
[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November2017] 1

What You Need to Know It is essential that if you are interested in being in the cast that you carefully read all the information in this document and have prepared well for your audition. You must have your parent or guardian’s approval prior to booking your audition. Competition will be heavy, so come to your audition well prepared and with all the required paperwork. It is disappointing to have to turn away auditionees who have not completed the required paperwork and/or to audition unprepared students.

1. What to do in advance Read this ‘Information’ packet completely.

Carefully consider your conflicts, and anticipate others, because doing a musical takes a lot of time, and write all of your conflicts on the audition form. Only when you understand your level of commitment, have your parent / guardian’s approval, and have completed all sections of the ‘Audition / Application Forms’ should you register your expression of interest for an audition. Email your expression of interest to audition on Sunday 26 November. Simply complete the information on the ‘email form’ on the website no later than Friday 24 November.

2. So what do you need to do to be in this production? We are looking for a cast with energy, fun, stage presence, strong vocal ability, strong acting, powerful movement ability and the dedication to give what it takes to be in musical theatre. If you wish to be cast in the 2018 school musical, then all we ask from you is that you: Commit to the rehearsal schedules:

– two afternoons per weekday, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, and

– Sundays from 12:00 noon – 4:30 pm. NOTE: Additional rehearsals may, on occasion, be called for other weekdays. If such occasions occur,

students will be provided with advanced notice.

Commit to the one week of rehearsals during the term 1 holidays – Monday 9 April to Sunday 15 April (week two of holidays)

Commit to two Saturday rehearsals from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm in the final two weeks before the show opens (28 April & 5 May)

Be available for all five performances: 10 – 12 May, including matinees (see page 3).

Be able to balance your academic studies and co-curricular activities with your commitment to the show

Complete and return the completed and signed audition forms and submit these at your audition on Sunday 6 December

Pay a small tax deductible $30 involvement fee, payable at the first rehearsal (fee covers scripts and vocal scores, make-up, show t-shirt and souvenir program)

Have parental or guardian approval and support. As per professional auditions, we ask you to be fully prepared and aware of the show. First impressions do matter, so make sure you arrive at your audition:

• with all your audition application sheets fully completed and signed (or you may forfeit your audition)

• thoroughly prepared to sing, dance and act


[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November2017] 2

3. What your audition will involve: Once you have registered on-line you will be notified by email that your audition has been confirmed. Please be flexible and be available from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Sunday 26 November. You may or may not be required to stay the full length of time. Please allow up to two hours for your audition. Your audition will be divided into three sections and each section will be conducted at different intervals that will involve: (1) singing

• You are to download and prepare the assigned song(s) from the website.

• Expect to sing scales to determine range.

• Make sure you are acting and moving while you sing your song. This is a traditional musical theatre piece, not a choir concert. Your song performance is the only part of the audition you can prepare in advance. Make the most of it. Show us your very best. Learn your song and prepare it so you can sing well and act and move to it at the same time.

(2) dancing

• Dancing will be undertaken in large groups while others are being auditioned for singing or acting and vice-versa.

• Dress appropriately for movement and dance, including shoes. (3) acting

• You will also be required to act out one or more short scenes from the show. The script will be given to you upon arrival when you register.

• You will have time to prepare your acting scene.

• Acting will be undertaken in pairs and small groups. Please note:

• Regardless of your song selection or role preference, you will be considered for all roles unless you specify otherwise on your audition/application form.

• No feedback will be given on auditions.

4. Registering for the Audition Auditions will be through on-line registration. Simply complete and submit the on-line email. PLEASE NOTE: Audition Bookings will CLOSE on Saturday 25 November, so if you are serious about your audition, you will have planned ahead. You must be available between 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Sunday 26 November. Having read through and understood what is contained within this document, and if you are happy with the level of commitment expected from you and are able to commit to the rehearsal schedule and all performances, then complete all sections of the ‘Audition / Application Forms’ (following page 5).

