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The opening shot is a well framed CGI generated title shot, it is using the curtains in order to display the name of the song. This therefore is used in order to show the circus and performance nature of the song.

This is a close up shot of a toy which is of a carousel. This may be used to set the mood of the whole song, maybe creating a playful attitude from the audience.

This is a medium shot of a character, there are no camera movements however he is walking away from the camera. As he is the ringleader it is showing he is opening the performance up for the audience.

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This shot is a long shot of the singer, this is working as an establishing shot. It works in order to show the audience the singer and the location, which appears to be a fairground of some sort.

A close up shot is followed with the artist lip syncing, this is in order to connect with the audience, and the nature of the video is to almost hypnotise the audience. This is why she is focused off centre and is tilting her head to the side to make her music seem inconspicuous.

This shot is a stationary shot taken from being on a spinning platform (a fairground ride). This therefore focuses onto Martinez whilst the background spins and is a blur. This works to show and depict the confusion of the video.

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This is a handheld track outwards from Melanie’s face, This works in order to show how small she is, it focuses onto her emotions as she tends to look lost and afraid at this point, therefore using a close up transforming into a medium close up works well to display the emotion then to make her seem small in the bigger picture.

A low angle shot of the record player being spun then tilts upwards. This may be to create the illusion of being there and may also be there to create confusion as we don’t know who the player of the record is.

This is the same shot as before, we see a rapid tilt upwards to reveal the players face. This is centred and is a medium close up.

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A close up shot of only half of Martinez face, this may be part of the laura mulvey male gaze, in that she is speechless. Or it may be trying to convey the idea that because Martinez is in love she cant speak, the male will do that for her. It could also be to suggest that her accessories (the bow) mean more about her than her voice.

We see the ringmaster as a close up shot, this is probably to depict fear in the audience, as the blackened eyes and mouth show no emotion.

The camera is shooting from a diagonal point, rather than being centralised and straight upwards. The camera then pans to the right, this may be to give the perception of the artist being out of control, as her facial expression shows potential intoxication.

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A close up shot of Martinez from behind in front of a carnival mirror creates the illusion that the mirror image is the reality (postmodern). The camera has no movements here but the actress is moving around creating illusions to add to the semantic cohesion.

Again, she is dancing with the camera being at a different angle. This time however the camera zooms into her to show that she is the focus of the music video.

This is the use of a match on action shot, this is filmed as a long shot, from a different angle, however the use of the match on action is to create the illusion that it is continuous. The camera also pans and track around Martinez, in a fast motion.

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This shot works as an establishing shot. This is a centralised shot showing the next location of the music video. It is also using fast paced editing and has clearly been sped up in order to create excitement for the audience in order to gratify them.

This medium shot shows the ringmaster being framed to the left of the shot, this is in order to get the audience to focus onto the central sign ‘you must be this tall to ride’, which is in fact the next line of the song.

This long shot is used in order to show him face on, he appears to be intimidating.

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The shot of the ringmaster on his own suddenly becomes a two shot of him and Martinez. The use of editing in this shot will be explained later on. The use of a two shot is showing that the two characters have some form of communication.

This medium shot shows the ringmaster being framed to the left of the shot, this is in order to get the audience to focus onto the central sign ‘you must be this tall to ride’, which is in fact the next line of the song. This time there is Martinez in the shot, she is lip syncing as if she were trying to get measured to get onto the ride. She is made to look smaller by the use of the closeness to the camera.

This establishing shot of the rides being used in simultaneous action suggests that it is about the get a bit out of control for Martinez, the shot is showing an array of different rides that she will go on with different outcomes for her.

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This is a new character, so there is a medium close up to show his face so we as the audience can recognise it throughout the video throughout. He is deliberately not looking into the camera, instead he is looking at Melanie. This is a use of shot reverse shot, although they are not talking to one another it can be said that both of them remain still whilst looking at the opposites sides of the camera whilst the fairground moves rapidly in the background, therefore depicting that they are in love (in a world of their own together). The two shot reveals that they are looking at each other. It shows due to her positioning that she is following him, she is under his control.

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This is a close up of the pairs feet, they are showing the special effects used in order to ‘sweep her off her feet’. This is purely to demonstrate the special effects as a shot.

A close up shot of their hands show that they have chemistry, it is showing the audience that she cares for him.

The two shot reveals that they are looking at each other. It is showing the emotions after the hands are held. This shot is tracking forwards towards the two, it is focusing onto their faces in order to convey the solemn expression on his face.

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The long shot is used in order to show the Martinez is completely under his control. It is used to show the way she follows him, with her remaining in the centre of the shot.

