Page 1: CALVARY CHAPEL PARIS · Syndeo Ministry Prison Outreaches. Prison Ministry The Fuse onference was a city wide youth conference with the goal of ... up a flyer from the Ladies Ministry

2018-A Year in Review


In this letter:

● Vision Update

● Life Groups

● Prayer Groups

● Youth Group

● School of


● Benevolence


● Missions Report

● Local Ministries

● Transitions

● Financial


A WORD FROM PASTOR PHIL Dear Calvary Chapel Paris, I want to thank you for being a part of the body and the bride of Christ at Calvary Chapel. It is a privilege and an honor to be called here as your pastor. I continue to be amazed by God’s heart for us and for our community. I am also so thankful for your partnership in the vision of our church—to know Christ and make Him known!

This year, as many of you already know, I shared how God has really directed me with a more specific vision for the future of our church. I sensed the Lord leading me “to go big or to go home” as they say. By now, you guys know my heart for discipleship, missions, and for church planting. This past summer, in July, I was seeking the Lord for what we are to focus on as a church and where He wants to lead us. I really feel that He led me to this simple, yet totally-beyond-us goal: to be involved in 20 church plants over the next 20 years. It is simple because it lines up with the Biblical vision and mission of our church already, but it is beyond us in that we can never accomplish this without God’s grace and help.

Some may ask, “Why 20 church plants over 20 years?” My answer would be that this simply lines up with the direction that God has been leading this church in since I arrived in February of 2015. Who knows, we serve a big God, and we may be able to be involved in planting more than 20 churches—that would be exciting wouldn’t it? My point is, at least God is giving us a direction to step out in, and that in itself is an awesome thing!

This specific vision will stretch us and cause us to grow spiritually in many ways if God is truly in it and leading us, which I believe He is. Here at CC Paris, one of our core values is that “where God guides, He provides.” I look forward to stepping out in faith and allowing God to lead the way for us by providing all that is needed to accomplish His great purposes in and through us. In the meantime, we will of course continue to do what we do, as always. But you will probably notice a focus on discipleship, raising up and establishing our School of Discipleship and Ministry, and you may even begin to see folks who God raises up begin to step out in faith as they answer His call on their lives.

I will close with this simple, but powerful reminder: “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” - C.T. Studd, British Missionary

Grace and peace in Jesus, our amazing Savior,

Pastor Phil


Church in the Park

Costa Rica Conference

Port Aransas Seasoned Saints V.B.S.

Prison Ministry

• Israel 2018

• Church in the Park

• Kutless Concert

• Port Aransas Mission Trips

• Spirit of Giving Outreach

• Prison Ministry (Syndeo)

• Easter Community Service

• Vacation Bible School

• Costa Rica Pastor’s Conference


Spirit of Giving Moms in Prayer Kutless Outreach

Page 2: CALVARY CHAPEL PARIS · Syndeo Ministry Prison Outreaches. Prison Ministry The Fuse onference was a city wide youth conference with the goal of ... up a flyer from the Ladies Ministry

“E verywhere you throw a falafel

ball, you hit an archeological

site!” Those were the words our our

guide, Koren, who did an amazing job of

narrating our trip through the Holy Land.

Our team joined with Pastor Jason Duff

of The Garden Fellowship and their

team. We spent the first full day in

Israel working together with Calvary

Chapel Tel Aviv. Part of our team went

with a church volunteer to the market-

place to get ingredients for their soup

kitchen, and another group of us went

to invite people to church and strike up

conversations. The next day we began a

whirlwind tour that took us from Joppa

to Caesarea, to the Sea of Galilee, to the

Golan Heights, to Jordan River and

baptism, to the fortress Masada, then to

Jerusalem. In Jerusalem we saw Jesus’

life come alive at the Pools of Bethsada,

the Garden of Gethsemane, the Temple

Mount, and so much more. It was a trip

that truly caused our Bibles to “come

alive”. We hope that you’ll consider

joining us for the Israel 2020 trip that

will be coming up soon!

Israel 2018

T his past year’s Easter service

was a fantastic time of worship

as the church came together

as one. We held one service at Love

Civic Center on Easter morning, where

over 600 people were in attendance to

celebrate the resurrection of our Savior,

Jesus Christ. We are excited, each year

for the opportunity to hold this Easter

service and outreach and look forward

to it again in 2019!


A college and career Life Group was started this year at the Golden’s house. There was an immediate and positive response. Kids from inside and out-side the church alike quickly filled up the Golden’s house for food, fellow-

ship, worship and the study of God’s word.

College Life Group

2 018 was a great year starting

with Winter Camp at Jan Kay

Ranch. Calvary Chapel Garland

joined us and we had strong worship

with the band Kindlin and solid teaching

from Tsavanti Daniels. We were en-

couraged to wait on the Lord and seek

Him before anything else in life. The

theme was “A Shipwrecked World” and

how to be different from the world.

