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City Country Notes

Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

Abuja Nigeria

Accra Ghana

Adamstown Pitcairn Islands British Overseas Territory

Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Algiers Algeria

Alofi Niue Self-governing in freeassociation with New Zealand .

Amman Jordan

Amsterdam Netherlands The Dutch constitution refersto A sterda as the !ca"ital!. TheDutch govern ent is locatedin The #ague . See $a"ital of the

Netherlands .

Andorra la Vella Andorra

An ara !ur ey

Antananari"o #adagascar

Apia $amoa

Ashgabat !ur menistan

Asmara Eritrea

Astana %a&a hstan

Asunci'n (araguay

Athens Greece

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A"arua $oo% Islands Self-governing in freeassociation with New Zealand .

)aghdad *ra+

)a u A&erbaijan

)ama o #ali

)andar $eri )egawan )runei

)ang o !hailand

)angui Central African ,epublic

)anjul Gambia

)asseterre $aint %itts and Ne"is

)eijing China See also& 'ist of historical ca"italsof $hina

)eirut -ebanon

)elgrade $erbia

)elmopan )eli&e


)ern $wit&erland

)ish e %yrgy&stan

)issau Guinea.)issau

)ogot/ Colombia

)ras0lia )ra&il

)ratisla"a $lo"a ia

)ra&&a"ille ,epublic of the Congo

)ridgetown )arbados

)russels )elgium Also the de facto ca"ital of

the (uro"ean )nion

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)ucharest ,omania

)udapest 1ungary

)uenos Aires Argentina

)ujumbura )urundi

Cairo Egypt

Canberra Australia

Caracas Vene&uela

Castries $aint -ucia

Cayenne*rench +uiana

Overseas de"art ent of *rance

Charlotte Amalie )nited States ,irgin Islands Territory of the )nited States

Chisinau #oldo"a

Coc burn !own Tur%s and $aicos Islands British Overseas Territory

Cona ry Guinea

Copenhagen Denmar

Da ar $enegal

Damascus $yria

Dha a )angladesh

Dili East !imor 2!imor.-este3

Djibouti Djibouti

Dodoma 2official4 legislati"e3 !an&ania Dar es Salaa the for er ca"italand largest city continues to serve

as the de facto seat of govern enthostingthe "residency govern ent

inistries udiciary and di"lo aticissions .

Doha 5atar

Douglas Isle of /an British $rown De"endency

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Dublin *reland

Dushanbe !aji istan

Edinburgh of the $e"en $eas Tristan da $unha Part of the British Overseas

Territory of Saint #elenaAscension and Tristan da $unha

El Aai6n 2declared3 Sahrawi Ara0 De ocratic

1e"u0lic 2c3

The Sahrawi 1e"u0lic recognised 0y 45 states clai s the

ostly /oroccan controlled 6ester n Sahara . /oroccan controlledterritory includes (l Aai7n and/orocco clai s al lSahrawicontrolled territory . The Sahrawigovern ent resides in e8ilein Tindouf Algeria .293 See Politicsof the Sahrawi Ara0 De ocratic1e"u0lic .

Epis opi Cantonment A%rotiri and Dhe%elia British Overseas Territory

7lying 7ish Co"e $hrist as Island (8ternal territory of Australia

7reetown $ierra -eone

7unafuti !u"alu

Gaborone )otswana

George !own $ay an Islands British Overseas Territory

Georgetown Ascension Island Part of the British OverseasTerritory of Saint #elenaAscension and Tristan da $unha

Georgetown Guyana

Gibraltar +i0raltar British Overseas Territory

Guatemala City Guatemala

Gusta"ia Saint Barth:le y Overseas collectivity of *rance

1ag8t9a +ua Territory of the )nited States

1amilton Ber uda British Overseas Territory

1anga ,oa (aster Island S"ecial territory of $hile

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1anoi Vietnam

1arare :imbabwe

1argeisa So aliland De facto inde"endent state not

di"lo atically recogni;ed 0y anyother state clai ed in whole 0ythe So ali 1e"u0lic .253

1a"ana Cuba

1elsin i 7inland

1oniara $olomon *slands

*slamabad (a istan

Ja arta *ndonesia

Jamestown Saint #elena Part of the British OverseasTerritory of Saint #elenaAscension and Tristan da $unha

Jerusalem 2declared4 de facto3 *srael <erusale 'aw states that!<erusale co "lete and united isthe ca"ital of Israel! and the cityserves as the seat of thegovern ent ho e to the

"resident=s residence govern entoffices su"re e court and

"arlia ent. )nited NationsSecurity $ouncil 1esolution>?4 declared the <erusale 'aw!null and void! and called on

e 0er states to withdraw their di"lo atic issions fro<erusale . The )nited Nations andall e 0er states aintain their e 0assies in other cities suchas Tel Aviv 1a at +anand #er;liya and do not recognise<erusale as the ca"ital .2@3 /any

countries officially adhere to the "ro"osal that <erusale haveinternational status as called for inthePartition Plan of 9 >?.2>3 The Palestinian NationalAuthority clai s (ast <erusale asthe ca"ital of a future Palestinianstate. See Positions on <erusale .

