House staff, students and parents as they deal with this very sad and difficult time. YEAR 11 LEADERSHIP FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES Joshua Smith is currently on exchange to Moeller High in Cincinatti Ohio USA. He has sent these reports First up, America is awesome. Plain and simple, it's just great. That being said, there are so many things I find really weird about it. Not that they're bad, it's just rather out of the ordinary compared to what I'm accustomed to. I'll take school to start with. As I'm sure you already know, class over here is 90 minutes compared to the 45 or so back home. But as hard as it is to concentrate for twice as long, I actually like it more. I find that even though I'm not doing a great deal of the stuff, there is a heap more work that gets done - and the teachers are able to cover a whole lot more in a lesson. Currently, they are: Sociology, Psychology, Study Hall, Journalism, English, Analysis, and Religion. I'm not sure which I like the best, but Journalism and Psychology are easily at the top. It's great fun, even though I don't know many people. I even got interviewed by one of the students in journalism at the front of the class, which was rather entertaining. Apart from getting over jetlag, we've also been to a few games this week. Thursday was American football with the Bengals, Friday was baseball with the Reds as well as a tour of both the stadiums, and Saturday was American foot-ball again, but with Moeller playing. That was a crazy game. If we had half the number of supporters for our games that there was at the Moeller game, it would be a record turnout for St Pats. There was a full band for both sides, at least 50 Moeller students cheering the whole game, a heap of others sitting in the crowd, and heaps of parents as well. It was crazy. It also took 2 hours to finish what was only 50 minutes of game time, so that was a tad strange. It was a great game though, and was easily more fun than the Bengals game. I had an amazing day at Kings Island on Saturday. I was actually rather surprised when it lived up to the insane hype that Chris Harris had given me about it! It was easily the best amusement park I've ever been to, and all the rides there topped those from Dreamworld and Movieworld by miles. Going to Mass on Sunday that I found the sheer number of churches out of the ordinary. It might sound odd, but I'm used to say, one church servicing a small area, suburb or 2 at least. Over here though, I counted at least 4 churches on the one street, and another 4 on the way to Mass - which was only a 20 minute drive. And going to school over here also makes me realise how well we do things back home at St Pats. For example - The house and school captains. To start with, I have precisely no idea who my house captains are. I've been here for two weeks, and it's not like I'm a shy person, it's just that nobody in the house has contact with them. There's no house assemblies, I think I've seen my house dean twice in total, but never met him, and they really aren't visible figures. I've seen the school captains at least, but they don't have the same presence as the guys back home. We don't have any school assemblies on a regular basis either, and I couldn't tell you who everyone on the leadership team was. It's something I think we really do much better back home. Retreat might change my opinion on a few things though, so I'm keeping an open mind for that.



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As we move through the final 2 weeks of Term 3 all students will experience an increase in their assign-ment and assessment load. Year 12 boys are presently completing their block exam session. This will con-clude on Friday with all Year 12 students required for regular classes from Monday of next week. Teach-ers will be commencing Term 4 work during this time. Year 11 students commence bock exams on Monday. As such Year 11 boys must collect an end of term exit form from their House Dean. My role in this process is to sign when students have completed all as-signments or any other academic commitments from the term. Students in Years 5-10 will also find that they will be required to undertake in class testing during either this week or next. For all students it is important that they are aware of their commitment to study. Best results are achieved by concentrated study where the term’s work is revised in as much detail as possible. Simply “looking over” the work is not going to be sufficient. Students are more likely to do well if they re-work problems or produce written summaries of big texts. For many students, this week and next, is not the time to be pursuing extensive social or work commitments. On Monday of the final week, Year 12 students will gather in the Waterford Building in period 4. During this time, College Counsellor, Mrs Emily Rotta will speak to the seniors regarding QTAC applications. We ask that all Year 12s bring their QTAC guide to this session. On Tuesday evening, September 13, com-mencing at 7pm, parents and Year 12 students are invited to a QTAC information evening. Once again, this information session will be held in the Waterford Building. A reminder to all students in Years 8 and 10 that online subject selection has closed. We are quite ad-vanced in our completion of the subject lines for Years 9 and 11 in 2012. If students are reconsidering choices and are looking to change subjects, they would need to see Mr Celegato immediately. At this stage, no guarantee can be given as to whether we can now successfully organise a subject change. At the beginning of 2011, with the launch of the 1 to 1 laptop program, we spoke to boys in Years 7-9 about the need to secure their netbooks. Of late, many students have become quite casual in their handling of the netbook. This is especially apparent when we look at the number left on the ground, on lunch tables or beside bags when they are not being used. This creates a significant security issue. It is very easy for the computers to go missing if they are not secured. As per the directive, at the beginning of the year, we ask that all boys store the netbook either in their school bag or their locker when they are not being used. If this is not done and the device goes missing, then it is likely that the onus would fall on families to replace the device. Good luck to all students in their upcoming exams.

