
Barbu ElenaTone Eliza-Ioana

Badea Andreea Stefania-Iuliana

The journey in the fairytales world

The journey to fairyland

Ella was a outlaw girl, who was living (lived) in the Outlaw Forest.

One day she walked and she heard some noises coming from a house. She entered in the house and saw her friend, Rozxy sleeping. That house was the home of those three bears (of the bears). It was not long before the bears should arrived home. (there were only few moments and the bears would have been home). Ella woke up Roxy and they hid under the bed. Ella left sweets on the bad for the little bears. At first, the bears were angry, but they were happy when they saw the sweets. The girls left the house unharmed. Ella continued her journey.

Ella found other house where her friend Ilona, was heading to. Ilona entered in the house where there was a wolf dressed in grandmother. She approached it , thinking that the wolf is her grandmother. The wolf jumped to eat Ilona, but Ella also jumped to help Ilona. By mistake, Ella broke the wolf tail. The wolf left ( get out from) the house angry.

Ella,Ilona and Roxy went to the Mad Hatter Teahouse. Ella ordered one Cola and pancakes with ice cream. Ilona ordered one bottle of Sprite and pancakes with ice cream and whipped cream. Roxy ordered one limonade and also pancakes but with chocolate. There they met three princesses: Ale,Lore and Sara. The girls became friends and they told to each other their secrets and desires (dreams). The princesses wanted to be musketeers, and Ilona and Roxy wanted to be princesses. Ella encourages the girls to be all they want to, even if the council does not agree.(did not agree)

Ella continued the road and she arrived at the house of the Witch of the West. There, the witch was staying in the garden and she was tanning. The witch saw Ella and the girl asked for a glass with water. The witch gave to her the glass with water, and Ella by mistake, spilled water on the witch. The witch named Debrah, run into the house and she forgot her shoes outside. Ella stole the shoes because they were beautiful.

Ella continues the road and came to the Buble Gum Heart Castel. There was a dance, but Ella doesnt have the appropriate clothes. Ella started to cry and then appeared a magic fary named Meea. Meea gave to Ella a woanderful dress.

Ella entered in the castel and all the people looked at her. Prince Andress invited Ella to dance. Ella accepted to dance with him. They danced all night. At 12:00 at night, prince Andress tried to kiss Ella. In that moment the Queen of the cup came and has kidnapped Ella.

In the morning Ella woke in prison. One warder took her and led her to the Queen of the cup. The Queen of the cup said to Ella that she will be executed and also in that evening will be held the prom before the execution. Those who were accusing Ella were the three bears, the wolf and the bad witch.

In that night, Ella was forced to participate. Her good witch was hidden in a plant to help her. The evil witch put a guard to cut the plant where the good fairy was hidding and Ella started to cry.

The second day at the court house the Queen of the cup decided from the begining that Ella should be beheaded, but then appeared the three princesses, they are musketeers, and Roxy and Ilona who now are princesses. At that moment appeared prince Andress. The prince Andress saved Ella from the evil witch.

Ella and Andress lived happily ever after.

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