  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    Therefore as you have re-

    ceived Christ Jesus the Lord, so

    walk in Him, having beenrooted

    and now being built up in Him

    and established in your faith,

    just as you were instructed,

    overowing with gratude.

    Col. 2:6-7

    One of my favorite stories of

    thankfulness is told by Corrie Ten

    Boom in her book, The Hiding

    Place. (I highly recommend this

    book if you havent read it.) She

    and her sister, Betsie, had just

    been transferred to the worst

    German prison camp they had

    seen yet, Ravensbruck. Raven-

    bruck was extremely over-

    crowed and ea-infested.

    Every morning Corrie and her

    sister would read their Bible andspend me in prayer. One parc-

    ular morning they were reading

    in 1Thessalonians. Verse 5:18

    says In everything give thanks:

    for this is the will of God in Christ

    Jesus for you. Betsie told Corrie

    to stop reading right now and

    thank the Lord for every detail of

    their new living quarters. Corrie

    at rst atly refused to give

    thanks for the eas, but Betsie

    persisted. Finally Corrie sub-

    mied to her pleadings. She

    thanked God for living quartersand the eas.

    As the months passed at Ra-

    vensbruck, Corrie and Betsie

    were surprised to nd how

    openly they could hold Bible

    studies and prayer meeng with-

    out guard interference. It was

    not unl several months later

    that they learned the reason the

    guards would not enter the bar-

    racks was because of the eas. I

    can see Corrie falling to her

    knees and praising God for those

    eas. I wonder how many of her

    fellow prisoners came to the

    Lord as they joined her in her

    Bible studies.

    Corrie Ten Boom had received

    Jesus Christ as her Lord and Sav-

    ior years before she wrote The

    Hiding Place. She had learned to

    walk in Him growing up in a

    Chrisan home Holland. She had

    been rooted and grounded in the

    Lord as her family pracced their

    faith by sheltering the Jews from

    the Nazis during WWII. Her

    overowing thankfulness and

    gratude was the fruit of a life

    paerned aer Jesus.

    As I reect on Col. 2:6-7, 4

    things jump out at me regardingour walk with the Lord:

    1 We, like Corrie Ten Boom,

    need to be rooted in the Lord.

    Our roots need to go deep, an-

    choring us, so when the storms

    come we dont blow over. Roots

    also seek nourishment for the

    plant to keep it alive. You need a

    good solid root system,

    (foundaon) if you are to survive

    the storms and droughts of life.

    2- We need to be built up in Him.

    Just as a plant with a healthyroot system grows, we also need

    to grow and be strengthened in

    the Lord to a greater faith, a

    greater prayer life, and a greater

    capacity to love others. We do

    this by drawing close to Him, like

    Corrie Ten Boom, through read-

    ing our bible, prayer and sharing

    our faith with others.

    3 We need to be established in

    the faith. We should eventually

    grow into mature women of

    God. 1 Peter 1:6-7 says In this

    you greatly rejoice, though now

    for a lile while, if need be, you

    have been grieved by various

    trials, that the genuineness of

    your faith, being much more

    precious than gold that perishes,though it is tested by re, may

    be found to praise, honor, and

    glory at the revelaon of Jesus

    Christ, Corries faith was

    strengthened in that horrible

    prison camp as she saw God

    sustain her, just as our faith

    should be strengthened in the

    midst of our circumstances as we

    watch the Lord work in our lives.

    4 We should at this me be

    abounding with thanksgiving for

    all that we have been blessed

    with. We should be expressing

    an overowing gratude for all

    that He has done for us. We

    should no longer be looking at

    what we dont have but giving

    thanks for what we do have.

    Corrie Ten Boom thanked God

    for the eas because it kept the

    guards out of the barracks. I

    dont know what youre going

    through, but I do know That all

    things work together for good to

    those who love God, to those

    who are the called according to

    His purpose.

