Page 1: CCfL Summer Newsletter - · CCfL Summer Newsletter Director Dear Parents, Carers Dear parents and carers

Challenge yourself

Celebrate Achievement

Focus on success

Learn for life

CCfL Summer


Dear Parents, Carers

Dear parents and carers we are finally at the end of what has been a very successful year. We have been really

pleased with the continued progress all the students have made and in some cases this progress has been really


Our Year 11 students successfully completed their end of Year examinations and we are looking forward to the

students receiving their exam results in the Summer.

This year has been particularly successful for students returning to school with three students fully transition-

ing back to school across the year. We have an additional 6 year 9 students who have an allocated place at main-

stream school and will start their re-integration programmes in September.

Students have been involved in a number of amazing and creative projects during the last term , read on to hear

more about these.

Finally I would like to thank you, our parents and carers, for your continued support in ensuring that our stu-

dents attend well and achieve to the highest levels possible. Have a fantastic Summer and I look forward to

working with you again next year.

Best wishes

Jeanette Lowe

Director Camden Centre for Learning

The Educate and Celebrate Award Ceremony .

Earlier this month CCfL were awarded the Silver Standard Best Practice

Status. Congratulations to all the staff involved and especially Leroy for leading

the initiative.

KS4 LGBT week

Jude, Tilly and Dylan created a collaborative rainbow cake as part of the

KS4 LGBT week. This fantastic cake really demonstrated how well our stu-

dents work together and how far they have come along as professional

cooks. Excellent work and mighty tasty too.

Ofsted Recognises Educate and

Celebrate as ‘Best Practice’ for

taking a whole school approach to

tackling homophobic bullying and

ingrained attitudes in school.

Head of KS4 School: Liz Rattue Head of KS3 School: Gaby Thomas

Director - CCfL: Jeanette Lowe

Educate and Celebrate

Page 2: CCfL Summer Newsletter - · CCfL Summer Newsletter Director Dear Parents, Carers Dear parents and carers

Dallaglio Foundation RugbyWorks, aims to leave young people more em-

ployable, socially responsible and making positive decisions to make the

most of their lives.

They have worked with us throughout the last year initially at our KS4

school and then at KS3 in the Summer term.

One of our year 11 students Chloe was nominated and won the

most improved student from the Dallaglio Foundation at an award

ceremony in London last week.

Chloe did amazingly well as she was up against students from 33

Pupil Referral Units in London, Newcastle, Bristol and South


Brook Advisory Service

Brook have worked with students across both schools and gave us a great opportunity to learn about sexual

health matters and relationship issues. Terry and Gareth, from Brook, delivered the lessons in a fun and en-

gaging way and we hope that they can continue to support us in our teaching and learning next year.

Growing Against Violence

This is the first time GAV have been at KS3 and they gave the students a rich and engaging set of lessons on

the Joint Enterprise law and how it can affect the lives of young people in our communities. I’m hoping that

they will return again at some point next year so that they can help our students to understand that they

have choices in their lives and where they can get help if they ever need advice about the law.

Early this year our year 10 students worked with” Tender” on healthy/unhealthy relationships. GAV then ran

an interesting and informative workshop on sexual exploitation which was delivered successfully to both year

10 and year 11 students. This was followed up by year 10 working on “Teen Boundaries” and examining issues

This term Taurus and Libra at

KS3 were lucky enough to be

part of a special collaborative

art project between CCfL, CO-

RAM and The Cartoon Museum.

The students enjoyed this fan-

tastic opportunity to learn

about comic art from Steve

Marchant, a professional artist

and it was wonderful to see all

the students have a go at de-

veloping their skills with creat-

ing story lines, inventing comic

characters and drawing in a

Their work is going to be on display to the public at

the Cartoon Museum in London in September and

parents and students will be invited to visit the ex-


Dallaglio Foundation Rugby Works

Personal Development , Behaviour and Welfare

Initiatives to support students developing health lifestyles

Cartoon Museum

Pictures by Kelsey and

Max Key Stage Three

Pictures by Kelsey and Max Key Stage Three

Page 3: CCfL Summer Newsletter - · CCfL Summer Newsletter Director Dear Parents, Carers Dear parents and carers

All the year 10 students had the opportunity to take part in a PAN Arts Drama Residency at KS4 this year.

The students engaged with 10 weeks of focused drama work resulting in a wonderful performance to the

whole school. Thanks to Leo for the fantastic marketing including photography and flyer printing and Kade

for producing a brilliant piece of music for the final performance. This was a great all round effort. Our

wonderful performers were Albi, Steven, Dylan, Tilly and Conor. All the students who engaged with the pro-

ject will also receive one of 2 Unit Awards.

We sadly say goodbye to a number of colleagues who are moving on to pastures new. I know they will be

greatly missed and are leaving our very very best wishes.

Jennifer Ayres, Ian McKinley, Matthew Hawley

Joshua Creamer, Danika Solieri, Christina Julien

Lauren Boyle

The following multi agency team member will also be moving on after the Summer

Verity Blakeman, Andrew Tiley, Tracie McCollin

Our congratulations go to Kate O’Brien who will be going on maternity leave

Two newly appointed Assistant Heads will be joining us: Naomi Wright, Adjobiah Allen-Ackah (Joe)

Congratulations go to the following staff who have secured permanent BLSA positions with us: Sanchez

Daniel, Sophie Eardley, Charles Aston

Seb Brennan who some of you may remember will be returning in September

Congratulations as well to Rosie Missen who has been offered temporary post of PE Instructor

Faustin Lando has been appointed as site officer at KS4

Anthony Castle who has worked with CCfL previously will be joining us as our new Youth Worker

PAN Arts Residency

Saying Goodbye to Staff

New Appointments

Page 4: CCfL Summer Newsletter - · CCfL Summer Newsletter Director Dear Parents, Carers Dear parents and carers

Autumn Term Dates for the Diary

We have two Inset Days scheduled for the start of term on the Thursday 1st September and

Friday. 2nd September

Monday 5th September: Student Review Day

All parents and students will be contacted to set up a review meeting for the 5thSeptember.

6th September Full School timetable resumes

Friday 21st October: Half term Student Review Day

Term Dates 2016/17 –

Autumn term 2016 : Thursday 1st Sept – Friday 16th December

Half-term: Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October 2016

Spring Term 2017: Tuesday 3 January - 7 April

Half-term: Monday 13 February to Friday 17 February

Summer term 2017: 24 April to 21st July

Half-term: Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June 2017

CCfL KS4 School will be open on Thursday 25

th August between 10am and 12.30pm for students to collect their exam


Dates for the Diary

Year 11 GCSE Results Day

Thursday 25th August

Andrew and Marlene are available throughout the summer

every Thursday

Thursdays 1.00-3.00pm Crowndale Centre

21 July 2016 - 18 August 2016

Crowndale Centre, Eversholt Street NW1 1BD

Contact: Marlene – 07930 751 880;

Andrew – 07903 761 499

Connexions Support Get help with

Next steps after CCfL

Applications to College and open enrol-

ment days

CVs, cover letters and personal state-


Setting up email accounts

Support with apprenticeships

Interview preparation and presentation


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