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Jerusalem 2declared3

,amallah and Ga&a 2de facto3

State of Palestine The State of Palestine clai s theterritories occu"ied 0y Israel sincethe Si8-Day 6ar in 9 ? with (ast<erusale as its ca"ital. The

"roclai ed state is currently

occu"ied 0y Israel and has noeffective control over the territoriesit clai s. Ad inistration is 0asedin1a allah and +a;a rather than<erusale . /ost e 0ers of the)nited Nations regard (ast<erusale as occu"ied territoryand the Organisation of Isla ic$oo"eration theAra0 'eague andthe Non-Aligned/ove ent recognise it as theca"ital of a future Palestinian state.2C3 See Positions on <erusale .

Juba $outh $udan

%abul Afghanistan

%ampala Uganda


%hartoum $udan

%ie"U raine

%igali ,wanda

%ing Edward (oint South +eorgia and the South

Sandwich Islands

British Overseas Territory

%ingston Jamaica

%ingston Norfol% Island (8ternal territory of Australia

%ingstown $aint Vincent and the


%inshasa Democratic ,epublic of theCongo

%uala -umpur 2official4 legislati"e and royal3

(utrajaya 2administrati"e and judicial3


%uwait City %uwait

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-ibre"ille Gabon

-ilongwe #alawi

-ima (eru2Note 93

-isbon (ortugal

-jubljana $lo"enia

-om; !ogo

-ondon United %ingdom Prior to the Acts of )nion in 9? ?'ondon was the ca"ital of (nglandonly. (din0urgh was the ca"ital of the Eingdo of Scotland

-uanda Angola

-usa a :ambia

-u<embourg -u<embourg

#adrid $pain

#ajuro #arshall *slands Self-governing in freeassociation with )nited States .

#alabo E+uatorial Guinea

#al; #aldi"es

#anagua Nicaragua

#anama )ahrain

#anila (hilippines

#aputo #o&ambi+ue

#arigotSaint /artin

Overseas collectivity of *rance

#aseru -esotho

#ata.Utu 6allis and *utuna Overseas collectivity of *rance

#babane 2administrati"e3

-obamba 2royal and legislati"e3$wa&iland

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#e<ico City #e<ico

#ins )elarus

#ogadishu $omalia

#onaco #onaco $ity-state

#onro"ia -iberia

#onte"ideo Uruguay

#oroni Comoros

Moscow ,ussia

#uscat =man

Nairobi %enya

Nassau )ahamas

Naypyidaw )urma

N>Djamena Chad

New Delhi *ndia

Ngerulmud (alau Self-governing in freeassociation with )nited States .

Niamey Niger

Nicosia Cyprus

Nicosia Northern $y"rus De facto inde"endent state that isrecognised only 0y Tur%ey.

Northern $y"rus is clai ed inwhole 0y the 1e"u0lic of $y"rus .2 3

Noua chott#auritania

Noum;a New $aledonia Sui generis collectivity of *rance

Nu u alofaʻ !onga

Nuu +reenland Self-governing country withinthe Eingdo of Den ar%

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=ranjestad Aru0a Self-governing country withinthe Eingdo of the Netherlands

=slo Norway

=ttawa Canada

=uagadougou )ur ina 7aso

(ago (ago A erican Sa oa Territory of the )nited States

(ali ir 7ederated $tates of #icronesia Self-governing in freeassociation with )nited States .

(anama City (anama

(apeete *rench Polynesia Overseas collectivity of *rance

(aramaribo $uriname

(aris 7rance

(hilipsburg Sint /aarten Self-governing country withinthe Eingdo of the Netherlands

(hnom (enh Cambodia

(lymouth 2official3

)rades Estate 2de facto3

/ontserrat British Overseas Territory .Ply outh was a0andoned after the

eru"tion of the Soufriere #illsvolcano in 9 ?. +overn entoffices since then have 0een ovedto Brades (state which is in thenorthwestern "art of /ontserrat.

(odgorica 2official3

Cetinje 2seat of the (resident 3


(ort -ouis #auritius

(ort #oresby (apua New Guinea

(ort Vila Vanuatu

( 1aiti

(ort of $pain !rinidad and !obago

(orto.No"o 2official3

Cotonou 2de facto3)enin

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(rague C&ech ,epublic

(raia Cape Verde

(retoria 2e<ecuti"e3

)loemfontein 2judicial3

Cape !own 2legislati"e3

$outh Africa

(ristina Eosovo 2g3 De facto inde"endent state that isrecognised 0y 9 4 )N e 0er states and 0y Taiwan . $lai ed inwhole 0y the 1e"u0lic of Ser0ia as

"art of its Autono ous Province of Eosovo and /etohi a . 1e"u0lic of Eosovo has de facto control over

ost of the territory with li itedcontrol in North Eosovo .