DARE YOU TO HAVE A LAUGH TODAY!! Good news! Our senior theatre sports team went thought to the state finals last night in a nail biting semi final competition held here at St Pat's. They play elegantly and gallantly as young gentle men should and above all with a sense team pride according to the judges. The junior team was also in the same round and as one of the youngest teams (all Year 9 students) to be in the semifinals, they played very well. Congratulations to super coach Liam Spargo who trained them to this level in the comp this season. They are going to be a force to reckon with in the future! So we march on to finals in October at La Boîte theatre. The team: Ty Venter; Nat Trappett, Liam Polkinghorne, Regan Samuels and Damien Tatum.

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On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, our Year 10 students participated in one of three retreats. Some weeks ago, boys were given the chance to choose which retreat program they would like to participate in. The choices were:

Slum Survivor Retreat “Go Back to Where You Came From” Refugee Retreat Micah Retreat

While each of the retreats was unique, all of the retreats shared some common themes, in particular following the phrase of Micah 6:8 – “This is what God asks of you, only this…to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.” The Slum Survivor Retreat, facilitated by Mr Mark Ellison and Mr Paul Corfield, and assisted by Mr Michael Phillips and Mrs Marthy Watson, approached the Micah challenge perhaps with the most gusto, in that boys were placed into a simulated “slum” situation, carting bricks, counting matches, collecting and sorting rubbish. If they worked hard enough, they earned enough money to purchase their meals during the overnight retreat – plain bread, rice and kidney beans. Complimenting and giving meaning to the physical challenges were reflec-tion sessions where the boys heard and shared stories of acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with God. Upon their return, boys were certainly tired, but to me at least, they also appeared satisfied – perhaps their view on the world and the poor within it has been deepened and shifted in some way. The Refugee Retreat, led by Ms Zoe Morgan and myself, took its major focus from Ch 25 of Matthew’s Gospel, and we highlighted three key phrases: Jesus saying, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”; his disciples replying, “When was it that you were a stranger and we welcomed you?”; to which Jesus replies, “Truly I tell you, the times you did it to one of these, the least of the members of my family, you did it to me.” In the world today, I think it is fair to say that people who are forced to flee their homeland due to terrible fear and persecution qualify as “the least”; the challenge for us is to not only see these people as “the least”, but also as “members of my family”. The boys on this retreat, through various simulation activities and a wonderful talk by our guest speaker, Benjamin Angalo, certainly had their eyes and hearts opened to this complex issue facing our nation today. Perhaps the Christ story can help us find a way forward. Boys were also lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful Sudanese meal prepared by Mrs Aziza Angalo and Mrs Huwaida Serdar. The boys who attended the Micah Retreat were led by Mrs Marthy Watson and Ms Susan Corfield. These boys looked in depth at their own life journeys thus far, and came to some recognition of the vital importance of relationship. By becoming more aware of their own personal story, they were more able to come to an understanding of others’ stories. This awareness was gained through also looking at the Christ story as expressed in the Gospels. As a result of the retreat, in conjunction with the curriculum and other programs run at St Patrick’s, boys are encouraged to become, as stated in their Micah retreat journal, “peacemakers, advocates, servants, defenders of human rights, initiators of dialogue, and proponents of the rights of children and women.” I sincerely thank the staff involved in the retreats this week, along with Mrs Helen Righetti for her un-believable logistical support, as well as Jim Mann and the Maintenance crew for their great support as always. Finally, I would like to pay compliments to the Year 10 gentlemen who embarked on this year’s retreat program with energy, respect and open minds and hearts. Well done gentlemen. Perhaps these holidays, we can welcome a stranger and walk a little more humbly with each other and with our God.