5. After the Audition: • All auditionnes will be informed by email as to the outcome of their audition.

[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November2017] 3

6. Rehearsals There are 3 scheduled rehearsals per week as follows: 1. Tuesdays: 4:00 pm – 6:00pm. 2. Thursday: 4:00 pm – 6:00pm. 3. Sundays: 12:00 am – 4:30 pm. Singing. Choreography. Blocking. Additional rehearsals may, on occasion, be called for other weekdays. If such occasions occur, students will be provided with advanced notice. Additional rehearsals are only called if we are not on schedule or require additional time to master songs, choreography and acting. All cast are required throughout the second week of the Term 1 Holidays: Monday 9 April through to Sunday 15 April. All cast are required on Saturdays in the two Saturdays prior to the first performance: Saturday 28 April Saturday 5 May First Cast Rehearsal Sunday January 28, 2018 from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.

7. Show Performances 5 shows: May 10, 11, 12

Thursday 10th matinee (for Year 9s) is at 1:00 pm (11:00 am call)

Thursday 10: evening performance is at 7:30 pm (5:00 pm call)

Friday 11th: evening performance is at 7:30 pm (5:00 pm call)

Saturday 12th: evening performance is at 7:30 pm (5:00 pm call)

Saturday 12th: matinee is at 2:00 pm (12:00 pm call)

8. Completing the Audition Application Form, Contract and Costume Sheet Read through and carefully complete each page: 1. Audition form 2. Dance audition form 3. Agreement form 4. Planned activities form 5. Costume measurements It is important that all parts of the application are completed and that writing is neat and legible. Important note 1: Students should not audition if they are unable to commit to the rehearsal schedule and performances. Important note 2: Please complete and sign page 4 of 5 of the agreement form listing dates of any ‘conflicts’, excursions, trips or other activities that you know about and that will directly impact upon the scheduled rehearsal days (e.g. overseas school trip; sister’s wedding). Important note 3: Students will not be considered for a role if they do not have their parent or guardian’s approval. The parent or guardian must sign the Agreement Form. Important note 4: Ensure you attach a clear photo of yourself (a photocopy is acceptable). It is important that the audition panel are able to put faces to names during their deliberations. We cannot be expected to remember who you are when reviewing over 80+ audition forms prior to making our final casting decisions.

Please retain this information pack for future reference.

[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November2017] 4

Audition Tips Some advice: being nervous is understandable and we encourage you to remain calm and relaxed. While waiting for your audition, it may be worth your while to find a space and either on your own or with a small group, do a few vocal warm-ups and physical exercises to help you be vocally and physically prepared.

1. Prepare in advance Research the Show – Find out about the show – read the synopsis and view the video clips on the website. Get a hold of the CD and listen to the songs. Actors who read the play and scene ahead of a cold reading audition will have a huge advantage over actors who do not and a leg up on getting the role of their choice. Train for It – More and more auditions involve cold readings of monologues or dialogues. For that reason, you need to prepare for it. But what preparation can you do? Practice! You can cold read a ton of things at home, pick up anything and practice cold reading it, the TV guide, a novel, a play, the Bible, it doesn’t matter, just practice picking up things and reading them aloud. It helps! Learn the appropriate songs needed to audition. Memorize it – or as much as possible. Nothing looks worse than an unprepared actor for an audition. If you want a specific lead role the director wants to know they can trust you to be prepared. Do the material in front of as many people as possible before your audition. It could be your friends or parents or just anyone who will lend their ear. Recite in front of a mirror. Try and use your face as much as possible. In a lot of auditions you can’t move around so the face is a great way to show emotion. Talk loud and clear (projection). The director needs to know you can say something loudly, so when the show comes, everyone can hear you, even the people in the back row!

2. Prior to your audition Shake out! A good way to get rid of being nervous is to shake! Many actors do this to get rid of jitters. Little things to warm up your body: Do some vocal warm-ups.

• Tongue twisters, like “She sells sea shells by the sea shore” and do this until you get it perfect, saying it loudly and clearly.

• Do some scales.

• Breathe. Breathe in, (without your shoulders going up), and sing/talk.