A close up shot of a character, who appears to be running a stand, he has a close up shot in order to show his freaky tattoos. This will be in order to show the audience her intentions behind filming which is to freak people out and create mystery.

This shot is showing a close up of the ringmasters body to the right of the shot, this is to frame for the central position of Martinez, whose a picture of a close up shot showing she is just a game.

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The low angle medium close up of the ringmaster is showing his dominance upon Martinez. This shot is showing that he is intimidating and in complete control.

An extreme close up to show the hand opening with a ticket inside, this it to reflect the lyrics ‘ you already bought a ticket’. It is clear it is a male hand and therefore is showing that it is him who has offered this to her rather than the other way around.

The medium shot from a high angle shows the ringmaster off the ride with the camera being places onto it. This creates a vision of the ringmaster whizzing past in order to depict Martinez being confused and out of control. She is on the ride aswell as the camera so reality seems to spin around her whilst she is on the ride and cant get off.

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The close up shot her Martinez hands being tied to the ride is taken with her face also in it trying to get off. The pole is the centre position in order to show her behind the ride, she has been overtaken by the ride. It also shows that she is deceived by her love.

An extreme close up of her eyes opening in order to show she is out of her crazy world now, the greyscale lighting also helps to convey this.

The montage sequence is showing her running away from the deserted fairground. It then flashes back to all of the close up shots of her face, with the ringmaster repeating his starting shot of opening the fair. This is then followed by Martinez in the same position looking worried. This it to show the out of control effect that love has on her, she cant escape the constant back and fourth of the ride and she cant escape the fair.

Montage Sequence at the end

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The opening shot is a well framed CGI generated title shot, it is using the curtains in order to display the name of the song. Post production techniques will have been used in order to create this font and to add the lights. This all works semantically in order to help the depiction of circus fun.

This shot is used using a flickering off and on effect, this is in order to make it seem like it is moving more fast than it is, potentially to show that her love is out of control or knowing Martinez’ style she has done this in order to create an element of confusion and trippiness for the audience.

Throughout the video there are many effects using a tool in order to make people disappear and reappear. It is shown in this picture at the start, however there are many throughout the video. This may be used as a way of suggesting it is magic or that people vanish in this creepy fair. It could also suggest that she tend to lose people as a person.

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This is showing a flashing image over the top of the deserted fairground. It is filled with people and flickers very quickly. This may to be make the video seem trippy and dark. The people have reduced opacity, making it seem as though they are ghosts. This may be the reason behind this, however it works effectively in order to create tension.

Another post production feature is that of the snow falling around (it might be stars/universe stuff) but she is standing and lip syncing whilst this moves around her.

Throughout the video there are many shots of the rides being sped up in order to create a rapid feeling to the video. This is used probably x8 or x4 in order to make the rides seem like death traps. This could also be to make the audience believe that the video is showing a face paced ride.

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Mirror effect is used throughout the video, this is used against a funhouse mirror in order to create even more illusion to the shots. The video is fairly strange and dark giving the appearance of her being out of control, so having more illusions makes perfect sense.

She is shown to float using a close up shot of her feet. This is showing her being swept of her feet. The post production special effects will have been used, potentially of her in a green room or this could be someone lifting her up whilst the shot is taken.

Throughout the video there are many shots of Martinez floating in the air, this will have been done in a green room using a harness etc. This gives the illusion that she is floating after him completely out of her control.

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This effect is rather unsettling, it uses the child friendly filling a balloon up with water to rise a figure, in this case she is the game. This editing style is used in order to show she is conscious, the audience think it is a photo at first until Martinez blinks mind way through the shot. This can be seen to be objectifying to her and suggests that she is being played.

This is part of a montage sequences, which has used editing in order to look extremely blurry and rapid. This is in order to convey that she is completely out of control. With the shot being that from a side as well, it comes together to be a psychedelic sort of montage of control flying out of the window for her. It is don’t whilst the music slows down, this may be due to the ability to reflect a lot of emotions into the section in that time. All of the shots tend to be layered also, which wasn’t done until now in the video.

The editing also uses a face recognition in order to place her in different surrounding areas, this effectively gives the illusion that she is out of her mind as well as control. She is the same in every situation and shows how time passes over her so quickly.

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FAST PACED EDITINGThroughout the whole video there is use of fast paced editing, there is never a shot longer than 2 seconds on average. This will be to give the correct effect that she wanted to convey, fast paced is like the love she has for him. It all conveys the song and the meaning behind the song too.

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The opening shot is of a pair of purple curtains, this shot may be to show the carnival performance of the video. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colours. Purple is a very rare colour in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.

