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Sept 2011 Issue No. 5


Head | Simon Wakeman | [email protected]

Duckett Close| Norwich| Norfolk | NR1 2LR

01603 621927



School Library



Cakes for Coaches

Dates for your


From the Head’s head …….

A belated welcome back after the long summer break. It’s been great to see the children come back with such

enthusiasm and settling down to work so quickly. It has also been nice to hear from the teachers that so many children have been continuing with their reading during the holidays

– it really does make a difference…

You may have noticed our allotment and Cavell Café Vert have attracted a lot of press attention since we started up the ‘Ground to Grub’ work last January. We’ve been in local papers a number of times and even been on national radio (Radio 4’s Farming Today – you had to be up very early in

the morning to catch that one!) We have also had a number of other schools visit us to find out how they could replicate something similar in their schools. But still, the most gratifying thing is not the recognition for ‘doing something different’ but the look on the children’s faces when they

are in the allotment gardening – this was particularly interesting to see when the children returned from their holidays to see the pumpkin patch – ‘wow’ was a common expression used.

We have just launched our new menu, devised by Susie Clarke, Cavell Café Vert’s chef. She is using the seasonal produce in the allotment to give the children as much fresh fruit and vegetables as

possible (some of them disguised within the dishes – we will get vegetables into even the most hardened veg-haters!!!) In a few weeks time there will be an opportunity to come into school

and experience the Cavell Café Vert yourself… taking advantage of our FREE parent meal !! (a separate letter has been sent about this)

We have also just started offering the ICT Suite to Year 6 after school, to help with their studying for the SATs exams, which are held in May. The library will also be open for at least one, after-school session a week soon, so that you can pop-in with your child and read, choose and take out books


Watch out in the next issue of CavTell, for our special centre page pull-out section, which we hope to fill with photographs of the wonderful work that

has been going on, throughout the school this term !!

Again, welcome back to school and remember that if you have any concerns about your child, no matter how small they might be, please

pop-in before or after school to speak with either Mr Hopkins, Mrs Adams, (Assistant Headteachers), Mrs Bocz (Inclusion Manager /Parent Advisor) or with myself, via Mrs Butters my PA, in the school office.

Simon Wakeman

We are re-launching the after school club this term, with our

newly appointed Supervisors—Sara Dellar and Leslie Mills.

We have lots of exciting clubs planned, which can be seen on

the CavKids posters around the school. A leaflet and booking

form can be collected from the front office.

CavKids—After School Club



We are aware that head lice are a problem for parents, children and school. So from this

term, if live head lice are noticed on children during the day, parents will

be contacted and requested to take their child home to treat them.

Although this may be inconvenient, we are hoping that parents will work with us on this, to help us all to minimise the reoccurrence of this

annoying problem.

Please also let the class teacher know if you have treated your child for

head lice, so they are aware that there has been an outbreak.

We held a very successful concert in July, featuring the choir, and with performances by

keyboard players, flutes and the Djembe drums. Thank you to all the parents who supported

this event and to our talented children.

The choir is always looking for new members, so if any children are interested, please speak

to Mrs Smith.

We will once again have lessons with the

Djembe drums this year, which will be in

Miss Lawn’s class.

School Library

Mrs Kennard will be opening the library every Tuesday starting from 27th September from 3.20—3.40pm.

Parents and Children together will then have an opportunity after school to change or borrow library

books. We hope you encourage your children to come along!

Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival service will be on Tuesday 27th

September the details of which were on a recent letter.

We would love to have as many parents as possible to come

to the service and share a cup of ‘home grown’ soup and freshly made bread.

Please do remember to return the slip on the bottom of your

letter so we have an idea of numbers.

Please also remember to come along to our after school tasting

session on Thursday 29th September in order for you to try some of the food which is now on the school menu.

While we encourage parents of children in Reception and Year 1 to stop and share a

book with their child in the morning, please could children from Year 2 to Year 6 be left at the outside door to encourage them towards greater independence.