• Bring some water. If you’ve already warmed up though, don’t drink. Breathing The control of the breath is essential. Take a deep breath in. Count to 1. Breath out. Take a breath in. Count to 2. Breath out. Continue on up to 10. Vocal You just want the voice loosened, not overworked. Start with gentle humming with the mouth closed, then open the mouth. Buzz the lips on a neutral note and then move on to moving up and down a scale. Vocalize a yawn, starting at the top of your register and sliding down. Go in the opposite direction. Do a couple of tongue twisters. Physical Start at the top of the body and move every single body part in a circle 3 times: the head, the neck, the shoulders, the torso, the arms, and so on down the body. Be slow and methodical. Don’t miss anything. Do this twice slowly and then once with a little speed (keeping in mind you don’t want to be whipping your head around – be sensible) The first time you do the circles, focus on relaxation and concentration. The second time, focus on getting blood to the limbs. Breathe with the movement. If you’re doing a long slow circle, then do a long slow breath.

[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November2017] 5

Tension Starting with your toes, tense, hold, and then release your muscles. Work your way up the body. Face work Open your face as wide as you can and then scrunch it up as small as you can. Repeat. Give an extra big yawn. Move your jaw. Take your tongue and stick it out as far out of your mouth as you can. Try and touch your chin with your tongue and then your nose.

3. Tips for Cold Readings When you have arrived to your audition and registered, you will be given a section from the script to prepare. Here are some useful tips: Rapid Analysis Make an analysis of the scene as quickly as you can. What does the character want the other character to do as a result of hearing the words? If you can answer this question, you will give yourself a tone for the scene based on context. If you have time to work out an Essential Action for your character in the scene, such as ‘To bring someone down a peg’ or ‘To get someone to crown me Queen’, or ‘To get what I deserve’ – you’ll have something strong to act in your scene, not just the words. Learn to Read Sentences Not Words One of the keys to cold reading is the ability to take in a sentence at a glance, and then while you are acting that line, you scan ahead to see the next line. This is not easy, so practice it as part of your regular cold reading practice. While you speak and act one line, scan ahead to the next. Read Spend your time that you have with the script reading it over and over, don’t work out how you’re going to say the lines, just read it over and over until you’re comfortable with it, until you just have a feel for it and the words are easy with you. This will help you live in the moment when the audition comes. Slow Down People tend to garble when they’re nervous, they speak really, really fast and it damages their audition because no one can understand them. While the panel will expect you to be nervous, speaking too quickly will kill your articulation. Listen Very Carefully You’re going to be nervous and cold reading auditions are fairly fraught experiences. So remember to listen carefully to any instructions that you get before or during the audition. Listen to the director carefully and speak clearly yourself. [Adapted from several websites on here]

Musical Agreement

This “Musical Agreement” is to ensure that cast members are committed and will embrace the high level of responsibility required of them. We recognise that we want you to have ‘fun’ and enjoy the production process; at the same time, however, we expect you to have respect for the show and understand the privilege of being a part of it.

Due to the size of the show and the diverse background and ages of the cast, it is necessary that everyone follow some simple, but important, rules. These rules exist to make the rehearsal process enjoyable for everyone and to ensure the best possible performances.

By accepting a role and signing this agreement you agree to follow these rules: 1. Students, and their parent/guardian, have read through the Information ‘pack’, are conversant with the rehearsal

schedule, the level of commitment expected of students, and are therefore prepared to commit themselves to the entire rehearsal / production period.

2. 100% commitment is expected from the entire cast.

3. Students will only be cast upon acceptance of the Musical Agreement contract which must be submitted to the

Director at the scheduled audition.

4. Students are not to exceed three missed rehearsals without reasonable excuse (e.g. unexpected school-related matter; family commitment). In some instances, a student’s role may be assigned to another cast member when missed rehearsals affect singing performance, blocking, choreography, and progress of the show.

5. Students who consistently miss rehearsals, are late or unprepared, will be asked to leave the production.

6. Students must provide advance written notice from their parent/guardian when rehearsals may be missed due to school-related activities (e.g. year level camp) or family commitments.

7. Students who are disruptive, disrespectful to the staff or other students, or act in such a way as to endanger

themselves, other students, or property, will be removed from the production and reported to the school administration.

8. Any student using, or suspected of using alcohol or drugs before or during rehearsals or performances will be removed from the production and reported to the school administration.

All students are expected to:

9. Come to rehearsal mentally and physically prepared to work. They will have opportunities to socialise before and after rehearsal, not during.