This shot is of a child’s toy in motion, this has been selected in order to show the setting of the song, as Martinez always uses children's things in order to make it have an adult meaning. It also is the name of the song, so therefore using the Syntax and Semantics in order to show the word and the meaning behind it.

This shot is showing the variety of different stands and stalls at the circus / fair. This is in line with the overall atmosphere, using the bright lights and vintage style writing for the location it creates a perfect indie pop location for filming.

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In the video she is stuck on the carousel and then begins to start throwing up pink sick. It overall adds to the creepiness and is seen to be pastel grunge because of the pink colour.

The doll is also a creepy edition, it is supposed to be to connect the videos ‘dollhouse’ and carousel up from her ‘CryBaby’ album. It is a little Easter egg for fans to catch it.

Using the rides, either shots on or off the rides either way the lights and spinning create an effective way to make the

audience feel lost and confused.

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Costumes Her outfit remains the same throughout the whole song. Her pastel grunge style is prominent throughout. This includes the oversized bow headband, which can show her child side, showing she can be playful and almost like a doll. Her style makes her seem fragile, which when looking at the songs meaning is what is intended.

This figure seems to be the ring leader, he is wearing the traditional red and gold jacket. This shows he is a figure in this story, with him dictating what Martinez can and cant do. He controls everything, which is why he may have a horror mask on to show he is scary and all powerful.

This is the male ‘fantasy’ for Martinez. He is dressed in a white vest with braces, this connotes the idea of him being a strong man. It helps to make the video more cohesive.

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In terms of what we learn from the symbols, there are different symbols all

throughout the music video. We can gather that she is falling head over heels for this man and he doesn’t want her, so

she feels as though she’s completely under his spell. This is shown through the use of metaphorical and cinematography

throughout the use of the video. Shot of the Mise- En -scene are used

conventionally to break away with the characters and to use them as establishing shots. The use of fast paced editing is also

key in order to show how she feels her mind is when she is with him.

The point to the music video is all about how she feels when she's around him and

that nothing can ever become of these feelings. This is shown in her

objectification throughout the video, such as when she is part of the game, or when she loops back to the start of the video at

the end to show that it will keep going around like ‘a carousel’.

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Indie Pop Indie pop as a genre is relatively large as a category, because of the indie nature of the artists they constantly seek abstract and performance based music videos. This is a hybrid genre of video and has all three, performance, narrative and abstract. The audience are young and tend to be drawn in by the hybrid genres, as studies have found anyway. The song is clearly a brand of indie pop due to the strange chords on the violin being played as well as Martinez’s raspy voice.

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Martinez is signed with Atlantic records, a major American label, under the Warner Bros, umbrella oligopoly. Atlantic records seem to specialise in RnB, Rock and Hip-Hop. Although in recent years they have expanded their choice of musicians outwards to gain further broad scope for their portfolio. There are hundreds of different artists under the Atlantic records label, however there are at least 10 artists who are similar to Martinez, although she is different there is still a similarity in style of music.

Some notable members of Atlantic Records who are also similar to Martinez in style and genre: Alt – JBirdy Charlie XCX Christina PerryClean BanditEd Sheeran Icona PopMarina and the DiamondsMeg MyersParamore

As they tend to have so many different artists with around 11 being similar to Melanie Martinez, they will have a lot of experience and potentially good collabs with the different artists.

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Melanie Martinez’ audience stems from a young audience, particularly those who are 18-25. She appeals to those in a lower demographic, such as students at university and those who are part of the ‘indie’ stereotype. Her audience are usually found on Tumblr, which is a website blogging site used by young adults with a variety of different tastes. These students will tend to be all over the world and will be very used to social media.

Many of those people who watch the video will enjoy the aesthetically pleasing costumes and scenery. It is individuals to the indie genre and the pop genre in that it contains aspects of each but is appealing because of the differences. This includes the flashing images of the circus/fun fare that you see on the video.

It appeals to young adults as the lyrics express desires of love, yet the music video also shows abstract performance making it appealing to listen to and watch. The lyrics therefore become relatable to the audience.

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The representation of women in this music video is negative, in line with the Laura Mulvey Male Gaze the video exhibits some of the qualities of men and women

which are not good. For example the ringmaster being seen as the dictator to her life, he is seen as

intimidating and dominant. This is also because Melanie is seen to be helpless and needs saving.

However it does represent the issues that this brings up, in one way she conforms however because she is the main focus of the video (always centralised) she is

rejecting the Male Gaze too. She is reflected the feelings of love very well in that many people who have or are in love describe it in a similar way, it may not be a

case of ‘because she’s a woman’. It also puts representation onto those who may not normally get representation,

such as the tattoo man, usually in pop / rap / alternative they wouldn’t exhibit people like that (unless they were like that themselves) in the music video.

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