Page 1: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy


Learning Values with Lucy and WizBuilds the right attitudes, introduces cultures of the world, helps you become a great parent!

15 multi-lingual storybooks User Guide

Five reasons why this series is a must-have for your child:

Teaches good behavior, builds character, and helps them become good human beingsEnhances emotional intelligence, helping them understand how their actions affect othersIntroduces children to countries and gives them an appreciation for cultures of the worldImproves their imagination through fantastic stories and the wonderful narrationExposes them to 10 languages of the world!

Page 2: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

1. Tu Whitoo Tu Whitoo (Kenya)Overcoming fears, promoting kindness

Lucy and Wiz help a baby lioness overcome her fears. Their actions demonstrate that making an effort to understand another can lead to friendship. Your child will learn how to face his or her fears and conquer them.

2. Up the Mountain (Japan)Making difficult tasks easy, conquering goals

Lucy and Wiz learn how to support someone smaller than them to climb Mount Fuji. Up the Mountain is an inspirational story that encourages children to conquer their goals by taking small steps and enjoying the beauty around them along the way. Your child will learn how to cope with big challenges by taking little steps.

3. Pineapple Party (Hawaii)Listening carefully, learning from mistakes

Lucy and Wiz discover the value of listening carefully before taking action. Through this insightful story, children learn that actions have consequences. Your child will learn how to examine his or her mistakes; stop, think and learn how to do better next time.

4. An Adventure at Sea (Pacific Ocean)Kindness, helping friends

Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy learns the value of compassion and kindness by putting herself in the shoes of another creature. Your child will learn that kindness brings good feelings, and is reciprocated.

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5. The Talented Elephant (India)Everyone is unique and talented, focus on strengths

Lucy and Wiz meet a majestic and strong elephant who is sad because he cannot do what the other animals can. Together, Lucy and Wiz help the elephant discover that he can do other amazing things that make him unique. Your child will learn that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and that is okay.

6. The King of the Island (Indonesia)Respecting elders, taking care of people

Asked to help select the right heir to succeed the king of the island, Lucy and Wiz follow the two princes around the island looking for qualities that would go towards making a good king. Your child will learn that respecting elders, taking care of people around, and selflessness are qualities that make for a good leader.

7. The Sweetest Monster (Scotland)Not being prejudiced, making friends

Lucy and Wiz encounter a tall girl named Nessie who looks very different from them. Lucy accepts Nessie, but Wiz must overcome his initial judgments to realize that he and Nessie are very much alike. Your child will learn to accept everyone, no matter what their appearance is like.

8. The Hole in the Boat (Arctic)Doing things on time, work ethic

In this intricate story, a young polar bear keeps putting off repairing his boat. Because of this, he loses the chance to win a race and a prize. The Hole in the Boat explains the idea of procrastination. Your child will learn that delaying short-term gratification can lead to an even better prize later on.

Page 3: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy


9. Big Chief Wiz (America)Responsibility, courage

Wiz wants to be in the shoes of the Big Native American Chief and enjoy the power that comes with the position, but he must learn that being powerful means being responsible and brave. Big Chief Wiz teaches children that one cannot gain respect only through outward appearances. Your child will learn that respect must be earned, and that this takes time and effort.

10. The Ice Cream Princess (Russia)Valuing friendship, recognizing people

Wiz neglects his friendship with Lucy when he meets a glamorous new best friend. Wiz soon learns that his new “friend” is very greedy and wants to take advantage of him for her own needs. Your child will learn that loyalty is a very important value of friendship, and that it is something that cannot be bought.

11. Always Hung Lee (China)Choosing words carefully, taking a stand

Lucy and Wiz learn about different cultures. Through their travels, Lucy and Wiz discover that everyone is different and unique, and that they need to accept this truth. Your child will learn that one has to respect the differences in others and that a child needs to stand up for him- or herself when hurt by words.