    Corrie Ten Boom died in 1983 at

    the age of 89 sll praising the

    Lord. She wrote in her book

    Each New Day Thank-you

    Lord that I have eternity to thank

    and praise you for your love.

    Love, Sandie

    Portraits From Sandie

    Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks July-August 2012

    Portraits From Sandie 1

    Prayer, Poetry & Praise 2

    Fruit of Her Hands 3

    Apron Strings 4

    Joyful Books &Recipe 5

    Devotional 6

    Expressions of Love 7

    Calvary Chapel Info



    Inside this issue:

    OUR DESIRES FOR THEWOMENS MINISTRIES ARE: To encourage deeper relation-

    ships and spiritual growth for the

    women in the body of Christ. To provide a place where women

    will be encouraged and uplifted toseek Gods best for their lives.

    To give opportunity to study the

    Word of God together that women

    might grow in the grace and

    knowledge of our Lord Jesus. To equip women to be lights in

    their homes, neighborhoods and

    workplaces reflecting the love of

    Jesus Christ to all.

    Colossians 2:6-7

  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012



    (I am always interested in the reason composers

    write a particular piece of music. While research-

    ing Henry Smith, I came across this biography

    written by Mr. Francis Kong)

    As a teenager Henry Smith played in a high

    school band like many boys in the 1960s.

    He says, I was playing things I wouldnt

    play or sing now like Jimi Hendrix and all

    that. Id rather not go into that. But while

    in college, a spiritual revolution in his life

    brought him to Richmond to attend Union

    Theological Seminary.

    God really touched my heart, he says.

    Id been a Christian since I was a child,

    but he changed my way of thinking.

    Then his eyes went bad. In 1978, Henry

    returned from seminary to work in his

    home church as a layperson. He had to take

    odd jobs to support himself as his careerchoices were limited by a degenerative eye


    Nevertheless, he remembers being ex-

    tremely thankful during that time in his

    life. He had discovered that in the darkest

    winter there was within him an invincible


    One Sunday his pastor quoted 2 Corinthi-

    ans 8:9, For you know the grace of our

    Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich,

    yet for your sakes he became poor, so that

    you through his poverty might become


    A paraphrase of this would be, He came to

    become like us, to enable us to become like


    Henry decided to write a song about it:

    Give thanks with a grateful heart;Give thanks to the Holy One,

    Give thanks because Hes given

    Jesus Christ His Son.

    And now, let the weak say, I am strong

    Let the poor say I am rich

    Because of what the Lord has done for us.

    Give Thanks was published in 1986 by

    Integrity Music and recorded on the album

    Heal Our Land in 1989. Since then it has

    been recorded around the world.

    Henry eventually lost his sight, but not his

    gratitude for Gods unfailing love.

    He has written over 100 other songs to fit

    Scripture passages. Today he runs Outback,

    a recording studio in Mechanicsville, Vir-


    Praise & Worship:Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at His holy hill;

    for the LORD our God is holy. Psalm 99:9

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    SERVICE...May He equip you with all you need for doing his

    will. May he produce in you, through the power of

    Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to

    him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.

    Hebrews 13:21 (NLV)

    Are you nervous, excited or anxious for

    the upcoming Harvest Festival at CalvaryChapel Reno-Sparks in August? There is

    joy in being part of Gods plan! One wayyou can prepare for the crusade is

    through prayer and studying Gods


    Prayfor the leadership at CalvaryChapel Reno-Sparks, as well as PastorGreg Laurie. AskGod to equip themspiritually, emotionally, and physically.

    Pray that the workers will be bountiful.

    AskGod to fill all the positions forgreeters, security, prayer team and others.

    Pray For our Neighborhood; for unsaved

    friends and family. Ask God to softentheir hearts and prepare them to receive

    the blessing of salvation.

    CHOOSEto attend prayer meetings atCalvary Chapel and pray as a churchbody. Listen for times during announce-ments and in the church bulletin.

