Page 1: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at





THE DJ>:CEI'ffiER ~lOllTHLY FILETING of the AGsoch.tion will be held in Hoam 203 J Transportation Buildi~r , 1 59 Cr.:tig Stre{~t West , on ·.!cdncsday , December 11th , at $ :15 11·1 . Pro~ramme will consist of a l antern slide l ect.ure by ~1r . O. S . A. L.::wall e0 entitled "Genesis of the Steam Locomotive!! . The lantern slides are a recent gift of r·ir . L . B. Geor ge , Chief of Motive Power & Rolling Stock , Ganadian Pacific Raih.;ay , to the Association . The l ecture shoul d be at special i!1terest to our llm'ler members . l .. e uS\4ul , gUQsts will be \~clcomc .

I n accordance ",ith mot. ion made , adopted [~lld Association News passed at the November mO!lt iiJ.y me( , . D. S.A . Lavallee has bGen arpo intdd Chairman of the Nominations Commit.te£" for the Annua l Elections which will tak e pl ace 011 January 8th . i.~olain­at ions for candi dates for the eight Executive posts in the ASGoc­i ation may be maJe through Mr . Lav allee , 8ither verbally or in vlY'it ­ing . They shoul d be made and seconded by Ifluabers in cood standing , and be accompanied by the assent of the nominee . Onl y Regular f-1:c'm­bel' S i n good standing hC!ve the right to Inakc these nominat i ons . The privilege if.; a l so extended to HonOHrt!.ry Officers and ~lelllbers , but not to Associate rJi0mber s , Junior Members of subscribers . The e i ght posts for wh5 ch nominat ions wil l be accepted are : President , Vice President , Treasurer , Record i ne Secretary , Corl'cspondi ng Sec ­r e t ary , and three Directors . Mr . Lavallee may be reached by tL. l c ­phon e at CR . 9- Sg22 , or nominat i ons may be made by m~;il to his home address : 7440 Durocher Avenue , f>.10ntrea l 15, Canada . rlominations shoul d !!..Q!. be sent to the Association's postal addres!J .

SUB3CRIF:l!;RS to the Ne'oJs Report are invited to remit the i r 1958 subscriptions as earl y as poss ible , to avo id the year- end rush . As explained in tlw lJovl~mber i ssue , your bditor i a l Committee has found it advisal) l c to incr ease the sub:5crir.t.ion rate to ';2 . 00 pel' annu.rn , from ~~ l . 50 . The add i tional income iJ expected to provide fnnJs to :1l10w UG to include paces of illustrations , or photo covers , r egula rly . Invoices are enclosed , and your continued support is earnestly invited . r---------==;----------------! ~ , Railway Di v i sion Doings THE BRAESIDE Ci,!1 A~I:IVES IN 1iONTRCAL I

On All SR Lnt::; t Day , Hove:nbcl' 1st , the open str eet car , \lhich had been donn ted to the A::;~ociltion during the Spring by the firm of Gillies Brothers an<: COlTITK1IlY , r...':";'litcd , of Braeside, Ontario , ,,;fas brought to Eontl'cal throl.~Lh the kind efforts of our nember , 1·'Ir . Joseph Gest . i,!it thp. permission of ~11· . Arthur Dupe rro41 Chair:nan and General j~::lnuccr ? ,. thc: ,,;ontroal 'l'r<.msJ?urta~,­ion Comn ss i on , and Honournry V~co Pre::;ulcnt 01 our AS;3oc~at~on , -clIO car was placed i n the Carpenters' Shop at the Youville 3hops of the M. ';' . C. en November 14th , where it will be rebuilt compl etely by th,," Ra ilway Division during the winter .

'?he compl ete history of this car is , unfortunately , incompl ete . Built by t he firm of Patter son & Corbin in St . Cathnrine:s , Ont.ario , about. 1895 or 1 896 , the car "taS apparently onc of a series of ,Sf'vt-~1" -

Page 2: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


S1~ • .:;R:.: • ..:.H:.: • ..:.A".,--_ _______ -,Ie;'e"-,"-,,,,,,o,,r-,,-t. - 19.5~ •• __ •• •. . __ ".

al s i llli l ar v,;;hic l es in the pos;:;l",.::;sion of the 1.'oronto 3uburb£l.n .. 1ail­way in the early 1920 ' s . 1'1.8 c~ri:}ti.~: e" " ;:lol1f" '"11th 0 '.C' f""":.ctly simil a r , was pl.i.rc!ws,,-~d i.\y t}iC CIIJ.i ',- ,,~-.:r .... .1.'ir •. 1 ':""lJ.Jut. t.wt time throuGh the J .:s . Gurt::;lIorc c.:o:n,tJ<:my , r~ 'l'oront.o r3.ihlay supply firm. The othe>r cal' was .scrapped a1)oul; thl'", or f.)L",r ye;-,rc aco , \i:~ilc the present vehicle was v!ithdr..lwn i'roln SQ1"'vicL; during 19)(; , after a collision with rmot1lcr cal' , in \·:hich th~ op:?n- bench car C.:1II1(; off ' I ~econd be s t 'I. E,'1r l y i n 1957 , the car was the sul1 j ;':ct of !.~omc c0l"respondence between our G:m,)ral 3UpCl'" intendcnt , j:lr . Lav3.1lee , and ~':r ~ Aust i n Cross , the \-Fell- known r aili'lu.y- cnthusi"llJt co l uFlJ1ist of t.~e Ot tawa "Citizen" . As i t dcvf'l opcd that l"k . CroGs hud acquaint ­'wces i n the Gillies fami ly , he volunt.eerc::d to approach then on th(\ Gubject . r·lr . Andr ew i,Ie r r ilees of Toronto also interceded on our behal f , with the resul t that t he c:.'..r ,~as sold to tlv~ AssociC;'J.tio:r.. (;y the GilliJS fi rm , dur i n£, r,l..1.rch 1957 , for the nominal sum of ':;.1 . 00 .

,I The at.tempt to t r ace th~ c.:1r ' s eilrl.icr histo 'y has unfortui!"lt .... -l y not been us sHccess.ful as the projec t to a cquire it . \'/e nppro ­,.:u:h C. our coll ca['"ues in the Upper C.::.nad<.1. itai l way ::)ociety t-mo Ilctl.Jr-III LI ,J t,;lat if the car had i ndol3d com~1 from the roronto SUbUl'b:..;n i~i:.-Ll ­hi' 1Y , t.ll( ( i t was possibl y used on tho l ines of a predecessor com­p.1IlY H;lich liukcd norUHves t e r n 'l'oronto Nith the to.m of \;0ston , Ol1\~ . On the other llancl , ~1r . Mcrr i l ees has (~xpressed the opinion t~li1t it Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t h e'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at Youvi lle , so!n(' of the paint on the mc.d~2.l d:u;hboar ds and seat end castincs Vlas rc.::;,10vcd care ful l y , but t~lls search proved that any underlying P' int had bee:. rC<~10V(;l; in the i~terim , and the coat of f l at red paint c:uTicd by thp. car at Rr~~n­s i de was tJ"lC 0!11 y pa i nt i n evidence .

As to future pl ans , the C<1l' i, [H'Cr ntl~{ in ~emi-d itimtmt l (;d s:.a te , and the pl w".s 0; the :l.:- .Llw:,y 1J :i. v·;.~;ion call /or the construc- ' tion of n new undGrfrome , and replil.cC'mcn~·, of mOGt of the wood struc­t ur e . The car i s carrie;d on a Brill 21 - .s sj !1Cl a truck , which i s in ve r y good condit i on , thou?h this i s equipped with )6" rail way 1ilhccl s \vh i ch are too l a r ge . It i s pl anned to re lace tl}(~m with 33 11 street r ailway whee l s , and equi p the truck \Jith \_lcctric motors . It '"iould a;:> pear that the only wuod parts \· will be rcta i ned '".till he tho r ')of a nd i ts mc:mber s , and the backs of tho reversibl e so<"ts . The e :~fects of the weather duri ne: mnny yenrs or outdoor storace has t.9.ken toll of the SC3.ts a nd f l oori nr, and IlL~Ul/ frame member3 . '1'he absence of posit i ve early i dentifLcat i ofl has l od the Hai l way Divis­i :Hl t o consider pain tine the CDI' in aGr~l!mcnt \lith t hI] !·bntrcal str­e3t car collect i on , possibl y in the of t!lc.:: I-1ontrcal .3trtJot Ih.ihmy , of 1900 , to harmoniza with No . 2?1 .. , or in tbc pre - 1 90l l ivery of the l10ntrcal Park & Island H:..:. i lwu)r in its independent p3l'iod . Ie ::;]Lonl d be remar ked that r.luntrcal Park u Island Ry . V.'1f- t.b0 ollly (; l ectri c system i n the ?·Iolltl'cal area to [lOS80S3 C8,rS bj:i It b:- Pat;,torson &. Corbin . iihil e no photographs exist of tl:cse c:lrs , v:hich w(!re sinr:le truck and open , it is prouablo that tli-::y \'are of ::;imil'~r appearance t,o th.:>: car which \'/(;.\ poSSBDS .