Calvary Chapel Youth

P ort Aransas was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. Calvary Chapel Paris sent a team to help

with the rebuilding effort. “Our team of missionaries was outstanding!” Every-one was committed to building and serving those in need. This was our opportunity to make an impact in a hurting community and specifically on a husband and wife who greatly needed the love of God in their lives. The word “restoration” summarizes this trip. What an honor to work alongside the Calvary Chapel Paris Mission Team serving our mighty Savior Jesus Christ!

Port Aransas Mission Trip

S yndeo Prison Ministry invited us

to join them in their “Christmas

in White” Outreach. Over 6000

women in 12 different prison units

received a Christmas gift of hygiene

products. Several of the women told us,

“This is the first Christmas gift I’ve re-

ceived in 12 years”. Some cried when

they accepted their gift of a bottle of

shampoo. The prison chaplain shared

with our group that he used to be a

hospital chaplain, but grew tired of

being around death. He soon learned

that there is something worse than

death, hopelessness. We were so

blessed to be able to speak to the indi-

vidual women and ask their names, and

tell them they are not forgotten. Many

cried upon hearing their actual name

and that we remember them. They

were very appreciative that we took

time out of our December to spend a

day distributing “gifts” of hygiene prod-

ucts to them. We spoke words of

encouragement and prayed for those

requesting prayer. It was such an awe-

some experience to see Jesus light up

the room in such a dark place. Sheri S.

Men & Women, watch for opportunities

to join us in July & Dec. for the 2019

Syndeo Ministry Prison Outreaches.

Prison Ministry The Fuse Conference was a city

wide youth conference with the goal of

bringing all the youth together for

worship & the word; to open their eyes

to see the like minded people through-

out our schools and city. The challenge

was to encourage each other outside of

their current circle of friends and

become the body of Christ in our

community. This was a large hit with

the kids and will continue to be used by

the Lord in years to come.

Summer Camp was a blast with

Garland joining again and the kids

making good friends. Lots of thinking

happened at camp with the theme

being “Set Free”. The kids had lots to

consider in their lives in regards to what

is holding them back from freedom in

Christ. I enjoyed walking along the guys

and sharing practical life advice and was

blessed to watch many hearts open

throughout the week.

Sunday night life group for the

youth has been a great time for the kids

to be challenged in their everyday lives.

We talk about every day issues and

struggles along with the Word and

cultural topics. 2018 was a great year

and I’m looking forward to the 2019

vision! Thank you for all of your sup-

port and prayers as the world is getting

even harder for the younger genera-

tions to focus and seek the Lord. Keep

praying for more youth to be reached

and for the personal relationship each

one has with Jesus.—Pastor Micah

Page 3: CALVARY CHAPEL PARIS · Syndeo Ministry Prison Outreaches. Prison Ministry The Fuse onference was a city wide youth conference with the goal of ... up a flyer from the Ladies Ministry

Friday Fellowship

F riday fellowship blesses many

ladies with the opportunity to

dig into the Word of God

during the lunch hour each week.

People arrive at Dana’s house around

11:30 or 12 and enjoy an amazing home

cooked meal paired with sweet fellow-

ship. Then we enjoy a brief inductive

bible teaching which helps us focus on

the Lord. Dismissal happens at 12:45 for

ladies to return to work or continue

their day. It is always a refreshing and

fruitful time. -Donna H. Women of all

ages are welcome to join the Friday

Fellowship in 2019. For more info, pick

up a flyer from the Ladies Ministry


School of discipleship

I n just our 2nd year of the School of Discipleship and Ministry at CCP, we see the Lord doing great things!

Our heart for this school is to raise up disciples who know what they believe and why they believe it. It is a great opportunity to share a meal, get to know each other, and grow spiritually. The classes we offered in 2018 include:

Men’s Prayer breakfast

F riday morning at 6:30 am at

Nancy’s café was the meeting

spot for the men of Calvary to

meet together. In 2019, Men of all ages

are invited to Roadhouse Family Diner

at 2315 N Main every Friday morning at

6:30am for a time of fellowship & Bible


141 members attended classes, 121 of them received a certificate of comple-tion for their class. There are currently 8 men in the School of Ministry 2-year program.

Moms in Prayer

W hen I was asked to write

something about the wom-

en’s group that meets for

prayer each Thursday at Cozy Cappucci-

no noon to 1, a million thoughts flooded

my mind about this group of women.

Women of different backgrounds,

shades of color, life experiences, ages

and churches. 1 John 4:16 (God is Love)

is first on my mind—because His love is

what shines & guides each of these

women. From the depths of their own

personal relationship with our God, they

shine His love with everything they

share. Each is thirsty for deeper under-

standing of God. Through Him we share

His word, we seek Him in all the ups and

downs, fast & slow times, whatever we

are walking through. We hold each

other up, stand beside, stand in front or

behind, we correct if needed, we give

Godly counsel, we give testimony when

needed, we are there for each other.