12. The Castle on the Beach (Brazil)Giving due credit, friendship

Lucy and Wiz learn that acknowledging someone else’s success does not lessen what they have to offer. This lesson demonstrates that friendship and trust are the true basis for happiness. Your child will learn that jealousy can ruin a relationship and that fame is temporary.


13. The Scavenger Hunt (Australia)Politeness, courtesy

Lucy and Wiz must learn that the key to winning the Scavenger Hunt is to stop and listen carefully. This insightful story illustrates why being polite, courteous and helpful is important, and that kind actions are reciprocated. Your child will learn that he or she must be patient and listen before acting, and also that kindness is reciprocated.

14. The Sphinx’s Nose (Egypt)Honesty, courage to own up

Lucy and Wiz meet an Egyptian Sphinx that might need a new nose. In this book they are introduced to new words, and learn interesting facts about a new land and the Seven Wonders of the World. Your child will learn the value of having the courage to own up to a mistake, and that speaking the truth leads to a better understanding between people.

15. The Treasure Seekers (Amazon rainforest)Teamwork, sharing rewards

Lucy and Wiz participate in a Treasure Hunt. They learn the important lessons of teamwork, cooperation, staying together, having fun together, and sharing. Your child will learn that being able to work with others in order to achieve a common goal is an essential life lesson.

Page 4: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy


Activities at the back of each book reinforce the message and provide some additional fun!

Eltee Pen adds life to these fantastic stories with wonderful narration and amazing sound effects! >>>

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Activities 3. Lila has some balloons in her hand. Color them using your favorite colors.

4. Connect the dots to see what the baby gorilla is eating.

See solutions on page 32.

1. How many animals can you count in this picture that Lucy and Wiz took?

2. Lila turned three at her party. Draw three candles on this cake.


Page 5: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“Do you have the camera ready?” Lucy asked Wiz, who was her best friend. “I can see many different animals down below.” “Yes!” Wiz said, excited. “I wonder who the first animal we meet will be.”

Lucy and Wiz were visiting Kenya. It was a beautiful land with lots of green grass and trees. It was also the home of many wonderful animals. Lucy and Wiz had come all the way here just to take pictures of animals for their wildlife album.

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Tu Whitoo Tu Whitoo

Page 6: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“It’s my friend Lila’s birthday today,” the elephant explained as he marched on. “She’s a lioness. My friends and I are having a party for her. It’s at the watering hole, right after sunset. So get ready to take lots of pictures.”

The very first animal Lucy and Wiz met was a friendly young elephant. “Hello,” the elephant said. “I’m on my way to a birthday party. Why don’t you come along?” The elephant then lifted Lucy and Wiz with his trunk and gave them a ride on his enormous back.

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Tu Whitoo Tu Whitoo

Page 7: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“We’ve baked a huge chocolate cake for Lila and covered it with jellybeans,” a tall giraffe told Lucy and Wiz.“We’ll play games when Lila comes,” a baby gorilla said, sucking its thumb. “And there’ll be a surprise for Lila when she cuts her birthday cake!” a zebra announced.

Lucy and Wiz felt lucky to be invited to the party. They met many animals there who were Lila’s friends. They were hanging balloons of every color on the trees.

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Tu Whitoo Tu Whitoo

Page 8: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“GROWL!” the bear said so loudly that Wiz ran up a tree. He shook like a leaf on a windy day, and only came down after Yuma’s grandfather came and scared the bear away.

Wiz went to the cornfield. He saw a big brown bear with sharp teeth and claws. “Mr. Bear,” Wiz said, his knees shaking.“P-p-please go away.”

dd llll

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Big Chief Wiz

Page 9: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

But just as Wiz was about to take a bite of the buttery corn, Yuma’s cousin came up to him. “Help, Big Chief!” she said. “A snake is trying to wear my snowshoes.”“S-s-snake?” Wiz said, feeling very dizzy.

Yuma’s family grew lots of golden corn. It was Wiz’s favorite and now that he was Big Chief, he asked for a very big helping.“I am Big Chief. I have a very big appetite,” Wiz said greedily.