The many ,ril linf.: hands who art' pal"'tic i pnting in tilis pro.jc.<:,t have ensured t.hat there will be no sdortage of workin[' force . ~IC hope that the me rr.bership in gener.:11 will support our tl' :t ps and t"us providt.: the 'Wherewithnl to purr-hase t.he many suppl:i.,;~-; \·,"'deli <1!"C r e quired . It i s hoped to conpl.:!t,c th~ projuct before Apl~il .

Page 3: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


, •• = ••• "I'. :; i f ~ I" I. ,. 4. - = Page .t :2Ll. CAI':AD I AN R:. I LiWAD HI~rrOIlIC,\L

AS~OCIh TION, _ __ _

:,ews Report No . 84 lecember J 1957

.i.,clitorial Address : Box 22 , Stat.ion B, Montreal 2 , Cannda ..

i!:f Ltor : Orner :-L A. L.:.tval l cc '··-~uty Editor : Dour.r1as B.l"'own

~,;, '>t. . gd i tor : i"ol' ;jter KC1,1P , '::iJ.mittce : Anthony Cler;g

Kenneth Chiver s William Ph,troah

r.:cszarch His tor ian : . Robe rt R. Brown

lIaAI!nAY" CAll B', T'-, ,,,·~·) .~::'

'fBi:: Uid':"!';,;!) ,~1'~"..'1'''!;.j AIm CAi~iLDA 11

Ono of the n,te.::.r i tcmr: to ("'"::0 :..;.cr oss onr ..:clii:.ori::tl desk in i:ec.:nt r,Kl '1.thz is JpJcial Issue No . 24 of I'fi' ·VJ:rV ... NS , Volu.r:lC: 15 , ~Jo . /~ , October l ~))'i . ;'.t .L cl,)d \'~b ilH':<~/~ Cr.r 3uilde r s Q! tht> llidt cd Statas <:t!1c. C·'j1A.da II , t he publle,::lt, ion includes 94 p<: .,.-c,r: of phot.Q- offoc!t cont er.t , :i_~_lc a n alplti:1"Jetical sketch of raih;.?o.Y, st r eet ra.:lh;ay <1.!H~ i nter urban car builder s of North At;ll~ri c a , "li::.h a brief histo''''' ­ice.l 5](~t ch and highli(trts on the caree r of each coml~ny . It is 'til)" -tratcd with several hundred l,:tot ... ~ - :1 ': l!-; . many o f which fo r m illus-t.r"'~ ]'v;' advert i sements in the tracle: nub"'.. · -at i ons of the early years of ~ ,e centur y .

Gauad i an Doze ns of these adver tisi ng inserts are rl~ pro ,-,_u ccu " ",,1 .• buil ders and companies arc wel l rnpresented .

Al l i n all , it i s a. most useful publicat:. ion and as a I'efr·. '.;;:nee> book , will f i nd a plilce i n the libr ary of every rail way historian , model bui l der or museum r a i l way H .. C .. B. ConSidering the r:.acni tude of the work , and the kno"m <;:ompar ati'lc hiBh cost of photo- offsc.-t r e product i on , the price of .;.3 . 00 asked for copi es is ccr t::l i nly not unr CJ.:lsonnbl e .. Those i nter ested i n o btaininr:: copics shoul u apply Jirect t o Mr .. I ra L .. Swett , Editor & Publ isher !. ,IInteruroans iV , 1416 30uth Westmoreland Ave nue , Lo s AngolGs 6 , Cal l 1'orni a , U. S . A. - The .....:uitor .



by }l~ric D. Edwards ________ -----1

It may be of interest to our r on.der s that the tu[".Joat used :in tlw current GBC 'T'cll..!vis i on scric:3 , liThe Advcntl1!'C';5 of Tug­boat Annie\! , is n 'l'oronto vessel . \fuile ther e a re supnoscaly t wo t ugs i nvol ved i n the pl.:lY , onl y on r. W<.l,[o; actual l~' u 3ed t,() portray both part s .. The vess e l in question i c the i l J .o C. Gl'~~i!lAn'l'iI , oWllcd by the Toronto Towine & Salvar.;e Company . Usuall y , f;equenc 0s in the ShOH have onl y onc boa t v i Si ble at once .. Prcswnabl y , in the rare instrn·· ces where both arc sllOvm , some s ort of t r i ck photo[.;I'aphy 1.:3 useG . Tho change f r om the "NAl1CI38USil to the H3ALAMAND.En " i s mach.: h:: i-'h simpl e method of having removabl e namcboa rds hunG over the V " ,;:" .1' <0: proper name .

This tUG i s .::1 50 interc[j tinc; ill another connecti.on . She ha:... o J .... ten been chartered by the 'j,'oronto 'l'r;ms:i.t Comrni::;sion for tho , .. ; n­t e r fl1r r y service t o thEc~ 1'oronto Islands . .Ju:, ·inG tb,; ~ .. :i.ntE.;.I.' ~r')YJt, h:.:> , (approx i matel y December 15 to f.fu.r ch 15) the 'l'·re chart3rs icebreaking tugs for this servico .. Last year it was the city- owned liNED HANLAN" and the ItILJ . DIXON iI of Toronto . Previously , ho y/ever , th e 'fJ . C. STE.'WARTIl was a l s o operated . This is a n :i.nterl:!stinr a nd l itt. l e - knO"vm facet of the far - flung TTC o perut ions . 'r ... l0 routc:-;; are oper ated. , -­City Ferry Do ck s t o the Fil tration Plant at Gibral tar Point I also

Page 4: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


_': !" f .. W '.' ., T • F ;~Oyl(j ttl] i.)9l"il ,- .12:;'1 PaGe ) ;(-2

call inG Clt' a~ temporary dock at Hanlan I s Point , formed from a City t,COW . Frequently, thi s service has to terminate here if ice con­c.:. ~"tions are severe , as they were for most of l<lst ycar . The other J9rvice is from City Ferry Docks to \~nrds Island Ferry Dock . The island is served by busses connecting the two docks . Norm..1.l1y , no motor vehicles , other than fire and Garbage trucks , etc ., arc allow­ed on the Islands . This is i rnored ill winter , however . Last year the bus service was provided by two Gray busses spcci.:llly ferried across , plus a number of school I")USSCS owned by the vCpclrtment of Street Cleaning . Drivers a re D3C men , and the ve;licles are main­tained at the D3C garaBc at Gibraltar Point .

The timetabl e is so arranged t!~ it is possible to cross to Gibral tar Point on one boat , t Clke a bus across the I s lands , and r et­urn on the other boat from Wards . Cost is 65¢ (or four TTC t i ckets and 5¢) . It is a paradise for amateur photographers and sometimes they outnumber corrunuters . Nany ftne and unusual views can be ohtain­ud of the city , particularl y after a snowfal l and some very interc .. , ­ing iccbreaking operations can be viwed , especially after a cold night . Presumably , this service '1/i11 cease whc·n the l.'lst resiJent 3 .:1rc moved from the Islands, and they become City parkl:~nd .

Another former TTC vessel was in the news aGain this WQ ~~ l- . " ~ ~ ~, former sidewheal ferry BLUEBELL , cut down to a e;ar bag() scow for Isl ands servi ce , sprang a l eak and sank at the City i:-1arine Yard last July . She has just been raised this \fleek . Her sister ship , t he TRILLIUM, is to be simil arly converted , thus removing the last paddlc­wheel steamship from Canadian registry . It is interesting to note tho.t two more former TTC sidcvlheelers still exist as construction barges . They are the RCC26 and RCC29 1 O1'1Iled by the Russell Construction Co ., of Toronto . One is the old lMAYFLO~lERn .

\lhen I was in Brit i sh Columbia on my holidays this summer , I was interested to observe the former CPR sternwheeler laid up at l'entic ­ton on Lake Okanagan . She is nov! a museum , dance hall , etc ., for charitabl e purposes . She is now named 'dSICAMOUS\l l. but I believe that this was not her CPR name . Has she the llj~UN'l'Ool?

(Ed . Note : No , the ship at Pcnticton is the itSICAIvIOUS It •

The ,lr·lIN'rO" is preserved at Nnkusp on tho Upper Arrow Lake , the ilr,iOYIEII at Kuslo on Kootenay I .. .::tke . )


997 SATURDAY [lOVEr·mER SECOtW, 1957 ,

davmed reluctant ly (? -Ed .) under a he,,;.vy , grey , overcast of eloud . Fine , drizzling rain began to fall Rbout 9 : 00 A.i , and continued all morning u::;

troll ey enthusiasts tried to get [: few l ast pictures of thl3 car:.::. -d'

routes 31 and 48, l ast eClst - west lines in do~mtown r~ontreal . :" was sommlhat of a surprise to see how many people were pros,.; ;.~ · · vlhcll car ,;997 emerGe d from ;,10unt Royal carb:-lrn into the , duLi. , .,ftCT­noon . Its resplendent colours of cream, r ed and silv(.r , .:.liJ T:"lUCJ'~ ~~ brighten the situation .

r~embf;rs of ou.r Assoc i at ion wero jo::"ncd on this occi;J.sion by St~vcr­a l members of tho No\'l England ~lectric R,lih"ay Hist.~rical ':;..:.;:;i ety ,

Page 5: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at

) . A. Ne\'/s Hcport - 1957

proprietors of t he Seashore Electric :\c;dlvTaY near Kennebunkport , 1111J . Only a folt1 seats '''ere unoccupied 35 the car l eft tht: c.:'lrb.:1rn and ~urned into Mount fioY.:ll Avenue . A few l atecomer::; bo.:trdcd the C<1I' ~s J.t. proceeded westward a long that street . At Park Avenue , the conn­ect ion from the westbound t r ack on Haunt Royal to the southbound t",rack had been r emoved, .:lnd so it \-/llS necessary to eo north on Park t~ L1uri er , then turn around by \'1ycinC the car , in order to proceed .<~011th . Ho.v:i.n,f; ac complished this manoeuver , we went uo\'ffi Park AV8 . ~.r_(l Bl eury str .)ct to Craig , thence to Cra i g terminus , "Ihere we took il' the course of Haute 31 , west"lard via Craig , Victoria Squa r e and ;aint J ames street . Time w;).s taken for tHO phto stops on this por­,ion of the tr i p , one at Victori a Square uhcr c the c[..r was backed ~n on the sel dom- used west siele trnckaec , and the: other .:1t r10unt.::lin Street , where severa l members photographed the C.:1r from the overhc,'d bridge .