10. Not hold up the rehearsal process by coming late or missing a rehearsal.

11. Bring their script, a pencil, and a notebook to every rehearsal.

12. Ask questions if something is unclear.

13. Treat the directors, staff, musicians, crew and their fellow actors with respect at all times.

14. Be responsible and actively involved in ‘bump out’ (the clean up) of the show. Students may be requested to hand wash parts of their costume during performances and as part of bump-out.

Please note that removal of any student may seriously impair the success of the production; therefore, cooperation is vitally important.

Both teachers and students who become involved in the production, do so because they are interested, committed and enthusiastic. It is vital, therefore, that anyone who is late or absent without prior notification, or who is inattentive or disruptive during rehearsals, understands that they could jeopardise their own part in the show and seriously negate the efforts of the entire team.

You can expect to be treated fairly and with respect by all staff involved. Your well being is our primary concern and it is

important that if you are running late or unable to attend a rehearsal, are experiencing problems, or have concerns that may affect your part in the show, that these are immediately brought to the attention of the staff involved in the production so that we can act quickly and appropriately to address the matter.

The benefits of being in the musical cannot be underestimated. For the many challenges and hard work students will face, they can expect to:

• learn a lot about themselves • learn what is involved in the production process • understand the complexities of mounting a large scale musical • be involved in a unique and memorable experience • learn self-discipline and develop team work • have a lot of fun • be nominated for various school awards as a result of their involvement in the musical • be proud ambassadors for their schools.

[MHS & Mac.Rob 2018 School Musical – Curtains Information and Audition Application Pack / Published 1 November 2017] 6

Combined School Musical 2018 Audition & Application Forms

Please complete all details thoroughly detach and submit this form at your audition. Print clearly. Use biro/ink not pencil. Before you complete this audition form, please ensure that you and your parent/guardian are aware of, and committed to the rehearsal schedule.

Unfortunately, there’s no point auditioning and being accepted for a part in the show

(ahead of other possible candidates) if you and/or your parent cannot commit to scheduled rehearsals and performances.


Name: Year Level (2018):


Post Code:

Home Phone:


Email Address: Please indicate in order of preference what role or roles you are interested in: 1. ………………………………… 4. ……………………………………. 2. ………………………………… 5. ……………………………………. 3. ………………………………… 6. …………………………………….

Please note:

Your preferences and interest in a role(s) is to help us to organise your audition.

If you answer ‘No’ to any question below, this does not reflect negatively on your audition, nor will you be automatically excluded. It has no impact in final casting decisions.

Do you want to audition for a principal role only?

YES I NO (please CIRCLE yes or no)

If you are unsuccessful for a principal role are you happy to accept any supporting role, including Chorus?

YES I NO (please CIRCLE yes or no)

Do you want to audition for the Chorus only?

YES I NO (please CIRCLE yes or no)

Vocal Range (please tick):



Acting Experience:

Dance Experience:

AUDITION APPLICATION – OLIVER! please print single-sided


Please attach a clear photocopy or insert a picture head shot photo of yourself. The identification will help with the final selection process by putting a face to the name. Thank you.

This is page 1 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

DANCE AUDITION FORM – OLIVER! please print single-sided

Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (please print clearly)

Year Level (in 2018): ……………….

Please tick the boxes that apply to you:

I can do the following:

Ballet ☐ Jazz ☐ Tap ☐ Acrobatics ☐

Ballroom ☐ Contemporary ☐ Hip Hop ☐ Break Dancing ☐

Partner Work ☐ Cartwheel ☐ Front Walkover ☐ Backward Walkover ☐

Somersault ☐ Back Flip ☐ Right Splits ☐ Left Splits ☐

CHOREOGRAPHER’S USE ONLY Projection/Presentation Smile / Facial Expression____________________ Head Placement ________________________ Energy / Showmanship ____________________ Confidence____________________________ Effort__________________________________

Technique Arm Placement & Strength___________________ Leg Extension & Strength_________________ Foot Placement & Strength___________________ Torso Placement & Strength______________

Execution Timing & Rhythm___________________________ Memory______________________________ Correctness of Steps_________________________ Stamina______________________________

This is page 2 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School and Melbourne High School 2018 Combined School Musical Agreement

The student and his/her parent/guardian must agree to this School Musical Agreement

before the student’s role in the musical can be confirmed. please print single-sided

Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Form (2018): ______

Please tick each box. If you are unable to agree to the commitments, then please do not audition.