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Big Chief Wiz

Page 10: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

Luckily, Yuma’s grandfather was around. He picked up the snake with his hands and flung it into the woods. Wiz, of course, watched from the top of a totem pole.

“Hiss!” said the snake, which was quite long and green. “H-h-help,” Wiz stammered, his stomach feeling like it was full of butterflies. ffffff ffff


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Big Chief Wiz

Page 11: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“Gee,” Lucy said, marveling at the ancient wall. “The Great Wall of China is longer than anything else humans have ever built. No wonder it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.”“Did you know that the Great Wall can be seen from outer space too?” a furry black and white face said from behind the Great Wall. “Really?” Lucy said, and smiled at the face that belonged to a young giant panda.

Lucy and Wiz had won the first place in a model-making competition in their school’s Geography Club. They had made a replica of the Great Wall of China with tiny pebbles and bricks. And guess what their school principal had given them as a prize? Two tickets to China to see the real Great Wall!

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Always Hung Lee

Page 12: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“I’m hungry, you see,” Hung Lee told Lucy and Wiz. “I have a big appetite and I must eat often, or my stomach will growl, just like my cousin, the bear’s.” So Lucy and Wiz went to Hung Lee’s house in the forest in China. It was a small cottage with bamboo growing all around it. They were thick blades of grass that looked and felt very woody.

The giant panda was well-mannered and friendly. He put his paw out and shook Lucy’s and Wiz’s hands. He told them that his name was Hung Lee. He also told them many more interesting things about the Great Wall—like how it was built to protect China from enemy attacks, and how its construction took several centuries to complete. Hung Lee then invited Lucy and Wiz to his house.


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Always Hung Lee

Page 13: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

Swoop! Hung Lee gulped down all the bamboo shoots in the blink of an eye. He then asked Mrs. Lee to give him another bowl. “I once read that giant pandas, like Hung Lee, eat lots of bamboo. They have a very big appetite,” Wiz told Lucy, who was still wondering how to use the chopsticks Mrs. Lee had given her to eat her food with.

Mrs. Lee, Hung Lee’s mother, welcomed Lucy and Wiz warmly. She was an excellent cook and quickly laid out a feast for them. It included some delicious moon cakes and dumplings that were Mrs. Lee’s specialties. She then gave Hung Lee an enormous bowl of peppery bamboo shoots to eat.

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Always Hung Lee

Page 14: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy


3. China is a big country. It also shares its borders with many countries. These countries’ names are shown below. But they are missing their vowels. Fill them up with the correct vowels.

4. Which bowl of noodles is each of the animals eating from?

1. R_SS_ _2. _ND_ _3. K_Z_KHST_N4. M_NG_L_ _5. P_K_ST_N6. MY_NM_R7. _FGH_N_ST_N

8. V_ _TN_M 9. L_ _S10. KYRGYZST_N11. N_P_L12. T_J_KST_N13. N_RTH K_R_ _14. BH_T_N

See solutions on page 32.

2. Hung Lee and his friends live in China. Find out what China’s capital city is. This city’s name is hidden in the grid. All you have to do is cross out the unwanted letters by following the instructions.


1. Which one of these pandas looks exactly like Hung Lee?

First cross out all the Ps.Then cross out all the Ls.Then cross out all the Os.



Page 15: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy


“Learning Time program keeps our daughter focused and motivated!It’s excellent! A very smartly packaged program which we had been looking for our daughter for a long time. We love how Learning Time program makes learning fun through books that talk, audiovisual tools, interactive activity and fantastic multimedia…”

Henry & Tamara Aralan, United Arab Emirates

“Every home should have this program!We love the awareness part of the program which provides answers to most our child’s questions. It’s very practical and helps them understand why they are doing the math. It also teaches them various cultures...”

