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Neil Armstrong: First, I’ll ask when and where Neil Armstrong was born. How and why did he become interested in being a pilot? Who influenced him toward this career? When did he earn his pilot’s license and fly himself? What college did he attend, and what degree did he receive? What career was he hoping for? How long did Armstrong serve in the U.S. Navy, and what were his missions during his tour of service? What kind of combat action did he see in the Korean War, and how missions did he fly? Was he ever shot down or injured during the war, and if so, what happened? Then, after the war, when did he begin to work as a test pilot? What kinds of planes did he fly, and how many flights did he make in the X-15? How dangerous was this job, and what was his most dangerous test flight experience? Did he set any speed or distance records? When was Armstrong chosen to be an astronaut, what program did he join, and what special skills did he have which led to his selection to the program? How many flights into space did he make before his Apollo 11 mission to the moon, and 1968, and what kinds of skills did he learn on these flights? When was Armstrong chosen to be commander of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, and why was he chosen? Who were his crew members on this mission? When did the mission launch, and how many days did it take to get to the moon? When did the lunar lander touch down on the moon, and when did Armstrong take his first step on the lunar surface? What did he say as he stepped onto the moon? Why did he say this, and how did he come up with this saying? How long did Armstrong spend on the moon’s surface, what was his mission there, and who was with him? When did the mission return to earth, and where there any major problems with the flight? Where and when was the ticker tape parade which welcomed and honored Armstrong and his fellow Apollo 11 crew members? How did Armstrong react to the fame and publicity which came with his being the first “man on the moon”? How long did he stay with NASA as an astronaut, and how many more times did he return to space? What career did he pursue after his career as an astronaut was over? How did he promote science education? Why didn’t he do many interviews or appear in public very often? Was he married and did he have children? When and why did he die?

Lt. William Calley: I'll first ask when and where William Calley was born, and then I'll ask how he became interested in serving in the military. When and where did he join the army, and why did she choose the army instead of the other branches of the service? Did he also attend college and ROTC to become an officer? When did he see his first action in Vietnam, and what was his regiment and rank within that regiment? How did he react to the combat conditions in Vietnam? Was it frustrating that he and his men couldn't always see the enemy or identify them? How many casualties did his unit take, and what were the main causes of these wounds? Snipers? Booby traps or mines? How frustrated did he become trying to keep his men safe? Then, we'll move to the My Lai incident.

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Where was this village, and what were Calley's precise orders about the village? Did he and his men expect to find Viet Cong when they went in? Were there many Viet Cong there? How much opposition did his men find? Then, I'll ask how the shooting of civilians started? Did Calley order this, or did his men just start killing civilians? Did Calley try to stop this killing when it started, or did he participate in it and even encourage it? How long did this killing go on, and how many Vietnamese people were killed at My Lai? How many of these were women and children or older people? How many of Calley's men were wounded or killed that day? Did anyone try to stop Calley and his men from the killing? What about Lt. Thompson in his helicopter? What did he do to try and stop things? Then, we'll move to his trial--when were charges pressed against Calley and what were the charges? Did his superior officer also get accused? What about his military trial? What were Calley's main arguments (or the arguments of his lawyer) against the charges? Did Calley's own men testify against him or for him, or both? What was the verdict, and how much of the sentence did Calley actually serve? What did he feel about the trial and the verdict? Did he feel he had been made a scapegoat? Or did Calley eventually admit that what he had done was wrong and criminal? Did he ever go back to Vietnam or ever apologize to the people there? What did he do with his life after he was released? Finally, I'll ask what we can learn from his story.

Rachel Carson: I'll ask when and where she was born. Then, I'll ask about her education: where did she go to college and why did she decide to study biology and the environment? Who influenced her in this decision? What was her degree in, and when did she graduate? Did she teach or did she main conduct research? When did she publish her first book, what was this book named and what was it about? How popular was it? What were the names of her next two books, and what was her main topic in these books? Then, I'll ask when and why she began to study the effects of DDT--what did these letters stand for and what was DDT? What was it used for? How long did she study its effects, and what were her main conclusions about it? When did she publish her book "Silent Spring", and what kinds of evidence did she present in it about the damage done by pesticides to the environment? How did people react to this book? How influential was this book on the environmental movement? I'd like you to quote a couple of passages from the book to illustrate her writing style and her message. Was there opposition by the companies which made DDT? Did her book lead to new government regulations or a ban on DDT? If so, when did that ban happen? What other work did she do to help promote conservation and protection of the environment? Did she ever marry and have children? Did she have a companion or fellow worker with whom she spent much time? When did she die, and what was her place as a leader in the environmental movement until her death?

Cesar Chavez: I’ll first ask where and when Cesar Chavez was born. What was life like for him when he was a child? What did his parents to do make a living, and how old was Chavez when he first entered the fields as a worker? Why did his entire family become migrant farm workers, how often did they have to move to find work, and in which states did they work? How much schooling did Chavez have, and how old was he when he became a full-time field worker? What crops did he pick, and how hard was life for him

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and his family as migrant workers? What kinds of discrimination did Mexican-Americans like him face during this time? How did Chavez try to help his fellow workers when he was a teenager? Which branch of the service did Chavez join in World War II, how many years did he serve during the war, and what was his rank and his job? After he left the military, how and when did Chavez get involved in trying to help Chicano and Mexican-American people? Where did he travel during the 1950’s and how successful was he at getting Mexican Americans registered to vote? When and how did Chavez meet Dolores Huerta, and how and when did they create the National Farm Workers Association? What were their goals in this organization and what kind of opposition did they face from employers and other citizens in organizing this union? What was the first strike of farm workers which they organized, how long was the strike, and how successful was it in the end? How did Chavez and the Union spread the news about the plight of farm workers, and how did Congress respond? What kind of methods did Chavez use to get support for striking workers? Did he ever advocate or use violent methods? If not, why not? How did his religion and Gandhi influence Chavez’s strategies? When was the “Salad Bowl” strike, how many workers and states were involved in this strike, and what changes and improvements did the farm workers win as a result of this strike? During the 1970’s, what was Chavez’ attitude toward immigration, and what was his role in the 1986 comprehensive immigration bill which passed? Did Chavez marry and have a family? If so, how many children did he have and how successful and long was his marriage? When and how did Chavez die? When did Chavez win the Medal of Freedom and when was the center named for him opened? Where is this center and what kind of work does it do?

