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ejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. (Matthew 5:12) Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has been referred to by

some commentators as his “manifesto”—a set of observations about the way things are and the way they could be. But have you ever read a manifesto? Many are political and can sound almost funny. Eager to win popular support, candidates or leaders often exaggerate. They promise health, happiness, and prosperity too. Opponents are quick to point out that all this is impossible to guarantee—yet they make similar claims!

Of course, Jesus isn’t campaigning for our vote. We know that when he says that something “will” happen, it’s completely different from the exaggerated promises of politicians. So in the Beatitudes, he is saying, with certainty, “This is how it will be. Do you want to be a part of it?”

Take a minute to reread the Beatitudes now, and substitute the word “might” each time you see the word “will.” “They might be comforted. . . . They might inherit the land.” Not so inspiring, is it? Now read them as they are written. In these words, the almighty Son of God is assuring you beyond doubt that you, who are merciful, will receive mercy; that even though insults are hurled at you, you will have a great reward in heaven. Let that assurance deepen your faith in him.

We all know what it feels like when someone breaks their promise to us. In fact, we can become so accustomed to disappointment that we look skeptically at anyone who makes grand promises. That makes it hard for us to trust in Jesus’ words here.

Do it anyway! Remind yourself that God’s promises are true because he is trustworthy (Hebrews 11:11). Remind yourself that he loves you and wants nothing more than to lift you up into his presence. Today and every day, remind yourself that your faith and hope are in God, and he will never abandon you! “Thank you, Jesus, that your kingdom will come. I place my hope in you.”

Taken from The Word Among Us, Advent 2016 Vol. 36, Number 2: Used with permission.


Sunday 29 Zep 2:3; 3:12-13 / 1 Cor 1:26-31/ Mt 5:1-12 Monday 30 Heb 11:32-40 / Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday 31 Heb 12:1-4 / Mk 5:21-43 St. John Bosco Wednesday 1 Heb 12:4-7,11-15 / Mk 6:1-6 Thursday 2 Mal 3:1-4 / Heb 2:14-18 / Lk 2:22-40 The Presentation of the Lord Friday 3 Heb 13:1-8 / Mk 6:14-29 St. Blaise & St. Ansgar Saturday 4 Heb 13:15-17,20-21 / Mk 6:30-34 Sunday 5 Is 58:7-10 / 1 Cor 2:1-5 / Mt 5:13-16


Many parishioners received a mailing from Cardinal Wuerl this week asking them to pledge to the 2017 Cardinal’s Appeal. The Cardinal’s Appeal funds not only the operations of the archdiocese, but services that are of great help to St. Matthew’s Cathedral parish. For example, Appeal funds provide financial support for the seminarians from our parish and educational seminars and conferences for our priests.

The Appeal theme is “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33) As we seek first God’s kingdom, we have the capability of helping to make it present in the world around us through works of charity, love and compassion. Contributing to the Appeal offers an opportunity to respond to the needs of others by enabling ministries and services that touch thousands of lives.

Please prayerfully consider a generous pledge to the 2017 Cardinal’s Appeal. Thank you.

Pope Francis’ January 2017 Prayer Intentions – “In today’s world, many Christians from various churches work together to serve humanity in need, to defend human life and its dignity, to defend creation, and to combat injustice. This desire to walk together, to collaborate in service and in solidarity with the weakest and with those who suffer, is a source of joy for us all. Join your voice to mine in praying for all who contribute through prayer and fraternal charity to restoring full ecclesial communion in service of the challenges facing humanity.”


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The Presentation of the Lord – On Thursday, February 2, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord, a joyful event told in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. “Led by the Spirit, Simeon and Anna came to the temple, recognized Christ as their Lord, and proclaimed him with joy.” On this feast celebrating Christ, the light to the nations, enough candles are blessed to last the whole year. Msgr. Jameson will bless our candles at the 7am Mass that day. First Friday and First Saturday – First Friday Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on February 3 following the 12:10pm Mass until 5pm, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, to the left of the sanctuary. All are welcome to come and adore Our Lord. On Saturday, February 4 all are welcome to First Saturday Devotions after the 12:10pm Mass, followed by Hospitality in the West Conference Room. 2016 Contribution Statements – In an effort to go “green,” Year-End-Contribution Statements will be prepared upon request. To receive a summary of your 2016 contributions, contact Pam Erwin at 202-347-3215 x 537 or [email protected]. Cardinal’s Appeal 2016 – Msgr. Jameson recently learned that St. Matthew’s Cathedral Parish members pledged $387,196.89 to last year’s Cardinal’s Appeal, which equals 110.32% of our 2016 parish goal of $350,973.14. To all who participated in the Appeal, thank you for your generosity!