If successful in being offered a role in OLIVER! I understand my commitment and agree to:

[ ] all of the rules, requests and commitments set out in the “Melbourne High School and The

Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School 2016 Combined School Musical Agreement”.

[ ] attend all the rehearsals, performances and bump out dates in their entirety and to work to the best of my ability to ensure this production’s success.

[ ] attend all scheduled rehearsals during the scheduled second week of the Term 1 holidays.

[ ] take full responsibility for costumes and props and promise to replace or pay for any items that I

may have damaged due to my own negligence.

[ ] make full payment for the involvement fee of $30 at the first scheduled rehearsal.

I also understand that:

[ ] I cannot exceed three missed rehearsals without a reasonable excuse (e.g. school-related, unexpected family commitment).

[ ] if I consistently miss scheduled rehearsals I may either be replaced in the show or forfeit my

assigned part(s) to another cast member.

[ ] if I breach the “Musical Agreement” I may be replaced in the show.

[ ] if I know in advance why I will be unable to attend a rehearsal for a specific reason, it is my responsibility to provide a signed parental advance written notice to the Director.

[ ] if school-related activities (such as year level camp) may prevent me from attending a scheduled

rehearsal(s); I understand that I must provide a signed parental advance written notice to the Director.

[ ] if an absence from a scheduled rehearsal is unexpected, I will immediately contact the Director by


[ ] if I am running late for a rehearsal, I will contact the Director by phone.

[ ] arrangements will be made to ensure my safe travel home at the conclusion of performances and

late night rehearsals. I will also inform my parent/guardian if I am required for any additional unscheduled rehearsals.

Signature of student: ______________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent/ Guardian Support

I am aware of the level of commitment, including the scheduled rehearsal days and hours involved, and

am happy to support my child’s participation in the combined school musical.

Name of Parent/Guardian:_______________________________________________________________

Contact Number:(BH) ____________________________ (AH) ________________________

Signature of parent: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________

This is page 3 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

Publicity Release

print single-sided Throughout the course of the production, the Production Team will take photographs and video for the sole purpose of publicity and mementos for the cast, crew, and orchestra. Some of the photos will be used for the official souvenir programme and promotional material such as foyer displays, newspaper publicity, and school magazine and website archives. Aside from the souvenir programme, none of the above items or digital images are for sale. I grant Melbourne High School and Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School permission to take and use photos and video for the sole purpose as stated above. I also agree not to publish photos and video images of rehearsals, publicity shoots or during the season of the show without the Production Manager’s approval. Name (PLEASE PRINT): ____________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________

This is page 4 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

Planned activities print single-sided

Please list, with dates, any planned trips or other activities that you know about that will directly impact upon the scheduled rehearsal days (e.g. family holiday, overseas school trip; sister’s wedding). This does not include school-related co-curricular activities such as chorales, SACs, excursions, etc. If ‘blank’, rule a line across the table. Tick ONE box only as appropriate:

I acknowledge that I am committed to the planned activities I have listed below and am providing the Production Team with advance notice.

I acknowledge that I have no planned activities that will impact upon my commitment to the show.

Dates Activity

Signature of Student: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of Parent/Guardian: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………

This is page 5 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

Costume Measurements print single-sided Name: (print capital letters) …………………………………………………………………………………… You are asked to carefully complete the following information, clearly and legibly. Please ensure that measurements are recorded ACCURATELY in centimetres and inches on the lines provided. Thank you.


Head circumference:

Neck (circumference):

Back width (shoulder to shoulder):

Back length (below neck to waist):

Arm length (shoulder to wrist):

Chest (Bust) (circumference):

Waist (circumference):

Hips (circumference):

Leg length (waist to ankle):

Inside Leg length (to ankle):

Shoe size:

Boys (look at the size labels inside your clothing)

standard TROUSER size

standard SHIRT size

standard JACKET size

standard T-SHIRT size

GIRLS (look at the size labels inside your clothing)

standard BLOUSE size

standard DRESS size

standard PANTS / TROUSER size

standard T-SHIRT size

Costumer’s use only

Role(s): …………………………………………………..




This is page 6 of 6 that must be submitted at your audition. print single-sided

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