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  • 7/27/2019 Ccgold Ogdoad We



    by Claudio Pozas

    Reputedly, the ogdoad (singular and plural) are descen-

    dants of beings that swam about in the muck of primordial

    Chaos, before the forces of Law condensed existence into

    what we now call time. The ogdoad are closely connected

    with the element of water and with the essence of dream-stuff.

    Many-hued and alien-minded, these creatures are in some

    ways similar to demons, devils, and celestials. However,

    instead of dwelling in abysmal landscapes or heavenly

    domiciles, they continue to wade around in the few planar

    pockets of Primordial Chaos that the gods of Law didnt

    corrupt. As such, they grow and change constantly, but

    share a few common characteristics. All ogdoad are

    bipedal humanoids in form, though they closely resemble

    vaguely human-shaped frogs or toads.Legends say that the ogdoad are servants of elder beings

    of immense power and whose inconstant nature is utterly

    hostile to mortals. Ogdoad feature strongly in the legends

    of aquatic peoples such as sahuagin, kuo-toa, merfolk,

    and even aquatic elves. It is said that when the Deluge

    sank Atlantis (and much of the rest of Karathis), the

    ogdoad enjoyed free rein of the oceans, and have been try-

    ing to re-establish a foothold there ever since.


    The tactics of ogdoad vary widely, as do their abilities and

    strengths. In general, they are fearless in combat, and their

    motives and actions are inscrutable.

    Ogdoad Traits: An ogdoad possess the following traits

    (unless otherwise noted in a specific ogdoads entry).

    Spell-Like Abilities: At willdetect law; 3/daypro-

    tection from law. Caster level = the ogdoads HD. The

    save DC is Charisma-based.

    Alien Mindset (Ex): Ogdoad have a +4 racial bonus to

    resist all charm, compulsion, and fear effects. Further,

    anyone attempting to read an ogdoads mind (via detect

    thoughts or some similar effect) must succeed at a Will

    save (DC = 10 + the ogdoads HD + the ogdoads

    Charisma modifier). If successful, the character is stunned

    for 1 round and the mind-reading fails. If the save fails,

    the mind-reading fails and the character is stunned for 1

    round and then affected by a lesser confusion effect for

    the following 1d4 rounds.

    Breathless (Ex): Ogdoad dont need to breathe and

    immune to suffocation, drowning, and gas attacks. Th

    can survive comfortably in a vacuum.

    Damage Reduction: An ogdoads natural weapons

    well as any manufactured weapons they wield) are c

    sidered to be chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overco

    ing damage reduction.

    All ogdoad have darkvision 60 ft. and low-light visi

    All ogdoad have fast healing 5.

    All ogdoad have resistance to cold 5, fire 5, and so

    5, as well as immunity to acid.

    Summon Ogdoad(Sp): One or more times per day,

    ogdoad can attempt to summon one or more other me

    bers of its race as a standard action. The numbers and ty

    summoned are given in each ogdoads description, as

    the chance of success for that ogdoads summoning ab

    ty. Ogdoad summoned in this way remain for 1 hour, a

    summoned ogdoad cant use their own summon ogdoability for 1 hour.

    An ogdoad has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim che

    made to perform some special action or avoid a hazard

    can always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if d

    tracted or endangered. It can use the run action wh

    swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

    All ogdoad speak their own tongue, known as Ogdoa

    For their own unfathomable reasons, some choose to m

    ter additional languages, and kukkoad can communicwith virtually any being by means of theirtongues spe

    like ability.

  • 7/27/2019 Ccgold Ogdoad We



    Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Water)

    Hit Dice: 5d8+30 (52 hp)

    Initiative: +5

    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.