Day of Prayer for Young Women – The Little Sisters of the Poor will host a day of prayer for women ages 18 – 35, “The Way That Will Lead You to God,” on Saturday, February 4, 9:30am – 6pm, at 4200 Harewood Rd. NE (Brookland metro stop), to include Mass, Eucharistic adoration, conference, prayers and sharing with the Little Sisters, confessions and lunch. Contact: Sr. Maria Grace at [email protected].

Catholic Date Night – This monthly night out for engaged and married couples will be held Saturdays, February 25, March 25, April 22 and May 8 beginning at 6pm with free wine and cheese, followed at 6:30pm

by a talk and discussion, and ending at 7pm when couples continue their date on their own. The location is Our Lady of Lourdes, Bethesda, MD. RSVP at

PARISH CALENDAR January 29 – February 5

Sunday 29—Children’s Faith Formation classes meet at 9:45am at St. Matthew’s Education Center. Las clases de Catequesis, Catecumenado y Catequesis Familiar continúan a las 11 de la mañana. RCIA Dismissal is held at the 11:30am Mass.

Monday 30—The Social Justice & Community Services Committee meets at 7pm in the East Conference Room.

A talk on “Where Do We Come From?” is given by Br. Thomas Davenport, OP in the North Conference Room at 7pm.

Tuesday 31—El grupo de Oración se reúne a las 7 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste.

Wednesday 1—RCIA meets in the North Conference Room at 7pm.

The Wednesday Night Bible Study meets at 7pm in the West Conference Room.

Thursday 2—The Presentation of the Lord Candles are blessed at the 7am Mass.

El grupo de Oración se reúne a las 7 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste.

Friday 3— A blessing of throats is given after all Masses on this Memorial of St. Blaise.

First Friday Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held after the 12:10pm Mass till 5pm.

Saturday 4—First Saturday Devotions are held after the 12:10pm Mass, followed by Hospitality in the West Conference Room.

Sunday 5—A second collection for Cathedral maintenance is taken at all Masses. Hospitality receptions are held after the 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 1pm Masses in the North Conference Room.

Children’s Faith Formation classes meet at 9:45am at St. Matthew’s Education Center. Las clases de Catequesis, Catecumenado y Catequesis Familiar continúan a las 11 de la mañana. RCIA Dismissal is held at the 11:30am Mass. Landings meets at 1pm in the East Conference Room.

“Behold, our Lord will come

with power, to enlighten

the eyes of his


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English as a Second Language Classes for Adults When? January 31 to May 4 (13 weeks) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30pm Where? St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW How much? $40 Students may register in person on class evenings between 6 and 8pm at St. Matthew’s Education Center. Language instruction is provided at Levels 1 (Beginner) through 5 (Advanced). Contact: Molly Egilsrud at [email protected] Spring Semester of Spanish as a Second Language for Adults – The 13-week spring semester will run from January 31 to May 4. During this period, classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Language instruction will be provided at Levels 1 through 3. Priority registration will be given to parishioners and to those who serve the Spanish-speaking community in DC. Students for all levels may register on class evenings, between 6 and 8pm, at St. Matthew’s Education Center. The cost is $80. Contact: Mariella Torello at [email protected] Volunteers Needed for Black History Event, “Saints in the Making” – The Social Justice Committee invites you to learn about four men and women on the path to canonization. Our parish Black History event, “Let Us Have Peace: Saints in the Making,” will be held on Sunday, February 19, 3 - 4:30pm. Volunteers are needed to serve as ushers and persons of hospitality. Contact: Lydia Clegg at [email protected] or Norma Canedo at 202-347-3215.


Wednesday Night Bible Study – Join other parishioners for a weekly study of the upcoming Sunday’s readings, led by our Cathedral Seminarians on Wednesdays, including February 1, at 7pm in the West Conference Room. It’s a great way to spiritually prepare for Sunday Mass!

Married Couples Small Group – Married couples of all ages are welcome on Tuesday, February 7 at

6:30pm, and on the first and third Tuesday of each month, in the North Conference Room. This spring, we will watch and discuss the acclaimed Humanum series that explores critical issues regarding marriage and family. Please join us for fun and fellowship with other couples in our St. Matthew’s community. Contact: [email protected].

