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Page 1: Career Management

Career Management

1.1. Compare employers’ traditional and career planning-Compare employers’ traditional and career planning-oriented HR focuses.oriented HR focuses.

2.2. Explain the employee’s, manager’s, and employer’s Explain the employee’s, manager’s, and employer’s career development development roles.

3.3. Describe the issues to consider when making Describe the issues to consider when making promotion decisions.promotion decisions.

4.4. Describe the methods for enhancing diversity through Describe the methods for enhancing diversity through career management.

5.5. Answer the question: How can career development Answer the question: How can career development foster employee commitment?foster employee commitment?

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The Basics Of Career ManagementThe Basics Of Career Management

Career Management

Career Planning

Career Development


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TABLE 10–1 Traditional Versus Career Development Focus

HR Activity Traditional Focus Career Development Focus

Human resource planning

Analyzes jobs, skills, tasks—present and future. Projects needs. Uses statistical data.

Adds information about individual interests, preferences, and the like to replacement plans.

Recruiting and placement

Matching organization’s needs with qualified individuals.

Matches individual and jobs based on variables including employees’ career interests and aptitudes.

Training and development

Provides opportunities for learning skills, information, and attitudes related to job.

Provides career path information.Adds individual development plans.

Performance appraisal

Rating and/or rewards. Adds development plans and individual goal setting.

Compensation and benefits

Rewards for time, productivity, talent, and so on.

Adds tuition reimbursement plans, compensation for non-job related activities such as United Way.

Source: Adapted from Fred L. Otte and Peggy G. Hutcheson, Helping Employees Manage Careers (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 10, and Accessed May 18, 2008.

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FIGURE 10–1Employee Career Development Plan

Source: Reprinted from with permission of the publisher Business and Legal Reports Inc., 141 Mill Rock Road East, Old Saybrook, CT © 2004.

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TABLE 10–2 Roles in Career Development

Individual• Accept responsibility for your own career.

• Assess your interests, skills, and values.

• Seek out career information and resources.

• Establish goals and career plans.

• Utilize development opportunities.

• Talk with your manager about your career.

• Follow through on realistic career plans.

Employer• Communicate mission, policies, and procedures.

• Provide training and development opportunities, including workshops.

• Provide career information and career programs.

• Offer a variety of career paths.

• Provide career-oriented performance feedback.

• Provide mentoring opportunities to support growth and self-direction.

• Provide employees with individual development plans.

• Provide academic learning assistance programs.

Manager• Provide timely and accurate performance


• Provide developmental assignments and support.

• Participate in career development discussions with subordinates.

• Support employee development plans.

Source: Adapted from Fred L. Otte and Peggy G. Hutcheson, Helping Employees Manage Careers (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 56;; and Accessed May 18, 2007.

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TABLE 10–3 Possible Employer Career Planning and Development Practices

Source: Adapted from Fred L. Otte and Peggy G. Hutcheson, Helping Employees Manage Careers (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 56;; and Accessed May 18, 2007.

Job postings

Formal education/tuition reimbursement

Performance appraisal for career planning

Counseling by manager

Lateral moves/job rotations

Counseling by HR

Pre-retirement programs

Succession planning

Formal mentoring

Common career paths

Dual ladder career paths

Career booklets/pamphlets

Written individual career plans

Career workshops

Assessment Center

Upward appraisal

Appraisal committees

Training programs for managers

Orientation/induction programs

Special needs (highfliers)

Special needs (dual-career couples)

Diversity management


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The Employer’s Role in The Employer’s Role in Career DevelopmentCareer Development

Realistic Job Previews

Challenging First Jobs

Networking and Interactions



Job Rotation

Employer’s Role

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Innovative Corporate Career Innovative Corporate Career Development InitiativesDevelopment Initiatives

1.1. Provide each employee with an individual budget.Provide each employee with an individual budget.

2.2. Offer on-site or online career centers.Offer on-site or online career centers.

3.3. Encourage role reversal.Encourage role reversal.

4.4. Establish a “corporate campus.”Establish a “corporate campus.”

5.5. Help organize “career success teams.”Help organize “career success teams.”

6.6. Provide career coaches.Provide career coaches.

7.7. Provide career planning workshops.Provide career planning workshops.

8.8. Utilize computerized on- and offline career Utilize computerized on- and offline career development programs.development programs.

9.9. ““Catch them young”Catch them young”

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Managing Promotions and TransfersManaging Promotions and Transfers

Decision 1: Is Seniority or Competence

the Rule?

Decision 4:Vertical,

Horizontal, or Other?

Decision 2:How Should We Measure


Decision 3:Is the Process

Formal or Informal?

Making Promotion Decisions

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Handling TransfersHandling Transfers

• Employees’ reasons for desiring transfersEmployees’ reasons for desiring transfers Proximity to home town Proximity to home town Better job prospects Better job prospects Personal enrichment and growthPersonal enrichment and growth More interesting jobsMore interesting jobs Greater convenience (better hours, location)Greater convenience (better hours, location) Greater advancement possibilitiesGreater advancement possibilities

• Employers’ reasons for transferring employeesEmployers’ reasons for transferring employees To fill positions in big cities where business is growing.To fill positions in big cities where business is growing. To vacate a position where an employee is no longer needed.To vacate a position where an employee is no longer needed. To fill a position where an employee is needed.To fill a position where an employee is needed. To find a better fit for an employee within the firm.To find a better fit for an employee within the firm. To boost productivity by consolidating positions.To boost productivity by consolidating positions.

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Taking Steps to Enhance Diversity: Taking Steps to Enhance Diversity: Women’s and Minorities’ ProspectsWomen’s and Minorities’ Prospects

Take Their Career Interests


Eliminate Institutional


Eliminate the Glass Ceiling

Improve Networking and


Institute Flexible Schedules and Career Tracks

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Career Management and Career Management and Employee CommitmentEmployee Commitment

Old Contract: “Do your best and be loyal to us,

and we’ll take care of your career.”

New Contract: “Do your best for us and be loyal to us for as long as you’re here, and we’ll provide you with the

developmental opportunities you’ll need to move on and have a

successful career.”

Comparing Yesterday’s and Today’s Employee-Employer Contract

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Career Management and Career Management and Employee Commitment (cont’d)Employee Commitment (cont’d)

Career Development




Commitment-oriented career

development efforts

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Career Management and Career Management and Employee Commitment (cont’d)Employee Commitment (cont’d)

Career Development




Commitment-Oriented Career

Development Efforts

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Attracting and Retaining Older WorkersAttracting and Retaining Older Workers

Create a Culture that Honors Experience

Offer Flexible Work

Offer Part-Time Work

HR Practices for Older Workers

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Identify Your Career StageIdentify Your Career Stage

• Growth StageGrowth Stage• Exploration StageExploration Stage• Establishment StageEstablishment Stage

Trial substageTrial substage Stabilization substageStabilization substage Midcareer crisis substageMidcareer crisis substage

• Maintenance StageMaintenance Stage• Decline StageDecline Stage

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FIGURE 10–A1 Choosing an Occupational Orientation

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TABLE 10–A1 Examples of Occupations that Typify Each Occupational Theme

Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional





Research andDevelopmentManagers



Auto SalesDealers

School Administrators

A Wide Range of Managerial Occupations, including:

Military Officers

Chamber ofCommerce Executives

Investment Managers





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Identify Your Career AnchorsIdentify Your Career Anchors



Managerial Competence

Autonomy and Independence



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Source: Wall Street Journal by Reproduced with permission of Dow Jones & Co. Inc. via Copyright Clearance Center © 2004.

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