Eldridge Cleaver: First, I'll ask where and when Eldridge Cleaver was born, and what his full name was. Then, I'll ask about how he got into trouble with the law: what were his first criminal acts, and why did he become a criminal? What were his parents like and how much difficulty did he have in school? When was his first felony conviction and what crime was he convicted of? How much time did he spend in prison for this crime? What crimes was he convicted for in 1958, and how much prison time did he do for these serious crimes? What was the reason that he wanted to rape white women? How were these rapes a blow against white supremacy in his mind? How many essays did he write while he was in prison, and what were they about? How much of his own troubled life did he write about, and what was his attitude toward white society? Did he blame others for his own crimes or blame himself? How did Cleaver's beliefs about how to improve black life in America change while he was in prison, and how did his view of himself change and become more positive? When was Cleaver released from prison, and why did he join the Black Panther party? What were Cleaver's beliefs on how the Black Panthers could improve the lives of black Americans and increase Black power? Why did he run as a presidential candidate in 1968, what was his party and his main goals, and how many votes did he and his running mate receive? How did Cleaver get into a conflict with the Oakland police department, and what happened in this conflict? Where did Cleaver flee as a result of charges filed against him? When was his book "Soul on Ice" published, and what were the main topics which Cleaver covered in this book? I'd like you to quote a couple of different passages (a few sentences each) to show Cleaver's attitude toward race relations in America. How popular did the book become among young radicals and

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Black Panther members of the 1960's? When did Cleaver return to the United States, and how had he changed while he was away? Was he prosecuted for his crimes when he returned and did he do any jail time? What were the main topics of his book "Soul on Fire", when was this book published, and how popular was it? During the 1980's, what new religion did he join, and why? How did his political views change dramatically, and why?

Jane Fonda: I'll first ask when and were Jane Fonda was born. Then, I'll ask why and when she got involved in acting? was it the influence of her famous father, Henry Fonda? Did he push her into acting or did she choose to do it? Then, I'll ask about her early career: when did she make her first film and what was it about? How quickly did she become a start, and which film really got her attention from critics and made her a "star"? I'd like you to find a clip from her movie "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?", which was one of her good early performances. What made her a good actress? What qualities and skills did the critics and audiences like about her? While this was happening in the 1960's and early 1970's, what were Jane Fonda's beliefs of the Vietnam War? Did she start out as a supporter of the war and then turn against it, or was she always against it? What turned her against it? How did she express her rejection of the Vietnam War? When did she start to protest, and what form did these protests take? Then, I'll ask about her controversial trip to North Vietnam--why did she decide to do this, and when did she visit? What specific events of our military was she protesting, and what message was she hoping to send? What did she see while she was there, and how did the North Vietnamese people and government respond to her? How did Americans respond to her visit? Was she mainly seen as a traitor giving comfort to the enemy? Was she also seen by some protesters as a champion of peace for doing this? How did she respond to the criticism? Did her visit to Hanoi have any real impact on our government or military's policies? Did her anti-war position harm her movie acting career? How many movies has Jane Fonda made up to now, how many times was she nominated for Best Actress, and how many times did she win Best Actress and for which movies?

Betty Friedan: I’ll first ask where and when Betty Friedan was born, and what her name was at that time. How did being Jewish make her feel isolated from others around her when she was in school? How did her mother Miriam inspire Betty to be active and to let her voice be heard, and how did Betty express her views in writing? Where did she go to college, what was her major there, and when did she graduate with her bachelor’s degree? Where did she start work on a graduate degree, and what kind of writing was she doing at this time? What were Betty’s political views during this time: were they liberal or closer to being socialist? Was she interested in getting married and having children at that time? If not, why not? What did she learn about American women and their problems while she was defending American workers and writing about them? How much did women earn for doing the same jobs as men back then? How did Betty get the idea of writing her most famous book, “The Feminine Mystique”? How did she try to find out the stories of real women, and how many women eventually told Betty their story? When was this book published, and what did she mean by the title? What was the “feminine mystique”, according to Betty, and how did it hold women back? What was the “Problem which had

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no name”? I’d like you to quote a passage from the book which illustrates her definition of this “mystique” and this “problem” and shows her main message for women. I’d also like you to tell the story of one woman as Betty told it in the book? How popular was her book and how did both women and men react to it? What were some of the accusations or criticisms of her which resulted from the book? Was she using the label “feminist” by this time to describe herself? What was “Second Wave” Feminism, and how did Betty lead it? If so, what did she mean by that phrase? When did Betty established the National Organization for Women, and who helped her establish this organization? What was the purpose of the Organization, and what kinds of activities did it engage in? What issues was it mainly focused on? Today, NOW is mostly associated with defending the right to contraception and abortion? Was that one of the major issues of the group from the start? How did the availability of the birth control pill give women a greater feeling of empowerment and liberation during the 1960’s? How much did NOW focus on economic issues like women going to college, starting careers, and getting more fair pay? Did the federal government pass laws which actually helped women in these areas? When did NOW start pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution, and how hard did Betty work on getting it passed? In 1970, what was the “National Strike for Equality”? What happened during this strike and why was it so important to Betty? What were Betty’s views on lesbian and gay equality and on the Vietnam War and militarism? How involved was Betty in the “Roe vs. Wade” case which made abortion legal in 1973, and what was her reaction to this court decision? After the 1960’s, what books did Betty write, and how much did she influence young feminists who came after her? Did she marry and have a family? If so, when was she married, and how many children did she have? When did she die and what was the cause of her death? I’d like you to give us one quote about her legacy from one of the leaders of the feminist movement after she died—Gloria Steinem might be a good choice.