Mabel Sackey, Ghana

“We are so happy about the investment we made in the Learning Time program!We have been using Learning Time A+ Program for almost six months now. Both my daughters, Fatin and Fatiha, are using different parts of the program, and are doing better in school…”

Dipti Thombare, India

“Learning Time books have replaced her TV time!My daughter loves Time to Learn and Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz. These books have replaced her TV time. My son enjoys the flash cards and is beginning to recognize the objects…”

Sadaf Gul, Pakistan

“Learning Time products make it easy to stimulate her intelligence and develop her character!We are seeing significant progress in our 2-year old girl! She has learnt some words that I haven’t even taught her. It’s amazing to see her ability to understand and remember words and phrases from the program…”

Winari Setianingsih, Indonesia

“My 3-year old got a lot more out of the Learning Time A+ Program than we had expected.My son Santi had just turned three when we got the Learning Time A+ Program for him. Discover English with Ben & Bella is his favorite, through which he was able to recognize uncommon objects and associate them in our daily living…”

Mikay Mojica Balayo, United Arab Emirates

“My husband and I have been deaf and dumb since birth…. When our son Keenan was born, we were thrilled to know that he could hear. But in the first year, he didn’t talk. We lived in our world of silence, communicating with each other in sign language, but also worried that he didn’t talk. Learning Time program helped him talk…”

Kathy Ramiah & Andy Ramiah, Mauritius

“It’s a blessing that we have found the Learning Time A+ Program! Time to Learn has become a favorite of my 3.5-year old. The colorful picture get him interested in reading, and the Eltee Pen helps to improve his vocabulary, pronunciation and listening skills…”

Quratul Ain, Pakistan


Page 16: Catalogue, Learning Values with Lucy and Wiz, Learning TIme · Lucy and Wiz go on a cruise where Lucy has the opportunity to take a wild dolphin home. In An Adventure at Sea, Lucy

“Our investment in Learning Time A+ Program was really worth it! The A+ program was indeed very helpful for our daughter Gianna. She loves reading Discover English with Ben & Bella, particularly the book ‘On the Farm’, and learning new words from the Talking Dictionary of Time to Learn…”

Gilbert and Anna Grace Villamor, Qatar

“We love Learning Time products because…My daughters are 3 and 9, and they both love Learning Time! My younger one is learning new words from the flashcards and language from Ben & Bella videos. My elder one loves reading the books with Eltee Pen and improving her language and vocabulary…”

Poornima Rajagopalan, India

“We love Time to Learn from Learning Time because…These books fulfill my son’s curiosity for knowledge. He is very excited about the series, and his favorite books are ‘Animals on Land’ and ‘Animals in Water’. These books have also become his source of information for school projects and homework…”

Risa Triarisant, Indonesia

“Learning Time A+ is a very high-quality early learning program for children! We invested in Learning Time A+ Program in 2014, when our daughter was only 1.5 years. She learnt a lot of new things from the books; she started learning English through Discover English with Ben & Bella; her vocabulary and pronunciation has developed so well…”

Thushara Ranaweera, Sultanate of Oman


“No child is too young to start with the Learning Time A+ Program!This Program came into my daughter’s life even before she learnt to speak. At first I thought it was too early to introduce but little did I know that within a few days my daughter would learn to grasp the Eltee Pen all by herself and use it to experiment in the various books…”

Anishta Murad, Pakistan

“The program has greatly helped develop her curiosity, habit of reading and a love of learning, We invested in Learning Time A+ Program for our granddaughter, Audrey, who was 7 months at that time. Learning Time, the program has greatly helped develop her curiosity, habit of reading and a love of learning…”

Judy Aquino-See, Philippines

“I never imagined that children could be reading and learning at such an early age!It is an excellent investment – it helps both the parents and children! The different components of the program keep my children occupied in a very productive way. They love watching the videos and using the Eltee Pad…”

Isha Mary Jeesmon, Kuwait

“Learning Time A+ Program is one of the best tools for parents!I bought Learning Time A+ Program for my daughters last year, when they were 5 and 7 years. We love the awareness part, activities and the Eltee Pen the most! This program has made my kids think, find reason and learn new things...”

Maria, United Arab Emirates


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