At Flaet.: Saint Henr i , we d i vcrCt1d from route :31 , fo1"' our second to l ast trip to Lactine . We i'011ow0d n regul a r car from Cote St . Pnul but spent so much time in photo stops at 'l'ur-cot fmd nockfi c l d that we were .lu s t nhead of the r cgul :-:r ca r nt 6th Avenue , L.:.: chino . Both stops i ncluded .:l run- past for mot ion pictures . Tho.t at Rockfield was made unde r the Cana.dian PCl c i fic Railway viQduct . A tcn '~ J'l'l :t nute stop was made at Sixth Avenue , aft er vre returned to PI '3. cc at . Henri and resumed our trip over Route 31 via St . James , up the hill to the narrow rBsident i n l Old Orchard Avenue , then '/res t on Upper ' Lachine Road l formerl y \'lester n Avenue) to the unp<!ved Be l t;ravc Ave . l ast unpaved str eet t r ackage i n NoD. Go A photo stop W.:lS made here .

After about fi ve mi nutes ' delay , 'tie tur ned cost lfl:lrd on St 0 J anes Street (formerl y Upper L~chine Hoad) to Old Orchard Avonue . There the c .. : r was turned on t he wye and backed dO\lffi tho westbound track to GirOUClr c~ Avenue , a <.l i s1~ance of onl.; block . 1'his was necessary '10-c<J.tU3e there was no connecting track to permi t 2. turn from eastbound to northbound at that intersect ion . Fortuna.te ly , ther o '''';<1S little tr~lfric i n the area , possibly due t. o inclement wea ther .

\le turned north on Giroua rd AVf~nue , v.nd proc ('lOded to Garland Ter minaI, tr/llere brief "picture pauses ll at the Can.:tdian Pacific Rail'\"ay underpass and in the newly- paved ri£~lt -of-way noar Snmvdon Av r'!:)uc , where we were ove r taken by a reful nr Route 48 car and r i;-.ln ahead of it to the t erminal , where tr'e pulled in on t.he CQrtiervillc connoct i o ~ f or another t en- minute stop . The greyness of the c,fternoon began 'co darken as we l oft the termimll on t,ho r e turn Dourney , and it was alp most dark as \':e po.sscd St . Henri carbarn a nd turned into t he sinr-I e track on St . Antoine street . \lhce l s clattered 11S the c£!.r ran through the inters ection of the s ingle track o~ Lenoir 3tre~t , over the CPR spur at BourgLt Str eet and a cross the hGlf- d i suned i ntersect ion at Atwater Avcnue , where a switch fro g st i l l remai.n cd fron the se cond track on St . Antoine , removed more than t\'!cnty yc:~,rs c"bO .

\le continued a long St . Antoine to Crc: i g , and tl'.·;n a~cndcd Bleur­to Ontario . '\1e turned east\l/ard along Ontario to Del ori micr , thence to Mount Roya l Ave nue , and retnrnc,d t o the ca rbarn short l y bero!'..::. 6 :00 PM.



Page 6: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


rAre 1.2"1 -------_ ... _--_ .... - - -- -by It . H. Bin:1~,

ANYONE ST:lOLLING ON THE ,100D2D nort!l- ea st slopes ot i 'ount Roya l '-'!1 a fine evening in the spring of 1930 r.l iCht hav<2 ;'; ccn excused for t~.iJ1king that he h<""'l.J suddenly be'.om transported to :3u:1ny Itnly . He \-J(.n.ld hear sinl:inr a nd .J.ccordion ;;m3ic , s"]e 8. a:'1J s Llcll spaghetti cookinc; -- E!ll in the Ita li_1 n 1<tnr~er . In truth , he woul d heve stumbled upon some of the tr:-:tck l.-o!'kcrs of the i"Iontrec<l l'ramways Con:pany who , dur i nb the dayt iMe , l a id steel for the Mount a in tram li:1e , but literal ly dl ivcd on the job '? by sle0pinf-· in small tents and coc king their meal s in the open .

, The concept i on of this line must be credit ed to engineers of the City of r10ntreal r s Public \"Jorks Department who Viere inspired by the buildine of the Shakespeare Road line (nm-l Hemernbrrtnce Road) , in 1924 . They proposed a l ine from Park Avenue to pass over the back of the Mountain and connect \'lith the ShukeBpcare Hoad line . Since the incl­ine cable railway ",as abandoned about 1915 , the only means of L:et,tiE.s to th~ top of Hount Royal and its famous "Lookout ,/ vias by foot , bi­cycle , horseback or horse - dr;J.\<,TI carriage . On T-hy 5th , 1924 work cot;lmcnced on a double track tramv<say line up Shakespeare Road . This \'la3 l aid on the north ed~e of the road as open tY',.;!.ck with re-lay i'ails and terminated at a small loop n cnr the ccmctGr'y fence . A yC'.~ ).~ or · ~-, ... "o l ater , Lhe track area was fil l cd and t:-iC rond and are:] WCl" ~· ,3urfaced .

One of the Birney cars acquired in early 1924, proviElcd the basic service on this line for many years . In the beginnin~~ i t operated alternately on the ritht - hand ;;~nd left- hand track in a 'Ii] shaped f..-!shion II . Later operation was confined to the north tra ck . On ·,.Ieek ends and holidays , t'110 1325 c l ass cars v.rere required . 'l'hcse vlere operated norTiD.lly and '!",yed l! t'. t Cote d0S Heiges Road . The­speare Road service Has riven only f rom Hc1Y throue;h Scp~~(~;nbcr . Daily service was given during June , July 2nd i\ll;-:USt , anet ..-~t ot.her t imes onl y on Saturdays , 3und.::tys flnd holidays . In Gc:m(;T8.1 , tl:.e cars ran f r om 9 : 00 AI·! to dusk .

ThiS , then , was the situation when a line up the eastern side of the mountain was proposed in the mid -1920T s . It viaS argued that such a l ine woul d provide cheap and easy ac ce3S to Mount Royal Par k from all sections of the City . Furthermore , it was claimed that the project would not harm the natural b eauty of the F.:l.rk as it woul d be unobtrus i vely l ocated along; the northernltmits of the Park next to the cemeteries . Civic authorities had considerable difficult~y in selling this idea to the Montreal Trannrlo.ys CompanYi

and to the contro­lling body , Montreal Tramways Commission . It \.,.:1.5 ooked upon as a very unprofitable venture . Finally , after r:J.uch discussion , it was aereed that if the City cut a right- of- \1.:ly with suitabl e grades Rnd curves , the Company woul d build a l ine and furnish a l imit(;1d service similar to that on Sh3.kespeare ftoad .

A contract for cuttine and gradinG a right- of- vTaY , a 33'/- foot curved tunnel , was awar de d by the City to Cooke. ConsLruct ion Comp:my , and vlOrk cOr.1rnenced in the Spring of 1928. By :nid- Aucunt 1929 , the road'i~'ay V/a5 compl eted and trackl aying started on Octooer 'lth for the fo'Iount Royo. l Park l i n e , as i t was then officially called .

Page 7: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at

• ~ > ~ !W.I'" ~ ~ x \ /c T Y 0 F M 0 NT REA L I I .J ~ \ I I r-d LMT.ROYAL ~ ~~.VO. '!o . ~~ C,md;"re de Ho/~ Dame d'S Nejes 'Movn! I/O!!,,! . ~- _ _ _ _ .~ I

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Mounl Poyal P~rk



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~ H . H . A . News lleport - 1957 Page 1 29 Progress was rapid during the Autur.m of 1929 . Bc,fore \oI.'Ork was halted for the vlintcr , double tra ck held been l aid frolil the end of the Shakespeare track to a point ... wll down t.he east side below the tunnel. The summit loop W.:1S nlso installed . In Apr i l, 1930 , work :>n the Park Av~nue l oop and connoction to Mount Royal Avenue "'laS :--tarted . On compl etion , the truck l"laS car!"'ied up the mountain to j-,!-:,~t the previous wqrk. The l ine was rendy for service in early .;,::'y , at a cost of 'ij'124,41 9 .12. The track was e iven an unauthorized 'l,:ld unexpected test when a push- car with two of the Italian trt:!ckmen ."loard got out of contro l and ended up safel y at Park Avenue , having . ·~.kcn all the curves i n gr and styl e .