Billy Graham: First, I'll ask where and when Billy Graham was born. Then, I'll ask about his religious faith: did he grow up in a religious family, and was he a Christian from childhood? What church did he and his family belong to when he was a boy? When did Billy decide that he would be a preacher, and where and how did he receive his "call"? Were any of his relatives during his life or before he was born preachers? Where did he go to college, what was his major, and when did he graduate? What was his attitude toward the Bible when he was young? Did he take it as the literal word of God? What beliefs went with the word "evangelical"? Whom did Billy marry, how did he meet her, and when did they get married? How many children did they have? What was the first church at which Billy preached, and what denomination was the church? How and when did he get involved in radio and launch a radio ministry? What was the YFCI, and what did Billy do for this organization? When did Billy begin to preach crusades, and where and when was his first "crusade"? Why did he use that name to describe these events? How did he like crusade preaching, when did he set up his own crusade organization, and what was it called? Who were the other people who regularly joined him on his crusades, and what role did each of them play? How long would the typical crusade last, and what was the main goal of these crusades? How was a night at the crusade organized: singing, Billy's sermon, and then an altar call? What was his preaching style like? Was he "fire and brimstone" or was he more gentle and persuasive,

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or was it a mix of both styles? I'd like you to show a you tube clip of Billy speaking at one of his big crusades--just 2 or 3 minutes so we can get a feel for his message. I'd also like you to show another clip of his famous altar call--how he would try to get people to come forward to receive Christa s their savior? How did he try to work current events and issues into his sermons? How did Billy avoid the sexual or financial scandals which have brought down so many evangelists and preachers? By the 1960's, when the youth counterculture was in full swing, what was Billy's attitude toward the sexual revolution? How did local churches feel about Graham coming in to their cities? Did they worry that their congregations would stop going to local churches while the crusades were on? What was Billy's attitude in the early 1950s about segregation, and were his own crusades segregated? When did he start to support civil rights for African Americans, and when did he start seating black and white people together at his crusades? How did he help Dr. Martin Luther King's work? How many presidents did Billy advise and counsel? How often did he go to the White House to pray with and talk to presidents? About how many crusades did he preach during his long career, about how many people did he persuade to accept Christ, and what are the estimates on how many total people he preached to? How many books has he written? Why has Billy been one of the most admired Americans in poll after poll for many years? Does he still preach at all, or is he completely retired now?

Merle Haggard: I'll first ask you when and where Merle Haggard was born, and how he got involved in music.  Did his family teach him to sing and play the guitar? Was he in bands as a young man?  Who were the musicians or stars who influenced him?  I'll then ask about the trouble he got into with the law--what crimes did he commit, why did he go to prison, and how long was he in prison?  I'd like you to play part of one of his hits, "Mama Tried", and then I'll ask you how accurate the song is as a description of his own life.  Was he ever "doing life without parole" as the song says?  How did he begin his recording career once he got out of prison?  Besides "Mama Tried", what was one of his early big hits?  I'd like you to play a part of this song and then tell us about it.  Then, I'll move to the Vietnam War era and ask you to play part of his song "Okie from Muskogee", and then I'll ask you what prompted him to record this song. What was his message in the song about the Vietnam War and about patriotism?  Did he support the Vietnam War throughout the whole time we fought it, or did he eventually admit that it was a mistake an turn against the war effort? If there's time, I'll also ask you to summarize his career over the last few decades--has he kept recording albums and performing?  How has his health been over the last several years? Finally, I'll ask why we should still listen to his songs and what we can learn from them.

Jimi Hendrix: I'll first ask where and when Jimi Hendrix was born, and what his full name was. How and why did he become interested in music when he was young? Which singers and bands influenced him when he was young, and when did he start playing music? What instruments did Jimi first learn how to play, and when did he get his first acoustic guitar? What was his family life like when he was young, and how tough was it for Jimi? When did Jimi form his first band, and what was it called? What kind of music did they play and what kinds of places did they perform? How and why did Jimi get into trouble with the law, and did he do any jail time? How much time did he spend in the

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army, and where was he stationed? Did he continue to play the guitar during the service? After he left the army, where did Jimi live? What band did he play in, and what kind of music did they play? How successful was this band, and who were some of the singers and performers who influenced Jimmy during this period, in the early 1960s? When did Jimi made his first recording, and what song was it? I'd like you to play a bit of this first recording if you can find it. Which well known performers did Jimi play with and travel with during 1964 and 1965? When did Jimi form his band "Blue Flame", and where did this band play? What was Jimi's playing style? What made his playing of the guitar unique and different? When and how did Jimi get his "big break" which made him a true star? In 1967, what two songs did he make which were hits? I'd like you to play a part of one of these 1967 hits? When did he record to album "Are You Experienced", and how did other performers and the public respond to it? Then, we'll move to the Monterey pop festival of 1967: what songs did Jimi perform at this festival, and how did people respond? I'd like you to play a part of "Foxy Lady" to give us an idea of his music at this time. What was Jimi's personal life like at this time? Was he heavily into drugs and alcohol? When did his second "Experience" album come out, and what was the featured song on it? How did Jimi experiment with electronic feedback and microphonic feedback? How was he experimenting with the tone and volume of his electric guitar? I'd like you to play one of his songs which demonstrates these effects. When did Jimi record his third album, what was it called, and how did other performers and critics respond to it? What was the most acclaimed song on this album? When and why did Jimi record his version of the National Anthem? How long did he perform at Woodstock and how successful was Jimi at this time, and how well was he handling this success? Did he go to excess with drugs, and if so, which drugs? What was his health like in 1969 and 1970? Did he ever get married or did he have a steady girlfriend? What was the name of the all-black band which he formed, and why did he make it all-black? When and where was Jimi's last concert appearance? When did he die, and what was the cause of death? How did his fans and people around the world react to his death? I'd like you to find and read one quotation from among the statements that were made about Jimi and his legacy after his death.