(yongyang North %orea

5uito Ecuador #ighest official ca"ital. 2?3

,abat #orocco

,ey ja"0 *celand

,iga -at"ia

,iyadh $audi Arabia

,oad !own British ,irgin Islands British Overseas Territory

,ome *taly

,oseau Dominica

$aipan Northern /ariana Islands Territory of the )nited States

$an Jos; Costa ,ica

$an Juan Puerto 1ico Territory of the )nited States

$an #arino $an #arino

$an $al"ador El $al"ador

$ana>a ?emen

$antiago 2official3

Valpara0so 2legislati"e3Chile

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$anto Domingo Dominican ,epublic

$@o !om; $@o !om; and (r0ncipe

$araje"o )osnia and 1er&ego"ina

$eoul $outh %orea

$ingapore $ingapore $ity-state

$ opje #acedonia

$ofia )ulgaria

$ri Jayawardenepura %otte 2official3

Colombo 2former capital has some go"ernmentoffices3

$ri -an a Also %nown as !Eotte!. )ntil the9 4 s the ca"ital was $olo 0owhere any i "ortantgovern ental institutions stillre ain and which is stilldesignated as the co ercialca"ital of Sri 'an%a.

$tB George>s Grenada

$tB 1elier <ersey British $rown De"endency

$tB John>s Antigua and )arbuda

$tB (eter (ort +uernsey British $rown De"endency

$tB (ierre Saint Pierre and /iFuelon Overseas collectivity of *rance

$tanley *al%land Islands British Overseas Territory

$tepana ert Nagorno-Eara0a%h 1e"u0lic The self-declared country re ainsdi"lo atically unrecognised 0y)N- e 0er states includingAr enia. Transnistria SouthOssetia and A0%ha;ia all )N non-

e 0er states recognise the state.$lai ed in whole 0y A;er0ai an.

$toc holm $weden

$ucre 2constitutional3

-a (a& 2administrati"e3)oli"ia 'a Pa; is the highest ad inistrative

ca"ital higher than Guito .2?3

$u humi A0%ha;ia De facto inde"endent staterecognised 0y 1ussia Nauru

Nicaragua ,ene;uela South

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Ossetia and Transnistria. $lai edin whole 0y 1e"u0lic of +eorgia asthe Autono ous 1e"u0lic of A0%ha;ia .

$u"a 7iji

!aipei !aiwan Officially the 1e"u0lic of $hinaH1O$ it has 0een co "eting for recognition with the Peo"le=s1e"u0lic of $hina HP1$ as thesole $hinese govern ent since9 > . Taiwan controls the island of Taiwan and its associated islandsGue oy /atsu the Pratas and

"art of the S"ratly Islands 2 Note 53 Theterritory of Taiwan is clai ed inwhole 0y the Peo"le=s 1e"u0lic of

$hina. 2Note @3 The 1e"u0lic of $hina "artici"ates in the 6orld #ealthOrgani;ation and a nu 0er of non-)N international organi;ationssuch as the 6orld TradeOrgani;ation InternationalOly "ic $o ittee and othersunder a variety of "seudony s

ost co only $hinese Tai"ei .

!allinn Estonia

!arawa Atoll %iribati

!ash ent U&be istan

!bilisi 2official3

%utaisi 2legislati"e3Georgia

!egucigalpa 1onduras

!ehran *ran

!himphu )hutan

!irana Albania

!iraspol Transnistria De facto inde"endent state notrecogni;ed 0y any )N- e 0er

0ut 0y A0%ha;ia and SouthOssetia. $lai ed in whole 0ythe 1e"u0lic of /oldova asthe Territorial Unit of Transnistria .

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!o yo Japan

!'rsha"n *aroe Islands Self-governing country withinthe Eingdo of Den ar%

!ripoli -ibya

!s hin"ali South Ossetia De facto inde"endent staterecognised 0y 1ussia Nicaragua

Nauru ,ene;uela A0%ha;ia andTransnistria. $lai ed in whole 0ythe 1e"u0lic of +eorgia astheProvisional Ad inistrative(ntity of South Ossetia .

!unis !unisia

Ulan )ator #ongolia

Vadu& -iechtenstein

Valletta #alta

!he Valley Anguilla British Overseas Territory

Vatican City Vatican City $ity-state

Victoria $eychelles

Vienna Austria

Vientiane -aos

Vilnius -ithuania

arsaw (oland

ashington4 DBCB United $tates

ellington New :ealand

est *sland $ocos HEeeling Islands (8ternal territory of Australia

illemstad $uraJao Self-governing country withinthe Eingdo of the Netherlands

indhoe Namibia

?amoussou ro 2official3

Abidjan 2former capital still has many*"ory Coast

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