    COMEto the Harvest America Crusadeat Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks, August26, 2012.

    COSTA RICAMission Trip

    July 8th17th, 2012

    PRAY for our brothers andsisters who are traveling to

    Costa Rica that they will be a

    BOLD witness for Jesus Christ.

    PRAY for strength, safety and

    unity in the group.

  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    By Kelly Gardner

    Recently I received two letters written by my great-grand

    Aunt, Anna Reich Carver, who lived during the Civil War. Anna

    Carver was at Hampton Hospital serving by caring for wounded

    soldiers as one of two assistants to Clara Barton, founder of the

    Red Cross and the first Free Public School. As I read the letters, I was

    moved by the compassion and genuine love shown by my Aunt. As

    we consider doing for others, do not think that your labor is in vain,

    having no real value or is ineffective, but rather, remember to Let

    your light so shine before men that they may see your good works,

    and glorify your Father in heaven.Matthew 5:16

    Page 3f ragrant l i fe womens ministry Liv ing Grateful ly

    Fruit of Her HandsGive her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:31

    for our next ministry opportunity,

    . We will focus on the spiritual

    fruits of and

    We will be making

    The comfort blankets will be given to those at

    the hospital or for you to provide for family member or friend.

    August 11, 2012; from 10am-2pm;

    At the home of Kelly Gardner;

    Registration, supplies and directions to the workshop will beavailable on the Womens Ministry Counter and online.

    Fear the Lord,

    respect for spouse, foresight, encouragement, care for others, con-

    cern for the poor, wisdom in handling money, Proverbs 31, Titus 2:3-

    5 and Galatians 5:22-23 encompasses the Fruit of Her Hands Ministry.

    Upper Merion/ February 6, 1865

    Dear Friend,

    I know you will forgive me for my long neglect,

    for you know my time and labor has been given to Hamp-

    ton Hospital. I suppose I need not write to you about our

    labor there as Emma has.

    My last visit there was on Christmas. I took din-

    ner to that camp; they enjoyed it very much. I never

    saw such suffering as there was at Hampton during the

    latter part of summer. How I wished that you were

    there to help us. We often spoke of you and your dear

    husband. I assure you, I deeply sympathize with you in

    your great loss. I know that loss can never be replaced,

    but we must submit to the Lords will, although it seems

    very hard.

    I was in the city week before last and I called to

    see your son. I was surprised to see him looking so well.I wish you could have him home. I invited him to go and

    see my friend Mrs. Wiley who lives but a few squares

    from the Hospital where he is. No doubt he will write to

    you something about it.

    Dr. McClellan was very kind to us. He placed us

    at the New Camp where there was 1,200 of our sick and

    wounded. Emma and I were the only two ladies that

    were there for six weeks; the doctor put up two tents for

    us. I took a stove and two barrels of flour with us and I

    baked from twenty to thirty loaves of bread besides bis-

    cuits nearly every day. I am sure I never worked harder.

    It was a great pleasure to me to give our men something

    they could eattheir gratitude paid me for all my labor.

    When will these suffering times be over? I trust

    that day will soon come when this cruel war shall be

    ended. How I would like you to come and pay us a visit.

    Cant you come and see your dear son and come up and

    see us? I hope you will try. I have not seen Emma for a

    couple of weeks, she was well. We are all well and hope

    this may find you enjoying the same blessing. I received

    several letters from Mrs. Pond, poor thing how she was

    grieved about the loss of her son. She thought if she

    could only have been with him and administered to his

    wants, but while she was waiting on her brother in hislast hours, someone I trust was doing for him.

    I must bring my letter to a close hoping to hear

    from you soon. No more at present but remain.

    Your Sincere Friend,

    Anna Carver

  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    Gratitude and Appreciationfor Others

    How often do we look up to see where our blessings havecome from? Sometimes we need to spend more time inprayer thanking the Lord for the blessings we have already

    received. It says in Ephesians 2:1 And you He made alive,who were dead in trespasses and sins. Are you thankful

    that you are alive in Christ Jesus or do you walk aroundwith a heart full of ingratitude?