Abbie Hoffman: I’ll start by asking when and where Abbie Hoffman was born, and where he grew up. What did his parents did for a living, and how many brothers and/or sisters did he have? Why didn’t Abbie fit in during his school days? What were his beliefs and/or behaviors which made him stand out? How did he cause mischief and why was he this way? What was his view of God, and which school was he kicked out of because he supposedly sympathized with Communism? What was the first university which he attended, what was his main course of study, and how did this change or shape his political views? Which writer influenced Abbie the most during his college education? When did he get his bacholor’s degree and what was his degree in, and where did he start work on a Masters degree? When did Abbie join SNCC, or the “Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee”, and why did he join? What was his view of the Vietnam War and how did he protest it? In 1967, what did Abbie promise he would do with the Pentagon, and how did people react to this stunt? What was the more serious symbolic message of this proposed stunt? Later in 1967, what kind of comical protest did Abbie lead at the New York Stock Exchange? How did people respond to this and how

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much TV coverage did this protest get? Was Abbie considered more of a clown and a performer than a serious protestor, or was he considered both? How did he see himself? Was he really making serious points or just having fun, or a mixture of the two? When did Abbie form the “Yippies”, and how did the “yippies” get their name? What was the main goal of this organization, and how many members did it have in the late 60’s? Why did Abbie and his Yippies protest at the Democratic Nation convention in Chicago in 1968? Was their main protest against the Democratic party’s support of the war in Vietnam? What other issues were on the Yippies’ minds? What kinds of events did the Yippies create and sponsor during the Convention, and what were the zaniest and most fun of these events? Who had the idea to nominate a pig for president, and how did this lead to confrontation between two pigs? How did this issue get settled? When violence broke out between police and protestors at Chicago in 1968, how involved was Abbie in the rioting? Did he advocate for it or participate in it? If so, why? When was he arrested, and what was he charged with? How many other protest leaders were grouped together with Abbie and what were they called? During the trial of Abbie and the other protestors, how did Abbie act up, insulting the judge and the court? What were some of the funnier antics which he pulled (like taking the oath while giving the finger!), and how did the judge and others react to it? What did Abbie say to the judge about Hitler and about LSD? What was the verdict in Abbie’s case, and how much jail time was he sentenced to? Did Abbie ever serve time in jail? If not, why not? At Woodstock in 1969, why and how did Abbie get into a confrontation with the band “The Who”? After the 60’s, how did Abbie continue his activism, and how many books did he write? What role did he play in the movie “Born on the 4th of July”? Why did he get into trouble with the law, and how long was he on the run from the law? Did Abbie ever marry and have children? If so, who did he marry and how many kids did he have? When did Abbie die, and how did it happen?

Ken Kesey: First, I’ll ask where and when Ken Kesey was born, and when he moved to Springfield, Oregon. What were Kesey’s main interests while he was in school, and who were his main role models while he was growing up? When did he start attending the University of Oregon, and what was his major? Who was his sweetheart and when and why did they elope? Where were they married, and how many children did they eventually have? When did Kesey graduate with his bachelor’s degree, and what was his degree in? Where did he start work on his M.A. , and why did he choose English? Which writers and teachers influenced him the most while he was working on his Master’s degree? When did Kesey begin to write stories and novels, and what were the topics or themes of his early writings? Were any of these published? How did Kesey learn about the effects of psychedelic drugs like LSD, and how many of these drugs did he take he try? What did he learn from both his work with people on drugs and from his experimentation on himself? How did he get the idea for the novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, and when did he start writing this novel? What was the main story of this novel and what do you think Kesey’s main message was for his readers? How does the novel illustrate the disillusionment with authority which was so prevalent in the ‘60s? When was the book published and how popular was it? What was the name of the second novel which Kesey published and what was its main story and theme? How did the group the “Merry Pranksters” come about, and what was the origin of their name? Why and

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when did their trip across the country take place, where did it start and where did it end, and how long did it last? Who joined Kesey for this trip and how did they travel? What did the Pranksters do during this trip, and how much coverage did they get in the press and on television? What happened during the “Acid Tests” which the Pranksters organized? How important was Kesey as a symbol and/or leader of the 60s counterculture by this point? When and why did Kesey get into trouble with the law, how did he try to deceive the policy, and what was he eventually convicted of? How much time did he spend in jail? Where did he move after his jail time was done, and what kinds of books and articles did he write? Did he withdraw from the public eye? What tragedy happened to Kesey’s son in 1984, and how did he react to it? When and where did he die, and what was the cause of death? Where is his statue in Eugene, and how is he depicted in it?

Ron Kovic: I'll first ask when and where he was born--was he always proud of the fact that he was born on July 4th? Then, I'll ask why and when he became interested in serving in the military, and why he chose the Marines.  Who or what events influenced him to join the Marines?  When did he arrive in Vietnam, and what was his unit or regiment? What kind of fighting and combat did he see while he was there? Was he able to see the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese whom he was fighting, or was it a war of ambushes and patrols in which he rarely saw the enemy? Then, I'll ask about two events which changed his life--the first was when he fired and killed one of his fellow soldiers accidently, and the second was when he was severely wounded.  You should describe these events in some detail from his autobiography, "Born on the Fourth of July", including his precise wounds and how he was unable to walk as a result.  How long was he in the hospital back in America before he was discharged? What were the conditions like in the military hospitals for him? When did he go back home, and how was he greeted by people he knew? Did they give him a hero's welcome, or ignore him, or even condemn him? Then, I'll ask how and why he began to turn against the Vietnam War and what America was going there--what changed his thinking on the war?   How did he begin to express his opposition to the war? Did he face drug and alcohol problems during this time? You should tell us about his protests at the National Republican Convention in 1972.  Did he give back or throw away any of his medals like some other returning Vietnam Vets do?  Was he at the dedication of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in the 1980's, and what does he think of the Wall as a symbol of that war?   When did his autobiography come out and when was the movie made about his story? What can we learn today from his story?

Allison Krause:  I'll first ask you where and when Allison Krause was born, and then why she went to Kent State University. What were her plans? What was her major?  In what year was she in 1970?  Then, I'll ask about her political views.  Was she against the Vietnam War? If so, why?  Did she take part in demonstrations before 1970?  Then, we'll move to the events in 1970 which led up to her being shot by National Guardsmen. When President Nixon announced that we invaded Cambodia in April 1970, how did Allison react? Was she part of the burning of the ROTC building in the days before the shooting?  Was she involved in the destruction of downtown properties during the weekend before the shooting, or was she at home?  Then, we'll get to the Monday when

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the shooting happened.  What was she doing that day--demonstrating? When did the National Guardsmen arrive on campus, and how close to them was Allison?  Did she ever get very close to the National Guardsmen or threaten them in any way?  When the shots rang out, how close was she and where was she hit?  Did she die right away or soon after?  Then, I'll ask you why we should still care about this shooting and what we can learn from it.

