

A VERY SHORT EXPLANATION OF THE LHC (LARGE HADRON COLLIDER) AT CERN(Centre Europen pour la Recherche Nucleaire), GENVA, Switzerland

This presentation was composed in order to qualify for teaching in English language at the university of BurgosAlfonso de la Fuente Ruiz, 2011

What is the LHC?

A huge engineering project

Civil engineering at its best, computer science supporting and theoretical physics leading the way into the unknown.

The power of the atom, unleashed

After the sad events at Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Robert Oppenheimer led the physics community towards a happier goal, for retribution

A European Union endeavour

lvaro de Rjula, representative spanish manager in theoretical physics at CERN

The Lord of the Rings

Subatomic particles are accelerated at practically the speed of light along a 27 kms. circular tunnel right under the city of Genva (Switzerland)

LHC lies 175 m underground

CERN employs 1/3 students

Smashing things together

Hadron collisions being registered in 3D (full-res.)

The particle zoo

A quest for the Higgs boson?

Black Hole danger? No way!

But why not?

Safety of particle collisions at the

Large Hadron Collider:

Hawking's calculation and more general quantum mechanical arguments predict that micro black holes evaporate almost instantaneously. Additional safety arguments beyond those based on Hawking radiation were given in the papers, which showed that in hypothetical scenarios with stable black holes that could damage Earth, such black holes would have been produced by cosmic rays and would have already destroyed known astronomical objects such as the Earth, Sun, neutron stars, or white dwarfs. Further, microscopic black holes generated from a particle accelerator are very small in size and are expected to have a high velocity, making it impossible for them to accrete a dangerously large amount of mass before leaving the earth for good.

The World Wide Web
was created at CERN

Tim Berners-Lee, 1989

Sept. 2008: LHC damaged!

Pictures below, show two of the most severely broken interconnects, which are between the magnets in LHC sectors three and four. The superconducting magnets, used to direct and focus the proton beams in the experiment, are cooled by liquid helium. An electrical fault caused the liquid helium to leak, resulting in a need for repairs that put the experiment out of action until at least summer 2009.

2011: Currently a success!

- Scientific output

- Luminosity record

- Intrntl. cooperation

- Higgs' spotting rumoured as of april 2011

Thank you!

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