Cathedral Book Club – The Cathedral Book Club will meet Monday, March 13 in the West Conference Room from 6:45 to 8pm to discuss “Strange Gods: A Novel about Faith, Murder, Sin, and Redemption.” Co-authored by two priests of the Archdiocese, Fr. Peter Daly and Msgr. John Myslinski, it is described by a former intelligence official as “a gripping and realistic mystery that pulls the reader into a dark and frightening world within the Vatican,” while at the same time presenting “an eye on the holiness and grace of ordinary people who keep the Church alive…” Adult Confirmation Preparation – Each spring, St. Matthew’s offers adult Confirmation preparation for active, baptized Catholics who

already have received their First Eucharist. Registration forms are available in the rectory and on the parish website. The registration deadline is April 24. Contact: Theresa Prymuszewski at [email protected] or at 202-587-5139.


Couples who are interested in celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at the Cathedral are encouraged to visit the parish website to review our guidelines for weddings. The next step is to call the Rectory at 202-347-3215 and ask for the priest of your choice or the priest on duty, who can speak to you about marriage preparation and the possibility of scheduling your wedding at the Cathedral. Couples are expected to contact us at least nine (9) months in advance of the date on which they hope to celebrate their wedding.


Parents who wish to have their child baptized at the Cathedral should contact the Baptismal Coordinator at 202-347-3215. Parents should contact us at least six (6) months in advance of a desired baptismal date, and may ask for the priest of their choice to perform the Baptism. Early contact allows parents to be scheduled for the necessary sacramental formation session and godparents to obtain letters from their pastor. If you are a registered parishioner at St. Matthew’s and need a letter of good standing in order to be a godparent for a baptism to be celebrated at another parish, please call the Cathedral rectory at 202-347-3215 to ask about obtaining a letter.

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as enseñanzas de Cristo no son meros preceptos teóricos o abstractos, sino fruto directo de su experiencia personal. En el desierto de Israel, Jesús vio

que la voluntad divina había dispuesto una forma de vida en la cual la prueba y la aflicción van desarrollando la rectitud y santidad en el ser humano.

El Señor nos enseña que toda vez que nos damos cuenta de cuánto hemos pecado, de la dureza con que hemos actuado o de la forma como acomodamos nuestras reacciones y actitudes según nos convenga, todas estas son ocasiones en las que él nos invita a soltar las riendas de nuestra vida y pedirle al Espíritu que sea él quien dirija nuestros pasos.

En las bienaventuranzas, Jesús enseñó cuál es para el creyente el significado de la vida en el Espíritu Santo. Por ejemplo, los pobres en espíritu saben que ellos carecen de los recursos necesarios para llevar a cabo la obra de Dios, por eso claman al Señor implorando la fortaleza divina. Los que se lamentan por el pecado propio anhelan recibir el perdón y el consuelo de Dios. Los de corazón limpio y los que sufren por hacer lo bueno y rechazar lo malo, podrán ver a Dios. Ninguna de estas actitudes se aprende en el aislamiento, sino en el ajetreo de la vida diaria, al tropezar con el pecado que contamina el mundo y con la oscuridad en nuestro propio corazón.

Dios conoce los sufrimientos que pasamos y nos aconseja que nos apoyemos en él. Además, promete fortalecernos y hacernos libres para que vayamos creciendo según el modelo de su propia imagen. Pero no debemos escudarnos tras nuestras propias pruebas, sino confiar en Jesús de todo corazón, para que también seamos de los bienaventurados de Dios. Cada vez que nos enfrentemos cara a cara con el pecado, corramos a refugiarnos en los brazos de nuestro Padre, que no solo nos perdona, sino que nos llena de su poder y su gracia.

“Padre eterno, cuéntame entre los que te aman y creen en ti, y concédeme, te lo ruego, luz para ver mi propia condición y cambiar de rumbo para acercarme más a ti.”

Escogida con el permiso de la Palabra Entre Nosotros. Vol 36, Numero 2; Enero 2017


Domingo 29 Sof 2:3; 3:12-13 / 1 Cor 1:26-31 / Mt 5:1-12 Lunes 30 Heb 11:32-40 / Mc 5:1-20 Martes 31 Heb 12:1-4 / Mc 5:21-43 San Juan Bosco Miércoles 1 Heb 12:4-7,11-15 / Mc 6:1-6 Jueves 2 Mal 3:1-4 / Heb 2:14-18 / Lc 2:22-40 La presentación del Señor Viernes 3 Heb 13:1-8 / Mc 6:14-29 San Blas y San Oscar Sábado 4 Heb 13:15-17,20-21 / Mc 6:30-34 Domingo 5 Is 58:7-10 / 1 Cor 2:1-5 / Mt 5:13-16