    We can help our families to become more grateful byteaching them about the blessingsthat come from living in the UnitedStates of America.

    We as individuals need to decideand model what is really importantto us. We have the opportunity toshow our children and grandchil-dren through prayer and our ac-tions, how to show gratitude by

    how we behave. It says in Ephe-sians 2:4-5 But God, who is rich inmercy, because of His great lovewith which He loved us, even when we were dead in tres-passes, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you

    have been saved)

    One way we can show gratitude and appreciation for oth-ers is by remembering those who have served in the mili-tary and fought for our freedom. As children hear us voiceour gratitude, they will learn to understand the freedomwe have living in the United States; having the freedom tolove and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    The impact of living our life with thanksgiving and grati-tude will model for our children that without our freedom,

    we will lose the right to pray openly, attend church andlead others to Jesus Christ.

    As a military wife, I know how difficult it can be on the fam-ily to have my husband gone on deployment. I havewatched my husband lean on Jesus Christ while offeringsupport to comrades who have developed cancer and died

    from being exposed to the garbage burn pitsin Iraq and Afghanistan.

    One significant gathering that has given mea greater sense of appreciation for our mili-tary is by attending retirement dinners for those who havegiven their life to serving our country. It is a reminder tome of the sacrifice each individual has made; especially in

    regards to family life.

    If you need help getting started teaching gratitude andappreciation in your family, think about what your life waslike before Christ redeemed you. Tell how your life haschanged since you have become alive in Christ Jesus.

    Take a moment and allow the Holy Spirit to ministerto you as you read and study Ephesians 2:1-10. Thinkabout how much Jesus Christ has shown His grace

    and kindness towards us. For it is written, For weare His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for goodworks, which God prepared beforehand that we

    should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

    God Bless You and Your Family!


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    Apron StringsThat the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanders, not given to much wine,

    teachers of good thingsthat they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be

    blasphemed. Titus 2:3-5


    AND JOY...

    "Thankfulness is being grateful for what you have. It is an attitudeof gratitude for learning, loving, and being. It is appreciating the littlethings which happen around you and within you every day. It is having

    a sense of wonder about the beauty of this world. It is being aware of

    the gifts in your life." Did you know that by participating by comingto a Womens Koinonia or Retreat you can learn to develop more

    gratitude and have more joy?

    Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

    Womens Koinonia

    August 18th, 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    Womens MinistryBook of the Month

    Choosing Gratitude

    by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

    We will begin our next book of the month, July 18,

    2012; being off the first two weeks of July for Inde-

    pendence Day and Vacation Bible School.

    Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss is

    a heart changing read! Dont be afraid to dive in with

    both feet as it will help point you to scripture on how

    to choose gratitude and lose the unthankful attitude.

    Dont believe for one moment that Nancy

    doesnt struggle just like the rest of us. I appreciated

    her open and honest reflection on her own life struggle

    with ingratitude. But, God is greater than our heart! It

    says in 1 John 3:20-21 For if our heart condemns us,

    God is greater than our heart, and knows all

    things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we

    have confidence toward God. You can have confi-

    dence in knowing that even as we struggle in the area of

    being thankful in all circumstances; God knows every-

    thing and He is still in control.

    Gratitude is a choice. We can either choose a

    heart full of ingratitude and become angry, bitter and

    cynical, or we can choose to be thankful, more loving,

    more caring and more thoughtful.

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    Joyful BooksLet your light so shine before men that they may see your good works,

    and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

    If you would like to receive weekly updates regarding up-

    coming Womens Ministry events, Joyful Books Ministry, Fruit

    of Her Hands Ministry and Koinonia Photos; as well as a PDF

    copy of the Womens Ministry Newsletter as soon as it comes

    out, please email,

    [email protected] or leave your name and

    email on the clipboard on the Womens Ministry Counter.