'v'lithout question , it "Tas a fi ne piece of trackwork . Every pre­::aut ion was taken to cnsure safe operation . Creosoted t.ies were used In rock ballast , with new 80 and 35 lb . rails . Joints i'Jere boltel! ":".i[ht and slip- point expa.nsion jOints were installed periodically . (,uard rails in the curves were new rail and specially designed tic ,)l ates were used . Also , steel spacer blocks were o.rranged so th~-it tIlO [':uard rail coul d be moved closer to the running r ail to compen­s;::,t.;e for wear . Centre safety rails \'lere installed at strate,;ic pl ace s to restrain a car in case of derail ment .

Because of the \<lhBels used by thc Mo ntreal Tramv1aYs Company , have a narrow tread and shallow flange, it was thoup:ht wise t~o lay the tr&ck to a r ather tieht gauge in order to prevent any later~l play of the wheels . ~Ihile th i s procedure may hnv(j contributed to safe operation , it caused the cars to squeal like mad . Sprinkling ",11th water was tried and finally , careful tl.pplicntions of rrcase on the curves , but this annoyance was never completely overcome . Despite the fact that new licht - wcit:ht tuo - nan cars (2100 class) "'lere on hand , cars of the 1 325 claS,1 "((~re selected to serve the new l ine . They Vlere chosen at rand mil from the 200 units i n that series , with the provision that those sel ected must General Electric K- 35 control, Vlestinghouse 533 motors and 11estinrhouse air brakes

i a l l of which equipment could be depended upon for safe and rcliab e performance . While the characteri stics of thG lino , a rise of 470 ft . i n 6 , 200 feet , with several rather sharp curves , were well 'iithin the capacity of these cars , it was decided to equip them '-lit.h an auxil­iary braking system. As safe operation was the primary consideration, it ",las necessary to provide a practically foo l-proof control of the descending cars .

The system adopted is knovm as dynamic braking and ret.ards the car by usin6 the motors ,'I S benerators . For those unfamiliar with this system , a brief outline of its working follo'Vls :-

Ord.inarily , ",Then a CHr i s coastinG with the controller off , the ~n.otors ,J,re spinninG and are a ctually potential generators of c l~ctric current . The dynamic brake consists of an Quxiliary controller v ... hich connects the l!lotors to .:!. r es istor of nickel chrome ribbon mounted under the car . This resistor constitutes a "load" tending to retard tho motor speed . As the motors arE:! permanentl y geared to the axles , the effect is a retarcia i.:. ion of the ca r speed . The resistor can be designed to allow <1. flow of current about equal to that required to drive the car up the same e;rade at the same speed . In this case , the speed Vi.:lS f i xed

Page 9: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at

_.~'''' ______ • _ __ .!JII.!!."w.!!.-",I1'!r.Q''t • 19 '7 at 1 2 m. p . h . on a lO;~ gr(~dc . In s!10rt , the en81":"Y of the descend­ing car is turned i nto e l ectric :!. l ener gy ;:.nd dif;~; ip'''.tl1d as heat in the r esistor, instuo.d of heat at tho b:r.·3kes::o{.~; ·.n in convcr~­t iona l br~tk ing . ~hth the dyn.::tmic 'Jr'l,k c it i s i L,nossilJlc to lock the bra k e or GO into a skid . To jlc~ke '\ dead stop tlw clynumic control ler must be :3hut o ':' t' "'-.:-h~ . . :!ir or h;:nu. brekcs ::Ipplied .

Twenty of the 1325 cl ass caro "o.Jr(~ Gl'"jui rpcd with uynlliaic Drakes , J.P, well as with u pm·mrful Peacock'fl r: ss han':. bl'rrkc on e .'1ch pl a t ­;',Y::"m. Al s o t h e circuit breakers ,.,rcre r epl a ced by rec l oDinr; line f;w:tches under the car , with the nGcGssary :ao dificat i ons of the con­'~ro llcra to opernte these devices . NODO of th.sso changes pr evented tile ca r s from operatinf; in rerular city s ervice \lhen not r equired E('r t.he mounta in line . \'lhen on this line , usc of the dynami c brake "T..:.S mU!1datory on the s teepest portions , but prohibited on othu' parts 0; the systeM, Car s so equi pped were :- 1325 , 1 326 , 1331 , 133 2 , 1337, 1338, 13)9 , 1340 , 131+7 , 134$ , 1439 , 1463 , 1464 , 11,66 , 1471 , 1477 , 1482 , 11,$8 , 1495 , 1496 .

Service on the now l ine commenced July lOth , 1930 , hot\'itJm Park AV0nue Loop a.nd Surm:tit Loop , desirnnted as Route 75 . Durin!; tho first sen zan , on fine we ek- ends , a lancer rout e was set up : - il~'lt . Roy:ll I'io . ll lt , f ra t;], the int erse ction of Mount Royal Avenue: awi Ihcr­vill I.:' 3trL!ot to Sumrnit Loop . 'fhis was not too succcsoful nnd , sub­sequent l y , the CC1r::; r an onl y from P.::rk AVL!nue l oop rcta i nincV,hc: routl: nlu,1bor 1 1 , :l ncl designated I/l,~ountain-i,lontue ne" . Th~ purlod of opcr''l.t i on was fOnerD. lly the S.:1me as for Shnkespc[.!re Hoad ~ol},Le ?3 . On "reck day s , one c~r was usuall y suffic i ent , making a rounu trip evc.:ry twenty minutes . Un wec!c- lJnds .:mo. holiduys if'tII0 \fectiLer was fi ne ) ten or more: ca rs miCht be I'cql1.ircd on Haute 11 .

In 1931, t JlL! f our Observat ion cars \·/01"'0 simi l~rly cqu. i~rlLd fo r use on the line . At t l~ is \[l"itinr- , it is not c l c::l I' whether i t was the int0nt ion to use the moullt3 i n ~ ... s p<,.rt of the rnvulal' Obser ­vation route , or j ,f they would. l'e u~ed 011 houte 11 as n tourist attr­a ction . In any case , it W.:1S bcL::..t edlY d i scovered tht:'.t the sr.1all clearances in the tunnel woul d il1~!'oducc <l hnzo'1rd to cnrcl oss passen­gers who mi€,:ht l ea n OV C:l r the IJiuf.: or stand up at the h i c:h0st level. So , the Observation CRrs WCI'l~ nevor operated in r cr;u l n r ser­vice ove r tho 1·10untain . 'rhey did GO up a few times OJ! chart0r ed trips , notably C. R. Ii . A. outings .

Sttlrtinc about 19l;.2 , even i nG scrvicQ was provided for thousands of Fersons attend ing the open- air symphonic concerts hel d V1G 0kly at ";he Chalet . 'l'he cars were L! quipped to carry headlights and as uany 3.S 15 to 18 cars wer e used on ROl1te 11 , anJ s i x or litorc on Houte 9 3 J ~he l atter being 13 2 5 cl ass cars frO!ii 3t . Puu l J ivis ion a lrcady equip­?eu with hC[ld1iGht. s for the Lach i ne l i ne . 1'urning ba ck for a moment -:'0 tilO Jhakespearo line , the usc: o f 1325 cl ans cal~S on Sundays nnd !to1ijays vlaS drop!,>cd nbout 19 38 J be cause of the difficul ty and dcl ny in 'VI.y(: inl,; Oll Cote des NCibes Ro.:!d . Inste,"ld , tlu~ (>e 1525 class on(, - I!Io.n carE werc: oplJil·atcd hctvmen th0. Cote des Ncigcs loop at 1u0(:'n ~-hry :lone £!nd the .)u.nmlt Loop . Fi ~1011y , in 19/+5 , a crossover \vi,'.S inst1.11ed at tic foot of RC'llCmbr.'ltlcc Roa d , as it had then become k llOVffi , and double - end on(: - rtlLln cars of the 2001 or 2000 cl ass wer ,.~ u ;;od for both lJee:kJ'lY J.nd weekend ncrvice . Tho line vns d:L:3cont i nued on T,'by 28th , 19 55 and repl accu by a simil a r bus sl;I'vice , - the short SlJctl0n of riCh l,-of- '·/ay nC!1r thIJ 8ununit loop beine pavcJ for thC' exclusive usc of tie busses .

Page 10: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


Q ' 4 ''1i1",,. ,' It.L¢!.:r 1l ~ 1 9!J1 Pr,p,Cl 1~1

'i • 0" $ " ______ • _____ ---.- __ •••• ~.

The r· line J No . 11, ("ol1"~inued lI..!'t il Octob(Jr l ast cur to oper ate "-las ~;o . 13/, 'I . ·t:.. ... 'l vv. , 1957 .

I n the enti~Q tViC11ty- c,d:t;ht ),f'.1.r lifo.;' or this .i.ntc-r~:;ting street­ca r line , 6 , 304 , 05 3 pas:::eng,.Ts llOr(> cC',"Ticd , - 2n c.vLr :1["c of 225 , 166 par season . 'rhe maximwn yeur was 194.1.,. with 393 , 546 pasEH.Hlgc r s . The lowest year was 1936 \.,.ith 114 , :.i98 passengers .