    Armor Class: 18 (1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 10,

    flat-footed 17

    Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+15

    Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d8+6)Full Attack: 2 slams +10 melee (1d8+6)

    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

    Special Attacks: Breath weapon, pounce, spell-like abil-

    ities, summon ogdoad

    Special Qualities: Alien mindset, breathless, damage

    reduction 5/lawful, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5,

    immunity to acid, low-light vision, resistance to cold 5,

    fire 5, sonic 5, spell resistance 17

    Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6

    Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15

    Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +4,Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +7, Jump +13,

    Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +7,

    Listen +9, Spot +9, Survival +9 (+11 on the planes),

    Swim +14

    Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack

    Environment: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo

    Organization: Solitary, pair, troupe (310), or band


    Challenge Rating: 6

    Treasure: Standard

    Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

    Advancement: 612 HD (Large); 1315 HD (Huge)

    Level Adjustment: +6

    Covered in a sickly, warty green hide, the creature resem-

    bles nothing as much as a large humanoid frog or toad,

    with horizontal pupils and powerful limbs. Its expression

    is utterly incomprehensible.

    Nunnoad are the hordes of the ogdoad, the raiding mass-

    es that spell senseless destruction to whatever lies in their

    path. A nunnoad stands around 10 feet tall and averages

    roughly 1,000 pounds.


    Nunnoad have no strategy beyond crushing their current

    enemy to a pulp. They tend to target foes that look most

    interesting (or perhaps entertaining) to them, unless a

    more dangerous foe proves itself by damaging the nun-

    noad significantly.

    Breath Weapon (Ex): As a standard action once ev

    1d4 rounds, the nunnoad can breathe a cloud of corros

    gas in a 10-foot spread around itself. All in the cloud ta

    5d8 points of acid damage (Fortitude DC 18 half). T

    save DC is Constitution-based.

    Pounce (Ex): A nunnoad that charges a foe can mak

    full attack even if it has already moved. This charge c

    include swimming movement (so the nunnoad can poun

    out of the water onto a land-bound foe, for instance).Spell-Like Abilities: At willdetect law; 3/dayprot

    tion from law, shatter (DC 15); 1/daychaos hamm

    (DC 17). Caster level 5th.

    Summon Ogdoad (Sp): Once per day a nunnoad c

    attempt to summon 1d2 nunnoad with a 30% chance

    success. This is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

    Alien Mindset (Ex): The Will save DC for a nunnoa

    alien mindset is 17.

  • 7/27/2019 Ccgold Ogdoad We



    Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Water)

    Hit Dice: 9d8+63 (103 hp)

    Initiative: +7

    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.

    Armor Class: 20 (1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12,

    flat-footed 17

    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19

    Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d8+6 plus 1d6 cold)Full Attack: 2 slams +14 melee (1d8+6 plus 1d6 cold)

    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

    Special Attacks: Breath weapon, numbing aura, spell-

    like abilities, summon ogdoad

    Special Qualities: Alien mindset, breathless, damage

    reduction 5/lawful, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5,

    immunity to acid and cold, low-light vision, resistance to

    fire 5, sonic 5, spell resistance 20

    Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10

    Abilities: Str 22, Dex 17, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 19

    Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +12,Disguise +10* (+12 acting), Hide +10, Intimidate +13,

    Jump +15, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Knowledge (any

    one) +8, Listen +15, Move Silently +14, Search +11, Spot

    +15, Survival +13 (+15 on the planes), Swim +17

    Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Stealthy

    Environment: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo

    Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (36)

    Challenge Rating: 8

    Treasure: Standard

    Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

    Advancement: 1021 HD (Large); 2227 HD (Huge)

    Level Adjustment: +8

    This powerful-looking humanoid toad is a bluish color,

    with a pale belly. It is covered in pale spots that vary in

    size and tend to appear and disappear as the being moves.

    A preternatural cold emanates from the creature.

    Kukkoad are the infiltrators among the ogdoad. With their

    mutable forms, they are able to enter the mortal world,

    manipulating secret cults to do their annoad masters bid-

    ding, however irrational it may seem.

    Kukkoad generally stand around 9 feet tall and weigh

    roughly 800 pounds.


    Kukkoad use their breath weapon and spell-like abilities

    to maximum effect, and seek to incapacitate foes with

    their numbing aura before wading into melee with deadly


    Breath Weapon (Ex): As a standard action once ev

    1d4 rounds, the kukkoad can breathe a 15-foot cone of

    motes. All in the area take 8d8 points of cold dama

    (Fortitude DC 21 half). The save DC is Constitutio


    Numbing Aura (Su): At will, as a free action, a kukko

    can surround itself with an aura of chilling energy in a 2

    foot radius. Any living creature in this area must mak

    DC 22 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Dexterity daage and be affected as if by a slow spell for as long a

    remains within the aura. The save DC is Constitutio


    A creature that makes its saving throw is immune to t

    kukkoads numbing aura for 24 hours.