Carting Bricks 

Counting Matches Enjoying a Sudanese meal 

Benjamin Angalo 

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Fri B 2 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes

Normal Classes Normal Classes 8.50 12.00 12.00

CC English CC Economics S1M1 12B Engineering

Mon A 5 Sep

Normal Classes


Advanced Maths

Retreats Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 12.00

S2C1 Account-ing S1W1 12A Furnishing CC Biol

Tue A 6 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes

Retreats Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 12.00

E209 Maths C S1M1 12A Engineering CC Marine St

Wed A 7 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes

Retreats Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 12.00 12.00

CC Maths A/B CC PreVoc Maths CC IPT S1W1 12B Furnishing

Thu A 8 Sep

Normal Classes

1-2 3-5

Graphics Maths/Ess Maths

Normal Classes Normal Classes 8.50 12.00

CC Legal Studies CC PE

Fri A 9 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes

3-4 (5)

Science /Cr Science

Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 8.50 12.00 12.00

CC Chemistry C201 Music CC MultiStrand CC Geography S2G1/2 Graphics

Mon B 12 Sep



Normal Classes

3-4 (5) 3-5

Core Maths Ext Maths

8.30 11.00 11.00 1.20

CC English CC Geography S1W2 11 B Fur-nishing CC Mar St

Normal Classes

Tue B 13 Sep

3-4 Maths Normal Classes

Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 8.50 12.00

O210 Indonesian S2C2 Accounting S1M1 11B Engineering CC Physics

Normal Classes

Wed B 14 Sep


SOSE 3-4 Science Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 12.00

CC Maths A/B CC PreVoc Maths CC Biol

Normal Classes

Thu B 15 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes



8.50 12.00 12.00

CC SoR S1W2 11C Furnishing CC Maths C

Normal Classes

Fri B 16 Sep

Normal Classes

Normal Classes

Normal Classes 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 12.00

CC Economics CC IPT C201 Music S1W2 11A Furnishing S1M1 11A Engineering E208-9 Chemistry

Normal Classes

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This week is Child Protection Week, the theme of this year is “Safeguarding our Children and Young People”. The College as part of raising awareness will display White Balloons on Thursday. Information was also provid-ed during House Assembly by House Deans. The aim of this national campaign is to protect children against sex-ual assault. It is timely with current issues in the Media in relation to Daniel Morcombe that we sit down and talk with our children and discuss the issues of child safety. These may include:

Do not get into cars of strangers. Nobody has the right to touch your body. It belongs to you. If a situation makes you feel uncomfortable let some know.

It is important that children report this type of behaviour. END OF TERM All students should be very busy with major pieces of assessment due in all grades. Parents can assist their sons by ensuring you know their exact assessment schedule. Every student should have a copy and assessment calen-dars are also available on the College website. Sometimes a student just needs someone to help get him organ-ised during this busy section of the term. It is also vitally important that each student gets the little things right: grooming, uniform, diary, punctuality, equipment, procedures and manners all help students succeed. If you have any concerns I again encourage you to contact your son’s House Dean. EXAM BLOCK PRIVILEGES All students in Year 11 will commence what is known as block exams. This allows boys to stay home when they do not have an exam. This time should be used in a productive way that will assist them to achieve the best pos-sible results. It is definitely not a time to get extra hours at their part time jobs. The library is available for those students who wish to study at school. Some items that need to be reinforced are: Block Exams is a privilege not a right. All normal school rules apply. Students must attend school in full school uniform, even if they are only coming to school for a short period

of time. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for any reason during the day if they are at

school for the whole day. IPods and mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the school grounds.

THE YEAR 5 CAMP All Year 5 students have received an information package for parents. The permission slip should be returned to classroom teachers by the end of the week. If there are any questions or concerns please contact me. Lost Property At the end of the term any lost property that is not claimed and not named will be either returned to the Uni-form Shop to be resold or will be given to St Vincent de Paul. PUBLIC TRANSPORT Boys who catch the train to and from school are reminded that they are not to break their journey. If they are changing trains at Northgate Station they must catch the first available train to their destination. Students must not wait around on the platform for friends and then catch the late train as this often delays their arrival to school. ORIENTATION EVENING FOR 2012 The next intake of new students to St Patrick’s will begin with the 2012 Orientation Evening on 10 October. This is an important occasion as we welcome the new families to St Patrick’s and it would be wonderful to have a number of current families to assist with this evening. We require parents to assist with the meeting and greeting, a welcome BBQ, helping serve drinks in the tuckshop and with supper. If you can help please contact Mrs Sandra Fowlie in the Student Office (3631 9070).