Contrary to wh.:lt one might expect on ~ road of th"Ls n:lturc , no h,.ir- raisinG accounts of lfru!1_aways 'f , collisions , or .l.ccide!its CQll ~h .. given . As far tiS i s ShO\-fll , the six [.lillian passengers were ;;::r'!"ied up or dONn without injury or rJ.ish.:!.p of any kind . Th(~rc were 11: <' or two minor der,:li l ments CaU3e(~ by debris on the rails . 'I'h is ",:-cord spenks well for the quality of construction , rlcl"inten:ancc of : 'clline [:itock and oper.:1tine: methoJs . Only cr,Jws trqineu and qw"'!.lif­ie;d for thL; line were pe.cmitted to take I1ountai r: runs .

tlai ihs '.vcrc removed on cessation of service . The City llill build a. ror·.d on the old right··of- w.:ty for auto traffic . At t.he prczt:nt time , there is no cortainty that t:-lis road will be suit'cl1J12 for- bU:-; IJIJ .

'i.'.·',lS ends a short but true .. 10ll..' e l ectric r:.!i l '·,'"1Y opor"" .. tio~1 cO,Jplctc "lith steep Grades , sharp survus , rock cuts , c: tU',.t'lel ~::1d dc.ns(; woods , 0. 11 i n the hear t of .:t l irGe city .

The "Shad Flyer" and Other Trains

by Lorna Porry


It ' s n.::me doc.:;n ' t nppc:ar in D.ny pub­lic VL 'lctab10 , nor \t:J.5 1t co i ned by any r't'~)lic rclntion~ writer . Nor is i.t t::,. nlcknnml;.) Gi ven by ompl oyees , but i t is GIl ap;'1roprinte TIctme , none-thelc~s . St . L:~mbcrt I'c~i lrans dream-ed it up one sprinG evening "Then the season ' s crop of shad f l iGS buzzed around the station lights and 'i'rain 137 Vlhist l ed for the crossinGS as it camG through LonguGuil . 'lhus , 'l':cain 1 37 and its lJorning count erpnrt , No . 1)8 , CtililG to be kno"ffi as the IlShe.d FlyfO!rtl , Ll J)propriate since its route lies along the.: banks of the Sai nt Law­r ence in the midst of the shad f l y belt . I guess that the H?lyer" part was mos tly sarcasm .

The Shad Flyer ' s regularly a ssiened locomotive is Canad i an i~at ­ional' s 5529 , a nut ive Pacific buil t in 1906 . I ' m afra id thrtt h€.!' ciays ar" numbered , 'o'lhat with CNR ' s predication that everythinf, on the south shore €!Clst of ~lontreiJ.l wi l l be dicselizcd by the SU!mn'ir' of 1953 . For years , I had i ntended to ride the Flyur over its whole !'out e and fin2. l1y made up my mind to do so this F.'1l1 , while i t is still 5t~~"".m- powcrcd .

r1'l'je dute W.:lC Sc.turday , November 23rd , 1957 , The locomotive , us q.sual , wu$ 55 29 ; the equipment consisted of muil CRr 7717 (a wooden 6.nt iquo possibly ['.nt(;1datil'lc 5529) , a raod8rn expr ess car 7}9000 , and reclining setl,t cO.:1ch 5294.

The IIShac. Flver d start s out from Nontrual dn ily except 3un-lay as number 1)8 cn{ runs over the SorcI Subdi v i sion as f08.r as Sor'.;; l , the Yamaska Sub6.i'dsion to St . Grc,Coil'G and then becomes tr;.~ in nU:-!lbe r


Page 11: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


·.' J"~ ~ .. " ..... 4f $ • . . 151 to travel five mil es' dO'.m the Aston Subdivision to tho Ferry \/harf , otherwise known as II Travcrse el . Turninr: around , it becomes train 140 , and continues on the Aston subdivision to Victoriu.ville . Five hours and twenty f i ve minutes fo r 127. 2 miles ; not b:?d , con­sidering .

One thinty- eight is a French- C[l.nndian trcdn -- staffed by Fren­ch Canadians and serving French- Canadj.ans . It t r avel s through some Dr the prettiest French- Canadian scenery , through an enea settled ,.r:C" ry early i n Canada's history .

I boarded at St . Lambert , that beine :ny place of residence , t:!1d pull~d out seven minutes l ate . One thirty- ciBht was not at fault j was just that heavier trains got the right · .. of - v...ray through the St . ·. Mbert interlock er. The stops at Longueuil, Boucherville and Var­:. "11185 were filade without losine any more time. I c l ocked a mil e and ."ound that we werC::' proceedi n€ at the s\jat~ly rane of 44 . 4 mil es per hour -- 0 , 6 m. p . h . under the maximum allowed by the \'10rking timetable . 'I'he white steam from 5529 billowed do\m on the l eft side of the train casting crazy shadows on the eround . Cattle turned and t't1n from 5529'5 whist l e , no doubt producine milk- shakes i n the process . A wedding cava l cade , cars bedecked with white ribbon , wait ed at a level crossing for us to pass . A great cloud of stecm co~pletely obscured the view as the enGineer opened the blow- down valve . A fOOl - har dy truck scooted over an unprotected crossing as 5529 shriek ed a warning . Then the trainman came into the coach and called "V&irshire l1

, which means , of coursot Vcrcheres . The engineer ' s br aking technique was a little off , so m·ter stoppin[ , he backed the train half a car l ength to bring the mail car door right opposit e the mail - man I S a utomobil e . \'Je passed the rusty trctckage l eading down to the Iron Ore Company of Canada ' s transship :le nt dock. No are moved fror.1 St . Anto ine by rail this year , but nO\'f that the NeVI York Contral's petit­ion to reduce ore rates ·.r ia CNR- nYC to Ohio has been eranted by the I . C. C., perhaps the rail "'Iil l be s!1iny acain ne.::.~t spring .

\Ie a rrived i n ,sorel one minuted before the scheduled tilile , but d i dn ' t leave until 10 :12 -- twenty minutes later . DurinE that entire time , six nen \,lith the he l p of n rolle r conveyor illlloaded express from car 9000 . Be f ore they started , the car was janmed almost to the doors , and "lhen they finished , the express tiepot was naarl t bursting at the sear:1s . They unloaded a playpen , eav~; stroughs , auto tires , (by ro them "Jith greut g lee down the conveyor) , rugs , TV sets , rolls of wire , exhaust pipes , a toboegan and count l ess boxes and cr ­ates of all shapes a nd sizes . The conductor was qUite proud of the work done by his train , and took me on a per sonally conducted tour of the express car . I wa3 appropriately impressed .::>.nd was informed that it is the same eve ry day , except <1t ChriStr.1.:1S when it t s bus i er . \Vhat a town of 16 , 000 does wi th a ll of thi s.nerchandise , I do not k now , but it is obviously the r eo-son "/hy 13 ; continues to run . Fi fty five twenty- nine made a pleas~nt sound puffing through the countryside . True , the rods clar~ed a little too much , and the ex­haust was a bit slushy , but it ,: .. as stema railroad ing in the grand o l d manner and I enjoyed it . '1'l1c line is in pretty fair shape bet ­Vieen St . Lt.mbert and St . Antoine , good enough for 6 , OOO- t on ore trai ns , but be yond St . Antoin e , the quality of ma intenance falls off a l ittle . The ballast varies f rom crushed rock 2.t each end of bridges , to cinders , gravel and sand . Beyond Yamaska , the ties are sometimes

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!. ..t ... ,

At Y~lI'1aska East , a sm~ll boy collected six IJiG ;jail sacks nnd p,i.l':d th.:[\ on h i.S li~~t1e red waeon . Four oJ:' th e eiClit IX.lGsLn,f'e rs ... ~:.:; e mlJ.:!rked at Picrreville and t:1C truinT:t!1 , showiEr: .:". ill his ;",b not often s~cn these days , elGancd up tile r;l(;SS t ll~'l,.L they had .r~. ;:'t around thl3ir soc:.t . Thern '.no :,101'03 exp:c,st; ,,:o!'k t.o lh~ Joac ...... t .-~co let J and onc of the p.:1ssc~[·er:.:. t.()ok aa.~Cl.ntaC(' of the delay to run

c';or to the main street I1nd pUl·ch:~!.io Ceke and C):5.1)5 . Th("~ cO'1ductor ((~isp1ayinf tr.:luitional CNU COlll't €.sy .:-md 3ervice.:) ~ prodHCCll E. bott l e op3ner to pry the top from sn i J COk3 .

'vIe l eft Ni colet 35 IJlinu~~E'S L lte -:,ncl our n(..xt stop \'13.['; a t St . Gre[.oire . THO \·m.y- frc irhts · • .'Cl" {' p",-:'i(·ntly ',;a itinv for us to arrive and dC'p.:trt , so th.'1t they could cOLt:i.nu0 about thoil' bus inesu . One v1.3.5 headed for Sorel , pc'r.fe!'8d by 1 551, a r~~nu.;:lbcr8d. 'I'en ',nlCelcr , and tnc other h~u come in from Victoritlville behind an 1·1UI bl'anc1: - 1ine roo.d switcher numbered. 171 2 . St . Grn£-:oir<..; i s a register s tat.Lon and it was here that our conductor I'cri.stered our train in the book provided for the purpose . Amid G.111ic greet ings to th.f) crews of the other ttoJO trains , h e: gave our enGineer a highball, for our 29- minute detour in the trip to Victoriavil1e .