    1 tube of refrigerated sugar cookie dough2 (8 oz.) packages of cream cheese, softened C. confectioners sugar4 tsp. lemon juice C. blueberries2 C. strawberries, quartered

    Spray a 13 x 9 inch cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Press

    cookie dough evenly into cookie sheet, making sure to get it to allcorners. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, or until lightlybrowned. Allow to cool completely. In the meantime, mix togetherin a medium bowl the cream cheese, confectioners sugar and lemon

    juice. Spread evenly on cookie, leaving about inch border alongthe edges. Now decorate the top left corner with blueberries, keep-ing them in a 4 x 6 inch square, and finish off with stripes created outof rows of strawberries. You will want to make sure to leave a row ofwhite between rows of red. Have fun and enjoy!

    8 oz. carton Cool Whip8 oz. carton sour cream2 mashed bananas C. lemon juice1 small can crushed pineapple, drained C. chopped pecans C. sugar

    Pour lemon juice over bananas to keep them from turning brown.Mix all ingredients together and pour into a 9 x 13 freeze-proof dish.Freeze. Cut into squares after frozen and serve. You may add a smallcarton of sliced strawberries to make your dessert pink!

    Recipes Submitted by Rhonda Lippert

    Join us on Wednesday mornings for Joyful BooksBook Club. We meet at 9:30 in the 3rd and 4th grade

    classroom. You can also read along at

  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    DevotionalTherefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and nowbeing built up in Him and established in your

    faith, just as you were instructed, andoverflowingwith gratitude. Colossians 2:6-7

    Page 6 f ragrant l i fe womens ministry Liv ing Grateful ly

    The Blessing of Gratitude

    by Rhonda Lippert

    Get me behind the wheel of a car during rush hour or a shoppingcart at Costco at *any* hour, and my struggle with a bad attitude,

    complaining and grumbling really get put to the test! I confess

    (with shame) that complaining is an area of weakness for me. And

    of course when this happens, my loved ones will suffer as

    well. Sometimes I wish my mouth had a backspace key. However,

    rather than beat myself up for my verbal failings, I go to my Heav-

    enly Father with a repentant heart, and confess my sin.

    "Out of the mouth the heart speaks" (Matt. 12:34).....but grum-

    bling and complainingingratitudedoesnt have to be with

    words.we can have ugly thoughts that are just as bad. Some-

    times what we think doesn't make it all the way to our mouths.

    Does it matter if we think it as long as we don't say it? Our Fatherknows our thoughts long before they get to our tongue. So yes,

    our thoughts matter a great deal to God. Our hearts are "

    deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9).

    We need to continually strive for a pure heart, to "be holy, for I

    am holy" (Lev. 11:45, 1 Peter 1:16). The enemy is always throwing

    his fiery darts at us, at our minds and thoughts. How do we com-

    bat this? We have to stay connected to the Lord at all times!

    Warren W. Wiersbe says, Gods people are commanded not to

    complain (Phil. 2:14); therefore, complaining is a sin. When we

    complain, we give evidence of unbelief in our hearts and a lack of

    gratitude toward God. If we were truly giving thanks for all

    things (Eph. 5:20), we would not be complaining. The best way

    to overcome a complaining spirit is to accept Gods will by faith

    and thank Him for His goodness, even if we dont see anything

    good happening. The more wonderful we see Jesus to be, the

    more we will be grateful to God for Him and His blessings.