January 29 – February 5

Sunday, January 29 5:30pm Vigil (January 28) – Margaret C. Hurley 8:30am – Grace Ferreri 10am – Nick Hahn 11:30am – All Parishioners 1pm – Maurice O’Connor 5:30pm – Lank Kramer (living)

Monday, January 30 7am – Msgr. John Kuhn 8am – Gregorio Coello 12:10pm – Jim Anthony 5:30pm – Pam Erwin (living)

Tuesday, January 31 7am – Sonia Rios (living) 8am – Patricia Coppola (living) 12:10pm – Adelaide Freitas 5:30pm – Patrick E. Branen

Wednesday, February 1 8am – Jeanne Marie Coppola (living) 12:10pm – Carminan Young 5:30pm – Diane Zitzman

Thursday, February 2 7am – Rowan Austin (living) 8am – Eulalia Barahona 12:10pm – Margaret Coppola (living) 5:30pm – José Sotelo

Friday, February 3 8:00am – Donna Grace 12:10pm – Moises Lopez 5:30pm – Eulalia Barahona

Saturday, February 4 12:10pm – Anthony Coppola (living) 5:30pm – Somarsingh Family (living)

Sunday, February 5 7am – Crisanta & Petronio Abella 10am – Billie Ford 11:30am – Helen McKeon 1pm – Ellma Rios 5:30pm – All Parishioners

Primer Viernes y Primer Sábado – Primer viernes, Exposición y Adoración del Santísi-mo Sacramento se celebrará después de la misa 12:10 del mediodía hasta 5:00 de la tarde el viernes 3 de febrero en la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento, situada a la izquierda del santuario. Todos son bien-venidos a venir y adorar a nuestro Señor.

El sábado 4 de febrero todos son bienvenidos a participar en las devociones del primer sábado después de la misa de 12:10 mediodía, seguida de hospitalidad en el salón de conferencia del Oeste.


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La Petición del Cardenal 2017 – Esta semana, muchos de nuestros feligreses recibieron una carta por correo de parte del Cardenal Wuerl. Él les pide asumir un compromiso de contribución para la Petición del Cardenal de 2017. La Petición del Cardenal no solo apoya las

operaciones de la Arquidiócesis, sino también apoya a los servicios de gran necesidad aquí en la Catedral de San Mateo. Por ejemplo, proporcionan apoyo financiero a los seminaristas de nuestra parroquia y seminarios de formación y conferencias para nuestros sacerdotes. Este año, el tema de la Campaña es: "Busquen Primero el Reino de Dios". (Mateo 6, 33) Mientras buscamos primero el reino de Dios, tenemos la capacidad de contribuir a hacerlo presente en nuestra vida y en la de aquellos que nos rodean. ¿Cómo sucede esto? A través de nuestras obras de caridad, de amor y compasión. Las contribuciones a la Campaña del Cardenal nos ofrecen, a cada uno de nosotros, la oportunidad de responder a las necesidades de otros a través de ministerios y servicios que tocan miles de vidas. Le regamos que considere con devoción un compromiso de contribución generoso para la Petición del Cardenal 2016. Gracias. Campaña del Cardenal 2016 – Mons. Jameson supo hace poco que miembros la parroquia de San Mateo donaron $387,196.89 hacia la Campaña del Cardenal del año pasado, lo cual hace un 110.32% de nuestra meta del 2016 de $350,973.14. ¡A todos los que participaron en la Campaña, gracias por su generosidad! Domingo de Hospitalidad – ¡Acompáñenos el primer domingo del año 2017 en el que celebramos un evento de Hospitalidad y celebre con nosotros el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana! El 5 de febrero después de las misas podrá confraternizar con otros miembros de la parroquia y conocer mejor algunos acontecimientos que tienen lugar en la Catedral. Este mes tendremos actividades e información relativa al mes de la Historia Afroamericana en conexión con el catolicismo. También informaremos sobre una presentación y la recepción que se celebrarán el 19 de febrero en homenaje al Mes de la Historia Afroamericana. Ya sea miembro de la parroquia desde hace años o sea nuevo/a estaremos encantados de conocerle. Visítenos en el salón de conferencias del Norte después de las misas de 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 de la mañana y 1:00 de la tarde el 5 de

