  • Slide 1

CAPS... Slide 2 Overview of topics Who moved my cheese...? Where was my cheese moved to...? What is out? What is new? Obstacles and crutches Slide 3 Matter & Material Chemical systems Chemical change Mechanics Waves, Sound & Light Electricity & Magnetism Slide 4 Based on 27-29 weeks @ 4 hrs/week Slide 5 Slide 6 Website: Much more detail How many hours Activities Experiments & Materials needed Guidelines for teachers What to assess and when for complete texts on all sections of grade 10 CAPS implement date 2012 Slide 7 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Skills Motion in one dimension Gravity (Newtons law of Universal gravitation, weight, gravitational acceleration). Gravitational potential energy. Kinetic energy. Mechanical energy. Kinematics in one dimension Description of motion in words, diagrams, graphs and equations. Relative velocity. Force, Momentum and Impulse. Conservation of mechanical energy. Newtons Laws of Motion. Friction. Newtons second law in terms of momentum. Impulse. Application of Newtons laws of Motion. Vertical projectile motion (1D). Work, Energy & Power. Slide 8 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Transverse pulses on a string or spring. Transverse waves. Geometrical optics (refraction, lenses and application of lenses). Geometrical optics (Snells law, critical angles, total internal reflection). Longitudinal waves. Sound waves. Doppler Effect. 2D and 3D wavefronts. Electromagnetic radiation Slide 9 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Magnetism. Electrostatics: polarisation Charge conservation, Electric circuits emf pd Current Resistance, Ohms Law Electrostatics Coulombs Law Electric field around charges Electrical potential Capacitance Capacitor as a circuit device. Electromagnetism Electric circuits Power & Energy & Cost Electric circuits (Equivalent resistance, internal resistance). Electrodynamics (Electrical machines (generators, motors), Alternating current). Slide 10 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Classification of matter. States of matter and the kinetic molecular theory. Atomic structure. Periodic table. Chemical bonding. Particles substances are made of. The Atom: Nuclear structure, stability and Radioactivity Mechanical properties & Hookes Law Molecular structure Intermolecular forces Ideal gases & gas laws Optical phenomena and properties of materials Organic chemistry Organic macromolecules Slide 11 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Water cycle and hydrosphere OR Carbon cycle OR Nitrogen cycle Lithosphere (mining; energy resources) OR the atmosphere (atmospheric chemistry; global warming) Chemical industry (petrochemical industry; chloralkali industry; fertilizer industry; Commercial batteries). Slide 12 GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Physical and chemical change. Representing chemical change (balanced chemical equations). Reactions in aqueous solution. Stoichiometry Energy and chemical change Types of reactions acid-base; redox Reaction rate Chemical equilibrium Acids and bases pH calculations Electrochemical reactions Slide 13 Skills 8 hours for Formal teaching of skills like: Scientific notation Conversion factors Changing the subject of a formula The concept of rate.... Slide 14 Direct & inverse proportions Fractions & ratios Use of constants Practical investigations skills Models Vectors representing, adding Slide 15 Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation calculation of force between two masses Lenses, Ray diagrams & Applications Slide 16 No equations of motion or graphs of motion in gr. 10 Global cycles choose one ? Kc ? 2D Projectiles ? Transformers, ? Torque What is out? Slide 17 ASSESSMENT TASKS (25 %) FINAL EXAM (75 %) TERM 1TERM 2TERM 3TERM 4 Type% % % FINAL EXAM Experimen t 20 Theory / Practical Test 20Project20 Control Test 10Exam20Control Test10 Slide 18 The times allocated, seem to be the result of the question what is the bare minimum of time that you would need just to convey this concept? No time has been built in so that learners can do experiments or tutorials and there is certainly no time to consolidate tutorials with the learners. Slide 19 The annual available times given in the document are even ambitious since dynamic schools lose teaching time to tours, sports days, extended assemblies, enrichment days, Life Science practical exams and a multitude of other educationally valuable (and sometimes not) distractions. Slide 20 With such tight timeframes, how do we do meaningful Biblical integration? How do we make time to discuss how the subject matter reveals something about God and His creation? It seems that we barely have time to cover only the basics. Please share tips? Slide 21 Page 7 since when do we have 40 weeks available for teaching in Grade 12? Page 87 Buying organic chemicals for these experiments is an extremely costly business (250ml of cyclobenzene costs in excess of R300!) Where are schools supposed to access these chemicals and be able to afford them? Slide 22 Page 105 This statement makes absolutely no sense how on earth does one examine this section if some people do one topic while others four? Slide 23 All suggested research projects lend themselves to plagiarism where learners can merely cut and paste information from the internet. Topics need to be more controversial so that learners have to justify argument and support their opinions on issues. Slide 24 The introduction of the skills section (Pg. 10) is beneficial but it should be divided between Gr. 10 (practical investigation skills, conversion of units, scientific notation, changing the subject of a formula) and Gr. 11 (rate, proportion, ratios, constants). Models should be taught in context with the section on the history of atomic structure. Slide 25 Moving topics between grades renders expensive textbooks almost useless. We cannot buy new text books every year. It causes confusion and creates extra administrative work for the teacher. Slide 26 Great opportunity for networking, as we will all be doing the same content. Exam banks can still be used but should include Gr.10, 11 & 12. Share new questions please!

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