Personally this group is one of the ways

God shows me I am not alone, not isolat-

ed, I am accepted as I am. My thoughts,

input and questions are important. In

other words, I am valued, loved. Again,

1 John 4:16 –God is Love, is what this

group of God’s Girls is about—His love

shining through His daughters, trans-

forming a group of acquaintances into

sisters.—Pam H. There are several

Moms in Prayer groups that meet in the

community and would welcome you

with open arms. Call the church office

for more info.

Practical Christian Ministry Inductive Bible Study Pastoral Leadership

Character Development The Attributes of God Overview of the Bible

Bibliology & Angelology Calvary Chapel Core Training

New Hope Ministry

I have been so blessed this year to have the opportunity to volunteer at New Hope Center, ministering to

the ladies and helping them understand the Bible. Through this experience God has opened my eyes to many of the rea-sons people are homeless. The reasons are far different from what I once believed and created in me a deeper compassion for those who find them-selves in a homeless situation. I am excited to see what God will do this year in the lives of these ladies who are pre-cious to Him. I recently invited the ladies to our church. When they realized I was inviting them to Calvary Chapel, they got real excited and began to tell me how much it meant to them when we sang Christmas carols to the residents of Spanish Oaks Apartments a couple of years ago. They were truly touched by our kindness. One of them said, “You don’t see things like that any-more except in the movies.” I hope you are as encouraged as I am to realize that something as simple as Christmas Carol-ing was used by God to bless others.—Sheri S.

C alvary Chapel Paris struck out

on a new venture of faith this

year and took the church out-

side of its four walls and into the open

air. On November 4th, we came togeth-

er as one church at Bywaters Park,

where we sang aloud in worship to our

God and the gospel was preached in

power. Following the service, great

fellowship was had by all with a fantastic

pot-luck, games for those young and

old, and just great family to family

interactions. Calvary Chapel Paris looks

forward to Church in the Park again this


Church in the Park

I n the Single Minded meetings, we learn the Word of God, share testimonies in our lives, discuss

successes and failures in our faith. We learn how to apply the truth of the Bible to our lives, and how to follow His commands. We pray for each other and support each other in all seasons of life. I am blessed to be learning from the mature Christians in this special group of ladies.—Claire W.

Single Minded Ladies

Page 4: CALVARY CHAPEL PARIS · Syndeo Ministry Prison Outreaches. Prison Ministry The Fuse onference was a city wide youth conference with the goal of ... up a flyer from the Ladies Ministry

C alvary Chapel Paris was

very blessed in 2018.

Total giving was

$722,207, total spending was

$628,459. We have 7 months of

operating revenue in the bank.

13% of the 2018 budget was

donated to the 10 missionaries and

local ministries that we support on

a monthly basis. Benevolence funds

of $3,914 were distributed to

members of our church and

community in 2018. Those who

came in from the community for

financial assistance each met with a

pastor for prayer and counseling

and the gospel presentation.

2018 Financial


Missionary Support

Adult Life Group Sunday’s 5pm Grooms House

Adult Life Group 2nd & 4th Sundays 5:30 Cutrell’s House

Adult Life Group Sunday’s 5:30 pm Fagan’s House

Adult Life Group Sunday’s 5:30 pm Gall’s/Blackshear’s

Young Adult Group 1st & 3rd Fridays 6:30 pm Abbey’s House

College Group Thursday’s 6:30pm Golden’s House

Youth Life Group Sunday’s 5:30pm Bedford’s House

Men’s Breakfast Friday’s 6:30am Roadhouse Diner

Women’s Prayer Thursday’s noon Cozy Cappuccino

Women's Prayer 1st & 3rd Mon. 6:15am Paris Coffee Co

Women's Prayer 1st & 3rd Thur. 5pm Paris Coffee Co

Women’s Prayer Every other Fri. 5:30am Starbucks

Step Mom’s Prayer Tuesday’s 9am Paris Coffee Co

To learn more about each of the missionaries and agencies we support, go to Hover over the “Connect” menu, scroll to “Ministries” and click on “Ministries & Missionaries”.

Life Groups & Prayer/Small Groups

A Word from Drew & Tandi Little

T andi and I recently announced our departure from Calvary Chapel Paris to move our family to the Houston area to plant a church. Serving here has been a great privilege. We have been surrounded & blessed by some of the most loving & precious God-fearing people in the world. God used this church to teach & grow us into disciples of Christ;

and it is time for us to take what we have learned from you and go out into the world to make more disciples. We would like to express how thankful we are for your generosity over the past 10 yrs. We feel you have always gone above & beyond to bless us and provide for our family. More importantly, we have always felt that our spiritual needs have been your highest priority; and we have felt loved and encouraged the whole way. Perhaps the saddest part about our new journey will be leaving the kids in Children’s Ministry. Many of them have been with us since birth; & some of them have been with us for as long as we have been here. We love them as if they were our very own. We pray God will continue to grow them and strengthen their faith to become spiritual warriors that usher in the next Great Awakening. We ask for your continued prayers & the new church plant. Prayer makes things happen; God is so so so good! We will keep you up to date on the things He does. With hearts full of love, Drew & Tandi Little Psalm 16:11

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