    According to Websters 1828 dictionary, gratitude is defined as an

    emotion of the heart, excited by a favor or benefit received;

    thankfulness. Have we received favor or benefit from God? You


    While in prison, Paul wrote a letter to the church in Colosse. He

    was concerned about the false teachings which had infiltrated the

    Colossian church. In Colossians 2:6-7, the Lord tells us through the

    pen of Paul, "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,

    so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up

    in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed,and overflowing with gratitude". (NASB) In these verses, Paul

    was instructing the people to get back to what they knew. They

    had started listening to and believing false teaching and had wan-

    dered from the truth. Notice the word rooted in this verse. It

    comes from the Greek word ridzo, which means to be firmly and

    deeply rooted, making the object fixed, steady, stable, and strong.

    This is the picture of a strong tree whose roots go down deep

    and reach its source of nourishment. The tree is also held securely

    in place by those roots, regardless of the weather or the environ-

    mental opposition that comes against it. If your roots are securely

    fixed in Jesus Christ, you will outlast every season, every foul cli-

    mate, and every storm in your life. (Sparkling Gems, Rick Ren-


    Psalm 1:3 uses the example of a tree to declare that when a person

    is rooted in Gods Word, he is like a tree planted by the rivers

    of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also

    shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (KJV)

    Being rooted in the Lord and rooted in His Wordfixed, steady,

    stable and strong--is the key to remaining full of gratitude and

    thankfulness. We need to put our minds on heavenly and eternal

    thoughts, and not get caught up in the daily dilemmas that hit us

    at every turn. I love Philippians 4:8 when I need this reminder:

    Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are

    noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatev-

    er things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there isany virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these

    things. (NKJV)

    And finally dear sisters in Christ, I would like to leave you with

    this last nugget of encouragement.Be anxious for nothing, but

    in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let

    your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,

    which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and

    minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

    Colossians 2:6-7

  • 7/31/2019 Calvary Chapel Newsletter July-August 2012


    Expressions of LoveLove each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10 (NLT)

    Kindred Spirits in Christ ~ Sharing

    FriendshipsBy Mary Jane Robinette

    Excitement was joyful as registration opened and the long

    awaited hour of 4:00 pm, June 1st had arrived. The laughter be-came contagious. The hellos echoed through the foyer. Armsheavy laden with luggage gave the gesture of promise for hugssoon to be shared. The women of Calvary Chapel Reno/Sparks,friends, relatives, sharing churches, began arriving at Lake Tahoefor our Womens Retreat 2012,Redeeming Love ~ The Book ofRuth. The essence of this beautiful love story was beginning tounfold. Kindred Spirits in Christ, sharing friendships old and new,were arriving with open hearts to seek the Lords message. Psalm115:12 The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us.

    The same as years passed the clock was ticking far to fast andwe were into the evening worship, teaching and prayer. Our al-ways enjoyable Sandie Luitwieler opened the teachings with an

    overview of the book of Ruth. She revealed to us the many waysreading the book of Ruth is like ripping open your gifts. Sheenriched us to understand that this book of love is a present in theOld Testament from God. She enlightened us to know that on aspiritual level, the book of Ruth is the most important book of thebible. The essential message she imparted to us is that the book ofRuth is a real picture of our loving Redeemer Jesus Christ andhow much He loves His church. The promise of Jesus is the lastgift God gave to us in the book of Ruth. She recounted the jour-ney Naomi, this bitter, mourning old woman shared with Ruth onthe road to Bethlehem. And with a sisters loving heart, Sandiereminded each woman there, that you can come back to Jesus. Itis never to late to come back. God is running to you now she said,reach out and come back to Him.

    Kim Bowser reminded us how much Ruth was loyal and com-mitted to Naomi; but she also was committed to share the sameGod. Ruth was a refreshment to Naomi, as we are a refreshmentto our friends. She asked us to ponder this question to our self,What woman influenced me the most and that I wanted her Godto be my God? Ruth was real in her love and friendship. Naomiwas real in her love for God. Ruth found that same love when shemade Naomis God her God.