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Congratulations Daniel Stringfellow on his success with the Queensland U19 Golf Team who competed recently in Adelaide, 28 August

– 3 September, assisting the team to the Silver Medal in the Stroke Play where Daniel achieved 12th overall, and won 2.5 games to help Queensland win the Bronze Medal in the Match Play.

Ryan Shepherd who has been selected to represent Queensland Primary Schools Track and Field at the National Championships to be held in Darwin during the upcoming September Holidays.

Ben Gould who will compete for Queensland at Table Tennis at both the Open and Closed Championships here in Bris-bane. He has been selected to play an exhibition match tomorrow evening at the Opening Ceremony to be held at from 7.00pm to 8.00pm. at the Brisbane Table Tennis Club, Green Terrace, Windsor.

Pearson Locke (Year 6) Selected into the Metropolitan North Under 11 Cricket Team to compete for the Mc Casker Trophy.

Sports Information Line (Wet Weather) The telephone number for St Patrick’s College Sports Information Line/Wet Weather Update is 3631 9080. Please be reminded that in the event of Wet Weather, any changes to the published schedule for sporting fixtures will be made just before 7.00am on the day of the fixtures.

AIC BASKETBALL St Patrick’s College vs. Marist College Ashgrove

10th September 2011

PLEASE NOTE: Entrance to the Callan Centre is ONLY via Yundah Street or Park Parade. There will be NO ENTRY via PIER AVENUE.

A Canteen will be in operation at the Callan Centre Playing Uniform: The following uniform must be worn to Saturday fixtures (items are available at the Uniform Shop): Shorts SPC Basketball Shorts or HPE shorts Singlet Current SPC Basketball Singlet Socks White sports socks



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IMPORTANT REMINDER SPC Track & Field Camp will be held on the Sunshine Coast from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October (Last Weekend of the Holidays). We would like ALL of our AIC Track and Field Athletes to attend this camp. Please return your permission slip together with payment to the College Main Office. Should you want more information please contact Ms Donna Day (College Main Office) ASAP.



8.00 am 15B 13C

9.00 am 15A 13B

10.00 am 3rd V 13A

11.00 am 16A 14C

12.00 pm 2nd V 14B

1.00pm 1st V 14A


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CIC BASKETBALL St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College

Round 7 – Friday 9 September 2011

Villanova Basketball Venue – Villanova College, Goold Hall & Multi Courts 24 Sixth Avenue Cooparoo SPECIAL NOTES: Year 6A, 6B, & 6C will travel by bus to Villanova College Bus will depart SPC at 3.05pm and will arrive back at SPC at approximately 6.30pm.

AIC TENNIS St Patrick’s College vs. Villanova College

Round 2- Saturday 10 September 2011

PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION WILL BE REQUIRED BOTH TO AND FROM THE PLAYING VENUE The following uniform must be worn to Saturday fixtures (items are available at the uniform shop): Shorts SPC HPE shorts Shirt White SPC Tennis Shirt Socks White sports socks Shoes Non-Marking Tennis Shoes Page 9


September 8th V VILL

HOME (Yr7 & Yr5)


5.30pm – 6.15pm Callan Centre


4.45pm – 5.30pm Callan Centre Pier Avenue


4.00pm – 4.45pm Callan Centre Pier Avenue


4.45pm – 5.30pm

Goold Hall Villanova College


4.00pm – 4.45pm

Goold Hall Villanova College


4.45pm – 5.30pm

Multi-Court 1 Villanova College


4.45pm – 5.30pm Morven Outside Court 1

Park Parade Shorncliffe


4.00pm – 4.45pm Morven Outside Court 1

Park Parade Shorncliffe


4.00pm – 4.45pm Morven Outside Court 2

Park Parade Shorncliffe


Team Venue Time

1st Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine Warm Up 8.00am

2nd Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine “ “

3rd Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine “ “

16A Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine “ “

16B Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine “ “

15A Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

15B Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

14A Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

14B Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

13A Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

13B Marist College Tennis Courts – Enter via Frasers Rd, Ashgrove “ “

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CIC TENNIS St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College Round 7 – Saturday 10 September 2011



