  • 8/16/2019 Ccna Wireless Tutorial


  • 8/16/2019 Ccna Wireless Tutorial


    another random time again5 Wait %or an ac*nowledgment that data has been sent success%ull"5 I% no ac*nowledgment is recei!ed, resend the data

    IEEE 802.11 standards:

    Nowada"s there are three organi6ations in%luencing WLAN standards. /he" are

    5 I/ -7 is res#onsible %or allocation o% the 78 bands5 I))) s#eci%ies how 78 is modulated to trans%er data5 Wi-8i Alliance im#ro!es the intero#erabilit" o% wireless #roducts among !endors

    &ut the most #o#ular t"#e o% wireless LAN toda" is based on the I))) 902.11 standard, which is*nown in%ormall" as Wi-8i.

    * 802.11a: o#erates in the :.; G 6 I $ band. $a'imum transmission s#eed is :

  • 8/16/2019 Ccna Wireless Tutorial


    * In#rastr$!t$re "ode: Connect to a wired LAN, su##orts two modes (ser!ice sets

    5 &asic er!ice et (& uses onl" a single A+ to create a WLAN5 )'tended er!ice et () uses more than one A+ to create a WLAN, allows roaming in a largerarea than a single A+. suall" there is an o!erla##ed area between two A+s to su##ort roaming. /heo!erla##ed area should be more than 10> (%rom 10> to 1:> to allow users mo!ing between twoA+s without losing their connections (called roaming . /he two ad acent A+s should use non-

    o!erla##ing channels to a!oid inter%erence. /he most #o#ular non-o!erla##ing channels are channels1, ? and 11 (will be e'#lained later .

  • 8/16/2019 Ccna Wireless Tutorial


    7oaming /he abilit" to use a wireless de!ice and be able to mo!e %rom one access #oint4s range toanother without losing the connection.

    When con%iguring ) , each o% the A+s should be con%igured with the same er!ice et Identi%ier( I3 to su##ort roaming %unction. I3 is the uni=ue name shared among all de!ices on the samewireless networ*. In #ublic #laces, I3 is set on the A+ and broadcasts to all the wireless de!ices inrange. I3s are case sensiti!e te't strings and ha!e a ma'imum length o% @2 characters. I3 isalso the minimum re=uirement %or a WLAN to o#erate. In most Lin*s"s A+s (a #roduct o% Cisco , thede%ault I3 is lin*s"sB.

    In the ne't #art we will discuss about Wireless )ncoding, #o#ular Wireless ecurit" tandard andsome sources o% wireless inter%erence.

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