Timothy Leary: First, I'll ask where and when Timothy Leary was born, and then I'll ask about the first college he attended and what he studied there. When did he get his appointment to West Point, and was attending West Point his idea or more his parents' idea? How and why did Leary get into trouble at West Point, and what events led to his going before a court martial? When did he leave West Point, and which university did he attend? Why did he become interested in psychology? When and why was he expelled from the university, and when was he drafted into the U.S. army? What were his jobs in the army during World War II, and how did this work involve psychology? When did he get his bachelor's degree, and where and when did he get his Master's degree in psychology? Where did he get his Ph.D. in psychology, and what was the topic of his doctoral dissertation? Who did Leary marry, and when, how many children did they have, and why was it a troubled marriage? Where did Leary and his family move overseas, and when did they come back to America? When did he start teaching psychology at Harvard, and how did he become interested in psychedelic drugs and their influence on psychiatric treatments? What was the first drug or substances which Leary and his colleagues tested in experiments, and what were the results of these experiments? What did "LSD" mean, and why did Leary turn his attention to it? When did he start his "Concord Prison Experiment", how did this experiment work, and what was his main goal in doing the experiment? What were the results, and How much of this drug and later drugs like LSD did Leary himself take, and how did the drugs supposedly expand his consciousness? When did Leary start using the phrase "turn on, tune in, and drop out" to describe the effect of LSD, and what did he mean by this phrase? When was he fired from his teaching position at Harvard and why? What was Leary's first main book on the effect of psychedelic drugs, and how popular was it? How did writers like Tom Wolfe portray Leary: as a scientist on a quest or as a man addicted to drugs for their own sake? What was Leary's presentation "The Death of the Mind" about, and how did audiences respond to it? What were Leary's other main books on this subject, and when did he begin writing about his "eight circuit model of consciousness"? When did Leary become a symbol of the counterculture and especially the drug culture of the 1960s, and how did he respond to this image? Did he cultivate it and like being seen this way? How often was Leary arrested for drug possession and other offenses, and how much time did he eventually serve in jail? How often was Leary married and how many children did he have? Where did he eventually live after leaving the United States, and as the 1970s moved on, how did his reputation change? Did he still have influence with many people? How long did Leary live, where did he live during the last part of his life, and when and how did he die?

Peggy Lipton: I’ll first ask where and when Peggy Lipton was born, and where she grew up. What did her parents do for a living and how many brothers and/or sisters did she

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have? How and why did Peggy become interested in acting and modeling? Who influenced her in this direction? Was she more interested in modeling or in acting when she was young? Who were the well known actresses and actors or models whom she saw growing up and whom she liked? Did she perform plays or act in other ways during high school, and if so, what kinds of acting did she do? When did she get her first modeling job and with what agency? What made Peggy attractive as a model? What did she look like at this time? What kind of modeling did she do, and how did she like it? What was the most rewarding thing about her modeling career and what was most difficult? When did she move to the West Coast, where did she settle there, and when did she sign with Universal studios? How did she get this job? Did she pursue it herself or did someone with the studio see her modeling and approach her? What was her first acting role on Television and how long did this show run? When and why was Peggy chosen to play in the TV series “Mod Squad”, and how many other actresses were competing for this role? Who were the “mod squad”, and what made them different from other similar groups on TV? What character did Peggy play on the show, and how did her character reflect the counter-culture of the 60s in how she acted, spoke, and in her attitudes? How popular was the “Mod Squad”, on which network did it run, and on which night of the week? I’d like you to find a clip of 3-4 minutes of Peggy acting on the show—you should set up the clip before showing it by explaining the situation and what Peggy is about to do. How did critics respond to Peggy’s performance in the show? Was she and the show criticized for being a goofy or “pop” version of the counter culture? Or was the show praised as a model for how black and whites could live and work together on equal terms? What awards, if any, did she win, and how many of them? How long did the show stay on the air, and why was it cancelled? How big a star did Peggy become because of the show? After the show, how many TV series and movies did she perform in? Was the “Mod Squad” just the beginning of a great acting career or was it more the highlight of her career? Did she marry and have children? If so, who did she marry, how long did her marriage last, and how many kids did she have?

Mildred Loving: First, I'll ask when and where Mildred Loving was born, and what were maiden name was. What was the ethnic background of her parents, and how did Mildred mainly think of herself: as black or as an Indian? What did her parents do for a living, and while she was growing up and in school, how much discrimination and prejudice did she face? How old was Mildred when she met Richard Loving, and how old was Richard? When and where did they first meet, and why was she attracted to him? You should talk about their personality and physical attraction. How did her family and friends react to her being with a white man, and what was the hardest thing about keeping their relationship going? How long did she date Richard before they decided to get married, and what kind of troubles did they face while they were dating, since Richard was white? Where and when were they married, and why couldn't they get married in Virginia? Where did Mildred and Richard settle after their marriage, and how did they make a living? When were Richard and Mildred arrested, and how did it happen? What law were they accused of breaking, and how did they plead to the charge? What sentences were handed down for Mildred and Richard, how much time did Mildred spend in jail, and how far along in her pregnancy was she when she was arrested? Where did Mildred and Richard go and settle after this, when was their first child born, and what

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was the child's name? Who did Mildred write to in order to complain about their treatment, and what was this person's reply? Why did Mildred want to go to court to overturn the law they had broken? Why was all the trouble worth it when they might have lived somewhere quietly without causing too much attention? Which organization helped Mildred and Richard to file an appeal against their conviction, and when did it reach the U.S. Supreme Court? Who argued their case before the Supreme Court, and what were the main arguments for them? When did the Court overturn the law they had broken, which justice wrote the ruling, and what were the main arguments in the ruling for overturning the law? How did this decision change life for other inter-racial couples? How many states at that time banned inter-racial marriage, and how soon were those states allowing inter-racial marriages? How many children did she and Richard have, where did they live, and did Mildred continue to be active in the Civil Rights movement? What accident hurt her and killed Richard, and what was her life like after that?