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September 10th V VILL HOME

1 Deagon Tennis Centre

2 Deagon Tennis Centre

3 Sunnybank Tennis Centre

4 Sunnybank Tennis Centre

5 Deagon Tennis Centre

6 Deagon Tennis Centre

7 Sunnybank Tennis Centre

8 Sunnybank Tennis Centre

2012 CIC & AIC CRICKET COACHES ***Expression of Interest***

Any parents, Old Boys or friends of the College that are interested in coaching any SPC Cricket team in the 2012 CIC or AIC season are asked to contact Mr Ryan Schultz at [email protected] with the following information: Team Cricket / Coaching History Blue Card Details Contact Details There will be a 3 week pre-season conducted at the end of Term 4 2011 in preparation for the 2012 season. It would be great to have the 2012 coaching roster finalised for this period of our season. Please note that 2012 will see the introduction of 20/20 cricket for all ‘B’ and ‘C’ CIC teams and all ‘C’ AIC teams. Also all team coaches within SPC Cricket are paid positions upon request. I look forward to hearing from you. Ryan Schultz Cricket Coordinator and Coaching Administrator

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St Patrick’s College - 2011

Tennis Academy – Term 4 Applications are once again open for entry to the St Patrick’s College Tennis Academy Term 4. The Academy is available to all students of St Patrick’s College looking to improve their tennis skills. This term provides 8 weeks of tennis instruction by Brad Harbottle of LifeTime Tennis, and his team of professional coaches. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

St Patrick’s College Tennis Academy – Application Form Please return completed form to College Office by Friday, 16th September. For further information please call Brad on 0412961651. Student Name: …………………………………………..........……………… Year level 2011……………………… Student Address: ………………………………………............................... ………...……………………………………….............. Postcode:.......……... Home Tel: ….……………............ Mobile: ............................................... Email: ................................................................................................... I understand that in enrolling my son in the St Patrick’s College Tennis Academy I am responsible for payment of $80.00 to the College. Payment must accompany this application form. Parent Signature: ……………………………………………………………………



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SPC Senior (AIC) Track & Field Training Schedule

This is our working Training Schedule for AIC Track and Field. Please note that some training sessions may change or be added but those involved will be notified of this by the specific event

group coach/es. It is also recommended that all SPC athletes also arrange at least one (1) GYM session per week to work on general and core strength.

AIC TRACK AND FIELD 2011 Friday 9 September – Lead Up Meet No 3 Program

Bus Times:

Depart SPC (Yundah Street) Friday afternoon at 3.10pm

Depart QSAC at approx. 8.15pm Arrive Back at SPC (Park Parade) at approx. 9.00pm

We ask ALL parents to have arranged pick up of your son from Park Parade (College Front Entrance) at 9.00pm. We also ask that athletes contact their parents on the night should the bus be running late.


TRACK & FIELD COORDINATORS — Luke Donatini (AIC) and Cassandra Harden (CIC)

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Before School

(6.45am – 8.00am)


& Sprints on Back Oval

Morning Tea

Team Meeting

High Jump (Under 13)

Senior Lunch Time

High Jump (Under 14 –


After School

(3.20pm – 4.45pm)

Sprints/Hurdles on Back Oval

All Throws and Middle Distance

at Curlew Park

Specialist Long Jump /Triple

Jump on

Back Oval

Full Squad Training at

Nudgee Track

Full Squad Train-

ing at Nudgee Track

Competition Meets

At SAF/QSAC (Kessels Rd, Na-


TIME EVENT September 9

4:45 pm Hurdles

4:50 pm 3000m

5:05 pm 4 x 100m Relays

5:45 pm 800m

6:15 pm 100m

6:45 pm 400m

7:15 pm 1500m

7:30 pm 200m


4:45 pm




13 YRS 14 YRS 15 YRS 15 YRS

16/OPEN (Pit 1) 16/OPEN

5:35 pm




13 YRS 13 YRS 14 YRS

14 (Pit 1) 15 (Pit 2) 15 YRS


6:25 pm




13 YRS (Pits 1 & 2) 13 YRS 14 YRS 14 YRS 15 YRS


7:15 pm



13 YRS 14 YRS 15 YRS



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Major Prizes and Major Sponsors for Trivia Night 10 September 2011

The Sport Support Group thanks our major prize donations of: Signed and framed Australian Rugby Union Jersey 2011 (retail value of $1500) Signed by Darren Lockyer and framed State of Origin Jersey 2011(retail value of