Morning Arrangements

Cakes for Coaches

Every Friday we will be selling raffle tickets to win a fabulous cake, (made by

our new school chef) for your family to take home and enjoy during the


Tickets will be ONLY 50p

ALL the money raised each week will go into the Coach Fund, to be evenly split amongst all classes. This will make the fantastic visits we are planning for

the children this year as affordable as possible. A coach costs around £200 per

day visit. If we sell 200 raffle tickets a week, the money raised over the course of a year, will nearly pay for the coach travel of your child’s visit AND

with the added bonus of winning a fantastic cake…!!


This term we will start by welcoming new children and

families, and settling children into the Nursery routine. We will do lots of singing, stories and games based around our

topic Family and Friends. The children will make simple pictures of themselves and families. We will learn about

Harvest and Autumn and we will explore our outside areas

including the allotment. We have a visit planned from a Hospital play worker and will be having a doctors role play

area as well as our home corner.

As part of SEAL (social, emotional aspects of learning) we will be exploring friend-

ships, relationships and new beginnings.

Family and Friends

2 of the best …

/ Links to BBC websites Maths and English games to play

Mrs Smith | Mrs Talbot | Nursery

Count the Autumn Leaves

It’s not as easy as you think …

3 of the best …

www.kented/ Simple maths games Simple games Stories, songs, games

First of all, thank you for your support in settling the children

into their new classroom! All the children are building new friendships and are enjoying the wide range of learning

experiences on offer across the two rooms. Outdoor learning takes place every week and includes trips to the allotment

and the wildlife area. All of the children continue to have access to our outdoor area each day. Your child will take part

in a cooking activity once each half-term and they will bring home the recipe so that you can talk about what they have cooked and maybe try

cooking it yourself at home!

This half term we will be learning about how to stay healthy. Our role play area will

be a health centre, giving us lots of opportunities to talk about our growing bodies, healthy eating and looking after ourselves. We have already had a visit from Charlie

the Crocodile, who taught us all how important it is to brush our teeth every day. In science we will be learning more about our senses and exercise.

How are You? A topic about health

Mrs Kelly | Mrs Frary | R/1KF



Olympic Year


Put a ring around the food that Charlie says can be bad for teeth.

It’s not as easy as you think …

3 of the best … Helpful hints to support your child’s

forthcoming SATs tests


Games and activities to improve reading

and writing Number games

Holidays Welcome back and welcome to Year 2. This half term our topic is

Holidays. In the first week back the children went on another holiday! We dressed up, turned the classroom into an airport and travelled

around the world to many of the destinations we dream to visit.

We are going to be finding out about holidays in the past and comparing locations by looking at pictures, reading stories and asking lots of


Also this term we are going to be working very hard to improve standards of reading and

writing and this is where we need your help. Your child will be bringing home weekly spellings to learn as well as a reading book and for some children, word cards. We ask that

you spend 5-10 minutes every night helping your child with these tasks.

PE days are Monday and Thursday (swimming on Monday for this term). Please ensure your child has their full kit in school every week and that each item is named as I am sure you

can appreciate, 30 children changing together can at times be interesting.

It’s not as easy as you think …

Mrs Penton | Mrs Adams | 2PA






How many words can you make using the letters from the word…….


3 of the best … Excellent online games and interactive

activities for numeracy.

Information about dinosaurs with fun

games to play including create your own

living dinosaur!



Take a trip into Ancient Greece and find

out all about the origins of the Olympic


Dinosaurs This half term we will be learning all about dinosaurs. We will

become investigators and take part in our own dinosaur dig to help us find out where they came from, their sizes and what they

liked to eat. We will delve into history to find out how long ago the dinosaurs lived and why they became extinct.

In literacy we are going to create our own information pack on dinosaurs which may even include a dino dictionary!

This term we are lucky enough to have a music teacher coming in every Thursday to teach us the art of African drumming using the Djembe drums. Look out for future


It’s not as easy as you think …

Miss Lawn | 3/4L



Olympic Year


Every row, column and mini-grid must contain the

numbers 1 through 4. Don’t guess - use logic!

Answers on





3 of the best … Excellent online games and interactive

activities for numeracy.

Information about dinosaurs with fun

games to play including create your own

living dinosaur!



Take a trip into Ancient Greece and find

out all about the origins of the Olympic



A big thank you to all the parents for helping us to settle the children into their new class so quickly. This year

homework and spellings will be given out on Friday to be in the following Wednesday. Reading books can be changed

once they have been read and discussed and a parent/carer has written in their reading diaries.