~[e got to the whnrf just in time for our tvTO 'I' rois llivieres pass­engers to catch the i·erry . VJ<lsting no tir.1c , \'10 backed to ties Orme::ux :'.J"tntion :lnd spent 12 minutes unlondinr ,n:prc.'ss . rio!' ''] backtng nnd v-" ... arrived :.~t th e \"lye . The 12'[," f:J.rthost from t}1t?: linG enn t> .. c: ~mrine , two cars .:md no 1:1.0re , so the conch l.7:!.S l oft~ on the z;: in . fh( ~':y0 is on a grade and 5529 lost ho:r footing tit/ice belore she V."f .. S cl...,m" 0'" t.hc 5vlitch . \Jhen \vo cot b"lCk to St . Gre.I·~oire , 1 551 h'ld l(:i'1. .i.'or Jorcl anJ 1712 1;/2..S \,l:liting to [0 down to Jcs Orr:1e:.1.Ux . ·.ic breezed throuGh Frecieux 3c:mr; (Precious Blood) ..:..ncl came to Ast.on Jllllction where the Aston and Drw:unondv·i.llo m .. bdlvi .. ;;ions intersect . 'l'in} sienal was ae.:tinst us for six r:tinutcs while t\/o pass,:l1ro:;" c):tras cr'osscd our path . A 6200 went viCst Hith 1 5 C2rs ;:Uld :': caboos;.' , .1.nd 91.~11 and 6855 west east with 1 2 cars just one hour Qh(~;'ld of the r-hri­time Express .

Walkor Cut was the first CVlc~~ncv of the "Gnst.crn Tormships hillf.i . The l ine bf'gan n ~~ent1e t"\scPr:t. tb .... t l'lsted for hal f 0. :nil c ; al l the time pc.;ssing throuGh a rock cut . l'b..\ r,m cnJod \ .. 'ith O\U~ r~.l'":.:'iv;:l l in Victoriilville at 1: 28 rr,~ , jU...;L e:i,rlft ;1inutc;3 behin,.i. cclieciulc . The passcnecl's d isembarked nnd the t,r':j n ;'.'t1.S mo,,-cd to tho platform track and the nail and express Vlere unlonded . I ' .... ent to lunch .

I r eturned to Fontreal by Railiner over & rou'ce that was 21 mile:~ shorter and three hours faster thow by 138 . nulliner tr:.lin 61+3 froT!1 : ~uebe c arrived in Victorinvil1e at 4 : 10 H·i . 'i'ne 1,ofaS an P..DC - 3 , No . D- 352 nccoClodatine 45 p1.ssen[;crs . LC:l.ving Victorinvi I.le , it .:iCC ­

o,.lOdatcd 44 pa with on8 seat left over for tllo conductor . :'1y respect rose for the research people who such t.iI:inr;s . "'Ie pulled into Richmond at 5 : 06 , nnd I quickly tr'nnsferreL! to Hnil ­~ner train 617 wa on the: other trnck . · It had arrived fro~.l Island. fund, Vt . with ;mC- l D- 105 "nd HDC- 3 D- 351. p.n iWC- 2 , D- 200 wno cdded anJ '''ID pulll.:d out 90 s('cO!1ds lntc \' .:;.bout 70 passengers .

Th ... prcttit,st crevnnc,--"ber on train 617 is the NewsGirl . 3:10'

Page 13: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


__ -'N"'c'-"e:"L_.l.2:!:'i_-_.1.?.'i?. _ _ _ _ ___ ,-'p.,,-"',C.,c'-' -,1~J",,4

provides a scrviC0 that is so:n(~l.hlnr. n,- W o!_ -:'-.!10 ern -- sort of a COr:1-

bin:ttionnN0ws Agont nnd Lunch COllnt~'r typt· of opc:."'ntion . A counter , eqllipped ... rith fivc - g<lllon coffee m:n :.:..nJ Ci.l'Y icc; l~ '') frl. r;er.::.1..or , has bC ')11 set up i n one end 0':' D-I05 in l ieu of three soats . 'r}l~ yOlLl'lg ] d,jy who staffs i t lookto smart c.nd has <J. rendy znilc . Ho .... ' unlike t.l1~J u5u0.1 nC,l\lsie l

She usuall y stays behind th.::..: counter but when thin£s bet s l ack ::!:r:: takes a basklit of so f.t drinks and 3andwichcs alld t'/C'.lks dO\'1n t.he t,rlin . 'rl1c~ hie-BGst nJvantaf,c is thnt servi c0. is nlways <lvail.'lul o . Ii')\'{ r.l.::.ny tifJes be.s the Ncwsie been hawkine ci~ar ett eG or comi c books i't h:m you wanted Cok e ? How often have you hO'~rd .:1. NU'1Sic ... mrn t11:1t ;:~l Ls vms his l ast trip throur:h \-"lith sn,nd\t'!ici1cs even though the 1'1m

~.:d ju::;t bu[;un . Ycs , \'/(;; chould haVE:: !.lore i~e;·!Sg irls . 1.~y , but she !;.ld i..l ni c\J s:aile .

~mc' s ilre ccrtO-inly not. the ultimate in l"r:. i l trav~l~ They're no~.,sy inside , the seats don ' t recline and the washrooms arc tin~" , h1.l:t mo;:t p.3.sSCnper3 .,\rc willinG to put up h'ith tbese mj not' inconveniences i ll i.:.hp. intC'r0st of speed . We W€lr' e three minutes l .1te out of St. . B;.'l,­c]nthe and nine minutes l Clte at Central Station. lio\,/c\-'L.r pe.rt of tilis was due to terminal delays , one minut0 .::J.t trw!l br'idCc.: and three mi nutes just outside the stntion .

And thus ended my journey . If you enjoyed rc;_din g Ei.b(;u-:': the tri p , you'l l enjoy even more r!lakin.e; i1', yoursel f . Do so , lX.fore o l d 5529 SUCCill1bs to the ravages of ti:le or diesel s , or both .

Ottawa Transport.'1tion Commi ssion Notes

Advic() h:.~s nO"l"; heen received tha t the Otta;'l,"! TranspoI't~tion CO!lU',l i~sion will resume weekend. tro 11ey service to all l ines , effective December 1st , [lnu unt il Apri l 1st . The Cot.1r.lission apP3.rently

f oe l s that cars a r e k eep the rail s free

necossary ea ch d~y during the winter months , to of snovl and i ce .

A r ecent v i s it t o Ot t awa d i scl osed the fCl.ct th2.t tvlO tracks i n the Champagne car house have been pav \") d over for tho servicing of .:l.utobusses , resul ting i n the scrapping of ()j.r.:ht ~dditional C<J.I'S of the 651 class , and thE; tr.::::.nsfer of Q['tl1Y units to Coburr, c~rhouse , includinr the four 1 000 cl"ss cars , nnJ nG.J.I'ly i.:~1 1 work cqllipf.H.::nt .

683 , 655,

65: Cl ass 68/t , 686 . 6$9 , 690 ,

cars scrapped rocent1y arc : 659 , 662 , 669 , 631 682 The ten reJ7l:1.inine cnrs of this clns s arc : 668 , 686 ,

692 , 693 , 694, 695 , 696 . --_.---;--

(Account l imited acco!Jodation , •••• 'l'ROLLEY Tti.IF AN~JOUNCill4ENT • • •• 'phone or mail ronervatio'"ts )

n:-~c_~~:~g·'y .

SA1'UilDAY , Dr;CF:MB~]t 14 . 1957 - Trip over lines of thG Ott~'''"..' {?'.'ns­portation Cor;mission , usine: 651 clUGS c.?r . ~nst 4! hours . l.eaves Coburg Street carhouse at 11: )0 AM . Fnre : :11"'2 . 00 pcr pm'son . 'f hose i n Nontrcal who crm offer , or requ:~rc , met.or tr'.:n3nort~tion t o Ottawn arc eske<J. to t~elephono lIT . 1-1cI;Lmin i.l..t Ci1.9-r:~22 .

SUNDAY, DllC),I4BErl 1 5 , 1957 - TrIp ovcr ~;"n\T,'n1 "ord ~nu C:u'\;i.(,rvillo lines of thl' Montreal Trnnspo .. ·t:'"' CO! l,is.:..:ion , US1.:1['" Birney car 1/200 . Leavc 3 YouvillG 1 2 : 00 Uoon . Fr.!.t'o : ~;~2 . 00 per person .

Page 14: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


:~ " .. ''-'' .'-________ .!:lI"'o"'W"'S_ J,,· ("-CI,,,)O!.-'!,-,-t,---,-,--,1-,2~5:L7 _ __ _ ---------_._--

r'~~' ., ... r ---'-------

iontrcal Tr:msportCltion Cor.lfni ssion Notes

The r epl acumcnt of j'ail s .... ·rvic(> on the St . JaJ11uG and Gt . A:1t.oi:1c circuJ.tu on Novl.:i;tb(;l' 3rd , hus resulted in thG \'I:tt~ldrawal of n!1 [t,i.nicion<ll 32 s,;.rcet Cilr;.; . Inclu6ed aro ~hc l'n::1:-:.ininr. units

( .:: t~c 1 325 class , equ ipped with the dynamic brak~ ':'or , ',()Ullt Itoyn1 S0.rV1Ce , with the excf) ption of onc: cr:l' , 1339 , which is l'ct"dncd for Jll\ssibl e wint,.H' uSe on tho L:'chLw lino , .'J.nd which 'Will eventually be auded to tho lJfI'C Hi storicnl Collrjc ~', :i.on . .