Richard Loving: First, I'll ask when and where Richard Loving was born, and then I'll ask how and when he first met Mildred. Why was he attracted to Mildred, and how much older was he? How did he deal with the taboo against an inter-racial relationship, and how much discrimination and prejudice did he and Mildred face? How did Richard's family and friends react to his relationship with Mildred? What was the hardest thing about keep the relationship going? How long did he date Mildred before they decided to get married--were they waiting until Mildred turned 18 to marry? What Virginia law prohibited their marriage, and where did they have to go to get married? Where did they settle, and what kind of work did Richard do? What kind of problems did they face as an inter-racial couple? When Richard and Mildred were arrested, how did they plead, and what was their sentence? How much time did Richard spend in jail? Where did Richard and Mildred settle after their release, and how did they make a living? Who did Mildred write to about their conviction, and did Richard agree with her doing this? Did they decide together to fight the law which they had broken, or was one of them more determined to take legal action than the other? When was their first child born, and how many children did they eventually have? How did the Court of Appeals rule in their case, and who gave them legal aid? When their case went to the Supreme Court, how hopeful was Richard that the law they had broken would be struck down? What were the main arguments of the state of Virginia before the Supreme Court, and what were the best arguments for Richard's case? How did Richard react when the Supreme Court ruled in their favor, and how did this success change their lives? Did they become well known and even more active in Civil Rights campaigns, or did Richard want to pull back from the public eye and live a quiet life? How many states had laws against inter-racial marriage before they won their case, and when was the last such law repealed? When and how was Richard killed?

Mao Ze-dong (also spelled Mao Tse-sung): First, I'll ask where and when Mao was born, and whether he was born into a wealthy or a poor family. When and how did Mao learn about the Marxist revolution in Russia, and what did he think of the writings of Marx and the revolutionary ideas of Lenin? When was the Communist party in China founded, and how involved was Mao in creating the party? How did he try to help Chinese workers, such as coal miners, during this time? When did Mao organize his first

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Communist army, and where did this happen? When and where did the "Long March" begin, and what was Mao's goal when it started? Where did Mao and his troops eventually settle, and which forces did Mao's army join with in order to battle the Japanese, who had invaded China? After World War II and Japanese defeat, how long did Mao and his Communists fight a civil war against Chiang Kai-shek's army? How and why were the Communists able to win this war, and when was the People's Republic of China established? As Communist party chairman, how did Mao enforce Communist principles in Chinese farming, and how did Chinese peasants respond? How bad were the food shortages which resulted from Mao's Communist policies? Did he allow any private ownership of land or any form of capitalism? How oppressive was Mao against his political enemies, and about how many died or were sent to prison camps during his reign in China? How did Mao try to improve and strengthen the Chinese economy and promote industry? Why did Mao's armies get involved in the Korean War, and how successful were Chinese armies against American and United Nations forces during this war? Later, how much aid in weapons, money, and supplies did Mao give to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong during the Vietnam War? Why was he willing to see war in Vietnam go on for so long? How did a prolonged war in Vietnam help China? Why was he later willing to see peace in Vietnam and how did peace help China, in Mao’s view? When did he launch his "Cultural Revolution", and what were Mao's goals in doing this? How did the Chinese people respond to this, and how did the suppression of creativity and dissent hold back China from progress? How much did Mao try to stop or limit Western influences or contact on China during the 1960’s, and how well did this work for China? Were there any real benefits to the Cultural Revolution for the ordinary Chinese people? Did Mao face much opposition to his power during the 1960’s? Why or why not? How did he deal with opposition to himself and the Communist party? Why did Mao eventually agree to a visit by President Richard Nixon to China? What were Mao's views toward America and the Soviet Union changing during this time? What were Mao's goals in normalizing relations with the United States? When did Mao die, and how long did he rule in China? Is it fair to say that he was worshipped almost as a god by the Chinese people, and that he attracted a cult following?

Robert McNamara: After asking when and where he was born, I'll ask you about his education and his service in World War II--what role did he play in the war and what branch of the service was he in?  What about his career after the war? You should talk about his rise to be head of Ford Motor company and I'll also ask how successful he was in that position.  Then, I'll ask how he felt when President Kennedy picked him to be Secretary of Defense.  Did he feel fully prepared?  What advice did he give to President Kennedy about Vietnam and the situation there in 1961-1962?  Did the President follow this advice? Why did McNamara think that protecting South Vietnam was so important? What did he think would happen if South Vietnam was lost to Communism?  What was McNamara's role in America's response to the Tonkin Gulf attacks of 1964? Did McNamara cut corners and ignore evidence that there may not have been a second attack on our ships?  What was the goal in sending American marines to Vietnam in 1965? What was McNamara's overall strategy for victory in Vietnam?  When did he begin to realize that it wasn't working, and what alternatives did he present to President Johnson? How much difference was there between what McNamara was saying to the public and

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press and what he was saying privately to the president?  When did McNamara resign from Secretary of Defense, and why?  Later on, after the war, what were the main mistakes which he thinks we made in the Vietnam War? The last part of his book about the war would be very helpful here, if you haven't already read it.  

about what it was like for him growing up as a black man—how good was his education? What kinds of discrimination, prejudice, and even violence did he face growing up, and how did he respond to it? Was he involved in the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s? Did he take part in events like marches, sit-ins, or voter registration drives for black people in Mississippi? Which college did Meredith first attend, and for how long? Why did he decide to try and attend the University of Mississippi, when he knew that no white person was studying there? Did he realize how dangerous and difficult it would be to get enrolled? How long did it take Meredith to actually register as a student there, and how dangerous was it for him? How many times did he try to register before actually being enrolled? Was he in fear of his life during this time? When did the federal government step in to protect Meredith? When was his first day of class at the University of Mississippi, and what was his experience like going from class to class and attending day to day? How did white students react to him? Did he get much sympathy, or was it mostly hostility? How soon was it before other black students could go to school there, and how many black students are enrolled today in the University of Mississippi (you can use Wikipedia or the internet to find this statistic if you want to.) When did Meredith graduate from the University of Mississippi and what was his degree in? Then, we’ll move to his 1966 march and what happened—where was this March to start and end, what was it called, and what was the purpose of it? What happened to Meredith soon after this March started, and how long did it take him to recover? Who were some of the prominent Civil Rights leaders who took part in the March? What’s the name of the book which Meredith wrote about his experiences during these years in Mississippi? After 1966, what career did Meredith follow? Did he have a family and children? What were his political views through the 1970’s and 1980’s and how did they change over that time? Why did he eventually join the Republican party, and what was his view of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday?