This half term we will be learning all about dinosaurs. We will become investigators and take part in our own dinosaur dig to help us find out where they came from,

their sizes and what they liked to eat. We will delve into history to find out how long ago the dinosaurs lived and why they became extinct.

Mr Edwards | Year 3/4E



Olympic Year



It’s not as easy as you think …

Find out the meaning of the word below, and then see how many words of 3 letters

or more you can make from it in 5 minutes;


3 of the best …

Great synopsis of different Greek heroes

and Gods and some of the stories

concerning these.


As always this site doesn’t fail to deliver lots of great information. Especially check out the

interactive part – make your own pot online

and play who wants to be a Greek millionaire!


Beautifully presented site to find out all

you need to know about plants and their


Myths and Legends

All things Greek is our focus for this half-term using Greek Myths to

explore literacy, art and music. We will be writing our own Greek myths and creating our own mythical beasts.

One of the texts we will be concentrating on will be the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

In Science, we start with looking at how things are classified (the

Greeks starting it!) and moving on to learning about plant parts and seed dispersal – great for this time of year!

PE and games sessions will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please continue to

provide appropriate clothes and trainers.

Mrs Burchell | Mr Hopkins | 5BH



Olympic Year


Can you find your

way to the middle

of the maze?

It’s not as easy as you think …

3 of the best …



Information on the Ancient Greeks A great selection of Myths and Legends Fun maths games to help you learn.

Myths, Legends and beliefs... Our topic this half term is all about Myths, Legends and Beliefs.

This is going to involve learning about the Ancient Greeks in many different ways: through Music, ICT and History, as well

as writing our own myths in Literacy. We are also going to be looking at classification in Science.

Our PE lessons are as follows: indoor PE every Wednesday and

we will be swimming every Monday this term at the Hewett School. On Mondays

your child will bring home: their weekly spellings to be learnt and these will be

tested on Fridays; their reading book which they need to read with an adult at least

twice a week. Homework will be set on a Thursday of each week and is then

handed in by the following Wednesday.

These three bracelets look very much alike. Only two

bracelets are totally identical. Can you spot which ones

are the same?

It’s not as easy as you think …

Mrs Hinings | Ms Paterson | 5/6HP



Olympic Year


3 of the best … Helpful hints to support your child’s

forthcoming SATs tests A fantastic website with animated myths

and legends


This website has lots of information

about Ancient Greece

Myths, Legends and Beliefs This term Year 6 are doing a topic on Myths, Legends and Beliefs. This is going to

involve learning about the Ancient Greeks in many different ways: through Music, ICT and History, as well as writing our own myths in Literacy. We

are also going to be looking at classification in Science.

Our P.E. sessions will take place on a Monday afternoon and a Thurs-

day morning. Homework will be set on a Friday to be in by the fol-lowing Wednesday. There may also be extra Maths set throughout

the week linked to what we are learning in our lessons.

It’s not as easy as you think …

Dizzy digits

Try to solve all these using a calculator:

Part 1: Use four 4s to make 44

Part 2: Use five 5s to make 55

Part 3: Use six 6s to make 66

Remember: You can use any of the

+, -, x , ÷ and = keys

Mrs Bird | 6B



Olympic Year


Cavell Primary & Nursery &


Date Event

Tuesday 27th Sept Harvest Festival

Thursday 29th Sept New school menu tasting session

Fri 30th Sept 2.30pm—Macmillan Coffee Morning

Wed 5th Oct Cavell Friends Meeting

Friday 21st Oct Last day of term

Mon 31st Oct First day of term

Dates for the Diary

We would like to hear from you..

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns, please let us know in order for us to deal with it.

We have a Parents’ Suggestion box in the main entrance foyer, or alternatively email us at [email protected].

Term Dates 2011- 2012

Autumn Term

Wed 7th Sept - Fri 16th Dec

Half Term

24th - 28th Oct

Spring Term

Wed 4th Jan - Fri 30th March

Half Term

13th - 17th Feb

Summer Term

Mon 16th April - Fri 20th July

Half Term

4th - 8th June

May Day 7th May

Inset Day 27th June

Please note that booking holidays during term time will result in days of lost learning

and this is strongly discouraged by the school.

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