$1500) iPad-2 donated by MacDonald’s Family Restaurant, Bracken Ridge (retail value of

$725) Digital Camera donated by Peter’s Camera House, Northlakes (retail value of $500) 6 Burner BBQ donated by Bunning’s, Carseldine (retail value of $500) The Sport Support Group thanks our major sponsors of:

Commonwealth Bank – Platinum Sponsor

Seaview Hotel – Gold Sponsor

EM Engineering—Bronze Sponsor

Semester 2 2011

online applications for the

Students with Disabilities Scheme will be accepted

To lodge an online application for this program, go to:

Further enquiries to: 3336 9192 or [email protected]

Applications received after 31st October 2011 cannot be processed.

From 1 October until 31 October 2011  

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Limited Edition Morven Painting Dr Carroll has commissioned local artist Werner Langer to paint Morven 200 limited edition prints have been reproduced from this. All proceeds from sales will be donated to the P & F for future projects. The artist Mr Werner Langer is a local artist who has lived in the Sandgate area for over 40 years. He has been a photographer for most of his life graduating from the College of Art in Brisbane in 1974. Werner had a studio at Fortitude Valley for many years and worked in various fields including advertising, manu-facturers, retailers, and photographing weddings. Mr Langer is married with two children. Werner has produced many other watercolours of the local area and various other areas of interest. If you are inter-ested in viewing his work you can contact Werner on 0408 744119. All proceeds from any sales will be donated to the College Parents and Friends. Werner researched the history of Morven before he began the project. His inspiration came from the sym-bolism of the College rising to glory in 1952 as it was reborn as a College. For this reason Werner chose to paint Morven in the early morning as the sun rose. At this time of day the clouds often sweep across the sky. He also chose to paint Morven flanked by trees as it originally was back in the 1950’s. The paintings are presented in a light green matt and ready to frame in an 8x 10 frame. They are availa-ble for $29.95 each. If you are interested in purchasing a painting please contact the College Office on 3631 9000.

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The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-


Fri          09/09  Susan Mobbs, Sue Fuhrmeister, Tanya Smith 

Tue        13/09  Cally Egerton, Louise Stringer, Vicki Wolstenholme 

Wed      14/09  Sandra Appleby‐Lake, Joanne Casey 

Thu        15/09  Suzanne Brough, Judith Ringer, Gina Jeffery, Karen McArdle 

Fri          16/09  Nola Pederson, Jenny Evans, Trisha Fitzpatrick, Maree Denkes 

Mon      12/09 Karen Smyth, Melissa McKerihan, Katerina Camiller, Donelle McVeigh, Francesca Jacovelli 

Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 13 September

Matthew Aleckson, Samuel Allen, Rhys Bayliss, Jariya

Blackman-Bobbert, Cameron Boult, Jaye Britton, Jackson

Burgess, Lachlan Cash

Thursday, 15 September

Joseph Champness, Darcy Colahan-Dickfos, Nicholas Delzoppo, Jesse Dickson,

Matthew Fegan, Alex Gillies, Nicholas Herpich

Thursday, 15September

Jake Ryan, Aaron Loader, Kyle Wagstaff, Corbin

Steinmuller, Connor McSween

Saturday 17 September


Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

Page 18


BLAZER HONOUR POCKETS – These will be done during September holidays. Please bring blaz-ers with appropriate paperwork to Uniform Shop no later than 12 noon Thursday 15 Sept. Each time blazers are presented for honour pocket cost is $20 for first line, $15 for each additional line. THRIFT SHOP CRICKET GEAR – Come in and check it out - Gloves, Helmets, Spikes, Shoes, Pads.


LOST PROPERTY 2 x grey shirts size 12 - clearly named J. THOMAS 1 x grey shorts - clearly named J. THOMAS 1 x lunch box - florescent Green - clearly labelled JORDAN THOMAS 1 x spray jacket—embroidered with M.WEEKES

If found please return to the Student Office

Page 19: Calling- Issue 28 - (08 September 2011)


Page 19

September 10

AIC Basketball /Tennis Round 3 (H) CIC Tennis Round 7 (H)

September 12

Year 11 Exam Block

September 13

Year 11 Block Exam

September 14

Year 11 Block Exam

September 15

Year 11 Block Exam

September 16

Year 11 Block Exam/Remaining students dismissed at 1.30pm

October 7

Photo Day/AIC T& F Meet (SAF)

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