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Rev C LME/L Mats Ulfgren2002-09-09 1

Career Guide for Project Managers - drives business

Mats Ulfgren

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The PM Career Guide creates opportunities

The Project Manager Career Guide is a model for creating career opportunities for Project Managers and for supporting the line organization in career talks.

• Motivating existing Project Managers to develop within the profession

• Making Project Management an attractive profession

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The PM Career Guide

The PM Career Guide consists of three integrated areas:

• Individual development plan- express career aspirations and development needs

• Competence development plan- competence management and defined development needs

• Project Manager levels (PM levels)- definition of high-level career possibilities

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Using the PM Career Guide – Line Manager

• Performance Management• HRMS Competence planning• Competence development offerings• Exploit the PM levels

Being a line manager, you have the possibility to support and facilitate individuals with the motive to choose and exploit their PM potential.

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Using the PM Career Guide – Project Manager and Ericsson employee

• Use the Career Guide as a framework and a pathfinder in the PM career landscape

• Reflect upon how your personal situation, ambitions and aspirations match the outlined opportunities

• Work out, follow up and revise your individual development plan

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Using the PM Career Guide – HR/People & Culture

• Support the Line Managers in their role as Competence Developer

• Support the individuals to take appropriate career steps

• Take on the role as local owner of the Career Guide model

With the PM Career Guide, you can support the organization by visualizing career possibilities within project management.

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Pursuing a Project Manager career – PM levels:

Ericsson Project Manager – EPM

Entry PM certification, MP recommendation

Appointment Made by the local Ericsson organization reflecting business and competence need

Role The overall responsibility for an EPM is to take on large & complex project assignments and deliver a result according to what has been committed to in the project specification.

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Entry PM certification, MP recommendation, PM assessment

Appointment Local company nominates candidate and perform assessment according to assessment guidelines in the Career Guide model.

Requests for nomination are based on deployed strategies, business needs and competence management reviews.

Role Manage projects that have a global organization, large commercial & technical value and complexity with a strategic importance for Ericsson.

Pursuing a Project Manager career – PM levels:

Ericsson Senior Project Manager – ESPM

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Entry PM certification, MP recommendation, PM assessment

Appointment Same as ESPM

Role Leading and driving change management, point of reference for corporate PM issues and initiatives.

General PM levels

Experience and competence based.

No formal restriction on the number of PM:s as long as it support the business needs.

Pursuing a Project Manager career – PM levels:

Ericsson Master Project Manager – EMPM

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Assessment flow

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IPE level Project Size of project IncentiveManagers Packages

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TTM TTC

57 - 59 EPM MSEK 37 - 300 150 - 1200 *

60 - 61 ESPM MSEK 301 - 1200 1201 - 4800 *

61 + EMPM MSEK 1200 + 4800 + *

* All compensation, (as basic pay, bonuses and other incentives i.e. cars, spec. insurance packages) must be according to the local compensation policy. Stock options will only be given to identified Key Contributors according to corporate policy.

Incentive packages

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Category Feasibility Study ExecutionConclusion and running operations

HR / People & Culture

• Local responsible for Career Guide introduction and level assessment appointed (i.e. Management Planning responsible).

• Seminar introducing the Career Guide concept.

• Defining local adaptation of Career Guide incl. nomination procedures and candidate application forms.

• Establishing assessment team.

• Securing assessment team competence.

• Securing assessment procedures incl. candidate: application, presentation , interview.

• Approved Ericsson Senior Project Manager/ Ericsson Master Project Manager, incl. communication, incentives, HRMS registration.

• Extended Management Planning process.

• Level assessment following nominations.

Project Managers

• Seminar introducing the Career Guide concept.

• Individual development plan.• MP assessment.• Certification.• Level assessment following


Resource owners

• Seminar introducing the Career Guide concept.

• MP identification of candidates.• Nomination of Ericsson Senior Project

Manager/ Ericsson Master Project Manager candidates.

• Part of assessment teams outside own organization.

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• Vice President Leadership, LME: Pär-Anders Pehrson

• Vice President Compensations & Benefits, LME: Marcus Sheard

The PM Career Guide drives business in all parts of Ericsson

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The HR/People & Culture role - local owner of the Career Guide model

• Promote & Implement- Appoint responsible and drive implementation- Create awareness among stakeholders

• Responsible for PM levels assessment- Set up and realization- Administration

• Resource Management- Staffing of PM

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Career Guide benefits


Increased Customer Satisfactionconfidence and trust

Increased salesnew & expanding business

Cost reductionoperating expensesresource management

Employee satisfactionattract , develop retain


Good job opportunities

Visibility and recognition

Motive for development & learning

Increased employability

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The Career Guide Concept

• Corporate People & Culture LME/DK will be the product owner for the concept, several employees and organization have contributed to the concept, formed by reusing existing processes and models.

• LME/DK and Ericsson University SPM – Project Management will be main responsible for the implementation strategy within the Ericsson group.

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