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Career Exploration &Plan Development Workshop

Day Three


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Day Three Agenda

• Achievement Story #1 p. 28-31 Activity Words• Where Am I Going?– Labor Market Information– Occupational Exploration

• Achievement Story #2 Preparation• Prepare for Meeting with VRC• Day Three Thoughts

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My Achievement Story

• Achievement Story #1• Telling your achievement story– Eventually you could use the skills from

your story for your resume.

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Group Process• Group Process Steps–You will have a storyteller and listeners–the Storyteller has responsibilities–The Listener has responsibilities

• Goal is to have more of an awareness and comfort level identifying and discussing skills .

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Storyteller’s Responsibilities

• You will read, show or tell your achievement story. • When you have finished your story, the group

will share the skills they heard from your achievement.• Answer any questions that group members

may ask about your story – remember, they’re helping you discover all of your skills.

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Listener’s ResponsibilitiesThe Listeners:• As the story is being told, each listener will list all of

the skills that he/she hears from the story.• Listener’s may use the skill list to help identify the

skills from the story.• When the storyteller completes his/her story,

listeners may want to ask questions.– The idea is to help the storyteller identify their

skills by asking helpful questions.– Record any additional skills you discover.

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Listener’s Responsibilities (cont.)

• When the storyteller has finished answering questions from all listeners:

– Each listener, in turn, will tell the storyteller the list of skills they wrote.

– The Listener will then give the storyteller his/her skill card.

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Who Goes First?

• Could we have a volunteer to get things started?

• Listeners, you have your responsibilities – are you ready?

• Storyteller, are you ready?

The floor is yours ----

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My Achievement Story #1

• What did you learn through the group process?

• How did it feel to get this feedback from the group?

Record your skills on Career Decision-Making Grid (Pg. 2, # 19) – record your Achievement Story skills.

Place your Achievement Story in your folder.

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Morning Break

• Be back at ___________

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Noon Lunch Break

• Back at __________

• Have a pleasant lunch.

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Where Am I Going?

• Labor Market Information – What is Labor Market Information?• Job Trends – growth or decline• Job Availability by state, area, etc.• Occupational Wages• Job Statistics

– Why do you need it?

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Labor Market Information Resources

• Maine Labor Market Information – Google = Maine Employment Information Guide• Click on Career Assistance• Go to Career Informer• Select Maine Statewide• Type in a job of interest• Click on Search• Explore!

Place any occupational information gathered in your binder.

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Occupational Exploration – Where Do I Find Information on Occupations?

OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION RESOURCES • Career Centers• Print Materials• Computer Resources– Career Center website– O*NET

• Human Resources• Informational Interviews04/19/23 14Maine Vocational Rehabilitation

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So, How Do I Explore Occupations?

CLUES?• Are there any occupations or groups of

occupations that have “matched” any of the self-assessment results that you completed?– Consider what is in your Career Decision-

Making Grid (Page 4).• How do your job choices compare to the Interests,

Values, Aptitudes, Skills you discovered from your assessments?

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What is O*NET?

• What is O*NET? P. 23-27 Activity–A Department of Labor public website

providing information about occupations––Accessible – 24/7–Has Job Accommodation links!

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How Do I Use O*NET?

• Using O*NET at home, in the Career Center or anywhere else that has internet access:– Type in– Click on “Find Occupations” to get occupational

information.– You will want to find a Job Title to research; for

example – Rehabilitation Counselor

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How Do I Connect “ME” to Possible Occupations?

• Print lists and appropriate profiles from O*NET and other resources.

• Select job titles that seem to provide good possibilities, and compare the occupational characteristics with your characteristics through the Career Decision-Making Grid.

Career Decision-Making Grid (Pg. 3, item 11): Explore those job titles. Place any occupational profiles you have printed in your binder.

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Other O*Net Information• Start with O*NET occupational profile page.– Scroll down to end of any occupational profile.

• Under “Wages & Employment Trends”, see “State & National.”

• Select Maine: click on “Go.”– You are now on the Career One-Stop Maine

Profile for your occupation of interest– Review occupational information for State of


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Other Occupational Resources

• At the top of the Career One-Stop page, look on the right-side for “More Resources.”

• Click on arrow and select “Occupational Outlook Handbook” (OOH); click on “Go.”

• You are now on Bureau of Labor Statistics OOH main page.

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Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)

• You can search by occupational groups or by 5 different areas:– Median Pay; Entry Level; On the Job; # of New

Jobs; Growth Rate

• Begin by typing in an occupation of interest• Click on “GO.”– find the appropriate profile of information for

your career of interest.

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Afternoon Break

• Back by _________

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Achievement Story # 2

• Do you have a better idea of how to write a more complete Achievement Story?– Don’t forget or overlook the skills related to the

achievement story.

• Questions about writing your second Achievement Story?

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Meeting with your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC)

• 2 Homework Assignments:1. Meet with your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor before the

next workshop session next week. a. Bring your Notebook and your Career Decision-Making Grid.b. This is an opportunity to share the results of the workshop: self-assessments, activities, discussions, achievement stories, tentative employment ideas, questions that you may have.c. Be prepared to talk briefly and generally to the group on Day 4 about the topics/issues discussed with your VRC.

2. Write Achievement Story #2.

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Day Three Thoughts?


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