    Spell-Like Abilities: At willalter self (Medium

    Large humanoid only), astral projection (self plus

    pounds), detect law, tongues; 3/daychill touch (DC 1

    protection from law, shatter(DC 16); 1/daychaos ha

    mer(DC 18). Caster level 9th.Summon Ogdoad (Sp): Once per day a kukkoad c

    attempt to summon 1d4+1 nunnoad or 1d2 kukkoad w

    a 50% chance of success. This is the equivalent of a 4

    level spell.

    Alien Mindset (Ex): The Will save DC for a kukkoa

    alien mindset is 23.

    Skills: *When using its alter selfability, a kukkoad ga

    a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to pass as a member

    any race whose shape it has assumed.

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    Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Water)

    Hit Dice: 12d8+96 (150 hp)

    Initiative: +7

    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 40 ft.

    Armor Class: 23 (1 size, +3 Dex, +11 natural), touch

    12, flat-footed 20

    Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+23

    Attack: Slam +18 melee (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire)Full Attack: 2 slams +18 melee (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire)

    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

    Special Attacks: Breath weapon, searing aura, spell-like

    abilities, summon ogdoad

    Special Qualities: Alien mindset, breathless, damage

    reduction 10/lawful, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5,

    immunity to acid and fire, low-light vision, resistance to

    cold 5, sonic 5, spell resistance 23

    Saves: Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +12

    Abilities: Str 24, Dex 17, Con 27, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 21

    Skills: Bluff +11, Climb +16, Concentration +17,Diplomacy +13, Disguise +11 (+13 acting), Hide +11,

    Intimidate +16, Jump +19, Knowledge (arcana) +12,

    Knowledge (the planes) +15, Knowledge (any one other)

    +9, Listen +16, Move Silently +15, Search +12, Spot +16,

    Survival +13 (+15 on the planes), Swim +21, Use Magic

    Device +14

    Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power

    Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (burning hands)

    Environment: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo

    Organization: Solitary, pair, or raid (310)

    Challenge Rating: 12

    Treasure: 1/4 coins; 50% goods; double items

    Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

    Advancement: 1318 HD (Large); 1936 HD (Huge)

    Level Adjustment:

    This toad-like humanoid glows a bright red, with darker

    spots seemingly bubbling along beneath its skin, and its

    throat occasionally balloons up like a bullfrogs. The air

    around the creature is noticeably warmer.

    Huhhoad are the most violent of all ogdoad, reveling in

    destruction for its own sake. On the Material Plane, they

    tend to live near underwater volcanoes, sometimes swim-

    ming within the very magma. Huhhoad stand around 12

    feet tall and weigh approximately 1,250 pounds.


    Huhhoad are true pyromaniacs they love to see thin

    burn, whether objects, structures, or creatures. They te

    to use their spell-like abilities only after their bre

    weapon, scalding aura, and physical attacks have prov

    relatively ineffective.

    Breath Weapon (Ex): As a standard action once ev

    1d4 rounds, the huhhoad can breathe a 20-foot cone

    scalding slime. All in the area take 10d10 points of fdamage (Fortitude DC 24 half). The save DC


    Searing Aura (Su): At will, as a free action, a huhho

    can surround itself with an aura of blistering heat in a

    foot radius. Any creature in the area is affected as if b

    heat metal spell (no save), except that the damage appl

    to all creatures, even those not wearing metal arm

    Creatures actually wearing metal armor take double da

    age. Once the effect reaches the level of searing (per

    heat metal spell), it does not lessen until the creatleaves the searing aura or the huhhoad dismisses the au

    at which time the effect lessens to hot and then war

    over 2 rounds, as the spell.

    Spell-Like Abilities: At willastral projection (self p

    50 pounds), burning hands (free action, DC 16), det

    law; 3/dayscorching ray (3 rays),protection from la

    shatter(DC 17); 1/daychaos hammer(DC 19), disin

    grate (DC 21). Caster level 12th.