febrero ¡tendremos algunas delicias para degustar! Escribanos un correo electrónico a [email protected] si tiene alguna pregunta o desea unirse como voluntario. Los turnos de voluntarios son tan solo de una hora. ¡Les esperamos! Grupo de Oración – El grupo de oración se reúne los martes a la 7:00 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste. El objetivo del grupo es profundizar nuestra fe por medio de las Sagradas Escrituras. El grupo de Oración tendrá charlas programadas a través del año. Las charlas están basadas en la encíclica del Papa Francisco Amoris Laetitia (La Alegría del Amor). Para más información llame a Fátima Aybar al 202-347-3215 x541. Día de Oración y Sanación para Hombres – ¿Forzó usted a su pareja, o ambos se sintieron forzados a abortar? ¿Su pareja abortó aun cuando usted estaba en desacuerdo? El Ministerio Proyecto Raquel de la Arquidiócesis de Washington, está organizando un Día de Oración y Sanación para hombres: Entrando a Canaán, Abordando problemas específicos que afectan a los hombres. Este evento será el sábado 4 de Febrero de 9:00 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde. Para más información puede llamar al MPR 301-982-2008 o puede escribir a [email protected]. El lugar y los contactos son confidenciales, debido a la naturaleza personal de esta experiencia. Se buscan voluntarios para el evento de la Herencia afroamericana “Santos en formación” – El comité de Justicia Social les invita a aprender sobre las vidas de cuatro hombres y mujeres que están en camino a ser canonizados en la Iglesia Católica. Se les invita a cele-brar la herencia afroamericana en el evento “Buscamos la Paz: Santos en Formación”, el 19 de febrero de 3:00 a 4:30 de la tarde. Se necesitan voluntarios que puedan servir como ujieres y personas de hospitalidad. Llame a Norma Canedo en la rectoría 202-347-3215. Cuidado del Medioambiente – En la encíclica del Papa Francisco, Laudato Si’, él se enfoca en nuestra responsabilidad de cuidar la creación de nuestro Señor: “Todos podemos colaborar como instrumentos de Dios para el cuidado de la creación, cada uno desde su cultura, su experiencia, sus iniciativas y sus capacidades.” El comité de Justicia Social está explorando como puede responder nuestra parroquia a esta llamada. Si está interesado en participar, póngase en contacto con Dan Horning a [email protected].

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Creation, Quarks,and Chromosomes

Seeing e Harmonyof Fai and Science

A Three-Part SeriesMonday Evenings, 7-8pm

Cathe d ral of St. M atthe w1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW

North Conference Room(Entrance near the parking garage)

Two Blocks North of the Farrafut North Metro stationFour blocks north of the Farragut West Metro station

January 30W he re d o W e Com e From ?

February 6W ho Are W e ?

February 13W he re are W e

Goin g?

BR . T HO M AS DAV EN PO R T , O .P. is a Dominican friar studying for the priesthood, and one of the transitional deacons assigned to the Cathedral. He earned a doctorate in physics from Stanford University before joining the Dominicans in 2010. He was a major contributor to Thomistic Evolution, a website and companion book that presents a Catholic perspective on understanding evolution, drawing especially on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas.

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Venerable Mother

Mary Lange


Pierre Toussaint

Venerable Mother

Henriette DeLille

Venerable Father

Augustus Tolton

Black History Introduction: “Saints in the Making”

Learn more at Hospitality! We’ll have…

Games: In Search of Identity, Black Heritage Trivia

Arts & Crafts: Coloring activities, comic books

Gospel Music Online Activities

Sunday, February 05, 2017 After 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am

& 1:00pm Masses North Conference Room

Cathedral of St. Matthews the Apostle

1725 Rhode Island Ave. NW Washington, DC 20036 202-347-3215

Any questions?

Lydia Clegg – at- [email protected] Patricia Boehme – at – [email protected]

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Charla Educativa para Padres de Familia

Protegiendo a nuestras Familias

¿Sabías que la pornografía?:

Pone en peligro el matrimonio e incrementa los riesgos de una

separación matrimonial.

Afecta la mente y el corazón del usuario.

Conduce a la infidelidad matrimonial.

Conlleva a un mayor riesgo de pérdida de empleo debido al uso y

acceso al material que también crea tensión financiera en el hogar.

Los niños que viven en una casa donde un adulto está consumiendo

pornografía tienen un mayor riesgo de encontrar material


Tómese el tiempo para comprender mejor los efectos de la pornografía y

cómo es que destruye la familia y el plan creado por Dios para la vida.

Aprenda a proteger a sus hijos, su matrimonio y su familia.

Reciba consejos para ayudarle a hablar con sus hijos sobre este tema.

Parrroquia: Catedral de San Mateo Instructor: Sr. Santiago Solares Fecha: Sábado 04 de Febrero Hora: 10:00 de la mañana Dirección: 1725 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036 Para inscribirse llame al: 202-347-3215 Ext 541 o envíe un correo electrónico a : [email protected]

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