This list brin[fs to a total of 179 , tlw nunbcr of cars withdrawn ('J.ring 1957 . A compl ete l ist of th(:~c c.:' follows . 'l'hosc "lith liT) sign were withdrawn on Novembor Jrc. , while the others were ret­:Lrcd corlicr in the ye c::.r .:

1.325 Class : 1332# , 1337,~ , 1338 , 1340# , 1347// , 1351 , 1354 , 1381 , 1383 , 13C1t , 1 3d7 , 1398, 1428 1 11,30 , 14-37 , 143B, 1439 , 1444 1 1445 , 1447 , 11t64 , 1466,/ , 11,71 , 11,17// , 14~8# , 11,95# , 1490(,' .

11)00 Cl oss : 1 ~00 , 1[;01 , 1$03 , 1G04 , 1$07 , 1808, lEnO , 1311 , 131 2, 1313, 1820 , 1821 , 1822 , 1321, .

1900 C1~Gs : 1949 . 1600 C1nss : 1692 , 1093 . 1950 C1nss : 1951 , 1955 , 1993 . 2030- 2050 Cl ass : 2033 , 2039 2040, 2070 , 20$0 . 210,) Class : 2100- 06 , 210:)- 15 , 2117- 22 , 2124- 32 , 2134- 40 , 21!,2- 4It,

211+6- 52 , 21 51,- 75 , 2177- 79 , 2181- CB , 2190- 91 , 2193- 221e, 2220- 21 , 2223- 39 . ( 214.5 "crapped i n 1955 ) . (On Nov . 3ri- 2100 , - 06 , - 09 , - 25

i-38 L - 40 L - 1,3 h - 55 ,{)3 , - 68 , - 70 1 - 73 ,-77 ,-81 ,-91 , - 9J , 22 7,-/.4 ,- /.5 , - ,e ,-33,-34, - 35 . 1

For the benefit 01' t.hose who kc,~p r""cords , the .1'ollo\"Jinf' is a liGt of passenger equipment still in s(;rvic (; tlS of Novc!:tbc r jrd , 1957 , with buil der and year .:

Ottawa , 1913 : Brill , 191 4 :

" 1917 : " 1924 :

C. C.& F " 1930 : " 1926 ;

" 1928 : " 19 29 : " 1928 :

Brill 1924 : Southern~ 19--: ;:a son , 1')27 : C. C. & F., 1927 :

" 1928; " 1929 : " 1930 : " 1943 :

1 339 1525- 1549 , 1600-1621+ . 1625-1674 . 1675- 1691 , 1694- 1699 . 1850-1374. 1906 , 190J , 1915- 16 , 191$- 20 , 1923- 24, 1929- 30 , 1932, 1936- 41 , 1943 , 1%5- 47 . 1950 , 1952- 54 1956- 64 . 1965- 1992, 1994- 2000 , 2001- 2004. 2005- 2010 . 2032- 32 , 2034- 35 . 2036 , 2037 . 2050- 65 , 2067- 69 , 2071- 76 , 2078- 79 , 2081- $} . 2107 , 2116 , 2123 , 2133 , 211,1 . -21 53 , 2176 . 2180 , 2189 , 2192, 2219 , 2222 . 2650- 267/1. 3500- 3517 .

'J.'his l ist docs not i nc l ude uni.ts in th~ LIistori c cJ. l Collection , nor tho Observation car s , Nos . 1- 4 .

Page 15: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at


, .. , t'--" ~'''' '.- ---'" P,lrc 131\

••••••• The I"'.ot0S on tho nc'~ tililC t nblGs l, appenrcd in the November issue worc compiled before pubfumcat i on '):.~ the a ctual time tablns . Therefore I sev Jr.:' l p'~sscng()r service c:l.1 . .;.ngos "rere omitted w:lich will be c l1ur.wrated b.clow .

Passenger service wc!s d i scantinltl..d 0'1 the j)o!:lini.on Atlj ... tic Ry . 71t:.:i:,\··oen l\:cntville .:..nd I~ingsport , NS , on the Can~dL.~n Pacifi c Ro.i l wuy ':;,-,t .• ·.ccn Cr.:mbrook a nd Kimberlcy , Be tinct Brookmerc and Spence ' G Bridge ) ,," .'.:'IU on the ... ;squimnlt (, N~najmo lhilway between Parksville nnd Po:,t -'. -, .. ~n.L . Be . All of these services !1,:,',d 1;oon provided by rilixud trains .'.::;' CY.CGpt Junday , ex cept Brooklil(;rc - 3pcncc ' s Dridge , ,,[hich ran :~l'i-, _" .'t . The Canad i an Pacific's timetable .:1.1 so contains a .service • I '11:5 llGVUr ap:-,e.:>.rc..d be:~orc . !-1ixcd tr[' ins 71 5- 716 ur c s!-town 'lS ','j';, ':xting bctHocn Cassils ilnd Scandia , Alta ., a dist:'.nce of 26 ::1il es , r· ,.:.;h 4c:dnesday .

The ti.metables of both mcjor r:lilw~ys continue t.o 3hm: more l"-(a.:iliner (CNR) c.nd Drtyliner (C PH ) sdr v:icce . The CHn il.i.t',!'ol.tucc.d the RDe cars on l ines bet\'leen Truro and Sycl.!Jey , HS , Edr:lltnc~s i;.on , NB ,;.nd Quebe c , Quebec t1nd Richmond , ,jun . , J'.lo"'1tY'(.'al - Shel'~)J:"'ooke- I::..l·.nd Pond , Vt ., and !lIo!1tre&1-Joliette- GD.rnc<:.'u-La. 'i.'uquc- Ii'itzpntrick , Qne . At the bcginning of Au~:ust" Rc. ilincrs klU b pn pl:1 cl:d in fH;)l'v ic c bot.vJeen Moncton and Calilp"bellton , NB Llnd Hor i na , 3ask 'ltoon and Pri nce lHbert , Sask . Two of these services ar(~ \-.'ortl ry of further nwntion j The M0:1treal- I s 1.:lnd Pond service r~ p1ilccd convent ioi."m l tr:::.ins 16 and 17 , which carried bu.f.fet- p.::!rlour c[trs . 'To up for t.his l eek of meal serVice , a snack bar hlS boen pro,·ided in RDC car 1)- 105 . SC''Jf"'ral scats at one end of the CQr hu.vo bC'cn !'\"""C:10v(Jd to [!o.kc room for :it . Regul a r "News- agent " f.:trc i s provided , with the .:tJditinn of a backct­lunch . The snack- bar is presid(?d over by a yount; Homan , r.tnd the ser ­vice is therefore known C\S the' '?News Girl Servi ce ll • Heretofore , the NorthL1nd Railvlo.y h.:::.s been the onl y (:on:1dinn rail~:ly to employ women in meel ser v i ce on board t r ains . Scnnlul c tir.1c bl:t\"!\;Qn 1·1ontr,;;l,1 and Sherbrookc h.J.s been cut t o 2 hours , 1.5 mi nutes , a t the: cost of l iJaving several stat i ons without service . P1.ssengcrs to pOints in NeVI Hampshire and t-1:.'1ino must chanGe trains at I s l and Pond . HOIr/Gver , it would nppcar t hat one car of tr,::d.ns 616- 61 7 runs from 1t ichmond to _,uebec 1.3 tr.1ins 643- 61~4 . ~~ lQPsed t i me : 11- hours , 25 l-,inutcs . The Reeina.- .;r-lskatooll- Prince Albert service r epl:lccs tr,::lins 5, 6 , 59 , (:0 , and p-:-:.rts of 7 and 8 ( 'IThe 0"/1 ;1) . The two disconnected p.:Ir·c:;.; of t rr.:ins ) :).nd 6 '-ire lil"lked o nl y by .:l. speci ~l Rail iner service of RJ.)C··4s f,) r meil , c:-cpress ,:md 1 . c . 1 . frcir;ht only . (A hoC c~n travel f r om I.3r.:lndon to North B.:1tt l cford , but YOU can ' t ! t 1)

The Can~dian Pacific made extensive chnnees in off- pCDk- hour service in i ts Montre.:,l-Vaudrcuil- Rir;n.ud suburban serVice , roducing the number of tra i n sets f rom ei[ht to seven , of whit:!i1 01\:; is HDG equ ipment , which i s used to r.lakc tHO d~ily except 3a turdr:y :~n,i. Sundny round trips to Vaudreuil, two t.o iLL ·''l.ud , nn'i. onc to I:u:lso:1 . utops were pared frofi1 NO:1treal - Ottnwc. sC:l(:duL!:; , result i nC i n reduction::; . Sleepine c:::'.r 5 \'..:'.n i 511(:.:d fron f1cdicin e IIat - Vancouv(Jr tn:.inz ~5 ,md 46 (formerly 67 ,::ll1d 6$ ) in pl'cpr:.r t1t.ion for the introduction Of. Jj,,\y­l iners with buffet ser'/icc on thi s 962 . 6 mil e run , \vhich will 00 the scc::md longest lWC run i n t he world . 'rhe lonGest i s <l onc e- n- wcek ~l scrrico on the COi"llITlon'tlcal th Railways , Aust r n.liG. , over 1000 miles .

