
Cathedral Square Enhancement

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@worcscc #cathedralsq

A New Venue for WorcesterThis exhibition will be staffed on the following dates during June:

Tues 16 June 17:30 - 19:30Thurs 18 June: 11:30 - 13:30 Sat 20 June: 10:00 - 12:00Tues 23 June: 11:30 - 13:30

Cathedral Square Enhancement

The ProjectWorcestershire County Council in partnership with Worcester City Council and Salmon Harvester (the retail developer), will be delivering the project in three phases: highways re-alignment, retail and leisure, public square.

Highways• New roundabout realignment

• New turning facility

• NCP access road

• Single phase, widened, pedestrian controlled crossing

• Two bus bays

• Taxi bay

Retail and Leisure• 220,000 sq ft shopping centre

• Alfresco dinning terrace

• NEW retailers including:

− Byron Burgers

− Cosy Club

− Miller & Carter

Public Square• New open public square

• Flexible events space

• Feature design interpretation of Edwards Elgar ‘Angel’s Farewell’

• New street furniture:

− Tourist information kiosk

− Wayfinding finger posts

− Informal seating areas

− Trees and planters

− Cycle stands

− Lighting features

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@worcscc #cathedralsq

Cathedral Square Enhancement

BenefitsThe scheme will deliver the following benefits:

• Improved facilities for the public and other users;

• Increased tourism expenditure;• Increased capital investment by various

retailers and local businesses;• Bring 7,711 sq.m. of floorspace back into use

which will support approximately 416 jobs.

TimescalesHighway Realignment Highway re-alignment is scheduled for Summer 2015.

Retail and Leisure Work on the retail and leisure development will take place Autumn 2015 - Summer 2016.

Public Square Work on the public square improvements is scheduled for Summer 2016 - Winter 2016.

During ConstructionAs with any large infrastructure project, there may be some short term impact on and inconvenience to people. For example, this could include construction traffic bringing materials on to the site, some noise as works progress, or some night/weekend working.

Disruption will be kept to a minimum as much as possible during both the delivery works and during general works. Advance warning will be given where possible so that people know what to expect and when. Information will also be regularly posted on our website or Tweeted.

Find out more

@worcscc #cathedralsq

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