Page 1: Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Objectives: interdisciplinary research in physics

Center of Excellence for

Complex Systems Research

Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Physics

Objectives: interdisciplinary research in physics of complex systems, modelling and applications

Coordinator: Prof. Janusz Hołyst, [email protected],

Page 2: Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Objectives: interdisciplinary research in physics

The Centre was certified as a National Competence Centre in 2002

Research focus: sociophysics, econophysics, complex networks

- statistical physics in economy and social sciences.- statistical models of emotions in e-communities , - information and social dynamics in socio-techno networks, - collective opinion formation, - time series analysis

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1. FP7 EU ICT Integrated Project CYBEREMOTIONS – Collective Emotions in Cyberspace, 2009-2013, 750.154 Euro +810.293 PLN (Coordinator)

2. COST Action MP0801 Physics of Competition and Conflicts, 2008-2012 (v-ce Chair)

3. FP6 EU NEST STREP CREEN, Critical events in evolving networks, 2005-2008, 279.996 Euro + 690. 360 PLN (Coordinator)

4. FP6 EU NEST STREP MMCOMNET (Measuring and modeling of complex networks across domains) 2005-2008, 249.984 Euro + 612 100 PLN (Partner)

5. COST Action P10: Physics or Risk, 2005-2007, 390.000 PLN (v-ce Chair)

6. ESF Project,167/ESF/2006/03, STOCHDYN, Stochastic dynamics: fundamentals and applications), 2006-2008, 450.858 PLN (Partner)

7. Coordination Action: GIACS, Complex systems (Partner)

8. Coordination Action: ONCE-CS, Complex systems (Partner)

Around 95% of Center budget comes from EU Projects

EU Projects in Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research

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CREENCritical Events in Evolving Networks


PRIORITY 8 - NEST –New and Emerging Science and Technology


Start Date: 1 January 2005

Duration : 3,5 years

Granted EU Contribution : 1.241.640 Euro

Coordination: Warsaw University of Technolgy

Page 5: Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics Objectives: interdisciplinary research in physics

Collective Emotions in CyberspaceEuropean Union Research Project

Participant organisation name Leader Country Specialization

Warsaw University of Technology Janusz Holyst Poland Physics of complex systems

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Daniel Thalmann Switzerland Computer animation

University of Wolverhampton Michael Thelwall United Kingdom Webometrics

Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik Robert Trappl Austria Artificial intelligence

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Frank Schweitzer Switzerland Complex systems modelling

Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Bosiljka Tadic Slovenia Computational physics

Jacobs University, Bremen Arvid Kappas Germany Psychophysiology

Technical University Berlin Matthias Trier Germany Network visualization

Gemius SA Kamila Kowalska Poland Internet market research

Large-scale integrating project ICT Call 3Science of Complex Systems for socially Intelligent ICTDuration: 1 Feb. 2009-31 Jan 2013 EC funding 3.6 M€

Main aims

• to understand the process of collective emotions formation in e-communities

• to create decentralized adaptive tools to amplify positive or suppress negative collective emotions in e-societies

• to stabilize different ICT services by predicting negative emotions & minimizing their effects (long)

• to create theoretical background for the development of the next generation emotionally-intelligent ICT services using universal methods of complex systems (long).

CYBEREMOTIONS = data gathering + complex systems methods + ICT outputs

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Czy projekty badawcze UE muszą być tak trudne w Polsce?

Janusz Hołyst, Przewodniczący Zarządu

Krajowej Rady Koordynatorów Projektów Badawczych UE Sympozjum KRAB-a, 12-13 maja 2010, IGiHZ PAN, Jastrzębiec k/Warszawy, [email protected]

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• Sekcja Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego: Fizyka w Ekonomii i Naukach Społecznych (FENS)

• Założenia programowe • Zarząd i regulamin • Członkostwo w Sekcji PTF FENS • Bieżące działania i projekty • Sympozja Sekcji PTF FENS: pierwsze, drugie,

trzecie, czwarte, piąte • Co fizyka może dać ekonomii i socjologii?

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|<e>| absolute value of the average emotion valence of the first 10 comments


Lenght of thread 20 40 60 80

Number of comments in the thread


Average length of the thread as a function of the absolute value of the average emotion valence of the first 10 comments

Negative emotion as a fuel for discussions at BBC Forum

Emotional thread starts, whether positive or negative, usually lead to longer discussions

Anna Chmiel, Pawel Sobkowicz, Julian Sienkiewicz, Georgios Paltoglou, Kevan Buckley, Mike Thelwall , Janusz A. Holyst Physica A, 2011

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Swiss-Polish cohesion in Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research

ETHZ: Prof. Dirk Helbing, social simulations, MMCOMNET project, FuturIcT project

ETHZ: Prof. Frank Schweitzer, system design, complex networks, MMCOMNET, CYBEREMOTIONS and FuturIcT projects

ETHZ: Prof. Didier Sornette, Collective firm bankruptcies and phase transition in rating dynamics, FuturIcT projects

ETHZ: Prof. Stephan M. Wagner, Chair of Logistics Management, Modeling defaults of companies in multi-stage supply chain networks


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Centre contributions to FuturIcT objectives

- coordination of Polish FuturIcT Hub - organisation of Observatory of Conflicts and Emotions; developing a background for a next generation emotionally intelligent Web where human-computer interactions are improved by taking into account human affects and emotions .

- Contribution to Crisis Observatory (collective risk estimations)

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