Anne Moody: I'll first ask where and when Anne Moody was born and what her name was then. Then, I'll ask about her life as a child: how poor was her family, and how much did she and her family have to struggle to get by? How would you describe the first home she lived in? How many siblings did she have? What happened between her parents that caused them to split up? What tragedy happened to her home when she was young? Then, I'll ask about how and when Anne became aware of segregation and discrimination against black people. What happened at the movies which made her aware of this? Then, when she was older, how did she learn about the murder of Emmitt Till, and how did she react to this? When did she take the name "Anne" and why? When did Anne begin to work in the Civil Rights movement, which organization did she join, and what kind of work did she do? Which colleges did she attend, and where was she attending when she joined the sit-in in Jackson, Mississippi at the Woolworth lunch counter? What did some of the white crowd do to Anne? How did Anne help to get people registered to vote in Mississippi, and how successful was she at this? What obstacles did she face, and how

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often was she threatened? When did she come closest to being hurt and even killed in Mississippi, and how did she escape? What did she think of Dr. Martin Luther King's speech in the March on Washington in 1963, and then what happened shortly after this speech which shocked and saddened her? How did she react to this terrible news, and what did she say to God as a result of this? When did she publish her autobiography, what was it called, and how popular was it?

Madalyn Murray O’Hair: I’ll first ask where and when Madalyn Murray O’Hair was born and where she grew up. What was her maiden name? Were her parents religious or Christians, and if so, what church did they attend? When and where was Madalyn baptized? Who was her first husband and when did Madalyn marry him? How long did their time together last and why did they split up? What kind of service did Madalyn do for the military in World War II, and where did she serve? How did she meet William Murray, and how close did she become with him? When did she eventually get divorced from her first husband, and why couldn’t she marry Murray, as she wanted to? What last name did Madalyn start using, why, and when was her first child born by Murray? Where did Madalyn go to college, when did she get her bachelor’s degree, and what was her degree in? How far did she get in law school, and did she ever pass the bar exams so she could practice law? Why did she decide to defect to the Soviet Union and live there? Why wasn’t she allowed into the Soviet Union? Where did she settle in America in 1960, and how did she make ends meet with her two children? What kind of job or jobs did she hold in Baltimore? How had Madalyn’s views on religion and God evolved over this first part of her life? When did she become an atheist, and why? Why was she so committed to atheism? What lawsuit did she file against the Baltimore public schools in 1960, and why did she file it? What were Madalyn’s main arguments against official school prayer? Did she get support from the American Civil Liberties Union or any other organizations, or did she have to go it alone? How did the public in Baltimore and around the country respond to her case and to her? How long did it take this case to reach the U.S. Supreme Court and what were the lower court decisions on the way? When did the Supreme Court hear arguments on her case, what was the case officially called, and who argued for her? What was the outcome of this case, when did the Supreme Court announce its decision, and what was the vote of the justices? Which justice issued the main ruling and what were his arguments? How did this case change the practice of saying prayer in public schools around the country? How many schools probably just ignored the ruling, and how long did it take for public schools to stop what had been the regular practice of teachers or principals leading students in prayer? How did this Supreme Court victory change Madalyn’s life? How well known did she become, and when did she help establish the group “American Atheists”? What kind of work did she do to promote atheism, and how did people respond? How often did she speak or write articles about atheism, and how often did she appear on television to defend it or to attack public support of religion? What talk show did she appear on in 1967 which made her views more public? What case did she file in 1968, why did she file it, and how far did her case go in court? How many threats did she receive to her life or to her family or property as a result of her beliefs? Were Madalyn or members of her family ever hurt by those who hated her views? If so, what happened? How and when did Madalyn die, and by the time of her death, about how

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many Americans were professed atheists? Did she have much influence on increasing the number of Americans who were either atheists or non-religious?

Dick Smothers: Where and when was Dick Smothers born? What had happened to Dick’s father during World War II, and did Dick ever really get to know his father? How hard was it for Dick’s mother to raise him and his brother Tom? What was the age difference between Dick and his brother Tom, and how well did they get along as kids? When and why did Dick get interested in playing music? How early did Dick start playing with his brother Tom, what instruments did Dick play, and what kind of music did they play? Where did they perform? Which university did Dick attend, and what was his major? When did Dick and Tom make their first professional appearance, for which they got paid, and what kind of an act was it? How did they come up with a comedy act based on sibling rivalry? Why did Dick also seem to be the older brother in the skits, even though Tom was really older? Why did Dick play “straight man” while Tom got so many of the funniest lines? Did their act reveal any real tension between Dick and Tom behind the scenes, or were they actually very close in real life? When did they appear on their first television show as guest performers, and which show was it? What was their first TV series, what roles did Dick and Tom play, and why wasn’t it very successful? Then, we’ll move to their most famous show: “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour”. When did this show begin and how long did it run? What kinds of comedy skits were featured on the show, and who were some of the comedic guest stars besides the Smothers Brothers? How soon after the show started did it start to feature political jokes and social commentary, and why did this happen? I’d like you to play a couple of short clips from the show to illustrate how political satire about events of the time were prevalent in the show—one clip should show Tom and Dick playing and making points about the Vietnam War; another clip should feature other actors in a comedy routine about President Richard Nixon. Did Dick ever regret that Tom was the clown while Dick had to play “straight man”? Did they ever consider trying to change that relationship? How did audiences respond to this kind of social comedy, and what kinds of ratings did the “Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” get? How old were most of the viewers of their show? How did CBS executives respond to the political satire of the show, and how did Dick push back against attempts to censor the show or cut out certain parts of it? How much of the show was actually not aired because CBS considered it too controversial? When it came to getting the show on the air, who was most involved: Dick or Tom? Or did they take equal parts in it? What were some of the words about drugs which Dick could get on the air because the CBS censors didn’t know what they meant? What kind of restraints or rules did CBS put on Dick and Tom, and how did Dick respond to these requirements? How many years did the show run, and how famous did it make Dick? When and why was the show cancelled, and how many Emmy awards did it win? Did Dick get married in the 60’s and have a family? If so, who did he marry and when, and how many kids did they have? After the 60s, how long did Dick and Tom continue to perform, and how many television special did they do? How often did they perform live and do tours, and when did Dick and Tom stop touring and retire?

