
Many experts claim coconut oil can treat forms of dementia…

Particularly Alzheimer’s disease.

But what does the research actually tell us?

Alzheimer’s disease is characterised by a decreased ability by the brain to use glucose for fuel.

This slowing in brain metabolism

leads to cognitive decline, for

which there is no known cure.

Humans are able to use ketones as an alternative for glucose in order to fuel the brain.

Converting stored fat into ketones is the reason humans can survive days –even weeks – without food.

Ketone bodies are an efficient alternative fuel forcells that are unable to metabolize glucose or are'starved' of glucose.

For those with Alzheimer’s, it appears this “backup” ketone system kicks into gear.

Researchers are wondering if additional ketones might help fuel the brain cells deprived of glucose.

In order to increase ketones in the blood, it helps to consume a type of medium-length fats known

as Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT).

Coconut oil is a whopping 65% MCT, the highest percentage of any food on the planet.

On cognitive testing, MCT treatment facilitated performance on theAlzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog)… Higher ketone values were associated with greaterimprovement in paragraph recall with MCT treatment relative to

placebo across all subjects (P=0.02).

AC-1202 rapidly elevated serum ketone bodies in AD patientsand resulted in significant differences in ADAS-Cog scorescompared to the Placebo.

Both studies show promise, but are too small and too short to draw any

strong recommendations from.

Fortunately there is more research on the way, which will use coconut oil directly…

Given that coconut oil is by far the richest natural source

of MCT, it’s reasonable to believe consumption could be

beneficial for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Keep in mind, however, we’re only making presumptions

because the science just doesn’t exist yet.

For additional information and the

full list of scientific references, see

the original article:


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