Page 16: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at

~- ' t" , . i • .. • Thu tra ins have been rescheduled to connect with tra ins 1 and 2 at Medicine Hat , eliminating trains 511 and. 51 2 (Medictn. (> Hat - Lethbridge; and once again offer a daylight passage of Cro\-:Bnc~t P0-5S and Co qui­hulla Canyon . Runnint: time is 30 hours , 20 minutes w~stbound , and 30 hours , 30 minute s eastbound . Forii1Gr t i lJCS were 41 hours and 40} hours , but included considej"abl c I n./over t ililC at dh"ision pOints .

CPR- TH&B-NYC throur,;h pas Gen;s(::r service betwe en Toronto and Buff­alo has been r educed from four to three tr.:1 i ns da ily , and the CPJ. also cut one Toronto- Hamilton run fror::l the s chedule . Train 365 (for­merl y 635) Toronto - Detroit , has lost its name d'£he jl.lichigan" i1nd its sleeping car and now runs to Uindsor Yard via ~"alkervil1e . Jct , CPR Tra in 634 which ran from Windsor Ya rd to London has disappcnr:Jd from t.he public timetabl es , a lthough it nay be running as deadhead equip­ment . This train was the CPRt s fastest scheduled stear.1- poi:erAd train and was r egularly hauled by Engine No . 3000 , J.ast unit of cl ans F2a i n r ,Jcular s ervice .

F'ort- \Yilliam- Winnipeg service on CPR's main l ine ha~ nOf,"l been fUl~ther r educed . 'frains 101-102 now oper ate twice weekly instcad of thrice weekly I as did former tmins 53- 54 . Ihxed trains 592- 593 were r emoved from the Ottaw~-Prescott s ervicc , bring ing passenger opera tions betlfeen Bedell and Prescot t to an end . Tho Ottawa- Dodell port ion of the Capital City's first r a ihfay line is sGrved by OttaNu­'!'o:L'onto night trains 23 , 24 , 33 and 34 .

000000000 Notes and Hews 1\ Fr8:i.fht yards under construction ,·;ill o.pparel1-- -----.. -- tly be in evidence on Canndifln National Ryn . by Forster Kemp for Gome tir.w to come , if pr'c·sc'1t plans

matf--:rialize . Off i c i a ls havo recently announ­ced pl ans :."01' a nO"l1 Ilhump_ret:1I'der;1 y"l.rds at Moncton , NB and tlinnipeg , 1>1<.1.n . In addition , new or enl arged yards are undor construction at Truro , .llS , Saint John , NB , Joffre , Que . Montreal (Cote de Lie~5e ), Que ., j .. ~rnia , Ont. ., and Terrace , BC. X New raih·lay line::; co nt inue to be p:~:opo3ed , projected , aut.horized , constructad and offici<111y opened . C&n;;:.dia n National Railvu'.ys ' Pres ident Donald Gordon officia lly opened two nm'f br anch lines dur­ing November :- th0 160- mile Beattyville-Chibouf,ama u l ine in northf"3rn Quebec , and the 22-mile Bartibog-Heath Steel e spur in NGW Brunswick . A connecting l ine from Chibougamau to St . Felicien is now under con­struct i on . Lcgi~lation will short ly be introduced to authorize t he CNR tp construct a a 52- mil e line from Optic Lake , !.r1an . (on t he Lynn Luke line) to Chisel La ke , fJIld to from the Internat­ional Nickol Company , a 30- rJi l e l ine f rom Si pi\Alesk , on the Hudson Bay Rn ilway , to Thompson . Al l of the se plo.ccs are in northern I,1an­itoba .

:8: s urveys ar c beinb undertak en fo r a proposed l~50-,;li l e line fron Dawson Creek , BC , on t he Northern Alberta Raih-lays , to Pine POint , N. \'L 1' ., on the south shore of the Great Slave La ke , s ite of a lead­zinc min ing deve lopment . These surveys are for cost esti:aation , and do not meun that the line will a ctuall y be built . It is said that such a rn ilway would cost ~lOO I OOO , OOO .

Page 17: CANADIAN PJULROl..D IDSrOlUCAl ASSOCIATION … Rail_no084_1957.pdf · Ilava bel onged oriGi nall y to t he'boroup;h & Ashbur nho.m ~trcct Ra i.lway . Upon arrival at

Q. ~'~ .H.A.

it The fi!~st revenue load on thG nort.hf'r:Q C:;'".tcl1[ion of the Pacific Great Eastern"vlay Nas recGntly sh i ppud f rOl"t1 1'.lc ~\,l,:m , ~-5 :nil es north of Prince George , to Vaneou-J e r . It. wus a 10,:;,d o£ lumber . Meanwhile , the recently-cof.1pl cted Peace niv~r Bridge , on t he Fort St .John l eg of this lIy.r_shaped linG , was convert e d into a temporary link in the Alaska· High'vay , qaft c r tht'! collapse of a suspension bridge .. Pl anking was Ltid on top of the ties , railings "!ere erected and traffic liChts were installed a t each end . The bridge is a Singl e- t r ack , deck truss f3tructur e "lith a curved wooden trestl e at the north end . It provides room for only one l ane of h i ghway traffic •

• 1\,. The early hours of a rainy Hoverabcr 3rd , se.w t ho l a st runs of two ;.Iontr eal Transportation COllFl i ssion routes . The l ast run of' Route 31 (ST. HENRI- N. D. G. ) WClS nade by ca r No . 1649 , ilun No .1, l eft Craie Terminus at 3 :1 5 AH. Car No . lS7l perfOrii1ed the 1a.s t r,!lil s0rvice on Route 48 . It had been running a s Run: No . 2 , but on th0 l (i.ut t rip it Has operat i ng .:ts a l t cD.rryman" - 0. car u sed to c':rry Co;.: liss ion enp10yees to and froEl their duties tit division.--.1 (;,::'1' ­

berns , though such car s a lso transiJort revenue pass0n~'er G , if :llly . C;:l' 1371 l eft Cra i g Terminus at 4 : 15 AM): pCtsscd throueh Garland 'l'c-rmina1 at 4 : h·7 Aj\l , and arrived at St . Houri carbnrn at 5 : 03 A~·1 . Like all of i ts predecessors , it ran deadhead to St .Denis carbarn v ia St . Antoine , Cr.2.ig a nd Bl eury streets . A f ow days pr...:-..r ious to this , all except one of the r em."lining 1325 clBSS cars 'd~J:G retired from active s ervice and moved fro m 1,Iount noyal car barn t o Youvill(; Shops . They hud been rct<.lin0Q f or USf; on tile jl,louEtv. :Ln line , but were also used in rush- hour service on ro utes lO.-D~:LOin}·al!;H., and 45 - PAPINEAU. The exception is c: l' 13 39 , \. ieil Hill. rei.w.:Ln at St . Henri carbnrn for use on ti:c: L~c~!lj"".(; li:l," .i.n case of SllO\~r \II'eather .. After the Lachine line cea.:.:;ps o P'·;f.'·::t, i on on J~nuary 5th , 195$ , the car will be come a part of the I·rre l-iis torical Collect ion .

tr Cumberland Railway &. COQl COlapGny h<1s submitted O~ apn.l icnt i on to the Bo.:trd of 'r ~.~ansport Con.missioners f or (;Q;;.~~da to ab::.ndon its line between Sprinrhill and Parrshoro , NS . T}H' rail' "}' N EtS oricin­a lly built to ship coal from Springhill through Parrshoro by ship . Ho\vcver , t he d,\"1indlinr output of the 3pringhill !:li,ieS i s nov: handlr..:u via Springhill J et .. and the Cnnadian National R.:.i l ways .

Ul: The Toronto Tr,:msportati.on ConmiGs i on h ,"15 repor tedly purt:l1:.iSed 40 used PCC cars from the Kansas City Pltblic Service Co . J lJfhich r e c0nt­ly c:tbandoncd a ll Gervicc . 1'hesc cn.r3 will te r eco'ldi.t i on . .:d <It T'rC Hill crest Shops b0forc goinr. into seI'vic J . It is 0XpeCL:.0 rl that SO;:10 of the "Peter ;1itt,l type cars now ope r at inr; in r ush hours 'will be retired by the .;J.cquisition of thcs() o.ddit ion.s. l unit;:; .

lC 'I'h .~' 5h;.)11s of seven nDCs were recently seen in thC) Y<J.rJ of t)w C<:iHQdi.:'.n CJ.I' Comp8.ny a t Turcot \-lorks . They were Ghipped fro . .1 the Budd. Company in Philadclphin .:Ind wi ll be completed i n 1·10ntrc·.ll . It j.S t.hought that some o f these VIill form p::trt of t tw Can',_dl.3n P,'lcif­ic I s order for six buffct- R.JCs f or the I .. lcd:Lcine f-ie.t ·-Vc..ncouv c r run .

NOTE RE OTTA';[A ;;XCUitSION , DEC;;MBER 11;J_H , 1957 Those wishing to go to Ott.:t'd.:l fro:"1 j'.1ontr(;al hy tr:'l. in , m.:'y \vish to . use CPR ,¥233 , l o[tv inp, Windsor 3t· .. t, ion 7 : 55 1:"[.1 , nrr . Ottav-l[l 10 : 20 JU.1 . Returning , Train 134 l eaves Ott ,.-.'.'1 5 :1 .. 5 hi , <.lrrivin[~ Mtl . 8 : 50 Prot .

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