Tom Smothers: Where and when was Tom Smothers born? What had happened to Tom’s father during World War II, and did Tomever really get to know his father? How

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hard was it for Tom’s mother to raise him and his brother Dick? What was the age difference between Tom and his brother Dick, and how well did they get along as kids? When and why did Tom get interested in playing music? How early did Tom start playing with his brother, what instruments did Tom play, and what kind of music did they play together? Where did they perform? Did Tom attend college, and if so, which one, and what was his major? When did Tom and Dick make their first professional appearance, for which they got paid, and what kind of an act was it? How did they come up with a comedy act based on sibling rivalry? Why did Dick also seem to be the older brother in the skits, even though Tom was really older? Why did Dick play “straight man” while Tom got so many of the funniest lines? Did it bother Tom that he played a “slow” character who had trouble understanding points? Did their act reveal any real tension between Tom and Dick behind the scenes, or were they actually very close in real life? When did they appear on their first television show as guest performers, and which show was it? What was their first TV series, what roles did Tom play, and why wasn’t it very successful? Then, we’ll move to their most famous show: “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour”. When did this show begin and how long did it run? What kinds of comedy skits were featured on the show, and who were some of the comedic guest stars besides the Smothers Brothers? How soon after the show started did it start to feature political jokes and social commentary, and why did this happen? I’d like you to play a couple of short clips from the show to illustrate how political satire about events of the time were prevalent in the show—one clip should show Tom and Dick playing and making points about the Vietnam War; another clip should feature other actors in a comedy routine about President Richard Nixon. Did Tom ever regret that Dick was the “straight” man while Tom had to play the “clown”? Did they ever consider trying to change that relationship? How did audiences respond to this kind of social comedy, and what kinds of ratings did the “Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” get? How old were most of the viewers of their show? How did CBS executives respond to the political satire of the show, and how did Tom push back against attempts to censor the show or cut out certain parts of it? How much of the show was actually not aired because CBS considered it too controversial? When it came to getting the show on the air, who was most involved: Dick or Tom? Or did they take equal parts in it? What were some of the words about drugs which Tom could get on the air because the CBS censors didn’t know what they meant? What kind of restraints or rules did CBS put on Tom and Dick, and how did Tom respond to these requirements? How many years did the show run, and how famous did it make Tom? Who was better known: Tom or Dick, and why? When and why was the show cancelled, and how many Emmy awards did it win? Did Tom get married in the 60’s and have a family? If so, who did he marry and when, and how many kids did they have? After the 60s, how long did Tom and Dick continue to perform, and how many television special did they do? How often did they perform live and do tours, and when did Dick and Tom stop touring and retire?

Andy Warhol: First, I’ll ask where and when Andy Warhol was born, what his name was at birth, and where he grew up. What did his parents do for a living, where were they from, and when had they immigrated to the United States? How and why did Andy become a hypochondriac and develop a fear of hospitals and doctors? How did this fear change his lifestyle, and how did it influence his interest in film and art? How well did he

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fit in socially during his high school years? Why did Andy become interested in art and teaching art? Who influenced him in this direction? Where did he start college, what was his major, and why did he change schools and start attending the Carnegie School of Technology? What did he specialize in at this school and when did he graduate? How and why did Andy become interested in adapting silk-screen printing into a new type of art with ink on paper? Which artists influenced him in this direction? I’d like you to show one of his distinctive ink-on-paper art works from the early 50’s, when he started to exhibit his work. Tell us the name of the work and when Andy produced it. During the ‘50s, how successful was he as an artist, and was he doing more commercial art or advertising or more creative fine art for exhibition in galleries? When did Andy first exhibit on the west coast, and how and why did his interest move toward “pop art” by the 1960’s? Why did items of everyday use and the way they were advertised or presented commercially interest him? I’d like you to show us his work with the Campbell’s Soup Cans and with Coca-Cola bottles--when did he paint these, and what was his message to the viewer and about American society in general? If you can, find a quote from Warhol on one of these paintings and share it with us. Why did Andy also show an interest in celebrities, like famous actors, and how important did he think these celebrities and the idea of “celebrity” was in American culture in the 1960’s? When did he say his famous line about “15 minutes of fame”? You should give us the exact quotation and explain what he meant by this? Was he prophet in saying this? That is, did he give us a picture of our society today, in which simply being on television or on the internet can make someone famous, at least temporarily? I’d like you to show us his famous portrait of Marilyn Monroe—when did he paint it, why did he want to record her image, and what was his message about not just her but about celebrities and American society? When did Andy set up the organization called “The Factory”, and what was its purpose? How many films did Warhol make during the ‘60s, and what kinds of films were they? What was their main message? What was the best known of these “Factory” films? How did Andy actually make people who were rather unknown and perhaps not even very talented into temporary celebrities? How well did Edie Sedgwick fit this pattern? Who tried to kill Andy in 1968, and why? Who else was shot along with him? How seriously was he wounded and how long did it take him to recover? How did this change his career goals? Did he continue to paint and make films as he had, or did he focus more on business activities during the 1970’s? Did he ever marry and have children? When and how did Andy die, and how important is his work in art and film as a mirror held up to American society in the 1960’s? What does his art and film tell us about how America was changing in the 60s?

John Wayne: First, I’ll ask where and when John Wayne was born, and what his real name was. When and why did he take the name “John Wayne”? Then, I’ll ask about his education: where did he go to college, and what sports did he play? Did he think about a professional sports career at one point? How did he get involved in acting, when did he make his first movie, and what was it called? What kinds of minor roles did he get in his early movie days, and did he get work or did he have to take other jobs to make ends meet? Then, I’ll ask about the 1939 movie “Stagecoach”, which was a big breakthrough to his career. What character did he play and what was the main story or plot of the

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movie? I’ll then ask you to summarize his some of his main movies over the next years: “The Sands of Iwo Jima”, “The Searchers”, and “True Grit”, for which he won an Oscar for best actor. I’d like you to show us a short clip of him in “True Grit” to give us an idea of his acting style. Why did he become so popular? What type of character did he specialize in playing? In real life, was John Wayne interested in horses and being in the countryside? Was he as tough as the characters whom he portrayed? Then, we’ll move to his view of the Vietnam War—why did he support our war in Vietnam? How did she show his support? How did he use the movie “Green Berets” as a way to explain what America was doing in Vietnam? What did John Wayne think of the anti-war protestors, and is there any evidence that his view was persuasive, or did the American public pretty much reject his view of the war?

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