    Summon Ogdoad (Sp): Once per day a huhhoad c

    attempt to summon 2d4 nunnoad or another huhhoad wa 65% chance of success. This is the equivalent of a 5

    level spell.

    Alien Mindset (Ex): The Will save DC for a huhhoa

    alien mindset is 27.

  • 7/27/2019 Ccgold Ogdoad We



    Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Water)

    Hit Dice: 15d8+105 (172 hp)

    Initiative: +9

    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 50 ft.

    Armor Class: 27 (+5 Dex, +9 natural, +3 masterwork

    studded leather), touch 15, flat-footed 22

    Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+20

    Attack: +1 anarchic greatsword +21 melee(2d6+8/1720) or slam +20 melee (1d6+5)

    Full Attack: +1 anarchic greatsword+21/+16/+11 melee

    (2d6+8/1720) or 2 slams +20 melee (1d6+5)

    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

    Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon ogdoad

    Special Qualities: Alien mindset, breathless, damage

    reduction 10/lawful and cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fast

    healing 5, immunity to acid, low-light vision, resistance to

    cold 10, fire 10, sonic 10, spell resistance 28

    Saves: Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +13

    Abilities: Str 20, Dex 21, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 23Skills: Balance +11, Bluff +15, Climb +11, Concentration

    +25, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +15* (+17 acting), Hide

    +20, Intimidate +20, Jump +17, Knowledge (arcana, the

    planes) +17, Knowledge (any one other) +14, Listen +21,

    Move Silently +20, Search +14, Sense Motive +13,

    Spellcraft +16 (+18 with scrolls), Spot +21, Survival +13

    (+15 on the planes), Swim +19, Tumble +14, Use Magic

    Device +18 (+20 with scrolls)

    Feats: AlertnessB, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Improved

    Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Iron Will,

    Power Attack

    Environment: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo

    Organization: Solitary, pair, or horde (12 plus 410

    huhhoad, 36 kukkoad, and 1030 nunnoad)

    Challenge Rating: 16

    Treasure: Double standard (not including +1 anarchic

    greatswordand masterwork studded leather)

    Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral

    Advancement: 1623 HD (Medium); 2445 HD (Large)

    Level Adjustment:

    Standing as tall as a large human, this gray-skinned, frog-

    like being has reddish-orange eyes, long limbs, and a lean

    appearance. It is dressed in ornate leather armor and car-

    ries a mighty greatsword in its hands.

    Annoad are the enigmatic, secretive leaders of the ogdo

    race. While they hold sway over their subjects fates, i

    uncertain whether they themselves serve other beings

    turn. Their swords hold special significance to them, a

    stealing such a blade or taking one by force is sure

    bring the wrath of all ogdoad upon the thief.


    Annoad rely heavily upon their spell-like abiliti

    although they are fierce warriors as well. They invaria

    call upon other ogdoad to assist them before engagi

    dangerous opponents.

    Spell-Like Abilities: At willalter self (Small

    Medium humanoid only), astral projection (self plus

    pounds), chaos hammer (DC 20), color spray (DC 1

    confusion (DC 20), detect law, detect magic, dispel l

    (DC 21), dispel magic, entropic shield, identify, invisib

    ity, levitate, magic circle against law,plane shift,prot

    tion from law, rage, read magic, see invisibility, shat(DC 18); 3/daycloak of chaos (DC 24), disintegr

    (DC 22), eyebite (DC 22), greater teleport (self plus

    pounds), word of chaos (DC 23); 1/dayfinger of dea

    (DC 23), harm (DC 21), heal. Caster level 15th.

    Summon Ogdoad (Sp): Twice per day an annoad c

    attempt to summon 2d6 nunnoad, 1d4+1 kukkoad, or 1

    huhhoad with a 65% chance of success. This is the equ

    alent of a 6th-level spell.

    Alien Mindset (Ex): The Will save DC for an annoa

    alien mindset is 31.

    Skills: *When using its alter selfability, an annoad ga

    a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to pass as a member

    any race whose shape it has assumed.

  • 7/27/2019 Ccgold Ogdoad We


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    Counter Collection: Gold - Ogdoad Copyright 2004, Fiery Dragon Productions, Inc.; Written and illustrated by Claudio Pozas

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