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  • How could we see another worlds? Influenced by the idea of worlds multiplicity, also presented by Zhang Gas Translife, I wanted to show the life in another metaphysical terms.
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  • To begin (as critical design recommend) to change ourselves and not the world around us, I wanted to manifest or exhibit the world, life itself in its giant multiplicity and simplicity.
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  • HUMAN ORIENTED VISIBLE DISCRIMINATION It was influenced by the variety of intentional objects, what Latour may term actors. They form a new parliament of things from which cosmopolitics may start to debate the concept of life itself with its humans, kettles, cows, oranges, trees, electrons, phenomena, algorithms, the natural and the unnatural, relations, actions, interactions, suddenly the discrete, the irrelevant, the conscious and the unconscious. So how does our world look like from another point of view, in electromagnetic code?
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  • SOURCES: E-STATIC SHADOWS E-Static Shadows is initiating playful interactions between the viewer(s) and the space and provokes a higher awareness of the potential of electrostatic fields surrounding our habitat. By doing so it also advances the potential for a technology that allows us to interact with the omnipresent but hidden electrostatic forces.
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  • SOURCES: DAMIEN HIRST According to the artist, the title (The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living ) was just a statement that I had used to describe the idea of death to myself. Thought of prior to the sculpture, it was taken from Hirsts student thesis on Hyperreality and the work of Robert Longo and Umberto Eco. Hirst recalls liking the titles poetic clumsiness because of the way it expressed something that wasnt there or was there.
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  • TECHNO To receive data, to analize it and to show in another code a hard way to be fashionable in 2013. But I didnt want to just show the data, I wanted to translate the presence of everyday forces that we dont mind. As Hirst said that wasnt there or was there. As we are permanently galvanized (experiments of Galvani and modern medicine which cures by electromagnetic currents) by so much data today, it was curious to catch it and exhibit.
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  • DIAGRAM, CODE, SOFTWARE import ddf.minim.analysis.*; // analysis class import ddf.minim.*; //base library Minim minim; AudioInput in; FFT fft; //Sound > Bands int w; //Width PImage fade; int hVal; loat rWidth, rHeight; // New width of the image void setup() { size(1376, 768, P3D); // Size of the window minim = new Minim(this); in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 1024); fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(), in.sampleRate()); fft.logAverages(80, 7); stroke(255); w = width/fft.avgSize(); strokeWeight(2); //Size between lines strokeCap(SQUARE); //Top of line is Square background(0); // Setting the background fade = get(50, 50, width, height); //where to grab rWidth = width * 0.99; // 99% rHeight = height * 0.99; // 99% hVal = 0; } void draw() { background(0); // Cleaning background tint(255, 255, 255, 255); // Tint to White, opacy image(fade,(width - rWidth)/2, (height - rHeight)/2, rWidth, rHeight); // Fade to center noTint(); fft.forward(in.mix); colorMode(RGB); stroke(hVal, 255, 252); colorMode(RGB); for(int i = 0; i < fft.avgSize(); i++) // Size of line to the Width of screen { line((i*w) + (w/2), height, (i * w) + (w/2), height - fft.getAvg(i) * 4); // Line Peaks increase x4 } fade = get(0, 0, width, height); // hVal += 2; // changins of color if( hVal > 255) { hVal = 0; } Electric probe Sound card Roland Quad Processing Studio One Any video output
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