    We also need to be true in our love and friendship to our sis-

    ters-in-Christ. The women were all given a beautiful gift of friend-ship and love, a hand sewn fabric flower crafted by the ladies of

    our Fruit of Her Hands Ministry. Each flower came in differentcolors just like flowers come fresh from the garden. Bright fabricflowers brought cheerful smiles to their faces.

    Like Ruth we need to share in loyalty and commitment in ourfriendships with our sisters-in-Christ. We need to be each othersflowers, fresh from the garden and fragrant in sharing our love forJesus Christ. Ruth and Naomi were family, they were also friendsin heart. They'd been through so much together. They would nev-er part. Their love story was in Gods plan for all of us because itsecured the promise to come, our Redeeming Love, Jesus Christ.When there is trust, loyalty and love among friends, there is bless-ings of gratitude for each other. Ruth 1:16-17 But Ruth said:Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after

    you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I willlodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The LORDdo so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you andme.

    Sisters In Christ by Sheena Park

    Each sister came to the place ~Where we came to Christ through grace.

    Each sister a friend of God today ~Through Jesus Christ the only way.

    Godly sisters in purity living ~Being loving and generously giving.

    Humbly serving each other each day ~Blessings on my sisters I pray.

    Listening to sisters who have a need ~Encouraging sisters is a friend indeed

    Praying for sisters shows our love ~Be kind and as gentle as a dove.

    When sisters do well we too are glad ~

    When sisters struggle we too are sad.

    When sisters fail we love them still ~We always did and we always will.

    When sisters fellowship it will show ~In commitment to Christ we will grow.

    I will always be there for you my friend ~For love in Christ will never end.

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    Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

    July-August 2012


    First: Present yourself to God (Romans 12:1) for confirmation that He has planted you in this fellowship. If so, then discover your

    gifts and Gods calling your life.

    Second: Study to show yourself approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15). As you grow in your relationship with God, let Him prepare

    you for effective service.

    Third: Be doers of the Word (James 1:22). Commit yourself to the work of Jesus Christ in this fellowship. Get involved as a yielded

    vessel to Gods guiding anywhere He directs.

    Helps Ministry: Food Pantry, Meal Ministry

    Caf 2:42

    Womens Greeters

    Womens Monday Bible Study

    Womens Conferences, Koinonias &


    Womens Thursday Morning Prayer

    Family Worship Night

    Childrens Ministry, Nursery, Childcare

    Widows Meeting (Encourage &Prayer) 2nd Sunday of the Month in

    Caf 2:42 8:15 am

    Moms In Prayer, Mondays 1pm. This ministry is for moms who want

    to get together and pray for their children. We meet on a weekly basis in

    the 3rd/4th grade classroom. Child care will be shared as needed. Call

    DiAnn at 972-4264.

    Spirit Led Writing/Recipes for Newsletter.

    [email protected] or Kelly Gardner (775)657-6422

    Contact the Church Office and Fill Out a Ministry Questionnaire

    (775) 856-1110

    Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

    220 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89502

    (775)856-1110 FAX (775) 856-2031

    Senior Pastor Tom Luitwieler

    Admin. Pastor Rob Wolfe

    Youth Pastor Juan Rodriguez

    Worship Pastor Scott Cresta

    Evangelism Pastor Leonard Sanchez

    Secretary KimBowser



    EILEEN (775)972-1790

    CHURCH OFFICE: (775) 856-1110

    4th Independence


    11,18,25 Joyful Books 9:30 am

    5,12,19,26 Womens Prayer 9 am

    1st Missions Prayer 12:30 pm

    8th Widows Meeting 8:15 am

    7,21,28 Sharing Lives 9:30am

    8th-17th Costa Rica Mission Trip

    18th Womens Koinonia 10am

    1,8,15,22,29 Joyful Books 9:30 am

    2,9,16,23,30 Womens Prayer 9 am

    5th Missions Prayer 12:30 pm11th Fruit of Her Hands 10 am

    11th Couples Potluck 6 pm

    12th Widows Meeting 8:15am


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    August 2012

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