Page 1: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

CBRF Standard Precautions Training

Developed by:University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Center for Career Development (CCDET)

Approved by:Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Division of Quality Assurance Bureau of Assisted LivingMarch 2010

Page 2: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

CBRF Standard Precautions Training

It’s the Law!Wisconsin State StatutesWisconsin Administrative Code OSHA Requirements

Page 3: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Learning Points

Learn about standard precautions and why they are important in your work

Understand how bloodborne diseases and other communicable diseases spread from person to person

Learn how to prevent the spread of communicable diseases

Learn what to do during and after an exposure incident

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Page 4: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne diseases HIV AIDS Hepatitis B Hepatitis C

Bloodborne pathogens Spread from person to person Spread through contact with blood or other

body fluids Can result in serious illness and death

Page 5: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Hand Hygiene

Page 6: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Activity: Practice Hand Hygiene Techniques Hand rub

Apply to palm of one hand Rub hands together until dry Use enough rub to take at least 15 seconds to dry

Hand washing (soap and water) Wet hands with water Apply soap Rub hands together for at least 15 seconds Rinse hands under water Dry hands with a disposable towel Use the towel to turn off faucet

The CDC’s hand hygiene video is located at

Page 7: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Biohazard Warning Labels

Biohazard warning labels are required on:

Containers of regulated wasteRefrigerators and freezers containing blood or other

body fluidsOther containers used to store, transport, or ship blood

or other potentially infectious materials

Red bags or containers may be substituted for labels

Page 8: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Personal Protective Equipment

Some examples:

GlovesGownMaskEye protection

Page 9: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Activity: Removing Gloves

Grasp outside edge near wrist Peel way from hand, turning glove

inside out Hold in opposite gloved hand Slide ungloved finger under wrist of

remaining glove Peel off from inside, creating a bag for

both gloves Discard

Page 10: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Infectious Materials

Specimens Samples of blood or other body fluids

Regulated waste Bandages or tissues Contaminated sharps Lab waste

Sharps Needles Scalpels

Page 11: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Food Service

Bringing food into the buildingPreparing foodServing meals to residentsCleaning up after mealsWashing dishesDisposing of waste

What’s your role?

Page 12: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department


Cleaning surfaces in residents’ roomsDisinfecting items used to care for

residents Taking away trash or other soiled itemsCleaning common areas

Keeping it clean

Page 13: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department


Removing soiled items from residents’ rooms

Washing and drying bedding, towels and clothing

Replacing bedding, towels and clothing for residents

What’s involved?

Page 14: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Exposure Incident

Wash exposed area with soap and waterFlush splashes to nose, mouth or skin with

waterIrrigate eyes with water or salineReport the exposureIf necessary, see a healthcare professional

Be prepared!

Page 15: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Post Exposure Plan

Notify your supervisorDocument the exposure incidentExplain what happenedTest blood or other body fluids for infectious

materialParticipate in risk counselingHelp plan to eliminate future exposures

Follow your CBRF’s post exposure plan

Page 16: CBRF Standard Precautions Training Developed by: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Center for Career Development (CCDET) Approved by: Wisconsin Department

Learning Points Review

Learn about standard precautions and why they are important in your work

Understand how bloodborne diseases and other communicable diseases spread from person to person

Learn how to prevent the spread of communicable diseases

Learn what to do during and after an exposure incident

Here’s what we covered:

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